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Highland Park Press, 12 Jul 1928, p. 4

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Mr. John Crrrktr left Tuesday far I In fers busineu trip to Each Mrs, C. Carer wur hostess on Tu- d” "terrtonn to the Red Cross Sew- - club, In. Uitth Hlinlim will entertain the Fort Sheridan Bridge club this afternoon. Thursday instead of Fri- hy u usual. In. Henry Diet: m hostes- Wed- .Idny Afternoon u I few tables of bridge in compliment to her sister, who in her house nut. Miss Florence Hastings of Romdar burg. Palm. is the guest for a few weeks of Miss Dorothy Nunn of Mo- raine road. Mrs. Henry Stone, Mrs. George Moriaretr. Muss onvphine Peterson, and Miss Dorothy Bums at Wood- stock, m. were the guests on Tues- dly of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Conrad of 138 McGovern street. Mrs. Everett Easton is in Lakeside, Rich, spending the summer at her summer home there. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paul and son Roger are leaving Sunday for a two weeks stay in Detroit, Thousand Isl-ads. Montreal and Quebec. Billy Nunn is attending summer Mrs. Rolland Blelmohl and chil- dren Dorothy and Roliand, Jr. and an aunt Mrs. De Lay of Stoughton, Wis., are spending this week " the mnenkel cottage in McHenry. Mrs. E. M. Conrad motored to Fisk, Wis., last Thursday with her nieces the Misses Mata and Lucille Helm who have been house guests at the Conrad home for the past six weeks. Mr. Conrad went up Saturday tutti they spent the weekend at Green Lake, Wis., returning home late Sun- day. Billy Nunn is when] at Culver. Mrs. Niedemeyer of California is ranking an extended visit with her daughter Mrs. Bernard Huislip of Forest avenue. Mrs. David Clark and children oil Cary venue left last week for Bata-l via, Paw York to visit Mrs. f?t.?2i mother. Mrs. Clark will return next week but the children will remain with their grand parents for an ex- tended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nunn ant” fumily are leaving the later part or, the week Mr a two week's stay in} Northern Wisconsin. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Warren Faxom, of , spent the past three weeks. Forks: avenue, and Mr. and Mrs? Mrs. William C. Egan entertained Harry Aiston of Ridgewood Drive, 3.3 few friends at luncheon last Satur- who have been spending the past two , day. weeks in Flambeau. Wis., are qu Mrs. 0. B. Brand and daughter pected home this week. Miss Salome, are enjoying a three session there this week. From Miami) Miss Frances Parsons of Noble, Ill., they will visit points of interest inl is spending this week with her cousin, the east. i Miss Mary Gayot. Miss Parsons Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Conrad and son‘ came up to be present at her broth- George Conrad and daughter HelenJer‘s wedding. gown ?rssru-nEAgcteseaaid theWk+H Mrs., Harry Si, Stage .returned 353 Wérm Bear St. Joseph, Mich. ‘%..&F7m Walifomir -whr-ohe Mrs. Fred Fisher, Jr., and children June and Franklin together with Mrs. Fisher's mother. Mrs. Chas. Miller of Winrsetira are spending two weeks in Northern Michigan. Dr. and Mrs. J. P, O'Connell Mt; last week for a two weeks trip to, Miami, Fla., where the doctor has gone as a delegate from the local chapter of Elks to the convention int session there this week. From Miami) they will visit points of interest inl the east. 1 Nwhern Michigan. - The Worth While circle is being: rs. Raymond Schneider will enter- entertained at dinner this evening at .tljn the members of her bridge club . Iht1hortte of Mrs. Will Clark of Deer. L Friday night at her home on-Ridge. wood Drive. Mrs. Ed Borkert was pleasantly. surprised on Monday afternoon by a number of relatives and friends when they came to help her celebrate her birthday anniversary. The afternoon W‘s spent in sewing. Mrs. Theodore Jemgens of Chicago} mer. Mr. William Jemgens of Clevehnd. Miss Betty Karger has gone to Ohio and Bobby and Lois Decker of I Camp Azank, Mimrequn, Wis, for Peoria were the guests on Monday of the summer. F ters. Frederick Fisher, Sr.. of S. Green, Mrs. James Lawrence Martin has my Rd. [as her house guest Mrs. Lillian Win- Mrs. Life Norman of S. Green Bay! ter Peck of Louisville. Kr, Mrs, Mar- is entertaining today at one o'clock tin is entertaining at luncheon at the luncheon. The eight guests present Exmoor club today in her honor. an: out of town guests. i Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ratt with Local and Personal any It! “a... m; ;..... h.- wll hh Ins-cu I. “ Alex and EUU, who was .nfwdnnoflunweekoflr. -iCrotrersrN.tho- 'me-dtotuirhmrsetn CH- winter. At our present low prices on coal and coke, it will mean a big saving to you too to let us MI your coal bin now. This is midsummer. Thousands of our thrifty Ct mers have already bought their fuel for next Havé Yo; t"i7i'lTa YonCoaJV t Buy Your Coat on Approval! “31“”! Jock onlvll'v vAlol ALC - "1: not?“ loco-x do“. nu. - COKE i ' ac PHONE P""""" PARK coon Jacqueline Arnold entertained twelve of her little friends " I party ‘Thursdly commemorating her fourth 3 birthday. I Mr, Edward Nelson of S. Second street. have left on a motor trip to :Now York with his sitter and family. in” will visit their brother and sin- ter-in-law for about two weeks. l Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marketl and children of Chicngo were the guests (of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tucker over July 4th. Mr, and Mrs. William Henry Bartel (motored to Mt, Olive and St. Louis (over the week-end. 1ts.drmutotttt-ewttoesereremq mrriedaboo-turhar-hite chm-idolmmvinlm immmuu_mtdu- 'm-ers Mum-Wig; trttFrmrrteeo-irCr- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Btoomtieid have returned {mm Bitt Woods lodzo, Win, where they spent the past two The nutritive of Miss Lucille Friuch. dnuehter " Mrs, Mary Fritoch to It. Robert Gum took ill-co Sunday morning " eight o'clock " the Better Bundled Mrs. George “inn and children who have been spending two weeks in Michigan Ire expected home the ht- ter part of this week. Miss Catherine Wagner entertained ‘ "in several friends at dinner followed ”1“", I Crease hunt ks: Sunday. Gt th Miss Alice Flint left Sund-y oh I two weeks vacation in Yellowstone Nntionnt Park. Grace Arline Flint is spending th week with Mn._Anhur wane: of Haywood. Alex Howard "turned Saturday from the Boy Scout amp " o- sippi, Mich. weeks Mr. and Mrs. Peter Crimson and family, Mrs. St. Clnir and “by, John Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Clark and fun- ily. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown and son, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown and som Mr. Wilson and Mr. Peter R. K. Crimson who recently arrived from England motored to lake Guam on Sunday where they spent the (by. Miss Aliceve Winter is entertain- ine at bridge next Thad-y in com- pliment to Mrs. Edwin Austin Tunis and Miss Catherine Warren. Mrs. Constant C. Hopkins who un- derwent an operation at the Chicago Memorial hospital last week is tret- ting along nicely. l Miss Betty Karger has gone to ‘Camp Agawak, Minot-qua. Wis, for the summer. _ F I Mrs. James Lawrence Martin has las her house guest Mrs. Lillian Win- Mrs. o. B. Brand and daughter Miss Salome, are enjoying a three weeks vacation at Lakewood. Mich. field. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ralf with their children Morton and Paula are visiting at the summer home of Mrs. Ratr's parents on the shore of Lake Ontario. Saturday for abblit a month's stay Ephriam, Wis. The J. P. Buwes family are spend- ing the summer at Grand Haven. Mich. Wis. Miss Jane Garnett of South Linden avenue. together with her cousins. Marian Ind Priscilla Johnson of Washington, Penn.. have left for Camp Warwick Woods at Sayner. Wis., where they will spend the sum- mer. Virginia Perkins left last Thursday for Camp Meenahga. near Ephriam, “Whit“ 1 “any friends of George Howe itendered him n plmnnt unwise an Inst Sitar-11y evening when they {came to celebntc his birthday Inni- ( vet-aw. Bum-n w“ phyed And prizes were married to Con Sienart, Dor- 2othy Diekm-n of Chic-(o Ind Mar. ‘zmt Clark of Northbrook. Arthur Muir, Ralph Dunn and Morris Dunn. friend- from Chicago and Neath-ooh. The born " the Junior W a! the Vacation Church School?! the Theehiktrifthev-c-et, School of the hath clinch were the - ol the child:- ortheDePtree.tmehoerttmW- thy.1'hobo¢hpdonam¢llov. mvlulli-un-MIUIA 'hrhu-dru-rttu- I Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Sampsell of [Lake nvrnue will entertain at a but- ‘fot supper Sunday evening for Mrs. {Lillian Winter Peck of Louisville, Kentucky, formerly of Highhnd Park and who is the guest of Mrs. James _ alanin of Hazel avenue. Mrs. P. Koetting and little daugh- 'ter of Racine, Wis., were the guests 71:!“ week of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 1Gerken of Ridgewood drive. Mr. Claude M. Mitchell is leaving next Tuesday for England where he will visit relatives. . Mrs. Frost of aninin was plena- antly surprised on Saturday evening It the home of Mrs. George Fumes by a number of her friends. The feature of the evening was bridge and the prise winners were, In. Hnll, Mrs. Frost. Mrs. Winter, Mr. Deuces. Mr. Crosby and Mr. llama. After the serving of dainty refreshments' Mrs. Frost was presented with sev- enl lovely gifts. l Mr. George (Red) Williams win) leave next week for Wales to virrit, relatives for seven] weeks. The annual picnic of the Bethany Evungelical Church Bible school was held Monday in Sunset park. All who were present report 1 most an- joynble day. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Huston Ire receiving congratulations on the birth of twin dauehters, born yes- terday morning at the Lain-rn hospi- tal, Chicago. Mr. Huston is auditor at the Bob-O-Link Golf club. Mr. and Mrs. George Allan Mason of Hazel avenue will entertain at din- ner Thursday evening for Mrs. Lil- lian Winter Peek. After dinner the party will attend the 'open "La Boheme." Mrs. w. E. Yhomns is in Kansas City, Mo., where she was called our. in: to the serious illness of her sister. The manager of the Akyon theater; entertained forty children of the; Ridge Farm Preventorium on Sauna) day afternoon at the afternoon Show. which is a. special program for chil-l, dren. I Mr. and Mrs, B. E. Schnnthal o'f _innia. returnéd Sunday from a trip to West Virginia and Ohio. _ d-hterMina Edith-Mum aatdhistmr-ta.JohgrC-vaad David M. _Jr,, "tugged Med" "an; Iron Ephriun. Win., that tiny Aabo - the past two rub. William Egan of HIV-tum lun- has - the past week at Coleman Luke. Wueonsin. Ir. and In. J. J. Tufts of Evan- ‘m ten the (nests of Mr. and In. a M. Busier of Ridge road over It. week-end. Mrs. George T. Shay of Laurel ave- nue entertained at dinner on Saturday evening at the Exmoor Country club for Mr. and Mrs. Blaine smith who are teaivirut shunly for New York where they wil1vcside in the future. Mr. and In. Irving Randall and family 9! Linden Park plum In ex- Messrs. Clayton Niebuhr and mi old Mentzer left Monday morning on I two weeks motor trip through the east. They will stop at Detroit and visit Windsor Gieser at the Statler hotel. From there they will motor to Toronto, Canada, Rios“: Falls. New York. On theihreturn they will stop at Atlantic City, Washington, D. C. and other places of interest. Mrs. Paul W. Blancjiard of Walk- er avenue had as her guests over the week end Mr. and Mrs. John E. Me- Cormick and daughter, Emma, of Aurora, Ill. Cadet Paul W. Blanchard. Jr., just returned from Péoria. Ill., where he was visiting during the past week at the home of Cadet Truman W. Car- rithrrs of that trity, Coleman Luke, Wit. where misc I.“ spent the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. N. Fl, May" nf Sheri- dan place, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Milnes of Evanston. are leaving today for New York. and will sail Saturday fur a two months trip to England and Franee. Katherine Bard of N. St. Johns nvunue left Tuesday for Alexandria, Minn. where she will visit for I month I: the guest of her ttrand- {amen Mr. Williun H. Speer. Mr. Henry A. Cuuaden of S. Sheri- dan road and his son-in-hw Mr. Charles R. Perrigo left many for I two weeks canoe trip around Hull- ten Island. Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson of M8 Lincoln nvenue are vmtionint in New York state. Mr. 1nd Mrs. Thomas and family of 885 Ridgewood drite motored 'd) Tower, Minn., Saturday morning tol spend their nation. They expect to be gone three weeks. _ "r"2lr'tr'rriotrrramrrmmtvamauastrrram; it. Und “is Indie-lion for the scholar-hip Arn, heartily supported by Iliu Bra "ik, [in roundly, Miss Grinwold, fond to docum- mm Rial-amp of m which "I odor-d htm at Nam Mimi”. I. b on bear-Mum “up": ne- ard-dhbmtommy. m. -eH8BruM.tHrwfitb.eh-. the Chicago Alumni club. Sixteen ubohnhipl we" M for which "you than n hundred young an! and. mutation. In oeder to mm. m. lunar, Mr. no.» in been Mill Rodenbeek, Miss Perry, Min Dotese, Mr. Mum-n Ind Mr. MeNutt of the faulty and by Mr. Byron Hm. Mr. Robert cure, Mr. Prank Selim-v. Mr. Hove" Hurray and Mr. I McPherson of Highland M. all nuances of the 'miteritr. Be ii: Also qiom an undone-neat of Mr. McGlth. in addition to plying In his own expenses during " high school tonne and saving n eomrid. mble sum toward college, ranked ninth in his class in sehourship and played with distinction on the ballet- trail, bunch-ll, and golf can); of the school. He will choun president of his than in both his sophomore artd, senior yen-s. and served continually on the student council. ( l MerwinJeGath. who received‘the (medal of honor upon his palliation from the Deerfield-Shields high school (in June, has just been nwarded an honor scholarship at the University of Chicago which will provide lull tuition "600t for the first two years of his work there. These honor schol- arships. ,tN.rt are being oitered this your for the first time, require that the Candidate be of distinctive rank in leadership and personality " well as in scholarship. Recommendations from alumni of the university us well u from the school authorities ure A, determining litter in the ulectjon of the young men. i with a determined look in his eye.1 "socked" the ball without even tahintt' a dance and straight for the cup it went. We are showing you n picture) of "Jimmy," we want you to no what he looks like. He didn't know" we had his photo in our morgue. l Those playing with him were Art Craig. Elmer Skidmore and a Mr. Wolf. MERWIN McGATH GIVEN MEDAL OF HONOR Tuition for Two Years at Uni- versity of Chicago Awarded Local Boy HARE WIN-0N3 . JULY t AT “GATE Clark- C. Iapchul. but“. and 1..- Colin. 'eight-d l Put. Shoot “1- Ole _ fh.erys s. M!” o! m but James Collins tautomobile painter, t.te.t was “muting them pretty draught Sunday at Sunset Valley Golf club. and when he reached the sin}: hair. whtch ic 165 yards. he stepped' up to the ball, very unconcerned, but Since writing the above story we learn that another Highland Park golfer has joined the Mute-in-One club. The feat is completely Iuihenti< cated by the witnesses, and from now on Charley will take his rightful place in the golfers' "hall of fame" reserved for those fortunate and skillful players who can drive a ball from tee straight into the cup on the given. It is ulways a notable stunt. Ind Charlcy is receiving the hearty congratulations " his envious golf. in: friends, udmlLDavis cont-riding aGurct Deerfield u {an pretty ebony than Inrs., 119d follow golfer- will th of Deerfield, he made I hole-in-one a! the Btteenth hole, which in 189 Yards -etttatttettaaariehttoitn little over the faet that on July t, white pinyin; on the Bri-te com-u with William Ankh Ind [1min Pct- toggtstit- lit-thymu- 'tqudtumt-thertate.tvtrg. well known to readers of this - paper through the medium of bin ur- ic: of norm. entitled , "MI-cover- ing Illinois" which I!!! printed“!!! the Pres: that . you no and con- tinued tho-(I many hum. Mr. Colby km Illinoi- from end to and. Ha ha vhiud [radially new city, tan and villu- ht the, fummm-J’Mrm lwm M In- " “I. h At the - monthly union of the Highland Park Chamber of Com- meree held-y evening the principal feature an m inure-tin. Ind inun- inating mm: on "R1htoia," by IAI- ter B. Colby. publicity director of the Illinois Chamber of Commme Ind BUSINESS MEN REAR LESTER B. mle TALK “Individuality in Your tBookplate" Ms Central Avenue 389 Roger Williams Avenue "lone 2600 Phone 2300 Corner Central Avenue and First St., Highland Park. Mt. SERVICE EARL W. GSELL & CO. Chinese Dishes (Bmkplate Company' COLLEGE INN YOU APPRECIATE We endeavor to please you at all times both in service and in, price. We claim to have the best delivery service in the city, and the most alert, thorough and fastest clerks. Give us some of your orders and we will prove to you that your trade is appre- ciated here. Prepared by Our Chinese Chef, SERVED AT ALL HOURS Highland Park, will bring you our complete tri-eolnrcd "taloque. These bookplntet, deuierted by 'ee- en] well known uni-u uni typom» phem, are tn exceptionally good Il~ Iortrnent. A curd addmssed to the Pratt" Bookplnte Co., P. o. Box 365, Pork Chop Suey .Chicken Chop Suey Pork C howrMein Chicken Chow Mein Egg Fooey Yong PHARMACIS'I‘S I On Friday min: mud Saturday Ind Sum, the childnn of the Vaca- tion Church also! of the Prawn:- hn church will have on "hibtttor, In window-‘0! [Ar-en‘s chantry ital-e the t-emet - tut any in“ bu dds. Om “I “on of thin uhool. All this M in bun done In (to Gilt- ..dvu at! VII in my M to M. pommuntie. grow to large proportion. ‘while other: hive failed to develop. It at I very ittteretstintt talk and “I been! with marked evidence of hp- preeiation by the members present. The Chamber voted to and I letter to the tity administration taunting that parking lines be Again muted on the streets, u in previous year: to simplify the matter of puking Into- mobilen for both tuidentl and vUit- on from elsewhere. EXHIBIT HAND, mm AT LARSON'S m3 TIUISDAY. JULY th, ”I

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