,_rmm Mn. Rufux Dawes and Miss Mar- raret and Mis, Hahn Dawes of Ev- Insu-n will Mimics-e: " dinner mn Thursday evening in honor of Miers Jenn Mat-Dish. Miss Elisabeth Knodc. and Min Etizabeth Warren. tttmo-lei-ia-ali" - "iiiiia h I!†was - l w“; Miss Jean Mathish. daughter of Mr. ant) Mrs. Bruce Machish. 85 Wentworth venue. Glencoe, his att- nnunced hrr assistant: for her debut tea. which is to be on Saturday After- noon. September 15. at the lovely early American residence of the Inc- Leish family, "Birken Cruig.†TMe-assistants 'till be Louise Bld- grrnw, Elizabeth Knode. Betty Frey. Louise 1ateener 1nd Antoinette Luck- new of Winnetks, Charlotte Picker of Glencoe. Jean Stuns. Eleanor Dur- bin and Helen Hlseltine. of Chicago and Elizabeth Warren of Evamrtms FolloWinR her debut Miss Madam: will begin her sophomore mt It Wel- Inlay. Saturday afternoon September R, r' 4:30 o'elork. Miss Lida Raymond. d~wMer of Yrs Lillian B. Raymond Tsdrr-t'sresiiGGGa'riii'. Burem_r--te.eeq. sting, September 6, " the Harvard-; 1?tie-Prjmeettyt_ePtyysnd the Imam} dinner is scheduled for Friday eve- ning. September T, " Skokie Cmm- ‘try club. Pe W. I sister of “nor Gia." In Bola hymen-i. His: Jean lay- nond. Irhlimnmr “other In! In. dinner for Mr, mu" is to be this eve- This week’s engagements began with a dinner-dance at the Drake, given by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Andrew Day. On Wednesday afternoon, Sep- tember 5, Miss Alice Catherine Mills of Glencoe entertained for Miss Luth- mp at a bridge party; and in the evening Miss Christine Baumnnn of Winnrtka gave a dinner dance at the Club Vista det Iago. The haehsrtor's As the marriage of Miss Mary Lothrop. daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Thomas M. Lothrop of Glencoe, draws mar. activities are increasing. Ther Wedding is to be on Saturday eve-hing, September 8, at the Glencoe Union church, and Miss bother is to marry‘ Samuel S. Hill. Jr, son of Dr. and' Mrs. Samuel S, Hill of Reading, Pa.‘ Pr. and Mrs. Max F. Ruehl of Glerr cce, formerly of Evanston, announce the marriage of their niece, Miss Pat- ricia A. Taylor. to Charles Russell Johnston of Flt, Louis. which took place yesterday morning at 10:30 in St, Luke's Episcopal church at Dix- orf'. ill. Following the ceremony, the bridal party motored to Colonial Inn. Grand Detour. for the wedding break- fast. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston are to spend a fortnight touring in the east before returning to live in St, Louis. _ Th3: Having l r. and Mrs, MarLem gave the bridal dinner at the Edge water Beach hotel. The last " the affairs in honor of 3le Margaret MacLean. a bride of September fifth, have been given. Last Friday HP. Edwin t'ole of High- land Park Wrrt hoseesses at a lunch- eon and brinlgu for Miss MIL-Lean and Mrs. Ruler Lewis 'Helen Brunch]. Tu "-duy' aim-mun Mrs. Louis Bruett and hrr duuzht r. 3tiss Marcia, were ho te.s.surs at a unkn- luncheon at the hush home in Emnqon. Mr. and Sir» Juhn Albert Madman, parents humu in Wiv: [Iva Yirs, James Mar- tin of l'hicngu tVirginia Smith) en- tertained the lush! party at the the- aI-‘r Mun‘hy n-n‘ng and Tuesday) Mrs. William inky“? Wirtsluw "Kit†Rinia Bcymer of Evanston) was hIS'A‘SS a! a Much-sun and shower. Thu: "irninvr l r. and Mrs. Mat-Lean The ceremony was read at 8:30 okio-k at tive Wilmette Congrega- tional church, the Ru: Tere l' Duper mliciating. assiced by the Rev, Wil- liam Fl MrCrrrtmiek. and the recep- tion following Wu held in the Reno ilwurth club. V.rs. Jnhn Ali-u: Madman, parents of the bride-elvct. gave an iss- in! cud tea SLix..i_x} mining at their humu in Win ‘ltvu Yirs, James Mar- Mrs. Willing D. Kirk of Glamor Ind her daughter, Miss Janet, will be ttostesses at luncheon and bridge It Skokie on September t.?.. Miss Knode. Miss Machish. Miss Charlotte Picher, and Miss Elizabeth Warren, all of whom are making thcrr debuts this man will be the gurus of honor at this party. ten Shoemaker of Glennie are tater» taiaing far than at a dinner dam to be given this evening at the Barring- ton Hill Country club Mr. and Mrs. Payne at: also having a large part, fur many of the older cmvd " the Fame time and place at which the guests ot honor will be Mr. and In. Norman' blackish of Philadelphia who are visiting Mrs, Andrew Mat- Leish " this time. halah‘uhmbdu-uhw durin‘ the few remaining van is fomtherexteasttoset-t. has. their debut was then m my " titmkothtareeastsdss.aiieimasus theirhonor. North Shore New Me, Funk E, Fun and In. War, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alien, 776 thornleaf avenue. have been spending 'he summer in the East visiting " l rirer.tonwood in the White Moun- l wins. York Harbor Beach, in Maine, . "ending some time in Spritsbietd 'nrad Boston. Mr. Allen has returned ‘hnmc but Mrs. Allen stopped in f Srtringtietd. Ohio, where the children [ have been spending the summer with; ' "heir grandmother. They will be hail: l ‘he end of next week. ' ,'llr, n; or. was annuonrpd Thursday _ afternoon at a bridge tea given in the ( Jones' home. l Miss Jones has attended Lnlm For, I LUMBM ,Cgrmor " Miss Alma Helke. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Hello: of 356 Grove s'reot, Glennie, ha; chosen September 2, as thr, date nf her marriage to Lor- "ain‘ Thom of Highland Park. The “re-merry will be performed at 5:30 in "he aftcrnnon by Reverend L. Nuns: at the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran) ‘hurrh I: Glencoe. Miss Jones has attended Lake For- t'st college. where she wns a member of Kappa kappa Chi, and kappa Alpha, honorary activity sorority. Mr. Pruner attended Armour institute and lately has been prominent with the Threshold Players in Glennie. Mr. .Kronn and his bride left sure day for a week's motor trip to vark "r points in Iowa. “on†return will make their home in Northbrook. IAIN BalMtoq. 3. - - A‘W Th . vngammem of Eugenia Jones. Hmuzhter of Pr. and Mrs. Hilton Iras Jones. 1538 Forest avenue. Wilmette. ts, Clyde Edwin Peaster, sonrof Mrs. Henry J. Peaster. 853 Vernon avenue. Following the ceremony It the church a wedding dinner was served at the Union hotel. in Wheeling, with a reception following at the home of Frank Kronn. Jr., a brother of the groom, at Northbrook. MES Jessi:. Louise Booth, daughter .f Iir, an! Mrs: John Peele Booth of Vilma“). has chosen Miss Amy Hr a! of Glrmratts, sister of the bride- mum. and Mines Alvetdah Helming -{ Lcke Blurl’. her cottcin, to be her L'nnnfnnts whvn she marries Fred EUR Ham-n " Huhlmrd WoodrSax- 'ortrty. l number tk, in her heme. - l ‘r. yruun'nn-n will be the brother of thoh ride, Jack Booth, and the . “‘22le of thy hrldegroom, Jack Ha- , " The dinner for the bridal party wit l); n'xt Thursday evening in the 2131‘ watnr Roar}. hotel. Thrs H v. Harold U, Case of the Forth Sh “"0 Methodist. church of Gimme w'l: read the service, The rxrrrtinn will be held in the Booth 210.11.‘ after the service. Mu: Rudolph had In her silent ants. her sister. Miss Irene Rudolph. and Miss Helen Kronn. a sister of the Kraom. Little Alice -Gottsehal, comm of the bride acted as tlower girl, 'lhe men in the wedding party kJ‘? Albert Kronn, I brother of the Troom, and LeRoy Burmeister, a con- ml of the bride. I'attoryr Schroeder presided at the Saturday It 4 o'clock " Trinity Lutheran church, Crichton, oeetued tin mung: of Miss Evan Mp5. cldvst daughter of Mr. and Hrs. Jacob Rudolph. of 454 Oak-ink swam, Glen- cue, to Edward Krona, Ion of Ir. and Mrs. Frank Krona. of Northbrook, The ceremony in performed by the pa,tor, Rev. L. Nuns, Malena-ammunit- keeekier.hemmrandt_atth. muni- Won-n5 Am " (in. by Immmmsum noon. Ttie bridal din-u in ' giv- this evening by It. use. not. at Exmoor Country club. The Autoinotive Spray and Painting Cd. HIGHLAND PARK BRANCH 397 Central - “one 880 Tut-hm in than: In": Your Open. Sepia-hr " Mirth-bullwh- CERTRUDE JANITL Piano HELEN TAYLOR, Phil. GRACE PAIL-ELK. Vain My. My. My t that out " 7.....- " Tom 'q-u- mu Pli-ut's Ill Decorator- SKOKIE KENNELS FRED K0LLET MUSIC A, Seely boil. for Ii: wa, during“? (ham-u The home of Mr. and In. a K.' Butler. " at 505 Judson "can, will , be the netting for the wedding an Ser-) tpt: 12, ot Ila. Butler: that. Misa i He en Hal-[mt Lune, dmrghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfted E. Lane of Ev-i suntan to Robert Capron Hum. son) of Mr. Ind Mrs. Robert A. Khmer of Freeman, Ill. "The ceremony. which will be read at 8:30 o'eloek in the evening, will be attended only by the “milks and intimate friends Ind Mrs. Butler will be her sister's only at- tendant. Mr. and Mrs. Herman G. Seely M 700 Virginia avenue, Kenilworth tsailed August 25, for Europe. They will spend part of their time in England and Fume. Dr. and Mrs. William Frukelton of Sheridan, Wyo., and ttoHetme Frrkelton are occupying the WWW? Inn-lhhulew-J‘ “INC-WWI!“ m-mnuhulwn- "y?tteFqtir,tsrtistm-t "lah-" Mic-“III.“ drove-cu this-rs-q-med.. Bou-dnlee “I Goug- lb- ud in " has. until “until-talcum for Williams - John _Beah_iehj, has been I colander at Jud Ander- non': clmp in Miehies and will " to the Berkshire school tater m Inâ€. f Otut-tciutscel, ', LAUNogy it :DOES OUR WASH"; 'NOWANHILE I FIND‘ [ENE FOR MORE l il PORIANT , DUTIES_ 9% - V Fun-most dong the North Shot: MOVING FOR YOUR MFE-OUR SWEET AND CLEAN WAY YOl"LL HAVE A CHANCE as Fuel! View Rood EVANSION, ILL , -: Wag, my r, """".r""" "tl'r' T“? -" "r'." . ' . n: 'mPtam' in: an min numb-nu All. MODEDN HOME PMâ€? WAREHOUSES 2W9p.m. norm snow: ' i HOUSEHOLD GOODS PHONE H. P. Nil-“7.2 STORAGE Phone - i, Highwood " OPEN Until PACKING >THE of SH I PPIN G GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, home grown, 12 in a bunch, per bunch 19e CABBAGE,4tttfor.........1ge NEW CARWYN,,7 bunche325c CUCUMBERS, large, 2 for, . .250 NEW BEETS, t bunches for 25e HEAD LETTUCE, 2 heads. .35c wm%il'rURNtPB,3tmat:1etr29e GREEN BEANS,2quartsfor35c FRJiMO'rilAtg,2ttrfor...,..39e DRYONroNs,6tbfor......25e flitfifi'ilaYu'?i'glNflfifcNt f I’ Esz ONIONS, 6 bunches 25: MNarilCrrWlaRaim$Nilgd. SEEDLESSGRAPES,3-lbbuket, each,............ NEWAPPLES,6tb................................. PEACHES,largebasket.....‘....................... PE6RS,thebashet.................................. JERSEY SWEET POTATOES,2 poundsfor......... YAMSGweetPotatoet04tttfor..................... CANADA DRY GINGER ALE, thedozen ............ ORANGES,2or3dmnfor...... HONEY DEW MEDONS, each ... LEMONS, thedozen ............ FANCY NEW POTATOES Friday only, the peck 8 ounce jar .....23c; pirit jar --uieriitiikjii'C.'. . . . . . .80c HERKIMER COUNTY WHITE AMERICAN CHEESE, the pound 49e BEs'rcREAMERYrm'rniai,tee pound .-'.'.e...t...r....... 49e Pork Sausage, small links, m 23c Frankfurters, ttt ............27c IsyttbBreast,ttr ..........10c Fresh PlateBeef.lb .......15c BEST RIB ROAST BEEF, (6th-7th rib) the pound ........ PRIME RIBSBEEF ROAST, the pound.,..........., BESTHAMBURGERSTEAK.thepound ".'.'........... PORTER HOUSE STEAK,the pound .'.'.."tr....t.... RUMPROAST,boneIess,thepound """"'-",'-w-rem.... BESTPOTROAST.thepound....._.._.............,.... BESTROUNDSTEAK,thepound........‘.............. ou?, MONK., BLUE RIBBON, WEIGHTS MAYONNAISE, Pickled Beef Tongues, ttr .L. FANCY SPRING DUCKS, fresh dressed, the pound . . . . . FANCY S'I‘EWING HENS, fresh dressed, the pound . . . . . . FANCY ROASTING CHICKENS, strictly fine, the pound . FANCY BROILERS, fresh dressed, the pound . . . . . . . . .. PORKLOINROAST,thepound ...-...r....r..rrr.........t. I3IBP0RK.R0AST,thepound ....e.em.r.er.t..rm..r..trrr... FRESHLI'I‘TLEPIGHAMS,thepound .t...m.w.r.rrmrm...m. MILLER&HARTHAMS,whole,the'pound.................. ARMOUR'S STAR HAMS, whole, the pound -..F . . . . . . . . . . . .. MrLLER&HARTBAC0N,3tts,sticeirtor ....m_r..e...r.t.. HOME MADE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT, the pound .r........ Pork Chops, large cuts, th. . .32e Pork Chops, center cuts, tb. Fresh Spare Ribs, tty ........18c Fresh Pork Liver,2ttttor.. California Hams, m ......19%e Bacon Squares, tb .._..... SHORT LEG MILK-FED VEAV (6 to 8 my, the pound ..... RUMP MILK-FED VEAL, (5to Ttti) the pound v-ve........ BREAST M!yK-FED_VEAL (with pocket for roast or cut up FREE PERCH, lb Ii'REfmWm'rEti'mH,tty FREE TROUT, tty ..... FRESH HALIBUT, lb ,.. FREE HERRING, th ... FRESH SHRIMP, tty ..... forstew) thepound s.....'......"............."....-.):.., 15c SHOULDER ROAST MILK-FED VEAL (s-tty cuts) the pound 19%e Rib Veal Chops, lb . . . . . . . . .35e Boneless Rolhfvea1 Roast, lb 35c Loin Veal Chops, tty . . . . . . .' . .42e Boneless Veal Stew, tty . . . . . .35e LEG-LAMB, Finest spans, lb. tt N. FIRST ST. HIGHLAND Pm' ILL-[NOB ' Telephone- HIGELAND PM â€-3177 . â€all RAPP BROS. SWEET new TOMATO}? Sweet mixed, sweet relish, or chow chow At basket---- 4Wiars$1 F OWLS 2te 21e BEEF . Frankfurtera,m .ttte. Fresh Plate Beef, lb . . Fresh Beef Tongues, ttt 15c ....trm 36etolilie .291 Ae 39%c . 32c . 49e . 34c 18%e 26%c 28%e $1.00 19%c 29e 27e ' 15c 45c 45c 39e 49c