Sum, "an, s-ber tr. " 8:†o'clock. in the Glance. Unio- church. the mareUBe of Ii: - Levis lacing don-(hue! at Mr. and “Emmi; " #2:,“ g... North Shore News took pure. The Rev. In" A. Rich- Ruth, have returned to their but a} unis of the Winnetln Congregational S8t Essex road. Kenilworth. tn- . church read the mint. Following plaunt mum trip. After a tew the ceremony. them in . receptionl days at NW Fatts they took the for the family And intimate friends It. St. Lawrence uni Sum†river indian Hill club. The young 9209191 trips. enjoying the Thoosami lulu-(ls, plan to live in East 0mm N. J. I Montreal, and Quebec. ",htr, "e - _ . .. -. A n.†a..- c, um nub . Paem+ Miss Lothrop was attended by Ital spent some time in N“ York. at Lewis Andrew Day as matron a†New Rochelle with relatives and in honor. Her bridesmaids - Miss Philadelphia with Kr. and In A. J. Christine Baum of Winneth Missi Maloney. formerly of tgeesit-th. Vera MeDemid of Glencoe. Eel Mrs. A, J. Brock and her mum. Esther Everett of Minneapolis. Miss) Marjorie, nccompausied then. Gwendolyn Mitts of Evanston, Miss! - Margery Steele and Miss Helen; Mrs. John H. Clary of 826 Lirseolrt Strong of Hartford, Conn. ‘avenue. Winnetka, is home afar I _ - i . l --_-_____ K.-- i.. UWflluul’ll an": m hv-auw-n, a...“ Margery Steele and Miss Helen: Mrs. John H. Cleary " 826 Lintdn Strong of Hartford. Conn. ‘avenue, Winnetka, is home after a Mr. Day acted as best man for season spent at her summer home in Mr. Hill. and the ushers were Dr., northern Michigan and a trip east the Chester Carroll of New York, James l latter part of the summer. Mrs. Clearyw J. Gibson of Wilmette. Prescott Loth- and her son-in-taw and daughter, Mry mp. lerfester Nuhlenberg of Kan-7 and Mrs. E. A. Roach and family. who Fas City, William Sessions of Chicago,', spent the summer at the Cleary sum- Alsun Spats of Reading, P... Louis met home, motored through Canada Watermuldcr of Chicago. and Boyd and to Cleveland where Mrs. Cleary Wilson of New York. ‘lrft with her granddaughter. Lorraine Among thé out-oi-town guests. who! Roach, on an eastern trip. Among thé out-of-town guests who) attended the wedding were Dr. and Mrs. Samuel s. Hill of Reading, Pa.; Mr» James llumphreys of Boston. Mass; Miss Fanny Clapp of Farm- ingham Center. Mass.: Mrs, George E. Whitney of Boston. Mass; Grace L. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. dun Munce of Swarthmore, Pa.; and Mrs. Frederick H. Hill and ily of Elmira, N. Y. _ News of a wedding which occurred in Michigan during the July vacation days. and which has since been kept a profound seeret. leaked out this week and, as a re-uit. Mrs.'Edward Eu:th who was formerly Miss Mild- rrd Arrtohi. in charge of the office of William Edwards and Son. 1272 Hazel avenur. Clem-or. is being sOtowcred with congratulations. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Arnold of 15Chi Elmwood ave- nuts. Wilmrtte. She and Miss Emma eringer, of 225, Catalpa plan). Wil- mule. spent their vacation at Sioux Lake, Mich.. a Fear ago, at which time Miss Arnold met Dr. Edward Kuehn. a prominent ynunz physician of Muskegnn. Plans were made to spend this yx-ar's vacation at the mm» place. and mncurrcmly wpre effected the wed- ding arrangements. though these lat- an were mainmined as a secret, They were married at Manistee. July 16. Miss Elizabeth Knode was beinei presented to society bs her father and l mnthor. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Morton Knodv, Saturday afternoon at a tea/ given by them in the gardens sub! rounding their home at 95.3 Green) Bay road. Winnetka. I Miss Knode. whose popularity as a debutartte has been emphasized these, last few weeks by the many parties' Riven in her honor. is a tsraduate of Westover and will leave shortly for' her sophomore Fear at Wellesley. She has chosen the following girls, many of whom are also debutantes of this season. to assist her at the tea from 4 until 7 o'clock. Miss Charlotte Picher. Miss Louise and Miss Arr- minetre helmet. Miss Jean Stevens, Miss Alice Jacques and Miss Eliza- beth Warren. The to which Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sherman of 213 Linden Ivenne gave Saturday afternoon at Indian Hill dub For their daughters. Miss Louise Dido inson Sherman and Miss Eleanor But- tolph Sherman. was one of the large affairs of the season. The girls who assisted from 4 until 7 o’clock in- cluded Miss Theodosia Smith, Miss Intâ€! Quart. Miss Cynthia and Miss Suzanne Robina-L Miss Kath- erine Adams. Miss Mary Louise Fen- too, Miss Patty Forum-n. Miss Mari- um: Stevenson. Miss Helen Bum. Miss Louise Budgero'. Miss Jose- phine Dennehy, Miss Jean Armstrong, Miss Karina“ Rather, and Miss Lois Imwthmdhuhs mstheem-tthearedirmqiBMmmed forthe-Nt-e. In. “- D-m and herd-uh» has, Miss In“ and Mists Helen D.weas._t-erehmrtestresrat booorort-otuis.eGmt'trdetm- flntrs. Miss Etiaabeth Km of Wirt- mat. Kiss Jenn lullish of Hub- h-rd Woods. and Miss Elith Wur- in! HM.- M a! â€itâ€. Miss Ruth Stain, daughter of Mr. and In. Dee A. Stoker Mm Indy W. sandal of Racine. Wim, win be married tomorrow Mira at the bone of her parents. The my eeptimt will follow musical} Ii:- 'atherimr Snit- of Baking, Drim.itge-stmittotte tws-tn-its-h-sr.". si-oe-r-dt-e-ilu-rr' undam'inb-ngrb-nd Id.. is rr.-rutsehiue, Mrs Gor. Mr fam, Mr.and [H.Cmc. David‘ Kenilworth we" m a. - un.- u the Ioddin‘ a! It: W by Patten and John Kiri: Duh-I which took place M "in. im CW. In. Davis was in w. matron of honor and Mr. Davin III one of the when. Mrs, Joseph Joyce and in War†Ruth, have returned to their home a S8t Essex road. Railway flu- . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Winde: and their daughter. Sallie,.arri\'ed homo Wednesday of this w'eek. Mr, and Mrs. Winder, went east several week" ago to meet Miss Sallie a: Montreal, nu her arrival from her trip abroad. Misc, Winder' main object of‘ hwr trip. thuuzh she visited various European countries. was to take $1 :‘uur “1-sz course in physical educa- tron at the Bertram School of Gym- nastics at Copenhagen. During her "tuy in this city she was delighted “nth thu rm'd‘ality and friendliness of the many people with whom she came in Contact. The marriage of Miss Alma Madseui daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Soren Mad- ssn of Menominee. Mich., to Muslin!“ Knox. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert of 1046 Spruce street. took place Saturday. September I. at high noon. at the St. John's Lutheran church. the Rev. Herman W. Meyer omcinting, The bride and when: left at once or. a dam-t wedding trip in northern Michigan and upon their return fill van-up}.- the housr; in Northbrook which V, r. Knox recently built. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Strong of 1CTT Tower road and their two older boys. and Mr, and Mrs. T. K. Web- star. Jr.. with Miss Elizabeth Ind Towner, returned to Winnetkn last, Wednesday tsfter being abroad All summer. Their interesting trip in- cluded an air ftirttt from Berlin to Amsterdam where they saw the open- in: of the Olympic - and where the Strongs' motor awaited them. With this and another car they toured through many of the European coun- tries. The Websters are staying for a week or so with the Strong: until cW,/2,PLA, -TB-% -ar.a.-.m.." a--.--" The Automotive - and Painting Ca. MMW“ Av.“- -iGTGaai-mo. HIGHLAND PARK “ASCII S97 Ce-mt . M an GERTRUDE JANm M HELEN TAYIDL I. GRACE â€mm Voice hit-Id†“ml-“A1 slant-suns rhGriiaaim IAIN tNNotth Nt. York. And MUSIC Llhrild ts-eu-ir-o'""'- Some "can! books added to the Highland Park Public LihrIry during August: _. . A ir V Power. Fin! Arttr Klesel: Art of Germany. Hatton: Figure Composition. Cary: Works of James , Whistler. Ripley: Modern Bait & Fly Forster: Novel. yt umfnrr ofrvrvr, Wood: Splrndid Gypsy: John Drew Ticknor: May Alcott. Luduic: Goethe. Falwell: Reminiscences M John V Harwc'.t. Who-Ii! Adler: Understanding hunm nature. Ketnserruta: Europe. Adams: Astrology. mmrmmmnn. -__H Retigioo Brown: Graphic _ Bible. __ tiocu- Asbury: Gan? of N Natural Stick: Rockwell: lock (indent Darrow: Story of Chemistry. Stoville: Rm-uy Days. “whack: Life of the White Ant, may; Navigation, Webster: Quilts. Spaighl: _ Beginnin! Burt: Shower Book. Literal-re Wolfe: Others Abide. Mirhaud: American Novel Today Benet: John Brown's Body. " Lamâ€; I‘m-ms. Galsworthy: Ca,tles in Spain. Wh. dork: Bright Ttrt Hum»: Ahn- in the. Delighted States; Brigzm'r: t'lu>~iriul Speech Modcl, Biography Ludwig: Son of Man. Wrsrtlry: l..ltor~ from a Flying Fiction Wratht: Island of raptain Sparrow Tummy: Rim-r, Schivkole: Maria Capponi, (ingnry: Emerald Trails. Hanna: TinkerV Leann lion-r: Look-oat Girl. Galsworthy: Swan Sung Kmq: Pluck. Wright: Box-dung: Six Proud Walkers, Miln: Flutes of Shanghai; Md utchwnz. Fades. Wharton: Children. Snnith: Surrender. Parrish: All Kneeling. more: WAUKEGAN 1m.) Library Notes t to tto HY “â€5 'e,'erSh'lf Cayman: i A. B. C. Cleaning G. Irma; an. the North Show MOVING A__-_.___ "ONT HEREIN DREAM OF MAPr0mtm--mtDrrR OUR SWEET AND CLEAN GEIVICB Complete Household Cleaning Service Window cleaning - general tser_clyyriryr - screens ----"-- and storm windows re- moved and instilled. WAREHOUSE of HOUSEHOLD GOODS PHONE R. P. 181-182 STORAGE J: Sticks & Stones. Pocms, Each! Arts iGects, of the American FAcmNC, ot'INe-w York. of Orgnnizvd & Fly Catch SHIPPING McNeill FRESH PIERCE") ..... F'RESMWm'rEri'mH,ttr FRESH'rRoU'r,h .t..t. FRESH HALIBUTJb ... FRESHHERRrNG,m ... FRESH SHRIMP, th . . . . SHORT LEG MILK-FED VEAL, (6 to 8 no, the pound ..... RUMP MILK-FED VEAL, (5 to Ttb) the pound _.-......-'. BREAST MILK-FED VEAL (with pocket for roast or cut up Dunno: l'llun'l'nu 1W \W-v-I yv‘.-v- -v- -__--_ - - forstew) thepound m....'..............-.--.--.'-'""""'-',' 15c SHOULDER ROAST MILK-FED VEAL (5-lb cuts) the pound 19%c Rib Veal Chops, th . . . . . . . . .350 Boneless Roll’d Veal Roast, th 35c Loin Veal Chops, ttt . . . . . . . . .42e _ Boneless Veal Stew, m . . . . . .35c PORK ..............m.m"""'""" RIBPORK ROAST.thepound w..........-..--.-"-"'"""'"" ihiEiuiLiTTLEPIGHhMs,thepound _.....................', MILLER & HART RAMS, whole, the pound . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . .1 ARMOUR'S STAR RAMS. whole, the pound . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MlLLER& HART BACON,3 th, sliced for"". HOME MADE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT, the pound . . . . . . . . . . Pork Chops, large cuts, th. . .Me Pork Chops, center cuts, th. Fresh Spare Ribs, lb . . . . . . . .18c Fresh Pork Liver, 2 th for. . California Hams, th . . . . . 191/26 Bacon Squares, m . . . . . . . . FANCY SPRING DUCKS, fresh dressed, the pound . ' . . . FANCY STEWING HENS, fresh dressed, the pound . . . . . . FANCY ROASTING CHICKENS. strictly fine, the pound . FANCY BROILERS, fresh dressed, the pound . . . . . . . . . . BEST RIB ROAST BEEF, (6th-7th rib) the pound ..rrtrr-. PRIME RIBSBEEF'R0AS'r,the pound"". BEBTHAIVIBURGERSTEAK,thepound _............'..' PORTER HOUSESTEAK,thepound.........,........‘ RUMPROAST.boneless,thepound t_.,.............""' BEsTPoTRoAST,thepound.-.-...-- BESTROUNDSTEAK.thepound.......................‘ OLD MONK, BLUE RIBBON, WRIGHTS MAYONNAISE, -iGGGrj'arC.C.itie-, bin} jar .......43e; nuartiar........80e HERKIMER COUNTY WHITE AMERICAN CHEESE, the pound 49e BESTCREAMERYBtnTER,thepound .....w......e-ewe.""" 49c PorkSausage,smalllinks,lb25c Frankfurters,!b.....,......27c LambBreaat,ttt ............10c FreshPlateBeef,lb ........15c PickledBeefTongues,tb ....32c F'mshBeefTontrues,th-32e NEWAPPLES,6ttt ..........w..r.rmm.'""'. PEACHI'BJhebuket....................... PEARtg.theusket.......-.--.--. JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, 2 pounds for . YAmstsweetPota_trtetL4ltttot.-:--- CANADA DRY GINGER ALE, the dozen w... FANCY NEW POTATOE Friday only, the peck ORANGES,20§3duenfor .... MoNErmiNrMrilumB,eaeh. LEMONStheduen m......... GOLDEN BANTAM CORNJIoIne grown, lZinabunch, pertmrteh2Se CABBAGE,4 tttfor .......15c NEW CARWYN, 7 bunches 25c CUCUMBERS, large, 2 for. . .25c NEW BEETS, 7 bunches for 25e HEAD LmTUCE, 2 heads. .35c wm'rE'rURNTPt1,3btmchetr29e GREENBEANS,2quutsfot35c F'RrimPrilAS,2ttrfor .......39e DRYONIONS,6Ibfor......25c tmtrcrLYri'REBMrilGGsdz35e GREEN ONIONS, 6 bunches 25: SELECTED LARGEEGGSdz45c .-LAMB, Finest Sprint, lb. RAPP BROS. 24 N. FIRSTST HIGHLAND,†ILLINOIS HIGHLAND PARK 1673 51077 SWEET PrCKLES Sweet mixed, sweet relish, or chow chow 21e 33c 21e PORK FOWLS BEEF FErisroAcrr'rrREL,tts ..ggc FRESHPIKE. m ..1.......35e iiiiiiikiisAutoN,tb.......9 iiiiiiiiiiiiiuimg,tb.....,_...?8e SMOKED WHITEFlSH. th..35e GORTON‘S mums“. lbbox ily iiiih? iiEitRING, s for. . . .. mummy. mun a. nil the baahet-- 15c ----the I TOMATOES ----the l . Mc 22%c 26%e 28%e $1.00 19%.e 39%e 49c 45c 39e