North avenue and Uuretta Place Rev. Wm. B, Doble, minister Sunday. July tir-- 9:30 a, a. Sunday school. 10:45 Wm. Homing worship. Ber- Oakn'dge and High street Rev. G, A. o. Engstrom, pastor Tfuirsor. July: it-- The Luther Magus will be enter- tained in church by Mr. and Mrs. Astor Benson. Friday, July LT-- 2 [Lin The Ladies Aid will be en- tertained by Mrs. M. C. Lundgren at her home 134 S. First street. Sunday, July Is-- 9245 mm. Worship in Swedish. 8:00 p.m. Evening service. Tuesday, July IT-- Rev. Armin Meyer. "retur/efsiisC,iiii] am: from India. win be the speaker. Corner N. Green Bas' ‘road and _ Homewood avenue K. A. Ruth, pastor Regular services will be held at St. John's church this Sunday morning. Sunday school at 9:30 and Morning worship at 10:30. A cordial weleome is extended to ali. .On Thursday, July to, the Ariing- ton Heights Federation of Evangeli- cal Women will have a meeting in Sunset park, There will btha ses- sions. Thp,btrsisoess meeting will be heid at 10:30 in the morning, followed by" h picnic lunch in the park. The afternoon session Ngins at 2 o'clock.) Mario Cuppelli. 7:00 pm. Closing evening sermon. Sermon: Ralph Gallant. Speck] music by Sign» Mario quplelli. 10:30 LIB. Bishop J, C. Baker. Glen Ellyn choir. The (dieting has been received with requmst that it be printed: An Appeal to Our City: While eieaning up nuisances in our city Mich as billboards eta, lets re- move the greatest alliance and men- ace of all "the' sceptic tank," which is iucuted an the border of our golf course, and in the geographic cen- ter of our city. The removal of this nuisance would, we are sure, be the means of increasing the population of our city, increase the membership of our golf club, and insure healthier cunditiuns. 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting. My. My. "tr 19. " M-., M Wei. "tr IS, 17, 18 "CmCAGO" My. July IS Friday, July " mar-u.“ 'htamur, July " the ever increasing South American and Piclnt trade, I m sun- these, locks will be required within ten tol fifteen years," he said. Mr. cumin blom also urged the need for defenses _ on the Pam: side, which he thought were inadequate at present. ’ “tho-c Kind Lady: Well, Willie. have you gotten aequaintedtith your new little brother? Willie: Yep! He's justlike one of the family a1ready."-Farm & Fireside. fro- the Panama Canal Zone for Envy-ii, while " Balboa, Canal Zone, expand opinion, according to press dispatches that preparation for in ex- tra set of locks u: the Puma Canal should be made without delay, “with M AND FAIRY Com Carl D. Chindblom, yin with his badly nanny sailed 0N WAY ‘10 HAWAII "a-r-tra, angr: In: lad-in Pall- (Ia-dad “will." Public Forum Column [ St. Johns Evangelical GmeeM.E.Chuzeh Highwood Lutheran Pith “aver - Victor Vuuini - Virxinia Whirl “Fun - 3|un - Royall-neg with Jon- anford - James Murray - Home Peters Sianed: Group of Taxpayers, _ and Golf Club Members. By E. E. Miler 55 Deerfield Place, High- land Park Illinois. at Chester (Jan-Hill - Sam Hardy - Alice White “£1" Signor with Win. Boyd camp with with Ire sue. a mira." (1qu of “in. II. ththBer5hed Ind um “In - " "tr. "'h {SEAL} spud '10. "d; "am-"HM“ into-W ""1: tbe-rt-tOtt-Au-oem/aL eqrmttr. Sms 1rCI11.tee.teyert_to 1... per phi Ae kiFFGuiFG7 yin-1:2"; r ---.r Rama of the condition " North Shore Mn Comp-n: located at 'rretsund Park. State ot “hack. It the time ti btrshtess on the 300: day of June ISLâ€. u made to the Auditor of Public Account- " the State of “km. pursuit! tat hr. ste or minus. Faun!) " Inc. In. --ee. iv -VN...; .P._ buns In. - antenna! in than to we best of my knowledtd Ind belief. um] that the has: Ind mun than than corn-pond with the items Ind 1'eeteretery..sfttsereiGAGGiri2Ti7 Auditor of Pubtte Account, Skin of “Dani. pursuant to ht. w IdMséUtiesq V --m.aavmsie I. my: _w._Vrreoe. Pig-hint of the North I. I E “with Cllhh of the State let. to upglyfvux that new“ of the candida: of the Hilh'wd sum Mk. Inc-M It nth-cod, State of Illinois. ll the etotse of businn‘ an the Tttth day of. June 192S. l5 nude to the Auditor of Public Aerounts hr the Sun? of I!tmois. punmnt to law While the industrial machinery is claimed to throw people out of work, the political machinery makes more jobs. a slight huh; on the leg from-11“}; of July torpedo of some sort. Robert Tillmnn. threesyear-ofd son of Mr. and Mrs, Milton Tillman, who has been dangerously ill as I result of tetanus poisoning. is now recovering satisfactorily,, it was reported yes- terday at their home. where he is now, after treatment for several dais at the local hospital. Just how the infection was caused is not known, but it is supposed to have been from Time Dwain 15b. Other mink (lo) le-l Fm. Gith,'hi¢h when; use, Tuesday Ind Thursday, FIREWORKS CAUSE ', muons POISONING l Cnpikl Stock In "e"", _ Surviv- (2) r. .. te _ ‘anivided Peotit. "et)ttt M Account M) . Fr Dun-ml Dena-i1- (55) Lann- on Colhlenl Security on: _ other Loans "tst Lou.- on a.“ Baum Cronin!†IT) Rankin: Hun-e. “mm-:3 um! Fixture, t9t _ Other Raoul-ca (11) The pool " the Dam frwtuetsoot is cunning my load residents during the hot III-Inu- days. Aarnoe wishing to learn to swim should take Idvlntl‘o ot the opportunity alt-Ind. The ,tcheduh of hours is as follow: IO-l 1 age. 11-12 a. m. Women. 12-1 pm. Boys, high sehoot use. Munday, WednesqayA and Friday. Cub. Other Cash Rest-arm Ind Due from Banks 't-2-St ' Other Bond. Ind Serurilifs IS: Cavihl Stock Ill Surplus -2. u ndiv Met Protit, um I '3, Rererve Aver-1mm In Dvnmnd Deanna 'cur Timn Donna!“ I5)“ . Du "tends l'npaid ITI Other Liabilinm Im- Cali. Other leh Mourns Ind Due from lhnks tl-Z-IOI 1 Other Bonds and Securities-.3) Lanna on Cullnmer-I Security 16at _ Other [AI-ms t6trt Loan: rm Ru] Ehtate "iet Rankin: House. furniture Ind-fixtures 19: N dAirgiidii; Yiiist A A. .. Wmmny “THE NIGHT FLYER" 940 1m, Boys, gran-mar school Total Relaunc- Tum] Lubililil'! Total Resources roman PtmcicAitos, r =.. --- - C.ur.'hiirEir.HieiiE6ii" Fa- “THE BIG NomE" OFFICIAL PUBLICATION HIGHWOOD STATE BANK a m. Girls, grunt-nu school “SKYSCRAPBIP lie-l Estate ' ck) gamut: LIABILITIES “ROSEMARIE†gmoyncu RESOPRCES “count: Suki}; firserii. c, I. ZNGQUIS'I‘. Cashier the High-“3d myth. gha- ’1.“2,285_u S sts.ure% ' 50,000.00 13,800.00 196'! 06 10.100.†100.000. " was.» (84,... 111501“ 876558. " I l 1 .91 l .28 239,53.“ IQNJJSJI ST‘JZL‘I 2 75,091.08 226 .351 A3 1iastsi 511102.?! 242. 196, Mr, MV, .92 I 25.!50. In â€mew-n (95.56 9.62 JHh99 374.»; " L00 l Harry Wander, gene-rd chairman; fRaymond Roth, E. C Benson, asst. :eaahier; J. o. Meyers, J. E. Eng- Auist, asst. grand prize; J. J. Flmni- (an. Charles Modems, asst, Refresh- ment; publicity, parade, Otto Fisher, Robt. Botner; Dance and Husk. Her- _ man Fromelt; Purchasing, Victor Col- umbini; Quartermaster, H. L East. ‘ " is expected that the citizens of like community will respond and give ythe association every bit of Co-opera- itiun and Geoumureinent possible, in His much as every cent received It this carnival is to be spent for the ‘civic benefit of the community. l No doubt every citizen of Highwood 'appreciates the little park just corrr) pleted at "itrhwomuavenue,'and its constantly used drinking fountain.‘ ‘Thrse two improvements were made) and paid fur by the Highwood Civic lmpmu-mem association. Many man“ improvements like these can be had) if the. citizens will support the mem-l ber, in making the coming Highwooil Day the bitttrert yet. While the donkey and the elephant are taunting. the hootheats of the camel will be disturbing to many, Omaha' Bee-News. What with make-up and all, it', humming more and more difficult to tell a icomanrs age these days, but we tua11y revise our first estimate when The mud Highwood Du eakbew- tiou will be held on but Eur, lon- ',day, Sept. 3, on the same (round: It (' you. " “flu-hem am and, Washington street. it in unnamed {by the Highwood Civic lmpmvelnenl (ra",',",',':,",',',','; which is in charge of thel grunge-eat; A. Ford sedan will bel, (one of the prizes to be eluted. it ie) J planned. The following members have ( ybeen unpainted to net u chairmen of jibe various departments: 1 sure yut‘thio State Journal, SOS LUX SMALL OLIVE SPANISH QUEENS NA"( "vie-mr-taa-anti.. @193ku PICKLES CAMAY TOILET SOAP AMAIZO OIL HAZEL PALE DRY GINGERALE Pint Bottle 15c BEVERAGE SYRUP PEACHES BLUE RIBBON CORN HOUSEHOLD EXTRACT PEANUT BUTTER SPAGHETTI GRAPENUTS r, --- I'ridavandsaturdarin'1hesestores wee-r-Ute-trut-rv-Ga-L-rt-Trial-ia-i-ark" 4 WW Amy. - irirr- .1 Wm Ind. lm â€you“ TEA {nous mm m muwoon DAY Popular well known quality trroeeriess-atways at prices that save you motley JUICE AalijllCQN TTONE Ana-k!- “ Miss with and NATIONAL or FANCY GOLDEN BANTAM Thr father of the must mind-r rash-m mum girl "t this neighbor- hood says he thinks his dautthter"is home for the spring vat-non and has been for several days. but he has been too tired to wait up'nnd make Begins to look as if the two big po- huml parties may be compelled here, after to acquire campaign funds by yellsraxr shoestrti--Totedo Blade. A German lecturer not: in the U. s. insists that this country is ruled more by Petticoat government than ever before. And with fewer. if my, petueoaterbeine worn.~llelroit Free Press. The Independent Order of Viking. will hold a picnic in Znhnle’s Grove, Ridge road and Prairie avenue. Slur day. July ts. A bus will pick up those who Niall to attend beginning a two o’clock at the Highwood union. There wilt be good music and . 1re8t- eral good time is promised all who attend. I. o. V. PICNIC IN ZAHNLE GROVE JULY " l, CONCIIT â€WAY "I Fine Plun- Pt-d; Ebb had Put M IBM to a. has: On Saturday Wei-g. July " a. DeerNkd III-kiln! Band wfit Ii“ a continual vituae.towhiehthe people of Highland Put In cordially invited. The was: folk-s: l. Maul-Sc Juli-n _ A. W. I!" E Overture £1:me C. W. Whey 3, Coruet Solo _ ve tiT" “Mm am.» my my concur sauna . Old Timer. wuu , 7,171.3; Best [and Southern mum. - _ .Al. Bare Iettermisairn 'ea"etr--tutuasat EM March-iasttistoa, Pu; FINE m FRENCH MAGIC SCOUKING AURIGA?! ROI! 2 now Beua FRANCO AMERICAN PREPARED gun- svnrr SWEET GIRL BRAND in Haiti“! Toy l'lil NATIONAL RASPBERRY wait up ’nnd make NATIONAL w. P. Chm-1;}; [HEIRS GINGERALE or ROOT BEER MIMI“ yummy»;- Rig. 3 No. 4oz.Bottle10c During the severe glectrica] storm last weet a bolt of lightning struck the wall " an old and disused kiln at Bludettt, Herman berm-l rvports, and split it wide open. The wall Wu about 15 feet high. Mr. [Iona-l n31. a“! the territic force of the electrical blast Way indicated by the tact that bricks were hurled to a distance or more than w, (wt. A surrvsrful randsdate needs lung leer, tut he can make I good run. and also so he can Huddle the issues. The fireworks display postponed from the 4th of July became of rain wu enjoyed by I large crowd on the Ravinia Btu]! Saturday evening, July "_e'.___. “m. nu...†"mum, July 7. This I“ a part of the community celebhtion made palible by the funds contributed by the Ravinia Commia, sion, the Woman's Civic club and the Ptsrent-Teacher 'sssociation. LIGHTNING CRASHES WALL AT BLODGETT FIREWORKS DISPLAY ENJOYED BY MANY held Monday, a,sduriar,aid Eric: land cemetery. Min Len.- C. Entry died Slum. July 7, aged 55 yarn, ten months and " dun. She bad been w in the profession of school leach". She in born in New York lute, Aw gust u. 1872. a daughter of Mr, and l, min 'tOtter) Mi-t.i. ‘uvod. In employe of tin Ptthtie 3-1- ‘ice Co., died Ust Thumb}. My 5. 'uwarborairetr.=utiieas yar- four months Ind min. by; His wil- nurvivet. The than] m held " 9:30 Saturday " St. J... church. High-road. No. 21 Can 25c Pint Bottle 25c If -r'"rit??T81rirhiiiritaL "%tfd',tNtt'ttg " Pint Bottle 2Se 10 oz. Jar 17c No. 2 Can PintCan 29c 1 lb. Pail 25c 3Pk¢s.25c 3Bars23e 2 Cans Bottle 23c Pkg. 14c WMUWM :Infgrxgoyen, in: We Mir, Cloth. Exclusivoly $2.00 It's I white bro-dew with I soft collar Med Here'- a thin you'll tire of.' "m FANCY SHORTS $1.00 31.92% ting - live yum shirts a smoother fit; your trou- sen an easier lung. They look better and um"? hth-r than any c.thcr Sore They're cool. Perfect tit- SPALDING BATHING SUITS $6.00 Broad cross stripes no good, and suits with con- trusting shirts and trunks Fine Athletic Linea to tind what you (can! in our sleek of YOV 4k}: sun: J5o dig MY, JULY = I. f?" an Beet made