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Highland Park Press, 26 Apr 1928, p. 10

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b Got. in .. au VII“ H earl the, it GH - d the. I. at b {It - Bangui” i'i'ii2i'ii ".."'--~.." 'LIT, iF. i1tt'ertA,'Ngt'in'atp them stand: this, that nine We: haverreeoeotedGodinaoch mun- lovely and cultivable light that they have quite naturally cased people, who accepted there declines. to turn may from route-Mon of the m- tye and dhhroeter of the Sum-gnu;- quainted with the grindeur and beauty which they have previously enjoyed. We alt know what joy has come into our lives through associ- ation with grand and noble men Ind women. Sometimes a single hour spent with one of God's noble men or noble women. stands out as some- thing for which to be increusingly grateful down through the years. With what “mm them with what ms. should we embrace every opportunity to become better acquainted with our heavenly Father, the Giver of all good. the only true God, and Jesus crux-ism“ whom than Bast sent." What more tr important question can occupy the;at thought of my nun or woman of w to-day than this, "How can I gain,’ ' and do all in my power to help‘ta cthers to gain, that understanding of !or God which is eternal life? We all l') know with what happy anticipation, l' people journey to a new section tClk country in order to make their !i,zt/'g't acquaintance with some beautifullt: scenery which they have not seen)": before; or to become still better ac-f_- Why has mt the race given more willing and joyful heed to the Scrip tun] admonition, "Aeqaaint now thysell with him, Ind he at pence"? Then are many reasons for this NF- Qarent again: Prominent among how'sheVWi of God t,eioreue" tsotsds-eiG,litiiiiiaid beth-err-tur-abc'. - God. the 0-2 Ill-Me (but One of the most important things iti tounderxtautdco-mintrGoduthat 2.t,,tt tttlute/gs/tttle He exists always at the atamiroint forth xeventy disciples, with Mm- of causation, and that He alone er tions to enter by twoa, into certain ists at that staadpoint. Man and the cities and vil'hges. Wherever they universe "in “Wm " the Bulld- were hospiuhly received these dis- point of etfect or creation; they never q . we to heal the gkk ami to exist at the standpoint of causation 2'"t, “I: We "The kingdom iroru is the one and only muse And Gigi is come nigh, unto you" '0u'tfri/itir, who produces, sustains, and these seventy mun returned, they j,-)':,",":,,",',,': the o'". 'tnd only real effect ported with joy that .they, bad bren["', mung spiritual man and the successful in their. lttf"'tse work. "le,',',' 3:928:23" fact it follows it: T,etrts'eti'e, Tfl/Tad 14$:sz man an possess it underived said to hie, sludbnts: "messed are power, wisdom, or abilitx. The.eirest the eyes which see the things that ye a: do only what the muse Impels tie: for fgt,1, '"ill: whammy t,'oei, 'l'i',u"lt',Tl't at: admin; 3: (“a '/,)%i'2v"s,, see Ind have every turn of the Tray. He said, “The nothesee‘nngthem; and to hear thonelYt all do nothing of himself, but things which ye hear, and have not Wa', tting,,"",':,,,',',': 2ta doing: d t 3. oath. he? alt',,",; time prio r to the advent also: tti"atu'"g mantra: 2w s '. rsa ttadsoCnatureo , emuse,m er. a: afl'orti'fed,etr'c'g,' T,'l'lll, who minim: miniature of the ethset, or ere- ll h 'l te 'tothek' -iation,whichGod produces Like pro- th: rlUd.'"loel' It; came 'i'lfil'iii'i't'; like. The tirst chapter of Gene- ae 1'ithTetlteof, all that is postal-n: J::nsa¥;:::t [go-1h Ttef, TU" his . mt answer s ' maze God 1'l'l,'ll'le"kid beet; in Jed, There iislereated he him." That in the only not a person upon earth who can per-1W8! God could ereate 'mul.--. mu form that great service for you. But in quality and kind like Himself. A when Christ Jesus b23221 5"k,', 't'n"isr/',','ir,,tt,,fd1tl f,',',';,',?",,',",,.:',','),,', I perfect t r, th itoati than .' en 1 mm ' a a pe er universe. Jg,' ,'ll'i/'llll'l grid to another, Tell. Now mankind theoretically admits me “mi. 1 'elif do tte ',t,1'h1')'i) ttlet', 31.733232? JR, IT man, ,. o w enou T con we . y J" answeml truly. Follothhe trailing {Kills-T. l: the 51:3: Ji'tt,g, ' Pe,',",',",') nd raetiee of Christ ems, w o is'ws I s won mom: o crea- :ow 'i,'1'1h1esl, and healing in Pales- tion, the statement y made tive tine. and you will-enter into the(tx_mes“that God. tyshoidintr His crea- spil-itnal enjoyment“ aireod, -- 1t!om, taw that It was good” And God is come nigh unto you” When these seventy mun returned, they "r- ported with joy that they had been successful in their healing work. Thereupon Jesus rejoiced. The gos- pel r-xoan that the great Master said to hi, studénts: "messed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: for {tell you, that my proph- ets and kings hu'e desired to see those things winch ye see, Ind have not seen them; and to hear then things which ye hear. and have not heard them." by .GsetGCieiat FiGiestirik" "Christ Jisais understood "God. He knew what the race needed to deliver bee-ei-ted G! 'an'm‘-"’-;i;sc; think much MM'IpSEm 'othivthttf3emi.t-etthmsettt 1tenmarstrmoehkhtderthaaGmC' Mini you} I; when.“ L-Crt Y wk" “I'm tsf, Ged east opt dam. no In the Dunk chapter of Luke, it is recorded that Jesus n one time seat forth seventy disciples, with instruc~ Lions to mster, by twos, irtto certain cities uni villages Wherever they were hoeniubly received, these dis- cipies were to heal the sick, and to tfr. to the people. "The kingdom of it from bondage, and to usher it into the enjoyment of eternal peace and happiness. St. Paul truly declares, "Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." Jesus came to show the way of salvation for all men. He sue- ceeded. completely, gloriously. Sooner or later every man will awaken to the realization of that great fact, and will work out his salvation in the way Jesus of Naza- reth taught. salvation in the way Jesus of Nara-lhim, and declare unto you. that God reth taught. lis, light, and in him is no darkness On one occasion Jesus said, in ex-iatl “I” As Jt?iyt gags on with his pUnation of the purpose of his grunt-patio, he yawn-cg likewise in the work for humanity: " am come tGiiuelterebre perfection of the man they might have life, and that tjGi'wryyn.9.rd creates and sustains. might have it more auutdassti_v."e, Christie? Science completely disa, Again he declared, "And this is lirejgmei with the Adamic theory of eternal, that they might know meercrea-tiqn arid all its corollaries. the only true God. and Jesus "chAGltristien Science repudiates the doc, whom than Bast sent." What more trine that the man whom God cre- important question can occupy “mates and sustains ever fell, or ever thought of nnv nun hr I'm-nan “(frond fail. ; MEN-Mum ~ChucldCh-ist, of News taught. We stand squarely on ithe inspired teaching of the Bible: iThe first tenet of Christian Science. ‘writmen by its Discoverer and iFounder. Mary Baker Eddy. reads ”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. p. 497): "As adherents of than, we take the inspired Word of (the Bible as our smith! guide to feternnl Life." ' Now mankind theoretically admits‘ ‘that God is perfect, but is very 'th Ito grasp what that fact really im- ! plies. In the first chapter of Genesis/ ‘with its wonderful account of Crea-, tion, the statement is made tive, (times that God. beholding His crea- 'tion, "saw that it was good." And ithe last verse of that chapter de- [dares that "God saw every thing that [he had made, and, behold, it was very good." Jesus taught and proved the ‘perfection of the everlasting God. He taught that God is good. and all Ite He produces is good. What I joyful note John strikes in the be, lginhing of his first epistle, where he imparts to others Jesus' {tithing on this point, that their joy may be full. ‘iml'his then," writes John, "is the :message_ which we have heard of “mute. Aetdt-kthh Mtt%tt its. GM 1. to" tun-NI it.“ 'me-ffl.'). mum tiidGailTUia" fl.1eTPyn.eyrrihiey, '5'.meer According to the Mimic theory of creation, God existed without man until some six thousand years ago. This view presents mm as . mere afterthought of the creator, an ea- perimemtat addition to God's earlier creation. And this experimental tcreature is remanded u soon fall- ing into error, md musing his ere- "tor trouble. _ Please remember that when we take issue with theological dogmas. long heliewd, N am not tsek, ing issue with anything which Jesus taught, or with any put of the inspind with»: of the Bible. wr 131139 with all A that -todtmtmtiredr tiieqient GU l-Ned-ore-tstrata,, t_hebr4rigtrwirrtrs-ee.f.mr- tyte.whWeeey-.texsyt "ttIre-et-tor.'.--- that: sad only Mind,-the orig: nal n'i-km"ringOs= Since the vine _M_ht4urseefretmtdem_ this Kind nut know new and tto_tettt,orqtiiitontum.Aieh"e- be conceived by mum MAIL gm. 1T.feycPLetre: terdar..odtadar,nmi for mt. It follow] my» 6919“" In. Christian Science mikes clear the fallacy of this theory. It show: ex- actly why man " created by God in ubright Ind spiritual and Match essentinl to God. The BitBe dandy indie-tea that God in the divine, in- finite Mind; and Christian Science expiaim and amplifies this (and tact. Mind is that which knows. mew. te “mi tar. awn; The immune}? ai'vim “hm-duh impo-ibk _thp aim of other tion in divine Mind 'mu Gdiedte . Ltck .ot WWW." htserfeetiors. ytee..Godcthe Itiv.tusetriiid, ig ptr- _ "be iir, My: III-nu a: Tat. In: Two!“ an. In he; Gik nit! Good."vtte4s.ln.wy -hethureategireritr"'romed."d h All. fre in beat underused ll ths3r_uhta.asiamniteudGC Beioog Life, In the at!“ rtthetettpeottrroforrreiGiGc.) yrtt9drvirteP-tnomoree-G 1yrttrm.e-tiGliiri"Gi'Gl bth.reoteritaehild.mieic" ttt".t't'."'gPRe'Ltege, “can.” Eyck“ _iiiiieiitii"diFiti'ii'mif: 2t'dhUttdlttdut,,tz= “Ii-"Ne new, 'iii7iiFii,i"i"iiii,iiii't ',tr",2t - ,t12t'tutgttard"2iei- - “S. u“ is God "nthror,omarphic? The! i- ls God like a human being. Inbied to amt". jealousy. channnblenem: does Re have th phvsiquo like A mor- tal: is He finite and limited? " Inch he the meaning of the quntion. then the nnswer is. No! unlit-h qll the quinin- of light. no tho imtividtta1. with“! nu. the chili of God, and!“ th. “tribune: ofGesd,nnd revsa'sthqeh'trot God'l palm being. new Jesut' deeinmtion, "He.that hath lien we! hath we. the Faber." But as itl, take: the immutable my: af tse',',) light to express the full mateaty and‘, glory of the sun. so it take- all men: to manifest the mu than of God's eternal being. 1 facts. It dispels all indifference and: all enmity. The loving mother cann not be indifferent to the welture of her child, because she recognizes that its welfare is incurable from her own. Similarly, one individual. cannot be indifferent to the welfarek of my other, when it has become; den to him that where' material sense says there exists only nn im- perfect mortal spiritual sense re- vents man, made in the image Ind likeness of God,-man who is neces- try and dear to God, and who exists to express God's perfect being. [ Jesus taught his disciples that all 1nen should all God, Father. as he did. and look upon themselves, in their true spiritual being, ll sons of God. John, expounding Jesu' truer theology. makes this remarkable) declaration concerning the true be- ing of man: "whosoever in born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he can- not sin, because he is born of God." Here we have a pldn, e'ear declara- tion. in the inspired Word or, the Bible, that the man whom God cre- ates never sins or falls, but remains fomlx‘er upright, pure, perfect, spir- itua . sustaining, eternal, Ill-wise, infinite One, who known all that is know, and who produce: Ind sustains. lava and governs, tCl that has anus] ex- isunce. Chritthn Science makes phin the {net tint not only is God Oersonai, in the higher meaning of that term, but that indeed God is the inthnite Person. On page 116 of Sei- once And Keith, Mrs. Eddy writes: "An the wor_ds person and ”would Recognmm of the tnetthnt God isi forever governing His m crea- tion, and that all contained therein is esstmtiat and is in its proper plug; brings to the individual I new oil peace with reg-n1 to himself gm! ati) his fetlow-men. It reveals the fa-) therhood of God nnd the brotherhood of tnan is eternal and Mutual By this we do not mean that the human conceptions of man. or in other words mortals. on perwa We all know that n “In concept of something is not that something. Mortals are no more like the real spiritual man thin false human con- rents of God are like the perfect. Myrna] Supreme Being. False con- cepts can be changed and improvod; and they need to be. Mortals vary according to the degree of enlight- enment they possess ramming the rral nature of God Ind nun. Plato "ttered a great truth when he said. "What thou seest. that than been." What mankind needs above a'l else " spiritual mtiizhtertmmtt, The highest type of humanity is the one who knows best what God and man are. God. the [III-it: Prawn Frequently the ttuestion is asked. Is God personal'. Now no helpful or] intollirent answer can be liven toi this question. without awfully norm ciderinz what is meant bv the word 1'irerrottml." Jhres the question mean. seen.. God is the _lelf_:exig¢ent, gen: m commonly and ignorant]: Olli- p'oyed, ther often lead, when applied to Deity, to confused Ind arm-em corruption: of divinity and its db- ',,ige,1ig'siQ't hmnity. If the tem: PP??" ity, u I ied to God. - inthtite pemmlity. then God in In- finite Permm,--in the sense of In- tinite pone-nifty,_ ling nqt in (in Th Width] who would Ind.- and God man must never idid '2'auteteaGrl,iuirAie “out, - " we... “6- Not only does God km, mtd, Ian. and alum-thud; but trot think in: and has Median we nude pu- Iihlc to - Inlely beeastse M the one but: am, in the Ill-km. "-urue Mine Mind, which ie l.- lected by - and the universe. All true we- elm-(e from God. Ind min {cam tfer in: lor- lover icnu. Arirsiuite $0311“; at: farm is an lholute imM‘ it“ "thuiariiaut-. _wh'm fl“ -iiCitietiii' “'17 Garcia"; .___. iltMLr,'hgrgrgT,egt YE mum“... 'it,'e'ititlrik1.ri"iti. 'ii.'ilie'.1",a1rh"s'eTe'bdlrrfhill'd. viz-4mm- .A I!!! - the word . u 'e1at%q to that 2'r2Stt", to law or up mm law, and which is W ble, stable. "tiahte. Bat in Ind "principle" in not Mabel to In inseplnbly new with divi- vonsciousneu or inhelligena. In. Eddywaathe6mtto_-tto use this grand word in it: - and most exalted we. Eu per- ceived the Get that there in in lul- ity but one Principle, And that Prin- ciple must be divine, intinite. Ind con-dons. She saw that God, divine love, is the one and on!y Principle, tbs surely a. He is the one and only ' She an ab; that. Nat " the beauty of the sky Ind the Io-trs eouet.otltChtadt-resides% the divine Hind and must he ex- pressed, so the reliability Ind stabil- ity found in the lair of mathematics point to the umhnngeableneu of the {951* 17.03“; iTiGi'.aFG.riTciiUGGaGil b tthl I-aa-UGG-i,- a mid In. than. - an. hm Club“ titt,r?lt'tF,h1"Si'ilietii ',iit,'i:t'iri'i'iyii'ltriyi'i?'i'isC. munnndmdtnoh'. ttee,fiJTG'.uW,'gtggtttit Ennis-n. 'l2'd','d'M h ' a, ?UriNMT'Ri1'luhllN.eleoiivdjrGkut "nu-”1132;“ “Jimmmmvmuhvugm .m‘cum 'tBl1ttfrtrtiee'tAltcteffAat emmdhh_$fl"nv¢gunufiutbud~hdw a 'rgag,'JPet&tttee the may. INA" l ammqummmmmuum‘ been-cm 'utttibT1,hrtatt,u%tk3ttglu4 m?rA"pei-"armtdiiGtVrl-itttherhti-i, Lto/ ”Sucks-ads“ ROSEHILL MAUSOLEUM "orerttuNeo-seeoaio WmthCMMud "ee-ood-u-oo. "ed"fer-ettitrtreamGLsot "efettieereovetueue-tteu. "emusuutttoerutsesiiaa= ES 5 EX Jie/iii' 'l'beworld’3hrgutuleof6-cylindu P"becarneo-hie-tsaee, bemuofmeth. “Wuhan-dam” “hummus,- MWhan-um is. Mherata-gthiesmrmesdos, Mmsmmmm hhmnupoodin'pdodofl-t Adequately Expressing Deep Devotion (orkfs qreqtest Value ond Olltse" ing " _'rixer This priceless privilege is not costly. Those with most moderate means may secure I auiuble arrangement which is under the same protection and in the name magnificent surroundings as are those arrangements of millionaires. Write or telephone for the free book. “Roachill the Beauti- ful." This will not obligate you in the least. Such an adequate testimony to deep affection is possible through arranging the family memorial within Roaehill Mausoleum. There revered names and remains will be pro- tected for centuries to come through a perpetual sate chars ter and two inexhaustible trust funds. Hundreds of years from now men will see the mine- carved herein, just as they stand today. The last act of reverence and respect you will ever per- form for those you love - make it endure to the end of time. ROSE-111.1. CEMETERY COMPANY ”all bin-cc and Ola: "" Elwood Ave----." 5040 City 0.09:1!" rust Hula-n! Ink “mm M mroedseGuiit,itniGuduGturs b,ttfdgg'.",u',ttl'Tggr,'lt'ti cum 1mm tor that tut,,: Jam- and: tor thit'revatitm, Jain ind: kno_mtudhimf.the6oodofGod. t'suurgt't,t,n'i'Nto'2e?, thu-nyMu-mthan r oftmnmnnhootln. Wyn- \faledth‘dklnenuhcrioodolcod. ship to Hi: Wan] relation." "DrnwrrutttoGttAamttsewill draw nigh to you." an the Bible. Prayer plan In "and“ put in thU processofdrswirsettuhtoGod.ht . brand lean. "erwtqt. pru- man th. dhtsitrrAdti-t, ' '- t"s'kt"lltfllllu'a'rrr,fJAtn; and Rim. Fri. my 94h?» theragotur" ii III-Inc in batty, which indium His under mutioa- "uettt'tattastaat=- ‘me . 1...“ "Terr-er-aiu-Gil-ii In . . . - . an H-~~ “5. . - In.“ . p a"0-".so-r.aairi,.ai. meow-u [ Syd-"mlvhlw . Why" - hum ”CHI. “homonhilh-" F tttttauteur,,,':'.','" I“. my". not-h. u in“ tunicbdnis:truepnyu.lv- MMoulmeuth =M'l"'l'l'a,'lT'a'hTG',"r'a"t7 -.P-arili 1:11:13th In. t, I emu-ttr not. M33. u the individual tq. -u.dasderstartdirtgofGo& WWMoubuMDo Chm-ha Edna»; use petition ,uest1rtgrmr,eottr.rchr.ittiet ,Gautiors.t.+q "', Nana-hum _'1l.!, '1’“). is. the may“ Isl-A ax fide, "'iii"tsrir"aa. Wives to - - Voltryt‘h.arnd§enhllo! and Christian Sci-um hue con- 'd-teq in the ettieaey of clw. hm Mu of truth and vigorous his]: of the like “uncut: of u- nr. when Inch Alli-untim- sad do his]. nu Egon spirlunl understand. " But mum tVientigta {allow Christ Jean. in all thing. and “a will” ppddmed‘ in mush: “but tum- the In?” an tsernttaehedtotheriatkindttfpe tttioms. In the Sermon on the Mmmk Jesus not only mid, "Seek, and " shall tind; knock, and it dull be *Hiuiur out": rd',t.'tf.tut,u'tu% .4

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