E Sigh in t - l."- m Wm I.†_ I. " - stir-ll. l, min Mn. the following books m band to " Inolt popular with bop: To. Swift Series; Cali of the Wild; Mun 1M; Tut-n; Bor - Series; Boy Allia- Series; Roy BILL by Series; Wild Animals 1 H11. Known; Huckleberry Finn; Tom Slade Books; "We"; Win33; Robinson . -eCr9,'i'iiitl..r.) f 'rrC. vinia, Literary Digest, Popular Me- chanics: John J. Kraft. troop 35, Ita- vinia. American Boy; David Morris, troop 31, Highland Park. Boys' Life. Atlantic Monthly; Paul Sterner, troop t. Wilmette. Boys' Life American Boy: Harold Wagner. troop 65, Wil- mette. Boy Scout Magazines: Peter White, troop 33. Ravinia, American Boy, Wings. Science and Invention.. New scouts welcomed into North- shore scouting. week ending Iieptem- ber I, 1928: Donald Campbell, troop 12t Foster Gilgis, troop l2: Robert Link, troop 12: Charles Minor. troop 12: Andrew Russo, troop e, all of Wit.mette. Keuilworth Stout Has Full Summer Paul Gilbert, life scout of troop I.", of Kenilworth. has been spending the summer at White River and Skeeter- ville. While he was at Camp Che- caugau this summer, he particularly enjoyed the Red and White war. Paul, who is a sophomore at New Trier. is lunkihg forward to a full year in be- coming an Eagle. He alyo anticipates growth in his troop and possibly the formaticn of a second Kenilworth troop. To Dist-ass Problems of leadership Patrol leaders, troop scribes and other Junior leaders of the various' Wilmette and Kenilworth troops are, looking forward to their first get“ together of the year to be held at St-l Augustines' club house on Friday af-I ternoon, Sept. 21 at 4 o'eloek. The program will include new tricks in handicraft and other scouting work in ‘ addition to an opportunity for discus- sion of various problems in the mam argument of a, scout troop. The scouts are making their reservations through “the area oftiee. at 360 Cen- tral avenue. Highland Park. Executives at Conference Scout executive Walter Mepeck and his assistant, Carl McManus, are " tending the training conference which is held each two years. Professional I manna-n “Scout New. tjririrAt5fRREhlta5 Friday and Saturday, September " at the NEW -o-.--tu--"'"' r5CCC \\\uumo urns-n new“ WM“ 1i “I. hag-mi“ at Canal] mummy. lune- York. Coming events t"oiiartieisotod in Highland Put. Rich“ W h†est tronâ€- union' chiller: 8 p. m. Am Wib Court of Award for Life, Star, End: Ind W. Friday. Oct. 12, 1:30 p. trc-Wes- land Park, Highwood, Lake Farsi Bi- Monthly Sconunft ally. doubie,sig- nalling event. rFidny, Nov. 28, 7:80 pam-Area wide Scoutcraft night 1nd Court of Award of Life, Star, Eagle and Palms. Friday. Dec. It, 7230 p. "c-High- land Park, Highwood. hie Forest, First Aid rally at Lake Forest. " 1i'itiGUriinrzs, I“ day-Council wide Jamboree, Hobby show. Award fur Life, Star. Easrre_a_rsti_Palme. nu mm. mm. “.5“ ...... ,.._V. Saturday. Feb, 9-Hiehiand Park, Highwood, Lake Forest Merit Badge show. Woman's club. _ Friday. March 25, 7:30 p. m.--Area wide Court of Award fur Life, Star, Eagle and Palms. Friday, April IP., 7:30 p. m.--Hitth- land Park. Highwood. Lake Forest Stunt night, Highland Park. Friday. May cu, 1:30 p. "c-Camp Re-union for scouts and parents and area wide award for Life, Star, Eagle and Palms. .. Saturday, June 8, 2 p. sm-Third annual Fun rally '.ic%,2id/ir"monthrs roundtable will be held on the last Monday eve- ning of each month at 6:30 p. m. FATHER TIME LOSE T0 IOWA ROAD PLAN To Save Ten Years in Time and Huge Losses in Inetreetive Road Work in That State Is Expéctation HIGHWAY BOND I S S U E I Iowa's annual highway income from I motor license fees. gasoline tax and lfederal aid will average about $15,- IT!)0.(I1)0 for the next six years and), c.rrout 513.700.000 for the following twenty years. If the annual yearly 'inccrne were to be applied directly} lo road building "orts, the pres-em} lyrimary syctem would not be earn-1 pleted for If. years. or 1944. so declare members of the state highway com- mission. Under the bond issue plan (the precent system will be completed I In six Fears and also considerable ad- _ ditions will be made to the primary Iowa motirists will L, saved ten Fears of travel over uncompleted pri- mary highways. This saving win he accomplished through the adoption of the proposed tt00.ft00.000 bond issue plan this fill, which amounts to nothing mdre or less than the injecting of private busi- ness methods into the state's business of building: mark. assert, system and a"reilli progress-will be achieved on secondary roads, they s." as. sos-f-rue (By E. E. Daffy) T :80 pary--Aret oart-rthestatesoodi-_ This is toe the mm that out. bo-wiiitsetiwithato-mteoe inurutthnthecounty but. w»... Inn's tun mph-m of prim told: will have boa cl.- pleted. maintenance can. the M- considerably reduced. Ion is â€2".“ " atloting $3,600,000 for the when: sin-m of existing highwuyn. In "" M‘ -ri"ie, the primary system is improved 'ST-tg,,,.'.".";' amine - are of all maintenance. 665.6667; sclooomrrleé, will be This saving will in turn he devoted to' the construction of additional iirst class pavements which will cut up keep costs even further. No Added Tux-tia- But the thing to 'remember is this --rowa motorists will not be spend- ing any more money in the form of taxes than they are now and wilt get in return for their sat-city I com- plete sntem of highway: that will save them from one to two and six tenths cents I mile in at over-ting costs. These figures were established in tests by Iowa State College. Con- servatively estimating that one tenth of Iowa's 700.000 car owners drive 5.000 miles yearly over rural roads the saving in operatitttreosts would be “£00000 each trelve mouths- if all rural roads were paved. Herein the setf-sustainintt (Minder of first class pavements is apparent-for this saving alone should more than com. pensiie for the interest charge on the $i00.000.000 bond issue, Every going business concern no matter how successful is selecting the bond issue plan a: the best means for the conservation of future income while utilizing this future income to- .lllllmlllll ERR; " M7 yin}: igNorth Shore this l Company Liberal allowance on your old stove when you buy a moduli, own h e a t rag-laud g a s range. Small down payment Year to Par. tt-itt:i:ycieys. , . Carr-ters-tc:? “WI / yr. / _ -iut----T= _-ts-ici-tiles)))'),','?, ffifa'i"iii"i' C-r-iii-f-r-f-ii.: OfferGoodOnAnyGas RangelnStock MID. mt BUY YOURS NOW! aTaluGGGiurao-etsk- 1ri-tltoirteu'tltr/aNT,t;h1",'l; sirutlottu-thi0tHvemm- "audi-rt-tiam-Ati-star trucrromuooetodmtetutstotoudoit ‘nx mm home In; In 1 garrgqrTaamtrmt.FEeJ.AA_P, _ rmmrmmmm l minivan-mme l manna. 'mrrotprape?A.ePreMett Wilt†2 Kai-d Fm: iiWrGgTiiUriet .. the )anI-‘dluwhlmu man ..re- I. nil can“: “L ----- A - ,A. - ___ .u _.L. up...“ w'-.'-"- - - -_e"e-" _ __ weECTtON I. Tint the ._. In! that. um "noun! " s-tr-thr- Tbor-d Knit Hun-ind I‘Tl.m.ul mrlur. is More “nu-mung! and i. ttesl. Irv-cl. m-tive- I) - A. (Mb-1, brjl: SALAIIIS or OFVICnS AND 1'er- lov thriu Ind Ulla " (enact: xvi-nun a“ Surfin- u-nden! Ion: ml TOTAL uneven-nau- For mt a (‘er Jun-w Pmlomul murmur " _,ikreq'rr mm Puller mun-um mun." and with!!! nah-mind upon-c 2. Griddle 3. Waffle Iro- n “no. 5.um Given With Every Package I ISCELIA}: SOUS , 5ND. 0.62. " LON“ noâ€. 500' SI.“ 511.730" l STUDEBHKERI . Iri 'iaaiGuiGa" In... J & L GARAGE RADIOLA-BRUNSWICK SHOP R uno DEALER s'rU,,12,E,9.ty,,,KEN / Announcing R C A Radiola 6O (total etopoed time) At Atlantic City Speedway, between July 21 and August 9. rourretr"hsr fartury production Stud:- baker Preident Eights-gain proved Studebakerâ€- suprem-cy in the automotive world. The famous Swer-Heterodyne . Now with]? t powerful ' AC Tubes 1i Uradrr “riot "uprrurdon of the American Auto- muhilc Association. two Pmidrnt Eight mad- no†Iran-[ml 301!!!) mill-s in lean than 27.Moon- nculjye mioutere-l9 day. and " night: of driving at brllrr than 68 miles per hourlTwo I’miclrnt sedans averaged 63.99 and 64.5 mile» per hour for the some distaner'. All four can wrre nlrirlly stork-rho-n at random from Studebaker'. assembly line by A. A. A.otrieimu. Even before this great achievement, Studebaker held more off-rial speed and ntamina Wk than all other o-okrs of cars eomHned--Tho Command r wUh 27.000 miles in Ina than 23330) mlnuln; The Dictator. with 5.000 mile. In If" than 4300 minute-a and The Fri-kind: Sh, at m f. o. h. factory, NIX) milrs in 984 minutes'. Whatever Studebaker-built tar yo" boy, you lulu-urn! tomerh"ivr p-rrorr"t"tre-'o"eme O"e-Profit vattw.yee and 'trtsearitodr4saakrrtodayt No matter what act yea now have you owe " to jaunt." to hear this new Radlota-oae cf the greatest advances made In radio to date. Come in today and let us demon- etrate it to you-no oNi2ation. 30.000, muss ELI-IKTRN'AI. SUPPLIES 360 Central Avenue Telephones: “lento: 576; Highland Park "" 26326 MINUTES STrDEttuiER's' FrlUR NEW LIVES 'nxelin'dne... .... The In Ian" . . . . . . Tin-Unmmnnuln' . . . . Tho I’minknl Fgrht . . All wit n f. o. b. 125 North St. Johns Amuo Plum KW Park 388 .. - s Luau _ PM I. THURSDAY. "Adult-â€aw “summon-cw irbLFrt.eeeeurL __-».. --al- REPAIR AND INSTALLATION fac my, . ' 813 to "1M5 “173 to 1033 lo I685 to c. AN. m; I .195 T.endir tsua. v -.c'.. It. hu‘ qqhh_* .lm