, TWO FINE mm .. 0N mm ROAD The Highlanb Park P'fésg l) panic-Watchth "t9t*treort_*emttydy-th.e _ _ Wheretrs, the City Council of lbz‘x- land Park Inc-ted in the County of LII". State n" Illinois, wish" to make “an nmi water law on Deerfield Knit! Ind Prnirio avenue which by " Come,' under tho junsmrnun nrd rnnlrni of the Dopnrtmenl of Public Work, um! 'toildirtes of the State of H’wnis. and new»... be it ranked by thel Pity Council of Highlund M. Conn t, of L"t,_State of Tmois, I Whereas, 1 permit from aid De- partmrnt in required before mid work nu be treally undertaken by llid erty, now . jirst: That redo hereby req-t (m the Department of Public Works To date the committee reports 3100: Mm Advlc Everett, Mr. dhd Mrs. Alwxandvr. Mrs. Wicker"! in memory Mrs. Mnezrogar Arlams, (Jon. and Mrs. Robert K. Wood. At the rural-r met-ling of the city council on Honky Honing of this wuk the contra-t for repair of the hridgn on Forest avenue. Wiverly rout, Benin and Ind Cedar EWe8tue w'u "an"! to the Harry W. Greene rrwvstrttction Co, the lawn! TeBpon- sine bidder. The motion to awn-d the Crmtraet “a made by Comminiomr Crourlrr and carried without disam- we mm Tho bid of the succesnful ume-artnr was “2320.00. . Adopt tteohrtims 1'crrtmissumer Zimmcr moved the adoption of thr (allowing resolution: A, i, the custom of most (our yu-zm an mt ad gilt rammluoe is ". rim: "rt the twin crmtrttrutions “m‘, ?amr "1mm .'r ninth; tothe Y. w. I A. Thur 'CF'-,,',', huh and l! a v "wt-wary trrvhas.iitiiry work of tho r urpnikn. Mrs, Carl liznuham chr.:rman of the mmpaign a"muncr> that following _ memhrn " ttw committee: thairman. Mn. Rug†Vail; list chairman, Mrs." stirntLrrst Huh: Hen» urvr.rMrs. ' Gutrwood; Mr. W. A. Riv-tum". Mrc. Frank Fill. Mrs. G. l. Rhtlirurrc. Sin. Bruce Chandler. Mrs. , F. Rieke. slr., D. M. Busier, Mrs. (harks Jttmahan. Mr. Ralph A. Hard, Mr. Far! G. Hingham. Mr. Al- frvd Sikh-r. LET CONTRACT FOR BRIDGE REPAIRING Council Gives Job on Four . Structures to Harry Greene Co. U31} m ehurso. " the work since, it MA -:.Aru~<i .ln June. C. I ('hriiulalo [ :x~~'~!nm enmnrr-r and inspector.' State Buildinl Both Tiu. Mate ic, buifdme both these but." on linu‘v- e. tsnd the city' v.ti ruminant the apprnuchrs. It is 3411me tn um dI-wn the link hill south of the youth budge. making the vrwvlzne more gradual. and alsn to re- du qr x-onsidvralvly ths. gradv between "an two Ivrldgq's. winn- there is ' sharp int-liar. 1ommittee Working Hard on ('ampaign; Mrs. Bingham Announces Committee LARGE CONTTuBUTm.Ns MADE TO Y. W. C. A.. Thr stat" mmmt-d the construction at tho (hm bridwes with the under- mnndmg that the city of Highland rs,,;,: “an†vudouavi.r to straighten Two massive bridge. which the stale department of public works uni lmldmzs is constructing on North Shaman mud are said to haJunong the fitwst and most modern in north- ern Itlmvis. The south bridge is well aian,,.d and Will be finished early in J..nunry. it in expected. The north- ‘zn strut-ture probably will not he ron'ly before June, awarding to State fits isnt Engineer K. L, Brown, who " in rharzr of both projccts for the rtyte. hzghway division. by whom much ot the irtformatson â€gaming th, (um tin-luvs Is lurnthed. The south budge fur which the mun-v: In awarded In June is be- "P Mull by the Winkle" Co. of Mun- kart. Mann. a reputalde construction (HIV rm wuh a tirw. roputauon for ex- l XIV-I“ sunk. “huh is aha building thc m " Shy rum: mad bridge in Lake Fun-s be Na- .tate, The superirr my in 1'! fo, th, twin-any is George " Punt). and the for: man, Hen Breit- -t.".nhI Th, Jaw r has lwrn continue Urly in ehurso. d the work since, it We: "tsilt b Kato. Mann return! it I (DI-11' um Hu. m w Sh Fun-z In, h>Y.I.l'I!l In Sou“! One Nearing Completion and Other Under Way; De, scription of Structures in Given CON STRUCTED BY STATE 3 VOLUME XVII ll‘nmmued on page I?! (We-uncut) In ordtt that the mothers of the freshmen students of the Deathâ€- Shield- high school mny We bet- ter acquainted with the work of tho school. Friday, Nov. 8, In: his: le- Ixnd u “lid-g day for the {ml- m notâ€. “mi will at. the plug of CM - monthly P. Y. A. meeting. My partrnycd thr mutinee idol role of "Tony" m "The Pusey." From 'ti'rii't) wkaight role he jumped into the high- ly: farcml role a! "Hurley's Aunt"‘ lust week. This, week. tomorrow (Fri- day. Ort. 26t, Jo: will essay a role t ntirely dim-rm! tram either of these‘ two. when he anumn the title role' of 'Watrpy Ricks." When the Graemeg llayvn rm: Camp to Highland Park, lav wring. this play, “Puppy Rich!“ am: one of tho first they presented‘ and van III-n um- of their moat suc- vossl’ul pieces of work. Due to the} gr a! number of â€quests. both per- umnl and by mm], thr Graeme Puy-, Nothing. and no role, seems out of rearh for .Im. llriscoll, featured player ‘ of the (irneme Players, the stock) romrnny performing every Friday " the Alcynn Thanks. As th matter of? instanee it was two weeks Ago that) The structure 1.- known as the North I' Annex to the Moraine and wilt cost. comm» and furnished about moor h (am, Mr. rushing 'xstimatcs. The I Voumlatlrna an I“ in. and the tirst F ttt.k was laid at to u'clm-k Tuesday n'urning by Miss R. P. Durham one . of the oldest employes of the house. C The new structure is 150 feet in' I myth em: gr, feet w-d: and win hy e Jrce shtrtes in height. lt win con- l min 75 moms for guests, each room pmndul "ith buth and all mmlrrn ' qulpmv-nt and cnnw'nirn'rs When " tni mam-x i, camplrtod 'ihiPsrocUe' . hi}. lurv :73 "mung runm~~ for the I$' up of ":ic, (smununliy inch-using clivnA tr L . many of whom nu ml the greategzly gm: pf the yvur at the hotel and raw 4 Inâ€; year "ttcr yt'ur lu‘ramr of its " ~m. ivu~l1r~~, wumfnrml-le rooms and T. haunt-Jih- utlnuaphrx'v nnd thr splt-n- "trl, trvatrnrnt arreorde0 them by Mr. -, l whim: and his "tficier.t staff , a The North Annex will also have 18 in IoA-pzng porches and the 0min struc- h, lulv wilt he nf brick and concrete and “Inolull‘h' tirrproM in construction. T " ic, exprsirl to have it completed .1! mu! read, fnr occupant-y by May 15. 19L".t. The substantiahility of the 1, sum-Zun- is evidenced by the fact " Continued on page T J. "The Yankee Clipper" Feature Pieture to Be Shown Tonight Otie of the iarsrest and most im- purunt buiHime unprowmrnb of the ymr In llnzhlaud Park is the exten- sive new addition to the Moraine hotel, which F. iv. Pushing, head of that (Mariam-m: institution. is having erect- “I to uln- cure of the rapidly grow- .ng Inwmws of his widely known and popular hostvlry. "CAPPY DUCKS" IS FEATURE TOMORROW Will Add " Rooms to Capacity of Popular House; Is Three Starks and Fireproof; _ Description MORAINE HOTEL’S q NEW ANNEX BEGUN IS NOTABLE IMPROVEMENT “IGNLAND pners. lumo‘s kvhrats 0 FA um Arr-Mn 'I . , >-- Green Bay School Nod Being Constructed ’Mr 30, the last day, Otherwise he may have to swvar his war in nu ( November 8 or be deprived of voting, l It is “for Ind less trouble in make 1 cure ihat wpr nlmc is on the listt and many panic. haw nlmdy been Moo] ETA. will be held Wednes- phnned. The amazing of thin hum day. November 7 it 3 p. In. Dr. lor- on: dancing mph u only on. of ad, ley um": will mm a. Ila-tin: "rier_emttrtfioxrruta.tuv. on the "trieet nib-1th. Mr. Bury mmhmmm-lnmmmtau. Icahn l-... Al- .._A_- --__- _ - A A in; "in M "sr. "V vim-“s in the interim and may b, oxnminod there by Iny voter to awar- EIM if his mil is listed. If it is not, bra should be sure to register an 0am FAMOUS DANCERS AT CLUB OPENING OCT. 27 Attention is again called to Haw nuvtnsity of registration for voters. The last reeictrntion dfy in Lake county is Tuesday. Oct. 110. and un that (lath all who did not register ml the first day. October 16, are urmd to make sure that thcir namcs an- on the voting lists. The poll lists have been displayed nt the polling OCTOBER 30 IS LAST REGISTRATION DAY Pym. 3m, A, o. MW." Jr. _ PuhtViy: l'uul L. Udell. chairman: Multimu- Singâ€; W. c. Stubbs; P. c, Olson t mum-n "rsurbl" tn 'urn. i, . “we: invited in bn-nnw a nh-mba-r. " int honorary. Free, Mr,, I": tbc, Yam": P lt, 1licrritr, Tu Vu:.. It, .\:.:~!‘K' 7-H. Rd} Lakr- run F.: 'F- [map-up» of organizing a Y "a“: {WWI-"x it" uhi an Leann u. Eh-ghi-Lm! Park n tnvetirut was held Tu -day l-\'rn:m: Oct. 2.3. in the I! MirEJKEeh (’ufrtm‘ia. at N o'clock. 7-5. Por/ir, 313111: viec-chairman for Ixikr- lleT'y valid thy meeting to huh-r and rspraintNI the state and m- V'v-nrl rrrurautatr.ons. Ho appointed [Inn-w, E. F~~humuvhon chairman of the Hirrhland Park Young Iiople's Repulrrcan Iva-gum and the following aJdmnnal miiwrrx wrro elected: Vrce-vhairmun, Milk-daze Builard; '."rstary, .\lr<. Walter G. Cowan; txrwsurvr. Lin-5d Larson. inmmiums appointed are as fol- Sunken Corn.: F. B. GriswoF, rhnirman: R, K. Ctark. Millcdgu Bu. !re-r!. ti, B. Trvlnar. w. G. Cowan. Tmnqmrution: J. A. Carqueville, I‘m-mm“). and those present at the Pixrruliu Erhart, hm Lloyd Lax It rho hive had Republican Young People's League lo Formed Here Gws " h, up Sm: l, an! .1 prrersincnt speaker " h:- sorurpd for that occasion. Although this organization is listed a Ynuntr rum}: 's league, every ll I’d! Ins eetrhtftr, 1E iiLR‘E 'mx 5 wrtt,m." [won tirfrniwly prurmtui tr" aw mc-vving just berure the paulut‘iy or: Thursday Cre- ". l, an! tt [urnmincnt speaker mir‘rl mm. I".tul L. Udeli. 'n. Miitedser J. C. Griswold, Harry appointed are as fol- irrr-ry Fhhart, chair. tJF [UN Ituliardt%dith I, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 35. "r.ts . arnestiy Ln: LINCOLN P. T. A. m MEET NOVEMBER 7 I? tLIAtWE'EN PARTY WITTEN HALL OCT'. 3f Ti: Mn: " llnlmrs & Flinn, archi- h-rls. unh offices in Chicago, "has drawn 13w plans and the junior mem- ive. of the the firm, Mr. Raymond e-n. will personally supervise all ttrr. Work of eurtstracbion. Mr. Flinn " a prmluct of Highland Park, hav- ‘n: reeeived his earlier training in Eh" [null N-hnuls. and as a long rcsi. dull of Highland Park has always lulsun .m :utlvr inn-nu: in public af- thin. This tirm uf arvhitvcts is re- -,rrcs:i4e fur tiw kinderssavusrt-priw Hwy m. Elm Hun- [Naval in 'suit an, -h in; bun justly admired for its irict lo Aertion "istrn; " had 1-3: ot' Iron“ NEW BUILDING FOR DIST. 107 IS BEGUN SITE UN GREEN BAY ROAD W. _The/tesp" meeting of the Lincoln T. ..'. Brown Has Gem-ml Con, tract and Strut-[me Promises to lk. Fine One; Descrip- tion Given Th,. cunuylvu’ plan. ~uhmi2tml by , architects val! fur a huiidirurTnr kindr-rzarlrn and moms for the _ grades hummer with an audi- 'ur" sctiting thrce or four hundred HA. Only thr, first unit of these .us is to be put up at this time T this; is to utvommodate a kindon tere and WK :rnups of pupils from first ?hror- grades. l‘nit I'm!" Way .hr- part now under way ia to be tty in construction raised an (Continued on page 5t Inn! promiws to he the faintest 3 Ir 4. Iial'uwa‘vn masqm-rade 15' und 'tasv "ttrr- :lagvd l rhlarrrl Park iv whodulvd to be run the Highland Park Smial club on Inwr-‘en nitrht, Wmtnesdtsr, Oct. " Wluen hall. Viz»: for the boat rn<tumes and wrmal dress ITI' tho “(radians mined besides refreshments row “an: or' cider and doughnut}. A and poppy oreheura has boon urn! and mmv excellent music " mm-d, 'sssurine everyone of I good ,r-. Everybody Welcome. The L On Wooded Site i'n. L-valmn " the. huilding is in H of woodlands and to maintain its an: npgwm'an-f‘v ttw hoard author- , 1h" (urn-kiwi in set it hark tiT, f frnm Gwen tray road, thus pre- ».n: " '.arvre number of full-grown ‘E'n' [rm-s. The rear nf the tmitd- ' uni} hare a similar wooded set- : mum it looks into Sunset Park n h immediatAy adjoins th,. school Hy " m-v. w-huol huxhiinz now to be urn-f Witt rt't,'reccnt the Vt-ry â€naught and cxpvricnee of this “Mr?! has many notable school ings at Oak Park and ol-rwhere a "roirt. lt and u' Ilil) " b' t Yank :su-nut: Thc t yd l'm‘vin'll an of- muzh it aprN"ars un pl.n.~ as the "Green W n I'm k 1 :2: thr. This ha, '. rand hr Mud-Sim: fur authrtruzerl l nil! nu thv ,,ite us ago by the s" thr. “run Bay cs" by: 200 feet wzui 'ss-trv/ra, Elm Law under an wows, with especial reference to an new Mimi", frm talk via hard wjth inn-nut and -eutimt try the memtr.r. M Principal Wright of the Lincoln 'trhool and Dirtrict 108 Wu! the prim. ripal smaller " the new!†My meeting Ind luncheon of the Highland Park Rotary club. MM Monday noon at the Moraine hotel. Mr, Wright de. voted his talk to mutter: pertaining to the school of his district and their tvFct ttt PRINHI’AL WRIGHT TALKS T0 ROTARY CLUB Hr"- is an architect who ha what truddinn’ and innovucix is an must why. murmur-xv :rizuify nf the eharch with ya r. “whn us": simple an m“th of rnm1rurliun. " w",': Prrrtiralv'r hivnm Mr. vork Mannie hrs has in przw uh “I l'.T./\. tvrll be I'M-M Air. Pprrnts has been a pupil of Mr. Frank Lloyd Wright and an architeet in ('hirugn for Ir, years: His earlier work was in the livid ni hulking and (My planning and institution urnuy architceturc. Mum retumtly he has brcnme Tumour: fur using sutwrvrsfuil,r modernist idvas in I-hurrh architevturc and at Present is occupied in exectgt, m': a church in Dark, Ireland probably th., first f‘nthniiv church in Europe to lie unwind from designs by an Amt-r- ican nrrhitrct. a universal of the 1mm] prurmiurc. wank of Mr. Barry Byrne. . . As a rrsuh of an examination on the spot my rn'hmirsm ban Mon heinhtvnod." imam ;: an architect who has recan- uhuf 1mddinn‘ and innovation: here 'r an mini who r'YPrCrcr'st the co.".- A very interesting tribute Mid to Mr. 331*va art is corttrihutcd My Mr. Davis Mumford In the Common- wealth, a weekly rrvivw ot" 'dtrsrctturi. and the arts, to nunu- Mr, MrrmGrd. and the arts, to quote Mr. Mumford: "A little, while am: I attcmptcd to ngtlino the conditions under which a livin: atthitveture might flourish in Kim rhunh. I was not aware whrn I made this attempt that the solution had already hr-r‘n ineorporatvd in thr VII. BARRY BYRNE TO SPEAK NOV. 2 Notable Program At Woman 's Club Tuesday, Nov. 6th 3r: (‘rmminee of Woman's Civic Club Announces Program for Evening Meet iutntit. dud I hos?" Thu fir,ct"uf thive vvvninsr, prawn-ms rsviH.rrl. 1-3; the arts committee of ' Wo:cuu's; Civic a-iul: of Ravinia l1 occur n n Nov. 2, at tf u'L-Iot'k in : Yillagu home. All are weienme. Thu txrrumittce is happy to an- mr'r- that an unusual nppnrtunity " 1m mio tn hear one of Raviniay ,ttrurui,hvsl lam! artists. Mr. Barry mu m; the sutrjeet of Modern Ar- UL 'm." In} Elurtun wing . ir:stritor, Air. J!ariuc Jean. ' , f, m ' Kilian-xv Fvvneaisv, I‘hwvgn with a record of many y:; re" :~Ux"_'l“‘nflll wachinr,r. Those "r-troi In thue, FIT!“ "n eiassis may v“ at any limo. Fur further in. madam can Mr. Watson llarmén, _ Iii-Hand lurk 161G. up h during thc 5r has been 2 _ of the eharch with it: own "whn usv‘: simple tend direct L of rnm1rurliun. " I speak wrfix-nh‘y “1mm Mr. Byrnnk 'Cru'iu'.'C hrs has in firm-tire em- l'.T./\. tvrll be I'M-M Wrvlre- al to the sr4utism of every rund- Thi’v'rfllral prnMx'm. he it a ' a whom. Ctr" n fartory. Tuesday, November 6, Mrs. l b'rott will speak at the Hugh- 'ark' Woman's dub and has in her [only "An Attcrrsoon mum- ()‘Xu:H." Eugene O'Neill. of "Marco Millions" and "the m lntmrludr" in three tum-s win. the PaF.tzer prize. Mrs. Saul: u~wi by the N'cw Yurk Thcatev Tm " play:, from wl _ ‘lt'l'chL h this, ll spru1kv. r ti will country 'ij'i-,rr',1e,y1,tr, at 11:“. an.†3REnl'u. LL, ‘gnhy m' I): yru r F m., um». iun.ruyarity among uphy , mak- SI ht: :mrrs v, a! n- I ublic. _ un Thursday :u-s undur way. I E] to Itt, inner- C. atvhic, mun-V art wiil by "is, u‘ the mourning _ Miss Hart-ht l . Hf the tin-N! "up" and etch- Mar t which thrw -h and ha, Attcrrsoon 'ur O'Neil], " and "the tum-s win. versit u-w nt 1 ng h-r tead. fe Th Yi, liven wel thu In! heads of local emulation: " Ic- repted. A (Herr-m signed by My" Lewis. Pnnl L Udell. president of the number of Camtmerre,' Ind S. A. St. Peter, pmidem of the Rotary club In: "In this "at to Dr. Eek- Mpogl the be will need: $154.;- The {Imam German dirigihlo. the Graf Zeppelin. may soar over High- knd Park Fridny. if In irtvitation sent Dr. Erlmer, pilot of the ship, by CRAP T.EPPELIN MAY PASS OVER THIS CITY Fucuo ilornaiivv up Aria. Me=siah Uh Thnu That TAIL-st Good inn: lo lion i'hnmlv in A mu Shun and Lambs Tty the Water, of and >u7rj mm.“ RENTAL AT " TRINITY CHURCH " N L\\' ORGANIZATION FOR Yot'Nti Ml'SlClASS fu Bud ll, Jerome Assisted by sydnie S. Cooley. in Program Sunday GREEN BAY ROAD PAVEMENT OPENED A d 1" NOTA BLE IMPROVEMENT Tl: fin-1 try-nut for the Ftudent's "uri: and Uramatie duh which is u n": urmeuizsd in Highland Park will u-nlr an Sunday afternoon. November T, at 2.cltt at the home of Mrs. John brawn. Woodpath, Highland Park. ifumh armh- and high school stu- (nt, (and thaw Highly qur n}; in " Ys"al's hf att interested in piano, v.1". whim. virdct:evilt, and dramatic ti". luv t-ligjhiv fur membership, which l ter? limb-4! In residents, of High- eh 1- tur all Laud Job Finished in Re Time by Contractor; Ne of Similar Widening at South End ter? limi xvi Park. The [Ruble llf Highland Park are M} v.llr mvinwl to attend un organ , End to he held at Trinity Epfecopal arr}; nt 5:33 "Vloek m1 Sunday eve- n:. (It. 23. Mr. llved H. Jerome, f; .u »: and rhnirmashr of the par- D. ts' riwr-g the rccital twth the " inf ~r. ttt Envrtr my " t, Fivanston. following yrnmam will In rivpn is boned that the corntuunity vat! lhvmsoh‘vs maths 1"PPor- th of swim: Mto “Jr! ul girl: who mm mm: the ms outlined almvn are carn- ul to rcspond. Dates and of nxu-ting wilt be (li>cussuzi ll [mt-n later. Mrs. Cur-ivy La Damnmrlic Film, Itehtvs t-k t l ru; ati M rs. Cooley t th, an in Auxrust l," ls rk “1.: ~1nrlml the Auzust. aw! pouring of Srpt. It}. That the work rcm rd Unn- is evidenced mu-d nut that in just 17 mum! Inn paMe T m] rairw. Th: [~1Lx'rmrnt is ile in length and the wt. including the, curbs, 11mm of a rhurt piece " prupt-rth m‘ the [1% T, Jhnrman Dairy Co., t' and the t'ivn.'trtitr of Sydnip Smith l‘onk-y, \vli‘I at St. Luke's "rok by mum his or {bu when 'icty by 'um tm fur this first Item-l Iva-{mm stating name nut Nwrlh Green urduy {rum Prairie avenue luv. Satur- "i Park our of the f highway on the u'hacts' unlit on the Babylnn le in that l‘fleI'IR My r Round ftorrvwski f wt with lhr "cts' Record Humor Dun-21k Franck Handrl d which min: Bach try-' M on- F are