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Highland Park Press, 5 Apr 1928, p. 22

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g? GLd.is-dcua-torsu,esuunt,-,it-tm- ) PtA.Brmois.mtdertiseAet_8.urhr. J hum weekly by n- Udell Printing or. " mam Put. lake County, winch THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1928 Perhaps the thing that makes a town grow more than any- thing else, is to have the impression spread around that it is a wide awake town. A city that gets that reputation is likely to attract more new folks than one that has much handsomer homes and public buildings, hut which is slow ahout pushing, new ideas}. They feel in the live town, that there are going to be good chances for business and employment. They think that the busi- ness concerns will grow, be able to provide more jobs at better pay. They think there will constantly be chances for people to get into business for themselves. So they flock into such towns, feeling they open doors of opportunity. We want this city to be that kind of place. lieople like the idea of advance and motion aria progressive- ness. They want to see "something doing." They dislike towns in which it is hard to start things, where the life seems stag- mm. p, - April is a month that calls on the citizen to get out with his rake and give the long hair of his home grounds the combing that it needs. Raking up the yard is a very useful and cheer- ful exercise, and many citizens would be worthier residents of their home town if they used this implement with more vigor aboutnow. - ,A ‘_ _ ---. Nature creates a steady product of refuse in the form of dried grass and leaves that create an appearance of disorder and decay. The home place with these accumulations looks like the boy who has fprgotten to brush his hair. . .. The old grass keeps the young shoots from coming up, and delays the progress oi that silky looking lawn you would like, which would make your home look 50 per cent better. It is as- tonishing how much refuse you can dig out after a winter season. Better get busy, Mr. Houceholder, and the improved appearance of your home will be ample compensation. “@me-mwl-m Mrs. Gordon Clause and son Billy of Rosemary terrace le'it Detvticld for a motor trip to Gu‘.e:bur;;. They expect to stay about a Week. - "Mr. and sirs. Vant have returned home from the west. Mr. and Mrs. George Herman Sta. with their son. Air. George Herman of Michigan, spent last ssvek-cnd of Deerfield. fl Mrs Julia Peterson of Deerfield entertained her son, Mr. Ralph Peter- son and family from Chicago on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Hummel of Maywood were guests at the Lincoln Penis home last week. The Hummcis t'Xs pect to reside in California after the first of June. ""irCroitn A. Hotrmait opened a real estate office in Mrs. Anna Willman‘s building on Waukegan rotd. Mr. and Mrs. Reat of Whollmg were guests at Mrs. Reat's brother, Mr. Christ Semen of Deerfield, "iMrSTAIex Willman and son Kvess returned from a week's visit in Far- go. N.D.. and Minneapolis. -iiii. Otto" Trude of beertieid ether- tained the Independent Social club on Int Wednesday night. - -rirat Mrs, L A. Dondonville of Moline. ML, announce the birth of a son Wednesday. March 28. - y _ Mrr.Arrdrmm,teoeurtrtth.Derr. alumni-r mm: 'ti-tee-tei-. -iiiis, Nell “ranch", teacher ig the Deerfield school. is quite ill at her home in Northbrook. _ Mrs. W. Corr and Mrs. E. Ender of Deerfield “tended the garden and tlower show at Hotel Sherman Wed- - them A "iii.ir,"rGsncis Hifi, teacher in tht Deerfield school, left for Montague, Mich, to spend the _s?rintr, vacagion. Mrs. Ashman of Deerfield attend- ed the garden and tlower show at the Hotel Sherman on Wednesday " armour. Mr. and Mrs. George Jacobs or) Guzman Avenue an" a bridge parts _ on Sgtqtday night. The guests in-J It. III In: C Amt of Crys- 'quheeidem llama In. Chas. - of W My waning. eluded Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fry; If. and Mrs, Clarence Hahn: Mr. Ind Mrs. Philip Scully In; Mr. and In. F'. "robs, Jr, of Deertieid and In. Goodman, Mrs. FIbel of Chi- cngo. Refreshm-nu were servrdl The Woman's Miarriottnry Society of the Bungalow church will hold a bakery sale in the Milton Prim: store on Saturdny Ifternoon, April 7. Mr, nnd Mrs. “my Sum! Ind Asaaghter. Dorothy. from Crystal [Ale Wm diam mu of Mr. and Mm. he” My of Mid. Sunny. In. Print luck. It. Ind Mrs. 0mm J.eeh. of Com"! avenue. W. mttettded . club min: at It In! of In. Gibb: of St. Johns -. Ravi-uh, a hand-y after. Mr. and Mrs. it. D. Reeds and ttutr Hy have bond to their new home on Orrhnrd strut. Miss Chris: Diff, of Deerfield went to the anlwood hospital on Mon- 'br. Deerfield News Idighlaatt Park Pass WIDE AWAKE TOWNS TIME TO CLEAN UP Misses Anna Marie and Renie Quenne and Mrs. Sweeney from Chi- cago Were dinner guests at the Peter Duffy home on Saturday. Mr. Louis Rommel iron: South} ziwn and that we might live with Bend, Ind.. was a guest at the Rommel l him in ble-ed etcrnity. Two com- home this ptsst week. ltv.union serviees have been arranged. Mr, Alex Willman and Mrs. E. Hs.., German service on Good Friday Willman called on Mrs. A. M. Osteri aw)”, my] an Engngh service on Kas. man of Oak Park an Saturday. \ tit Troy in mnnrclmr. with the morn- Mr. R, Bricknell of Lake Forest in: service. You have your choice. cnlled on friends in Deerfield on Wed-l Du not slight the invitation. Do it nosday. {En run-tr‘manro of Je<us yuur cruci- Mrs. Brawn of Deerfield amended 53d sy.virrr. the Flower and Garden show on Sat-; The serv,iee on Gym! Friday will urday at Hotel Sherman. ’hr-gin 7:30 p. m. The Easter service CAPABLE Voters of Lake County owe it to themselves and the best inter, psts of Northeastern Illinois to send a Lake County man to the State Legislature. The legislative needs of the Eastern part of the Eighth District demand capable and ener- getic upmutiom Ot the (on! Lake County candidates for this ofBee Charles Noll is admittedly the beat quatit1ed for the job. Charles Noll is I university trradunte with A» A3. degree, a law graduate with In LLB: de- Mr. Noll in . put-tied and itro. mive bush-n Inn. having manna! (In uh and MW: at over I hatf millim_dolhn of Wank-3n no! "rut-ith'--- rid. has he calla-Quid an- " ovm bone in Wallhtnn. gm. Me is a member of the Luke County Bar Association, And has spent eight years of his life in educational work. For four and one-ha" he Una I succeaslul lather mu and civil gov- ernmlnt in the Wankogln Town- ship High School“ "(mint m 1925 to enter business. During the World War he (minted in the U. S. Nsvy at the Grant Lukas Naval Taming Station Ind w in active service at the “(MM of the Armistice. The Man for the Job ENERGETIC QUALIFIED 31331me Art] my fer A LAKE COUNTY MAN REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR REPRESENTATIV E Eighth Senatorial District CHARLES NOLL NUMBER 6 Tote for Mr. and In ammmlwmmum.‘ “it Mm.tearvctte-r-tth.'ity-1hett. q -iu4i:oouru-a_o-eTyehotitt-,e .vi-oatutardsr.eetii,.:. ,erittte.t.utt,de_ 'er.andtgrs,aIestrv-idte' «I: '__.--. eutaomoeA-tinarerrdi--ui Mann-manna- ot In. J. Johnson on Cam] "use, lurk J. Andra-u. - D-huld, last Sunday. Church school " trate. Grind Mr. and Mrs. Funk It”... Br., sanction, Departmental organ Ind Mrs. Walter Lung of w. Trained lenient“). unwed the lumen! of Mr. Jacobs The Easter service u now brother of Chicago on Friday "ur.. hour of manic Ind impirutioi noon this service intuit children , “in; and In. v. Silveri of MN called on In. Silveri's broth! in Evanston on Sunday. The J. o. Y. girl: wilt (he the basketball team a banquet " the home of Paul Borchardt of Highland Park on April 12. Ste-wart Gasttield working in Evaretort, "Lei, Ben: “Eugene street, Deer- field, bought the Lace Oil nation " Northbrook. - Mr and Mrs. Oscar Ben: of Deer- field called on Mr. And Mrs. Ed Ben: of Chicago on Monday. - - A -- "The (imp Fire giris of Deerfield went to Orchestra hail in Chicago on Friday night. --- A - iMr.’ in; Mrs. Wesley Cooksy of Northbrook culled on Mr. and Mrs. H. Juhrend of Deerfield on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. E. Engstrom. dnughter Helen, and son John, is visiting rela- tives in Iowa this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fehr bought the res~ taurant from Mr, and Mrs. Benn on Waukezan road, next door to lit-11F: drug store. Mr. Hoffman. real estate dealer. Monday bought out the Law Oil sta- tion in Deerfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ethon Willmn of Iowa are gisests at John Wiiimnn's this week. St. Paul's Evangelical Church F. G, Piepenbrok. ptssstor Hotr Conn-Iliu- The pastor hereby extends a hearty invitation to all the members and friends of the churrh to partake of the Lord's Supper some time during the Easter season. A good Christian) will not want to do without it. Re.‘ member thtr Lord's Supper is our holiest sacrament. When Jesus met) with His disciples on that night before his crucifixion. he said: " desire to take this supper with you.” And so does he to this very day desire to sup with us. Come, all things Ire ready fur you. Do not wait until the throes of death grip your heart. Let us all take the Lord's Supper and thereby remember him as the crucified Savior who died that our sins might be tor- seivvu and that We might live with ‘him in ble-ed otornity. Two com- ‘muninn servieee, have been arranged. fA German service on Good Friday -v'r-h'. avd an Engli<h service on Eas, 'rtnrmatggaatDranatr-tt,mauamtPAMrltutmt" . _ ‘.1’IUI tor Thay in mnm‘ctmn with the mom- ing service. You have your choice. Do not slight the invitation. Do it in rtmwM-ranre of Jecus your cruci- " tim'ii. m hound mm“. 're nal. for better citizen- ship, we to? In! and da- He'h . Mull man of mu- He in a lawyer and undo!- Iund: law and law-making. He is welt educated ___ a .ni- vanity groduate with AB. and LLB. damn. He knows and understands the legislative needs of the £1th "rr'rirt. He " " practical and progra- He r * practical and prngrrs- swe buuneu man. He urn born und rented on . farm the! undtnhnds farm Emblems. u u Rpm no [rump or special intact“. but stands for a .qrsnrrdeat for nil. He in In ex-ree man. hav- ine mm! in the U. tr. Navy glaring the ltr, War. ie d e in up. an Ill (uric. In a. (mm of Should Be Nominated Ten Reasons Why CHARLES NOLL of Deeriteid is M“ W M Mark J. Andrm "not Church school it 9:80. On“ I.. inaction, Departmental crank-tin. Trained lenient“). The Easter service at 10:“. V hour of music and inspiration. At this service intuit children will bu dedicated to the Lord in baptism. Viucimin; service of in. Easter ”no. " T:80. - _ "My. Inch 10, meeting of the} Church when] stair u the home of I Hts, Neil Browne. _ Wednesday evening, monthiy meet-k ing of the session a the home of Dr.) Davis. 2:30 Passion Week Invite. Friday: T p. m. Scout meeting. ft p. m. Choir rehearsal. r We extend a eordial welrome to d!) the services and aetivities of this church. A Evangelical Bungalo- Chink Rev. A. P. Johnson, minister Sunday echool. 9:45 a. m. Don't send your children to Sunday whoa]. Bring them. A class for every mun- her of the family. Morning worship, 11:00 a, m. Christian Endeavor, T p. m. A (rent service for young people. Evening service, 8 p. m. All members and friends of the church are invited to the Sun-rise service at 6:30 o'clock Easter monk ing. After the devotional service a fellowship breakfast will be served to all present. A At the eleven o'dock worship hour the church doors will be open for the reception of members. The combined Junior and Senior chain of over forty voiees will render special music at both morning and evening services. You will enjoy hearing this trreat chorus. The Woman's Missionary society will hold an Easter bakery sale in Mr. M. A. Fr-nlz's store on Saturday. April 7 at 2:30 o'clock. All kinds of bakery mods will be for Ink. The doors ot this church swing open with a cordial welcome for all. National Association DR. J. L TAYLOR TO THE PEOPLE OF LAKE COUNTY/ILLINOIS: Attention has been called to the National Associ- ation of Coroners to the effect that Dr. J. L. Taylor, your present Coroner, is seeking re-election. This Associ- ation has been organized primarily for the purpose of elevating the oMee of Coroner generally throughout the United States. This can only be done by having the office administered with dignity and effleiency. In view of the task that the Association has taken upon it- self as heretofore stated, we are naturally interested in leSuringdhe best possible men tqoeeypy the Coroner’s Accordingly, we sincerely hope and trust that Dr. Taylor's past good work in the Coroner's Office will re- ceive adequate consideration on the part id the elector- ate of Lake County by returning him to that ofBee by the largest maioritrof, votes that any candidate has ever received in Lake County. V Very sincerely yours, ' . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION or 00mm Office. The Coroner's Offtee in the State of Illinois is indeed a very important one. In the past several years the writer, who happens to be President of the Association, has had occasion to observe the work of Dr. J. L. Taylor, Coroner of Lake County. We not only desire to Mate that Dr. Taylor is recognized as far as the Association is concerned as one of the ablest and most capable Coroners in the United States, but the Association would consider it a tremen- dous loss should Dr. Taylor fail in being re-elected, for no-wheres have we found a man more devoted to the duties of his 1ffiets than has been _Dr. Taylor. 7 (This comes without solicitation) Landscape Architects and Contractors Ridge Road STORAGE 1iRlliilDAlLlllil CORONERS EXTERMINATION CHAIRS AND TABLES FOR RENT FIREPROOF STORAGE PHONE HIGHLAND PARK 181 MOVING PACKING SHIPPING the administration of HOUSEHOLD GOODS Endorse of of __,N_ - v.“

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