foam-u the pm... which will ' "imiiiitiiihr" iifimr eorts%tMnuet-dtai,"ArttS-. afAtt-hmt “-3.â€th .__ ' Havinm.ulthduciqd TuMrtieWae%runrtttbsHthMr ‘mmn-mh-nd. -Ptttmq.rrytrIieuyeet, $g:8g.l','ha1'l'va't p. and» Wm. 11. 'tct 1'l,"tA" 1te'r2=r'etttr,ttatr, . I Atw'4tit'e;lt,l;al.! _1.'hrnt=ttlt, .. T, ln denying the application, accord- " to Mr. Volivn. the federal com- miuion unburned that the matter would be xiven further con-iden- ZIONISDI‘NIED Station WORD Will Continue Fight to More Broadeant- Inx Old Wave Length loath of 846 meters hn been de- nied by the laden] radio commis- sion " Wuhinnon, D. C., it VII ud- mined last week by General Over- ucr Wilbur Glenn Volivn. Ouch! announcement of this mfasat bu ruched Zion. Under the recent reallocation u~ tublinhed by the federnl Indie com- min-ion. the Zion station in pro- hibited trom brondrastintr at night and was pluced on . much lower wave length. Application of the city of Zion for I permit to opeeato the Zion radio station, WCBD on if: + in“ "Not at nil,†tn the emphatic n- ply. "We have Jun beam to fight. Our attorneys are working on the one and we an confident of vittory. Yes. I wilt make it even trvotttrer-- we am going to win 100 per cent." The Jute-non filed by the any of Zion naked that the Italian be re- .tored to its old - length and the aid for permiuion to broadcast program: on Sunday Ind Thurudny nights, a total of " hour: A week. Since the rmuroeatiott occurred the station has been silent., Radio nation WCBD represents In: investment to Zion people of ap- proximately 3200.000. Unlm . more favorable wave length an be obtained. (anther with permission for hmulcuting at night the effort will be to prank-Hy junk the "pen- aire apparatus. BY FEDERAL COMMISSION Thousand. of letters and MW: from radio “than: all our the country are tiled with the retinal radio commiusion when it In: hum- ed that discriminant: had bun than the Zion nation. I" voicing . protest Ind “kin: that the station be restored to it. rights. SKATING RINK LARGER AND BerrER THAN EVER Skull-g Wis Good Over Week, End Ind Christmas. Says Superintendent The shim: pond in Sunut Puk is Inner nnd better than ever this year um! is being enjoyed by large crowds. young 5nd old. The park board has priv-ilcd' '- nice warm shelter. Refreshment: may be Pt8r- dud It the girl: Iheller house. There tu.jtutitor service and every- thing ponible in being done to make it plenum. and enjoy-bk for all who can: to the pork. Overseer Volivn. Judtte Theodore) Forby. J, H. Depew, veteran 'ut-) nounter. and John D. Thomas, pro- nnm director of the station. alll made a personal visit to the federal mmmiuinn in Wuhinzton to pre-i sent their use. At the time the)!" were informed that their lpplicltion‘ would be taken under advisement. ( The Pmn in informed by a person who knows. that the playground It- tivities ot the Iced park board rank very high in the entire state, only . few of the Inner cities having u- beaum. It is I (rent eredig' to our board and superintendent and the city it to be congratulated on Davin such I bountiful spot. John Redraw-Id. one of the only settler: of this vkinity died Slinky " the Highllnd kirk hospital fol- lowing In iltryess of pneumonia. Fu- nenl mice- were held " 9:30 yu- terdsy morning nt St. "men church. High-cod with interment in M. Pat- Hee'. cemetery. Enron. He lam I brother-ia-uw Mr. M. J. Cluley of W. Centnl Ivonne, to survive him, nnd seven] niece. uni nephew. “in wife preceded him in death lever-l yen! m. CKICAGO WELLESLEY CLUB PARTY DEC. " The Ipirit of I Welluhy CHM!!!†My (I to pmlil It the Mn of tho Chic-[o Wellnley club tutam%r, Dumber 20. at 2:30 o’clock, at the PM"; In Bellman plan, Chi- JOHN BECTENWALD AGED RESIDENT DIES VOLUIE XVII "Don this mean the tight ha been It.†he In. liked. . of 345 Mars of her nose cut oe, And WIS. badly later-ted on the he: Ind lower part of her body, When‘ the Ford sedan in which oh: mba riding with her pun ant: In: “ruck by n Chrysler road- new late Monday night. According to reports Mr. Ebbeson was returning from Luke Forest with his funny, ghoul 11:45 Mondly night and proceeded under the Bloom street viaduct to Green Bay road. H- stop- ped It the "att lizn and allowed 1 car to to br. He then amended onto Green Buy rand when in III struck by the Chrysler driven by In“ Dwyn of Luke Fore-t. who m driving north. Either Dwyre did not glow up hr the viaduct. or being "slippery A recital will be given. Sunday PWe- nine, Dee. 30 at 7:30 o'clock It Trinity church by Reed Beckwith Jerome, or- nnilt. mined by the Trinity church choir. The protnm will be u very delightful one. and the public is in, vited to “and. Little Amtn 'yaEtt. Ebbeaon. small daughter of MA and Mrs. M. Ebbeuon of Vine Avenue, had the tip when he applied the brakes, skidded into the Ford, for he struck it with Inch force that it turned it completely over. m occupant: of both can were badly cut and injured. Mrs. Ebbeson is in the Highland Park hospital, but the little (in will remain there some time longer. Mr. Ebbexon is In ern- plane of the Bowman Dairy company of this city. Sever-15m“ milieu“ occurred the same evening but there were no real unions malt. Mr. Geiske Master R. Pen. and chorus Christmas in Sicily T Christmas Pantorale . H: Following is the program Processionil T2 Arlene Fideleq Opening sentence- Ltsttott Ntme Bimini: . ., _ Vet? ., --Bambr In dir in. Freude F_..___ . Rich Der Tat, der Ut so freadenreieh, Breh In Duki Jubiln _ . _ 're Batch “Twas the night before Christmas†and all through the city hall “noth- ing was stirring. not even I mouse." (That doesn't rhyme, but we couldn't help it.) tn other words, the my." and commissioners decided thet' even the city could run mother week inhout them having to meet on Christan: Eve, and 1e quite agree with them. GIVE RECI'I‘AL SUNDAY IN “UNITY CHURCH Reed Beckwml Jerome. Organist Ind Minty Choir in Sauce tiff-Infant Future-1e Otrertory In the Silence of the Night Dickinson Pastorale _ _ Bonnet Oriaon Hymn 546 T F. Gruber Master Ro-na and chorus Recessional Ito Regent Square Postlnde - _ _ Best NO COUNCIL MEETING ' LAST MONDAY NIGHT No doubt there will be no meeting next Monday night either an it Mme- on New Yenr'n Eve. The city will Iimply have to "worry along" acme way.†Mr. Jerome Sleeping tht Chrigt Child Lay -. Hull No Qual- Present to: Meeting Scheduled for Monday. RAVINIA WOMAN'g CLUB GIVE NEW YEAR'S TEA Child Is /sjat"jit ( _ ' Whelgfcalp. collide A t gunfire Viaduct Jerome Brightest and Best _ Manor fetcr Moon and than; Presentation of the Medal, ee-me 'ver' tour until aim Mn._’l‘homu Wtlder, violinist, "comp-nix] by "in. Mir, my PM. will m9. . mics] pron-m at ttve o‘clock. The out." ad board members wm mom. For may nan it has boon the “Mom in Ravinia for the Ravinia Woman'n club to entertain the com- munity at ten on the Afternoon of New Years Dar. On New“; Jun. 1, me tea will [we new“! it! “cl/ills†Rome from MYSTIC WORKERS WILL um MAY NIGHT Christmas Eve Mr. Jerome The Radar Bonnet . Bonnet C oombs Yon Halter As every one was limited to Mty cents in their purchases you can read- ily imagine what the presents were like. Every member received a "top" symbolic of his business. We can't remember all of the things received, but will mention some of them, [41' Sinclair of the Reliable Laundry re- ceived a wash tub and wash board; Jack Blackhall of the North Shore line. a little train; Wally Meierholf. hardware, a little cook stove; Charley Harbaugh, lumber. a delivery track; "Dic" Nicholr, dentist, a pair of ply- err. with a note telling him to be more careful; Perry Prior, transfer business. a little truck; Harry Kelly, editor of the Highlander. a little torch light so he could ace to write editor- lala: Lyle Gourley. a saw and paint brush; Milton Horkins. the organist, a harp; Clarence Witt, Bowman Dairy Co.. a little colored baby with a bottle of milk and a note saying that "Pve been drinking Bowman's milk for sev- eral Years, but I'm still black"; Sol St. Peter, Reliable Laundry. a hack saw. to be used for putting a better edge on coll-n; Dick Parnell, Ford dealer. a little horn for a Ford: Oscar Lunderen and Joe Garden. we won't telk, RMARYCLUBHAS *IIBS.LFBA.YENA CHRBTMAS FAWN DIE VERY SUDDENLY At the result: meeting of Rotary held at the Moraine hotel on Monday, Dec. IT it Wu voted to have I Christ- mas party ut the Mn regular meet- ing on December " There were only two Humbert of Rotary that "silly mined the sped- 6rations of a Santa Chm. Clarence Witt and "Dick" Parnell. "Diek" prevailed on nil of his “slug" to vote for Clarence ind he a; elected, "Santa" unanimously. And if roil uk the writer he will tell you that "Witty" and: "some Mr. Claus." At the previous meeting etch one drew the name of I member he wns to buy I present for and of course it was the duty of “Santa" to distribute them. AT THE MORAINE HOTEL Clarence Witt Aeted " Sum: Claus; Presents of All Kinds Many other equally comical pres- ents were received, many of them having comical notes or verses, creat- int: much laughter. On motion of one of the members, it was decided to send some of the presents to the children at Dorcas Home. At tth Décémber 17th meeting Rd- tary voted to spend $50 far presents for the Dorcas Home children. A vote of thanks was given Bob Larke and F. w. Cushing for the wonderful service enjoyed, especially at this party. The annual installation of Mieers at Campbell chapter. No. 712 0115.. will be held next Wednesday eve- ning. Jan. 2, It eight-thirty o'clock in the Masonic Temple. Sir Knights of Evanston and Waukegan c0mmrm- dory will In an um“. Ibis willAre, upon to all members and their friends. Mrs. Laurel E. Sobey. worthy mn~ tron; Mr. Henry A. Hanson, worthy patron; Mrs. Emmy H. Howe, ano- ciato matron; Mrs. Catherine A. lev- in, secretary; Mr. Hugo L. Schneider, treasurer; Mrs. Blanche M. Muller comtuetretur; Mrs. Louis M. Stronger, wool-2e eottduetremr,. Mrs. Anna L, Bruce. chaplain; Mm. Elizabeth S. Rainer. marshal: Mrs. Helen B. Ble, organist; Mrs. Bessie M. Ok- ay. motel-t; Mm. In M. Henderson, Adah; Mm. Mildred S. Franzen, Ruth; Mrs. Anna E. Pettigrew, Esther; Mrs. Anna R. Roth, Martha; Mrs. Agnes W. Netaon, Bloch; Mrs. Soph- ie L. Smith, under; Mr. Arthur H. Swanson, amine]. The installing "floors will be Psal- ine J. White. insulling ofheer; Cath- erine A. Levin, marshal; Fm V. Larson, chaplain; Gertrude E. Thom. as. orgnnlgt. Escorts: Charles E. White, "mea l. Cnin. Chlrlea Brace, William H. Thomas. The following officers for the ensu~ mg year will be installed: EASTERN STAR WILL INSTALL OFFICERS Following the ceremony {program will be given. MERCHANW TD GIVE NEW YEAR'S BASKETS New Fear's bake“ will be (limit). laud “an; Highood needy funnies by the old Hichvood Business Men's audition. This "soeution eeered '-htatmsttrrrtreersneo,artd hav. " atm a thaarteUt balance in the Mil. than!!! a "new meetiiist2t Oh but 'ttttdime members of the Md-oet_t.deeidedtor"ete. Tr"r'"'t'Tr" ,',ituirtrrgiutieit,tes “with.“ m 1ehlmtd M31511. P A., HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS. 1HURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, I928 Were Distributed to the Members " Final plans for the New Year's D Eve Panes Dress ball have been com- ci, Noted and al1irasxeadiness for the " event to be held next 310%: Lt'vT.irur at the Ravinia VilInge ho I. iby the Ravinia Woman's club. Miss T Charlotte Robertson, chairman. as- sisted by a very capable committee t have spared mitgr time nor ettort to i make this one ofqhe most successful ._ I parties ever given in Ravinia. Mrs. Yenn had been taken to the Highland Park hospital about three yaks no suffering from stomach irirube%gtittinit from a parasite in some fruit which she had eaten. Her condition was so much improved that they decided that she could re- turn home, but her condition changed and she passed away Friday night. She n. as years 61d mm was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Posing of Waukegan. She leaves her husband. Leo Yena, two children, Corustanee.and Marion, her mother and father Mr. and Mrs. Posing and five sisters, Mrs. George HtuteerbrnuG, Mrs. Elsie Hire, Mrs. Ed. Trainer of Wnukegnn, Mrs. Mae Hoflander of lake Forest and Mrs. Arnold Nelson of Chicago. Mrs. Jane Wnrden Mrs. Jane Warden, mother of Mrs. Date Sweetland and Mrs. W. E. Cum, mings passed ayay yesterday morn- ing at 1:25 at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Sweetlnnd, following a brief illness of pneumonia. The funeral services were held Monday " two o’clock from Prior's Undertaking parlor with burial in North Shore cemetery. Md. Caroline Yena, wife of Leo A. Yenn, one of the pruprivtors of the J. h L. garage died very suddenly Fri-h] night at the Highland Park hospital. She w-s to have returned to her home Saturday, but a blood clot wait to the heart Friday night and ahe_passed away. She was born in Connerville. Ind., Nov. 14, 1810. and came to Highland Park 35 years ago, making her home with her daughter. She leaves to sur- vive her two daughters and five grandchildren. Funeral services are at 12:30 today at Prior's chapel with, interment in Aurora. Mn. "Um R. Dyer Sll't‘v'_; _. ling at 6:30 o'clock bauz‘ee .-' “lath or Mrs. Helen H. Dyer wife of the late James H. Dyer of Boston and motherit Mrs. Dana Pierce of this city. FUNERAL She was 84 years and 8 months old and was born in Holliston. Mass. She had lived in Kenilworth fur the past 20 years with her daughter Mrs. R. K. Porter. She leaves to survive her two' daughters and two grandchildren. Ravinia Woman's Club in Charge of Affair Given at Village House Was To Have Returned Home Saturday from Hospiml; Axed Women Pass Away Funeral services were heldeonday in Kenilworth. Burial will be%ade at a later date in Mt Auburn. Mass. . FANCY DRESS BALL NEXT MONDAY RIGHT Special features at being planned, lmcng them I Spanish dance by Se- norita Marin Virgin}. Ferrari-Nunez and her dancing partner Senor Gay- tau; 3 "spring dance" by Miss Mit- sou Bourcm and an Old Settler Minuet. Everyone is urged to come in cos. tume. although no one will be turned nway if they do not don I fancy out- it. The more costumes, the Bayer the party. The party begins at nine o'eloek on the tannin: " December 31 and cum tinuos to the "wee amt" hours of the morning.†"Oh! ov. what do you think." the 1".le Ire going to have t New YEIr's we putty uglin. ' The Move is just what every mun: ber of the Highlnnd Park Lodge No. 1862 B. P. o. E. and their friends are nying. for everyone who his ever It- tvnded . party given by them know just how much fun they hare, and how much effort is put forth to have everyone have a good time. The party begins at nine o'clock. New Year's on And continue; until morning. ELKS PLAN PARTY FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE A “1 piece orebestm ha bun em Faeed, ad on of the but that could HELD MON DAY l Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day will usher the New Year in with ‘Ihu fine talking picture "Show Folks" starring Eddie Quillan and Lina Bas- quetto. The Vitaphon?r acts with this picture will be George Dewey Wash- inmon and a musical sketch entitled "Visinm of Spain." _ The Alcynn continues to hold to its policy of presenting nunc but the best pictures. " is a great credit m this (health the only "sound" theatre on the North Shore, that it can so con- tinuously present programs of the greatest entertainment value. Abandon Lake Park At Board Meeting Thursday Night At a meeting of the East Park board held but Thursday evening, the ordinance creating Lake Park was repealed. tt was felt that the major- ity of the people of Ravinia were against the proposition, as was shown at a recent mass meeting. The board Was anxious to create a park on the beautiful wooded bluff south of Roger Williams avenue, the property and improvement to have been paid for by special assessment. A vote was taken at the mass meeting mentioned and the result showed conclusively that the residents of Ravinia were against it, nithough it was considered by many as an ideal location far a park, being on fast disappearing lake frontage. " is thought by those who spun- sond the movement that its aban- donmem is a serioiis mistake, became in I very short time there will be'no hike front property available for park purposes, but as the sentiment seemed against it, the park board considered it their duty to repeal the ordinance. "Women They Talk About" and "Show Folks" Among Attractions Two talking pictures and one done wonderfully in sound. all three of which have been rated as among the leaders for the mouth, feature the program of the Alcyon theatre this week. On Friday and Saturday the Alcyon presents the great talking pie- ture "Women They Talk About" sup- plemented by a tine program of Vita- phone acts including Watts & Gil- bert, Adele Rowland, The Russian Cossacks. and an Our Gang Comedy done in sound. On Sunday and Monday the Alcyon orers the "sound" version of Victor Hugo's "The Man Who Laughs" star- ring Conrad Veidt. Mary Phitbin and Bacianova. This picture will be no companied by another sterling pro- gram of Vitaphone acts consisting of the Ehrnant Bros., Joe Browning and Hazel Green and band. "THE MAN WHO LAUGHS" AT ALCYON THEATRE Many Needy Families Taken Care of by These Two Local Organizations The boys of the local fire depart- muit and the social welfare commit- tee of Highland Park Lodge No. 1362 B.P.O. Elks, spent most of the day Monday distributing Christmas bass kets and presents to the less fortun- ate in our community. FIRE DEPARTMENT AND ELKS DISTRIBUTE GIFTS Next Saturday the Highlund Purl; Social club will give the In! dinet- of 1928 at Winn. MIL This dance will be a lucky prize dnnce. Come and help make merry to finish a suc- cessful year. Rum Lunqnist Ind hi, Foursom" with Frankie Russell at the traps will entertain, Dance every Saturday at Witten halll Some big surprises/m in store fur next year. according to the Social club. Every year the Elks check up with the supervisor and visiting nurse to ascertain all the poor and needy fam- ilies in our community and they make it their business to see that each one receives a nice Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. They deserve a great deal of credit and thanks for their splendid adorns. PRIZE DANCE TO CLOSE 1928 SEASON M'WrrrENs The tire department repaired and painted up toys given them by High- land Park residents. They wish to thank the permit: of our community whu responded sn generously to the appeal in last week's Press for nuts, candy and orartKret, They state that more was plenty for all. YOUNG GIRL DIES RESULT' OF PNEUMONIA Anna Be-stirs, aged " yearn. tdied Hand-y " the home of her Damn at 250 High.“ “can. Ritrtmrood, Hand“ (â€in I brief ill.- at , We are informed that the State has [made a survey of the' proposed route No. Tr, paralleling the Skokie Valley "ine " the‘North Shore Electric to 'the.vastward, and is now ready to apave it with State funds as soon as [the City of Highland Park provides' Lot right of way. Further, we have , received the information that only two Fi three pieces of property now re, ':main to be acquired for this proposed [route No. " throughout Highland Park. These no doubt could be ac- quired during the winter months when no paving can be done anywhere. and the State then could go ahead with the raving of route No. 57 early in 1929. If this procedure is follywe‘d. 1th"? will be two through maul: for Who use of the public until No. 57 it 1i'o"i,,',Cieii', whereas if Green Bay road is paved tirst, there will only be one through route in Highltnd Purl: dur- ing the period of construction, and much cortttestion and confusion will naturally result The natural order of procedure, therefore, would be to pave Nazis? first and then Green Bay road. for in that way when Green Bay road is closed to trnMe the public 2?,1 hqve the we of Sheridan road and No. 57. OPEN LETTER TO PUBLIC A petition sighed by approximately 90 per cent at the resident owners of pruperty bordering on the proposed. improvement, Ind a large percentage of non-resident owners, agreeing to tho proposed 'new paving on Green my Road providing slid Green Bar Road be legally designated a troute, vard from Central avenue on the north to the County line rend on the south. and providing further, of course. that the cost of the proposed improvement Wipread in an equitable manner. has been tiled with the City Council. In fact, ttpproximately 90 per cent of I]! resident propdrtsiGis ers from Central avenue on the north to the County line rond on the south have joined in this petition, urging establishment of Green Bay road Is a boulevard. Old residents of High- land Park tell us that the question' of establishing Green Buy road as n boulevard has been discussed for the last fifteen yen-s; but so far no action has been taken. Highland Park Press, Highland Park, Illinois Gentlemen: There seems to be considerable mis- understanding with reference to the attitude of the property owners lac- ing south Green Boy Road, toward the proposed paving project extend- ing from the County line on the south to Edgewood Road on the north. With the desire that our position be fully understood on the part ot every- one, tbiare writing you this open letter.- Explaining the Attitude of Nine- ty Per Cent of the Citizens Living on South Green Evanston., Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe have a bottle- ward west of the railroad as well IS east qf the railroad. In Lake Forest Green Bay road is a boulevard and is known as "Millionaire Road," while up to date in Highland Park Green Bay road has been nothing but a truck road. We cannot think of any reason why Highland Park shdnld lag behind all the other north shore suburbs in providing a second boulevard running north and south. There is another reason why the establishment of Green Bay road as a boulevard would add prestige to the City of Highland Park. Nowhere along the north shore is there as beautiful a iranoramie view as that looking west over the Skokie Vat- ley in traversing Green Bay road throughout parts of Highland Park. If truck trattic were eliminated so that passenger traftic would feel safe, the fame of this beautiful drive would add much to the prestige of the city. That the local chamber of com- merce have recognized the value of this proposed more is evident from the fact that just a short time ago in making a number of recommenda- tions to the City Council they sug- gested that Green Bay road be made a boulevard.» For those wanting just a short drive in the evening. on a holi- day or a Sunday. a tour through the north shore suburbs over Sheridun road, across Central avenue and down .Green Bay road would make a most enchanting one. . WANT GREEN BAY ' ROAD h BOULEVARD Truck tratfic is a strictly business par-position. and my road 'rmiettasined u I through "very for truck M should be n city wide problem and the eimeshotudbetbom.tsvtheett, a a whole. unduly not by was» who hyper: to m M be. NUMBER M ital-'-