(do Mans Experiences Dr. Cole. visiting the museum. to inspect the completed exhibit. mid something of his experiences among the pygmies. "The mountains of the regions in- babited by the pygmies are almost 5mm up and dawn. and covered with exerediaqlr dense jungle.†Dr. The model 'ras made from em ethnohgical data obtained by Dr. Fay Cooper Cole when he explored the interior mountain fastnessess which are the home of the pygmies. as a member of the Arthur B. Jones Ex- peditior to Malaysia several years ago. The modeling was done by John G, Pruuhn. sculptor on the museum the tined, In the museum group the ashes of a: old fire at seen nearby with ttative cooking utensils which consist almost exlusively of bamboo tubes. tom of the other half of the tube. and a bit of tinder is pressed over the opening, The groove is then rubbed rapidly bark and forth across the fixed section until the friction ignites or three inches kss, They live in the deep jungles which cover the noun- tain slopes of the interior. Neither Intels‘Not Flint Without matches, or lint and steel, the pygmies make re easily wttett- ever desired by the method ittustrat- edge up, and ' held upright. Sign: pegs. A an is made Meross the bot- ed in the mm exhibit. A pi ot bamboo is split in tho, Liiil side of one strip cut to n sharp edge. like model of I.pygny as the its -hee,hasimitreeossueedoaez, Mignon at Field Museum of Natural Historr, it was announces! today by Stephen C Simms, dim. . The model represents . pygmy ot the Sewn; tribe who In moo; the most primitive tropics of the world The men are about {our feet eight in- ties in height. And the Mn two Ah exhibit “lama-g the â€in. it“: method of tire-making Ind eook, _uw-edtrrthe-iesorttseaeau, Pinus-. with a New and life like nus MA" Mr mum “I'll.“ MOTOR CAR ELECTRIC SERVICE Make This Christmas a Happy One For Him! Give Him Useful Accessories For His Car Hot-Hod Cigar Lighter, installed Bosch Ford System, installed Fineen Fire Extinguisher 515 Laurel Avenue, High! and Park Phone Highland P3141266. AY IUSBUI c. R. MeCLURE Speedometer Service A plan for complete teinstallation T of the North American wood collection ' I in Charles F. Millspuugh hall of Field, The Lake County Humane society Museum of Natural History. has been was kept extremely busy during the developed. and its execution has tel month of November, nccording to the! begun. it was announced today by monthly report just made public. For) Stephen C. Simms, director of the mu- lowing is a brief summary of thei scum. The plan embraces proposed: work done during November: I addition; of specimens from treesr Helpful visits made by utticer, 32. not now represented. the addition of _ Visits to poor farm, 2. f botanical features not hitherto Cover-, Visits to county hospital, 8. I ed in the exhibits, and the placing: Visits to home of officer for hell of more emphasis on the ecomrmicltutd advice, 13. uses of each kind of‘wood by displny- ( Food distributed outside of Thnnks< _ in: sample products made from them. giving baskets, E i Bv this revision it is expected the, Number of packages of clothing collection will be made of more value! collected. 4. to the public. to the lumber industry.) Number of packages of clothing. and to furniture manufacturers and distributed, 9, , maker, 5" other wood products. The Number of sick taken to doctors: latter-am" be :zle to! rte!†a; it for! for treatment, 2. i aesls nee In e 8011")“ 0 many _ . t . problems. such as the selection ac- Number of sick taken to hospitals. . cording to their adaptability of vari- 2. V _ ous kinds of woods for various speci- Dependent Pf.t"'oni as!res), for. 2-, tie purposes. It IF, expected that the. Delinquent Petittorts asked for. 3. 1 general interest of the collection for Number of days of court uttend-’ the casual museum visitor will belanetr, I. 2 Robert Bosch Spark Plugs PreasO-Lite Batteries GATHER NEW SPECIMENS Lumber Industry and Furniture Manufacturers to Be Aided By Displays Planned; Other Features B-ith-t in new. yet it - Pint Cue (Du-m mitsoataasmremaeMNxartguas. The lnteuarepreuntingthn "rTh-artmi1etrvmreh methodstabeapNudtoaitttse.x- (m The Int thee d civilila- hihitl in this hall ha been completed than in left behind when one enter- and in now on diaphy. This can the premier had. latches m thick graphically will the Itory of plant a mmsoritoes elsewhere, and 4mm hickory. It contains I section of the much annoyance. " trunk a it Lute": [roving in the . “The lug-y hut- we nothing but fore-t; photon-1pm of the tree under piles of brush rained on Greet) several condition representing im- bnnchu. The“ little bin-h people‘ portant phuel of ita life; a reproduce nre nomadic, constantly moving. The†lion of a branch of the tree with its have no ntrrieuiture, nud no domestic characteristic leaves, and fruit or animals except dogs. They hunt deem: nuts; a map thawing the region: monkeys and other "In" animals where it grows and indicating the with blow guns from which they moot i areas where it is most abundant: spe- poisoned darts. the wind from their} cimens of boards made from the tree, mouths providing the expelling force. and examples of some of the principnl Sometimes they even hunt tigers with) "ttutuNctured products made from it these guns. which are made of hun- such as wheel spokes, hammer hin- boo tubes, and with which they um dies, and so forth. Very skillful. They boast that they" It is hoped to represent similarly have practically nothing and want all important economic trees of the nothing Their few clothes ue made United States. “cording to Or. B. E. of the beaten bark of trees, Theyl Dahlzren. Iain; curator of botany, never bathe. When it is cold they, who is supervising the reimstallatiorts. sleep in the hot ashes of their tires," Mnny of these trees ere now repre- MUSEUM WILL HAVE "sburistearrt1_L] w -'e ,7 W000 (3mm HUMANE 800nm -- ___ --- V Nam“ REPORT “We L, WAHL I Number of packages of clothing distributed, 9. Number of sick taken to doctors J for treatment, 2. Summary of Work Accomplished During Month Shows Much Work Done; Benefits for Poor Families It is hoped to represent similarly all important economic trees of the United States, according to Dr. B. E. Dahlgren, "tirttt curator of botany, who is supervising the reimstallatiortts. Many of these trees are now repre- sented, but the exhibits Ire not on so elaborate a seale. MADE 32 HELPFUL CALLS .reatly gel-cud by the Cm. in manual) Pm "ma,1mrmaam PAIR. “not. - . 17.80 $2.75 (Ir _ i,t'%tSttMiat'hlM'tianttltti'tignttttaanttttetarirt I, i _lii' sy'3lhrrrg QIhriatmaaE _, t! with a GAS APPLIANCE Gm It. An,extraordinari1y complete fossil _ skvlelnn of the teleonurus. a terror, 10f the seas of the Jumsic period, 150.000.0011 yenrs ago, has just been , plan-d on exhibition at Field Museum ( " Natural History. it was lnnounced( l today by Stephen C. Simms. direc- i tor of the museum. _ I The rrenture. a sea-crocodile about f ten feet long. comes from Wurttem, I berg. Germany, and was excavated near there from land which was I ( sea-bottom in prehistoric times when, that part of Europe was covered bs, _ water. The fossil is unusual in that! ’almost every detail of the skeletal structure of the animal " intact and‘ sharply defined in the specimen. How: i , of sharpt,mted vicious-looking teeth f in the jam indicate that the Inimnli’ [ was probably carnivorous. accordinki ‘to Dr. o. C. Furrington, curator oti , Our moiety. with the help of men- In“, the True Kindred, Methodist church. the Emanuel Baptist church "Congregational Sunday school. chil- dren of the North School, sent out (vi Thunkx‘giving baskets to needy l families. _ [ Animal work. Investigate-d canes , of twu neglected dogs. A horse found wandering around in North Chicago. without food or shelter, was cured for by North Chi.. cage police at our request. the ex- pense connected with this was charged to the owner of horse. TELEOSAURI'S RELIC AT FIELD MUSEUM I50.000.000-Year Old Beast Is? Displayed; Examined in I . German City Sou: no". clocking and food to a] needy {wily on lurk“ “not. Aid cm. ChiUra. I [nvuu'nted cue of I child in Ars, tioch who In; found wandering in} the wood: without lunch-t clothing‘ to keep her run, and had this and [ broutrht to our county court on a feeble-minded petition, girl Wu seettl to Lincoln. , Took a stranded girl to Chic-go and put her on the train for ber home in Michigan. After placing her in the euro of the Travelers Aid. Members of the First Christian church donated fruit and nudist. which we took to the county poor farm, and Lake County hoapitll. Abused woman bulged, 2. Sent titan-ad budding to a poor tesitr in North Chicago. “North Shore; !Pis Company gnaw QIhriatmaa (lhter (Dec. 1-24 inclusive) Useful gifts are of lasting value. Give' useful gift: this year. Gas appliances are used - day of the 'enr--ttr father. by mother, by the children. Whole famine are made happier when they have the ooinfort and convex» ience ttttbeded them by an ap- pliances. 'hr"---- the keynote of Chritrtmaa---is found in as ais pliances. Say “Merry Christmas" with them this year. DOWN (one year to pay) Telephone 3300-3301 I we", at that it My pmrod upon but Mill. of “I. "a. The crow-ii]. VII mud by {strong puter dong it. but, which and u armor. Th. bone. of the. 3 plate: are pretend in tin (can. “In l dull. the short front [an IM longer I hind Does, And the vertebrae m d) [practically complete. Tho succinct: Jis exhibited in Ernest R. Galina ,', “all of Historical Geology. LET CHRISTMAS COUPON BOOKS help loin your Gift â€0ka this ettrint- FOR THE LMtLORRN-or. for the rel-live- And frieard- gm that will If" ml eatior-t [or .Ily reek-1 (or pain are redeensllle II awful-Int " the Remember You Are Saving 50’? by punk-in: coupon Inch The ('nupnn Books Are good throughout the you. Only . limited number will be sold during the Christin-n new. Books “nibble in dee-tl-boats of $2.50 - $5.00 _ $10.00 In a coupon bank of 82.50 there It: $5.00 of cot-pom» via a mum book of 8.3.00 that are "0.00 of et"---He. Thou coupon) I" tedcemable ht mint-hunt. Order '1'th Mow AtitrtriFiiEi'i"i're" IN DEERPATH THEATRE (IChrigttttas @rrrtiuga Here’s a Gift as Unique as it is.Appreciated DEERPATH THEATRE FOREST, ILLINOIS Clothes Dryers Mug Machines Washing Machines Gas 'lik Heaters ms ttttttr'" Gas Room Heaters 1LtITXfkt9iT'r7irim""i The midrib eiana is the on; that isn't. poor enough at rich enough for hound hand furxtiture.--.tua Fru- tiaeo Chroniéh WUWAY, by I 1"rttmatars,naisatit'rAi au-aa/ous/sua.-, aim-coal“. Atr6ihnd min-d stunting by run-uh. In: