Mrs. William Tillman left Satur- day for Lomira. Wis.. where she will visit her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Page of St. Paul are the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. beaming. Mrs. Cora MeGarvey of San Fran- cisco. Calif, and Mrs. George Rogers or Portland. Ore, are the Bursts of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Voogt of Sunset uENngiyMtsthW,ltlNs or Portland. Ore. Mr. and Mrs. F. road. Dr. and Mrs. N. C. Risjord returned today from a visit to the Mayo Clinic and the meeting of the American Medical association which has been held in Minneapolis. Miss Hvlcn ffsGr Will sail from Quebec pn Jun" 27th, on the Express of Seotland, hi span! the summer with relatives in Italy. She will remain until September. -..... "ie""""-"" Mrs. Charles T. Boynton of Ravi- noaks, returned last Thursday from Europe where she spent the winter and spring with her daughter Miss Edith Boynton on the Riviera. in Italy, and in Paris. Mrs. Boynton expects her sister, Mrs. Herbert San- bom-Fmith of Ossining. N. Y. to ar- rive soon to be her house gumt dur- ing the Ravinia npera spawn. ___ -- J _. rive soon to be her house guox't dur- ing the Ravinia npera season. Mrs. F. w. Yang: cntertained a party of ten at a motor trip and luncheon at the Lake Geneva hunt Lake Geneva. Wis; last Wednesday. Mrs. Earl W. Spencer is sailing next Week for Europe where she will w“... ...\ "in," Miss Eva tiiljestrom will be hostesc to the Friday night bridge club to, spend the summer, morrow evening, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grisensla, Saturday for a two weraks fishing trip at'Lake Wireneconrte, Wis. Mr. Ind In. [gourd W. meter mthhlm parents Mad-when 10- um. born sand-y It the whim. indium new "k ,iirtiu-estirtue,tuas.,_:, ~v‘dmdbnndla. -r4bthur. ,.‘e 'h.r-e%..erftheB.thmtr W - VI - h- JarA.eePetfSItyff.fee ..e- f au-nl' may,“ . ,r-e..h- Mrs. Bonnell " Watskeean avenue was given a very pleasant farewell party last Week by a number of friends. Mrs. Brmnell is leaving High- wood for an indefinite stay. The Daughter: of the American A _ _ . ,___c The Daughter; nf the American Revolution ard enjoying a box lunch, eon today at the home of the Regent Mrs. N. G. Lon'mgton. A - ___. . ___ -' Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Winters are at White Sulphur Springs. Va. They will return home Saturday. Miss Marie MeCraren was hostess to her bridge club Thursday at her home on Deerfield road. Jams Harris has returned from the University of Wisconsin at Madi- son where he has just completed his freshman year. The Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary society meets Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. Arthur Yetta, with Mrs. Balarin as hostess. The Plymouth Chapter. D. B. E, is chartering a motor bus to take them to the British Old People's home at Hollywocd. Illinois on Friday. June 15, for the annual pound party. Any- one interested in making the trip are asked to phone H. P. 2918 tor reserva- than. no... Mm. Robert Greenslade WIS host- “I to her bridge club Tuesdny "ter- noon. The members Ire from Deer. "ld and Irving Pith. The high school Girl Scout troop en- joyed I picnic at Becker's cottage at Long me on Sdmdny. VI}. and In. CUrenee A. Parlia- mt In entertaining at supper, Sun- by "cum. - im, Nunavut Quinn of Kenosha, Win, and like Alice Quinn of Denver. Colo.. visited their liner. Mrs. A. C. Hnrr Lois Ind Donald Nana of Miami. Ohio, form-11 of this city In "tending . few weeks with their (and parents, Mr. not! In. T. C. Williams. iiia G Bt. WI. Mo. In. Harvey Witten and Ion. 11m- H, went In! week 'iMthq rob- Buy Guaranteed Coal and Coke You don't have to gullible when you order cod or coke from Consumers Company bee-use every tan is fully m- anleed as to quality And full weight-it must satisfy you or we remove it and refund your money. su- ma prices Buy Your Coal on Approval! You can save money by buying now. Phone for will " C. Risjord returned it to the Mayo Clinic g of the American ion which has been c'onL _ COKE -. FUEL OIL PHONE HIGHLAND PARK 2900 DELIV‘KV YARD. ALL 0". Vii "ORV" SHOIK ton. L. Winters are at l The Junior Star club will meet (Monday night at the home of Mrs. {Milton Smith of 10,Tr, Ft. Sheridan Law-nae . 3 Mary Lois Nelson entertained a few . of her former school friends last Sat- ?urday afternoon at the home of her rgrctndmothcr, Mrs, T. C. Williams. _ Mrs. Everett L. Millard will sail Jyno l?..", for Paris where she will join gm sister, Miss Edith Boynton and 5 “mother, they will visit various coun~ l"',","'. of Europe returning in the full. hr. and Mrs. Grover Q. Grady and 'tchildren are leaving Saturday fur {Shady Rest, Eagle River, where they :will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mead of North Chicago are receiving congra- tulations on the birth of twin dingh- ters. Patricia Ann and June Belle, burn Saturday, Mrs. Mend will be remembered as Miss Agnes Garrity of this city. Junior Star night will be observed at Campbell chapter, o. E. S. next Wednesday evening with In. Iva thdvrson serving as worthy matron. and Mr. Chas. Brace as worthy pa- M ff The ChieaRo Association of Paint, 'rs' and Sculpt-12's were entertained by Man and Mrs. Puyraud Sunday after- mnn and evening at their home in Ra- rinin, Mr. Rudulph Inger-lo and Mr, and Mrs. Peyraud are the local mem- has of this association, Several cello swlwtiuns were prayed by Mr. Hana Hess and Mrs. Maxman Rave som" Er Miss Charlotte Yue, Miss Mary Wil- liams. Mrs. Robert Y. Williams and daughter. GraFc, are leaving this wool: for Wauwinet, Nantucket, Mass. to be gnne six works. Miss Katharine Ym- is spending that time with her nvphun Robert Yoe Williams in Dvcr- field. i Fern E. Wollbrick and Albert E. Mecham, both of Highllnd Park were Tunited in marriage at eight o'clock L on Tuesday evening, June 12th, at the fL‘nited Evangelial parsonage. " 25 l South Green Bay road. Ptator C. G. iiiiiilit emailing. They were ac-. ‘companied by Elmer lethal: and Will-rd Wollhritk. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McKay of S. Linden avenue have as their men. Mr. McKay's sister, Mrs. C. Trimble nf Denver, Colo. Fade: Paul W. Blanchard, Jr.. of tho U, S. Military Academy, West Point. N. Y., has been granted his furlough and will spend his summer vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Blanchard of Walker avenue. His classmate. Cadet Tru- man W. Carrithers, son of the late Colonel Carrithers. U. S. army, who made the trip with him will be his quest during the week before return- in: to the home of his mother in Peoria. Mi. Mrs. Otis Way of Ravine drive1 is Inning this morning for the eut‘ where the will W In extended Mp1 cal selections. Mrs. Ralphch. Bard of N. St. Johns vnuu roturne-d Saturday from Ku- pe whnrc she has spent the past Dorothy llama mun-bed twelve little friends on Saturday in celebra- tion of her twelfth birthday Inni- van-r1. :1 months. . Mre. Roger Vail of LH", 10 has rented her home pr and with her family ahraim. Wir., where th, Miss Frauen Palmer mun-ind at . very delightful ten on My dunno-m from four until six o'clock at the home of In. Mare law of Linden 3mm. A Inn-heal was: sGiau'TiGairi7Fiii'Ta afrTartiiirihiut. in..." ‘n months Mrs, Her [RWY-rt. tEr,r.a-Cim-wurN-tttr Midas-“1mm limfriomhn-otohdphredo- but. be W, m. irrukettrmxirrekt.rerree. "Tiaui-eh.ui-rru- in Jesuit-0778M an - I my " III -. b. m -- --' -- A - wwr-__w_ - to... T Moll-Amt.“ _ aioa Inn-ImALI-nglug ‘qwflbwmflfl our; McKay of S, Lindcn m entertain at luncheon aw! 1 Friday. June 22 at hr _ Mrs. Trimble of Denver. Gm included friend! I Laurel ae for the sum has Rone t y will was; aer.a"mgtgtsqRgttai'rgt-Cd. “Hun-did- AiGuauiat.oii-ati.rhhl-hetutmDerf_ cubs-m. agFt.-dtu-MtArq- -iGre_d.ui-uttit-il-tcaer.a-3ettne" phat . Immmd'lulh ieA.m.G.euretnai-tgtit-tai.-eutyetv- Mich-conano-h‘lr.udlnov.u9dldm knot-achinyovodungobm _ mmm,ur.m§zg43 l Min: Edna Walther: returned ttrel l My from Virginia, Minn., M l she has been touching .1:th 8b l will spend the summer with ha por- , ants. Mr. uni Mrs. Henry Withers of s. Green Bay road. Ir.W.N.SMoId,m-l- Numwwem-ma. ink-Vin My f-tritrrqtbn eoaat af '1th to Alaska. I. will take movies drunk!“ from our-pin. Want. to J... Mudexpochtobegmnhd I month. In. B. A. [Am of mm is mstertainintt eight Mia _ Highland Park a 1m tadgr. Cuda will be OW an" I“ Mrs. Fred Perrymn enwmilbd‘ the members of her club Inst That-- dar afternoon " her home on Bloom street. There were two ables of tive hundred. Helen Jun Abercrolnby eaten-M the members of her luncheon club at her home of: Lincoln avenue yester- day. Covers were bid for eight guests. . Mrs. Victor Cox who is to have charge of the playground in SW park this summer is on the sick list, however her'friends will be glad to learn that she is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs, gas, HEmmFof ctL uago were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Conrad. Harold Banister of Genoa Junction furmerly of this city In: a visitor here on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Raymond W. Semi- der entertained at two tables of bridge on Saturday evening. The (can w.-n- all from Chicago. Miss Mona Bnhr returned yawn? Jay from [a Crossr Wis., where the has been teaching school for the put‘ year. She wil) leave soon for New‘ York where sh'e will take a summer Mr. and Mrs. Harold Possum of Wiremeka entertained on Saturday "verlirur in compliment to Lucille nttd Mata llt-lm of Fisk. Wia., guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Conrad. lhrnugh the ct,rtts of Mrs. Rich- ard y1unscll and-Mrs. J. F. (Ellen. th. 'lc,trtct mat of Ridge road and north hf County Line road is being strlkited far Ravinia opera ticket lwwlw. This is the tirst time that this part has cwr bwn solicited Ind the ttus, wottsrsrt are giving all thtir time -.. tics- u rrk and report ttrent Success lift]. ftrurdt Olson of Vin: aveaue.l I hfr Fart Friday to spend the summer nxixh h‘luthv m" in Eur Clair, Wis. 1 Mr, urri Mrs. C. E. Gittord left this t mantra: fur Minoeqms, Wis., where 7311 v wdl ~;wn-l the summer. it fur-r an altar hankcd with Easter l Kip ". bridal wraith. fernc and palms,) thv marriage of Miss Anne HarwieV “Mud. daughter of Genural and Mrs.' 1 Huh-n H. wood and Mr. Edwin El. l «Mn Tum: n! Chicago took plate at '. :uur thirty u'clm-k Snurtlay after rum. at th,. Trinity church. The , rerun my was read. by The Right Reverend Bishop Stire: of New york, I and unclv of the bride. The bride l wac v"ry attractive in a gown of white satin with tulle veil. She car-l rial a bouquet of Univ: of the valley.‘ , Thu Missress Sarah and Frances Wood _ who srv-ced as maids of honor were? attired in praeh colored chiffon with' lpghnrn hats trimmed in velvet tol match the frocks. The bridesmaids, the Miss- Marrella Rabin. Nancy Breslin. Louise Brewer and Margl, Trim: Waller all were peach chiffon? with ieehorn hats trimmed in velvet! to match the frocks. All carried bouquets' of spring tlowers. Mr. Har- nld P. Goodbody was best man Ind who ushers were'. Messrs. Jether. Al- _ fred Cluett, C. Warren Boom, Mar- lwluc Jlnlt. H. Danforth Stim trad Stanley Shipnes. A reception foV ilowcd the ceremony " the home of (the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. 1‘ullis have left on a wedding trip to ', Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Mnimnn and non Matt of S. First street, returned Sum day from a motor trip to Wanna“). S. D., where they spent the past M weeks visiting Mr. lulu-uh punt. In last week's story coming LII commencement chemise: at 0th Ter- race school it vs: mud that Wu,“ A. Thomas m vaiedietorina. link [Amber us Medicmfhn. Mr. Thomas is the principal of the which In. Loni-e Beeline: and dehtar Carolyn In unending the wank-0d 'with In. Miner'- Ion. Spencer It lamb-rd. m. In. Hugo Putter has "and fro- Kmnugommmtm -"-"-".'e'_aa gumtwmmwmunm Ch'“Ju nrormqrreMdeestoftNeaao. T -retg8odmtuwfi1 In. Amand_ofWnshhsetors, “M." 9,... Mid Shield. D. th, And Mr. Lyman Cope“ “M.“W actor that brother of In C. W. Baum d nuwdmnebd. Thou- r?-erccuoo'to?.'itr.ried?"P:l"aiariAati-Etute"y* ftutermetrtPtusrlyheliiia4 Thqtgrtaeedeat-h- bythelcv.K.A.Roth-pentm -- i. ruM1ah" h M With InnadIn. C. G. M . ofB.Gr-hrrxrod. â€Emu-mm! 018.Gre¢IB-yrond. wwdhm'mh 'Er.msdHestr.A.ttt.Peter- mii0.mrr-oe".-t.f ImSMykthn-plhm d WI my. cmwnmdhlmlm “mi-IN (â€Mi-VII they will mm b uP_aur-rieeyeetre,t mutant-y fawn-arm. â€Emmi-[Dn- “UV..." dbmmntm Mr.mtAMrs.t-t.8- 'ig-tutter-tey-r..' ,rterrree'tyytP"ch" FrryorereLtef Rudolph Mum [Aha .. Mr. “a In. Roltnad w; tsaGartuirso--tt1tesirrti-i; umwua.n.mqum_ " In. John Schn-id. "tara-d Inf Thursday from Cdilonh I“. an eight months stay there. In. Glades Ford of Wuhan In the (an! on Thursday of he: sum. Mrs. Ellen Clark of We": Btreet. _ Mr. and Mrs. t. R. Usher and daughter, Jun, are leaving toothy for West Virgin. where they will Ipend two weeks visiting I'd-liven. The Merrr-Go-Aroand club an a farewell party to Mr. and In. Blur Ortmlyer of Wnukegnn avenue laat week, The Ortmtyers are lelving t PUPU.h' FRESHNT FINE PRODUCm0'N MONDAY "The Taming of the Shrew" Pre sented by Graduating Class of Lincoln School BOOB entertained n group of eminent north shore bankers " his home. During the eveesintr,, seven down. tive hum and and 5 new card (we. “chic; In: played. The winner, Mr. John Vgoline, received 1 handsome set of wine than: from M. Milton Cairati. Among those penent were Robert Prinz. Harry Parker, Milton Vain. A. M, Schinler, E. S. Murks, and M. MISS BRANDS PUPILS APPEAR IN RECITAL Last Saturday afternoon It two thirty o'clock the pupils of Miss Char- lotto Irene Brim! gun I recital at, her home. Those who appeared on the program were. Harold Prim- hofrer, Wilbur “inn, Murray Barrett, Ashley Thomas. Stewart Gail, John, Fischer, Franklin Fritsch, Wtmace Grader. Earl Phimmer, Donald cure, John Austin. Anna Erickson, Peggy Piummer. Itorothy Esmer, Pauline Duffy. Vern Marie Greene, Mary El- lvn “My. ViMa Workman, “urine McFadden, Virginia Bennett. Ruth Rhimsmith. Shirlry Clark. N-omi tiaathrdr, Jean Brand. Helen Comer, l'Ileanur Austin. Marian Boon. Max. ine (Ava-uh. Mary Louise Walters llvlvn Magnusson. [Dormhy Sorkett. Mary Nrerenbert Eleanor Koklin Luis Clark. C,,.rtude Walters, Lillian Tueker. Th<7ma Larson and Ada "The Taming " the Shrew" the can! from overva an- nnw enroum' play prearnted by the members of to mert with their Rotary brethren thu. graduating class of the Lincuin from ground the world. schrol proved to be une of the best As spokesman for the tive countries P'Tfhmlle-‘H "“‘Y put on by the in which Rotary clubs have been or- whool. Under the able direction of Kamila! in the Ust vow, Dr. Wilhelm Mrs. Margaret Fun-man the phy (pm. former chancellor of the Ger- moved rapidly in actinn, all the trim Republic and steamship may! chnrncters seeming to enjoy the part gnu... will respond to the addres- of that they were portraying. Each welcome to these new Rotarians by member of the cast must be com-i Arthur H. Sapp. of mmtineton, In- mented on their excellent interprets-rdimg, U.S.A., the president of Rotary tion of his part. The coatumes must,tnwrnationa1. Reflecting the best not go unmrmionod as they were one; thought of men prominent in public of the outstanding points of the PHIL} life from " countries of the world. ll one having rune fmm Paris, brainy daily series of brief talks by Sir P.e loaned to the school by I former aid Macho-n. former deputy chair- member of the eirhlh grade cuss. mIn of the British how of col-nos. Those who Were present " the Dr. Edouard Wilkins, noted Beeun performance Monday evening wit- educator; Dr. Eduardo loot! a! San- 1mm: a play well ditected, well cut lingo. Chile; Dr. R. G. lane. Geo. l and very mttertainitttr. long. Australia. phylwhn. and may i ------- others feature the mint -imo " mom END BRANCH, --- the mm. _ _ ." Thoma! Those who Vere present It the performnnee Monday evening wit- neued a play well ditected, well cast and very emtertairtintr. NORTH END BRANCH mam NEXT TUESDAY intently evening Mr. John Juoby The North End Branch, Friend! of Chicago Junior school will hold their mull? loath], Meeting, My. June 19, tpotrtr.m. at the Sovereign hotel. The crank-tics: h prerarue for a Garden Pete to be than during the [In-M " an ion- of Mrs.) mum Schmidt In Inâ€. In. Braid- Buha, W.†m w it chi-nil " umb- mnt. In. I. M. In. an uv vood with: ha. In. W, 1M1â€. an! char-gnu? In. "up...“ -__H- W. Lanai-omit†Jonquil Termeo, m d “3:" .. A GRADUATE“: EXERCISES " DIM†.for-iilve iGGhere they will re- Mt EiFfayA i,SPlicL't.' -- - :31; r, Ir. - 9.“ _III. Tummy cum» REGULAR MEETING OF ROTARY CLUB IS HELD Dr. Sheldon Gives Good Talk; lnternaliongl Convention 7 JuncJS-n At the regular meeting of the Rar. tary club at the Moraine haul More day noon Dr. Shelton I‘ll the prin-) cipal speaker. giving an thttererthttt account of I recent trip. The toming‘ meeting of Rotary International a} Minneapolis Wu dismissed. The pres~ idem. S. A, St. Peter is expecting to' amend. and perhaps others. A wurld-wide exchange of views) 't civic. minimal and international; conditions, problems 1nd opportunlvl ties for fellowship nnd "Hire in! driving tokcther a group of 10mm delegatrs to the Rotary lntemtiondl mnventmn here June 18-2. Ship-g Lads. and many smaller bands of Vivi itnrs from mom-u are now enroute', to meet with their Rotary brethren from "mind the world. Five darn discussion of the _ and obj-cu of Rotary and the an..- lions of Rotary club- in community work, will be mmpanicd by Ill club out: program of trrieatV American autumnal: W by the lin- neapolh but mum. "f"ririiiriroirr - 10mm char-marmo-nnue Tell- Sunnis-IONI- arattu81M" - 0mm ms "err Supervisor Arthur W. Vega. 1 "n‘l.’ nun-luau Highland Put. on - - "Mr. A“; Poet.':.' ' '.",S'txf,L"iiu%iiiT%iaaGiltttetPr, C .*mmhwuumm“mm m '"ii'iTi%raGi7lteetfee31eu"! tat": gm. m â€its“ tho has! -. of I ,'t'aE,"ii"ii'iii"iG'iaiiTrr-lttrPuCieeCe i7iinrdGTirtrtuiulePeT.eeu1e", im-.i0..N-0RrN%t--, TI iuttr-t.tnt.oetu-tra' the-gt-ment-r. “had-Wham“! i,/iiientetss-ehefth" mmmd-WW" Malibu-ty- I$wa00.-reeh-) aGGi"tGtie-ue-tt._ht-'-yer-tebe “nub-mant- nick-huthg-to .-----_--- mh_‘~_- 000"" “n Pf,',',",- J'tgrg.g,tgrirgdtt'lM' . . no- . In-†JrgR'rg%'ehvtTr.Lf." 11.. may...“ -‘ a“ ll flzbhm‘dmhflwm l'G'i"ai7iGTiiiiifiGiicletr2ttfPe' q"er 1Trr=tra7aarC_iGGarul"e"- _ “nun-“winch Mild-“av iai9fi'9.et_tyPP.e1t 'tei.itettf?Ar.. yee.e sranvyouunewotro-ruuntiihi-t'" t,oareouege,pemotiittarsdragru-ttotti. Fancy Lutd,,itLii-i-tnnt-taurmsrdet" thistimewillbedouhlyappndamdbeaunnmto mark your recognition ofit. Hummus-don that will help youinyour selection “Wyn“. A moqt delicate mph“! in a bottU of her favorite palm or combined Perhaps in I Bet with other item that the would choou An ever nun-No gift. We tteve n‘luge stock. a tr.ide run of styles at r 389 Central Avenue 389 Roger Williams Avenue Graduation Gifts EARL W. GSELL & CO. RAND McNALLY'S Road Maps on Sale Here STATION ERY PERFUM- PHARMACISTS _d_l- ugly-I'- FOUNTAIN PEN all "Wilma-luv " 'j,.tFi.j,,titl,Sti,tg1t2t,,t will serve I long his BIB“!- w- “m._ v. ---- We have I lute variety by Batman. LOCAL CRICKE‘I'ERS SCORE HIGH IN MATCH Two Highland Park players "sd our from Clem-no eontrttrated [nah tn- w-rd the victor, of the [Aka Fond Cricket dub aw: the International club It Lake F'orest un Sundny in the itrst league and: Nared this year on the north than. W. Slurp of Highllnd Park undo " m: and was run out. Ind P. W. Sherwood made 2!) nun and m out. Thou were top team. A PM of 01mm. bowler. uke Forest “In won. 102 to " Neat not they play in Chin-go. and the follo'in. Sunday, In. " ther play a Lake Porest mint. the Lin- itch MANY AWCPIONS AT AIUSIIIINT PARK found I myriad of multi- in tho mmmhchinmcnutmlm 1.trr'b.see-ttretreh9dvht. mun-mamma- nphn th. “W - - mimmdmc-I ya. Mat-WM -tHBt.rN.oFort3tr-fth euare%ehat-ehmrm&.tue*ratqh. aed-tC-t.rrtur.,'Nur%a6.'. a. PH," oJ-cum. nun-nu auburn-amateur. 'ouryrmdthtqreuteetite numb-manning.- Many well known mien. Yuan! up to 816.50 to be M PENCIL SETS Many other remarkable value: It the My loam visit/tes to Win-pity. Sport and Street Dream l‘nusul values Loretta Shop Continuing our Sale of Hats KODAKS " Noah Sheridan Road Bareain Counter of the $1 and $3 IP. DRESSES $5 - $10 - $15 It forums. The Arum M Ii;