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Highland Park Press, 27 Dec 1928, p. 2

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se-tri-rs-fr-kai. 16. Each who. attending thin ner- vieewtttte--etttistetttati. 'roretmoei.detturbitt.Co-r. mmmmwuom a.m,hteberit-rmt"'rheute 1"iL'W'afAtti'2:'h1A,t In!“ ”WA“. At 7:30 pm. there will be I Ihort m white "thr-od by a -81B$rqt a “Dot-dim the wolves in sheevII' chilling." Pet. 2:11-3; 2 Cor. 1tr.t.8, At 10:45 mm. the plum? will npenk on "God's directions “mm"!- inx the use of “is Word."9srrrtum IO. We will win; "Carry Youwi- Me." the rnlly song of the Pocket Testament lune. You will In. It. On New Year's Day the pastor and} open on Sunday,afterrtoon from 2130 his funily will keep "Open House" at . to 530 __ T ’ the parsonage and cordially invite tll’ ------------ members, end friends of the church . and pastor to all between the hours . of 2 and 10 p. m. Ind enjoy their hos-i Bethany Evangelical vitality. They hope thm, to - C. F. Schriver. minister every member of the Church Ind mnny _ We are very BorrY that the putting others a well. f in of our mastic iUorirstr made it im- ----------- possible for an to have our Christmas . . jservioe- as planned. but now we are United Evangelical (quite certain that our troubles nlong that line will be aver for several weeks Rev. C. A. Unnmut. pater. (at least. Next Sunday will he Bible dlyw Our Christmas program's ,rill be There " be :,rrrit,l./eat.ure1.tt S"oriven u fallow: primary folk Fri- Rev. C. A. Unnnnt. pasnor. l Next Sunday will he Bible ar) There will be special features It avW ery service. The Bible is still the best seller; no nther book his been, (rind-tad into as many Ilium-m) and no other book can in any sense) comm-r? with it. In the use of the Bible. quantity and quality read up- _ rm each other. Thus a larger use n” the hook its-elf produma I more ef.) {miw use of it, and n more etrective( "so of it nsulh in a lamr nan-:1“)! low the Bible you must know it. ' The church school program was given on Christmas Eve, and much enjoyed by the members of the school and their parents and friends. A glittering tree, full of ornaments and surrounded by presents was the cen- tral feature of the decorations and a Santa Clan: added zest to the pro- gram. Each class of the school pre- sented some feature to the program which attorded much variety. A sub- stantial offering was made in behalf of the Lake Biutr Orphanage. Wednesday, Jan. 9: 2:30 a. m. -- Ravinia Woman's club meeting. Speak- er, Mrs, David Allan Robertson. Washington, D. C. A . Frank D. Hopkins. pastor A fine congregation. notwithstamr ing much illness, enjoyed the inspir- ing Christmas church service, Sun- daanorning. The chancel was'beau- tifully decorated yith‘ Christmas greens. flowers and ferns and tree. The choir rendered special numbers, although some music had to be omit- ted because of illness of certain sing- ers. The sermon by the pastor dwelt upon the irtf1aenee of the coming of Jean: upon the world since His birth. Tuesday. Jan. 8: 2:30 p. "c-oss) club meeting. Guest day for wivesgf umcers. stationed at Great Lakes and F ort Sheridan. Speaker. Hope Sum, mers reading, "Romance." Friday, Jan. 11: t"..30 p,rm--Pres-l byterian church. Men's Fellowship club dinner. Sponsored by Oswli Mrs. B. F'. Lewis, Tel. 1880 Tuesday, Jam 8: 10 tt.m.---H. P. Woman's club. Federation meeting of the Tenth Congressional District. Luncheon. 12:30 p. m, Tuesday. Jan. Iii: 2:30 p. rm-H. P. Woman's club meeting. Speaker, Leon Babe, "American Art and Artists." Wednesday, Jan. 16: 10:30 a.m- H. P. Woman's club. Civics and Par- liamentary Law. Leader. Mrs. Mau- rice Lieber. North avenue at Lauretta place DAG. TWO NOBLESEE‘JEE Grace M. E. Church teb/t tarlso . V 33,0107: J ’momsavzé 'r.e ""i,' , Game TO Have: \pcmpmyl Iflt1yb"f, Corner Central Ave. and Green Bay Road Telephone 3066 COLUMN my 135.; l iser, T' Civic Calendar got frorzn at invite over to _ bhe Domt-mrrtiabtra-ttte but can make the chat-Maul” Senior department of the church school prnxr-m n 10:30 Sunday morn I int There will be no other morning service that day. The Marina is for) missions and benevolence: "m the lui-; npis conference. Bethany church through thin medi- um extends its best wishes to the en- tire community for . Happy and _ maful New Year. Mar it be a you of 'tptrltaml denim”: u vol) a mural pro-My. twomw-m;o;lti% within-tum. Our Christmas program's will tsei given as follows: primary folk Fri-l day afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. The public is weleome to the proerm but] the party Afterward is for the prim-l ary folk Ind the invited mus. J At 4:00 o'clock Sud-y “Moon m" chair will give the “nun. "The Song Ind the Star." The public is cordially invited to there urvicen " well u to ull our worship services. You are cordially invited to make, use of the reading room, 361 Central,' avenue, which is open every week day.‘ from ninp in the morning until ain in the evening and on Wednesdayl/ until 7:30. The reading room is also) open on Sunday‘afternoon 1rom 2:30; to 5:30. __ l First Church of Christ, Scientist, Wtghtan4 Park, "L. Mt Hazel ave- nue. a branch of Ttieiother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scien- tist, in Boston, Wyvs-. holds services every Sunday moaning at 10:45 and on Wednesday evening at It o'eloek, when testimonies of Christian Science headings are given. Sunday School meets at 9:30 tcm-, and is open to pupils under the age of twenty. Subject for next Sunday's lesson sormon "Christian Science." Praye r evening. A watch night service will be held' on Monday evening, Dee. 31st, be-' ginning at eight o'clock. It will be a fitting close to'the old year at the) same time it will be at; appropriate' preparation for the new year. All members and friends of the church) are invited to join us in this service. Funday inn day. suruiar1ran, 20th, will be mission. ary they. Watch for the full an. mugttcemertt. Fhihty-thrve German neurologists and insanity-specialists have made J“ unseat plea that the young PPO- pl» nf the German public schools be not deprived of Christian teaching. Tilt-w who know God best lhrnugh a faithful study of His Word and obe. /iience to the truth, are beat quali- fied (n carry the responsibilities of life, in these days of high pressure. snnely and suctessh1lly. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is' stayed on Thee,' Tho Christian Endeavor meeting will be" hem at 6:45 pun. Topic, "Learning from experience.” Eccles. 1:16-18; Ps.. 37:25. Leslie Dreiske, leader. With mu lesson I study of six month. in the life of Paul is concluded. It will be helnlul to look bud over the entire life u wall a: of the events covered during the present quarter. Begin with Acts 19 for the quarter’- lessons and with Act: 7 for the entire life. For this quarter begin at Ephesus towud the clone of the second missionary journey. There was I return to that city after the "in to Antioch. Meanwhile Anni]. uni Priscilla had been active there. Two on: end hard years were passed in Ephesus. He preached in the synagogue and later used the schoolroom of Tyranmts for his ten-him. The climax came when en the great. threntre was not large enough to hold the crowd that, in opSsition, madly shouted for two hours "Great in Diana of the Ephesians." Then it we: time for Paul to leave town spin. He used the land‘ronte in visiting the virioua cities where he worked during the second of real merit. Let us make the last Sunday in 1925 the best in the his- tory of the school. "Wm". ”w"--- w,“ -.......-..=. When it In discovered that there was a plot to wayhy him and get the Inge offering) for the poor Jews in Jerusalem the itinerary buck to Jeru- snlem was charged from ship to land. t stop is made at Milena and the elders were called there from nearby phesus. Careful instruction was given nbout the future care of the work irothat city and vicinity. Then in the midst of an intense buyer service farewells were said and the journey continued to Jerusalem where trouble surely united the Evameeiiat, continued to Jerusalem where trouble surely united the Evaestreiiat, At tlrst enort was made to satisfy certain critics by making I conces~ siort-sncrifl e and payment of vows, but only trouble resulted. The arrest was nude 'lk'i there was no release for more than four yenrs. A declara, tion of Roman citizenship alone saved him from a severe ttotrttntr and the quick action of a lad made it possible to avoid I death plot. There Wtts glfety at Caesaren but it took two years to get through the hearings before the lea-users who came from Jerusalem. and before Felix. Festus and Agrippn. The journey to Rome, where the case was adjourned, was filled with dangers and elimaxed. in the shipwreck at Malta. .4 - - “WW- 7.. .... Harv"-.. _. an“... I Two years made another long period but much was accomplished as Paul was free to have audiences at pleasure in his own hired house, but f always with a chain binding him to a Roman soldier. Four more great; letters were written meanwhile: Ephesinns, Philippians, Colossians and‘ Philemon. There was" a release which gave opportunity tor other Him, aries and a second arrest which was closed with decapitation. Throughout I Paul was the victor as be wrought for Jesus Christ. Eur-y AW M I“ the Golden - rGtureiiiGrisG 7.75?" - -.___ Row. Sauna! o. Priee, DJ). With ttlil 'tttT , using trf six mynths in thy life of Paul is concluded. Christian ACKERIAN ON "tsal, Sunday School usson and Church Axum” I CALL. SPP'" COURT Cilt Witt Start January I; a ""itA',t'tl..spttt ithri/arg £36m; " I Mama?“ Golden r'ext-Phitivoiwmt 111 Jan. 6th. will be Commun, meeting on Wednesday Science J rhat sigh of relief you hear any ‘1‘nt from the old fashioned politi- } cian who voted he would let his whis, 'kers grow until Virginia went Re- , public-n, A pioneer is 1 fellow who can remember when bobbed hair and short skirts meant . neighborhood senmHi. Friday. Jan. 4, 2 p. m., The I‘diel' aid will be entertained by Mrs. Anna Augustine, 632 S. St. Johns avenue. Highland Plrk. Peril-pl a good my to m the la- dies, to the polling plan would be to put. on n until! counter ale: in the back end of the polling plug... The boys in Chicago must be losing their pep. According to new: dir- patches the ehction there actually V‘s peaceful. Oakridge and High street G. A. 0. Enntrom. pastor Sunday, Dec. 30: 9:43 I. m, Sunday school. It:00 a. m., Worship in Swédish. 7:00 p. m., Worship in English. Monday. Dec. M, 9:00 p. m., Luther league prmtrtsm. New Yen’s Day, Jan. l, 11:00 PIR., Morning worship. _ Laurel and Linden avenues Rev. Frank Pitt. minister Thursday: . 2:30 Christmas party tor the Pri- mary children in the primary mum. 2530 Christmas party for the Jun, iur children in the junior room. Friday, '2:30-Christmas party for the Beitinners in the beginner' rnomv Sunday: 9:15 Girls' choir rehearsal in the parish house. 91:7 Church who-J. Ciassvc. fur al! age: Monday. 2:00--The young people will leave from the church for Arden Shore where they will give a Christ, mas party for the boys there. Thursday, Jan. 3. the Drama Study group will meet in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Prune. 720 West Park avenue. - West Central avenue W. F. Suhr, pastor _ On Sunday morning the Sunday §chuul classes will meet as usual, ,10130 German service. 11:00 Engiish service. On New Year's Eve there will bc ll service in the evening at eight u'clock. New Year's Day. 10:30. German service. 1t:00 Morning worship, The pastor will preach. ' t 7:00 Young People‘s poeiesty meet- ing. Leader: Arthur Wood. A. o. FAY [0063 NO. 676 PreabsrteAan Church I t :00 English service Highwood Lutheran Highland Park Chapter 7:). 0.... Jsluuy 9. 1929 1'83 HIGHLAND PM PM HIGHLAND PM Reedeemer Lutheran No. sum Cumm- Two long tr yn-gogue [he climu F 1,l,tti,atiit,st,titj,j"" I air:'.-!-' 5423-9 $5222 There in so cnaeCineiudimr siv. Hal old ones. listed. Others are: Thomas King. Elmer Hmwn and Jack Briggs. indicted for a Highland Park burglary; CUrenee Puhl, named by n sailor for indecen- m>: John Koprivic. once convicts! “f robbery but granted a new trial an his motion for one; Edward Ruff. alleged check forger, and Joseph Frock. accused by farmer of feet- mg them out of milk receipts. Hurry Dnrdarim, and several oth- 'rr. accused of lumeny; C. X. Mar- 41:0]. indicted for Iron; Hurry “rum. and Harry Krause. Ilsa ite mum! for arson: Otto Johnson. '1'. J. Harm-on. Albert Christensen. Jaurr., A, Cunnituthrun, Harry Iver. David Athenian, of North Cir] also. a (all: artist accused of nt- lacking a woman who your] for himl last spring in some woods Meat of Lake Forest. will bead the circuit mun criminal trill all, Stitch At. Lurney A. V. Smith has stated. The! (all will “In Juan-y 2. . , Thuse on the can Ire Peter Alas- na and Dominick Serratore,turea With a hold~up; Clarence Gleason. ac- cused of robbing the North Shore tine station at Edison court, Wilma» Tun, and Arthur Blanchlrci: "ark 'f kidn-ppinx Frank Stewart. a we. "irssorks, employe. Elbe! Lalhrop Marley. binder Imstruetion in Piano and Violin {hmuszh a combination of [mum- and class lessons. Prices begin " “.50 wrekty For ittformatiun HIGHLAND PARK MUSIC SCHOOL CHICAGO-sum, and Jackson . 1iiikj"'.'aii'iii/jiiiiii'itd Suit Sale nus-Hun - " sist,rgcll'l'"t"igl'h Sons ii . Call H. P. tt38 'g.'L'A"grey.teatettse-e---- Gh-JH‘dmu-fihdhmuu human-Inn... 'eiteittrtr.t “492 Ptrre----as...aa,,,s., 'tteTurrueeLiLEi.TiiUi'TiiT. ttrrer.ray--aa'iiiirds"ii'ii". 1eteer--eh--iaGGiiiriiii"iiiii -o.Hr.-..ecos 2he,.",fe'2tye.eettetst, 'k-dt-Ir-urs-is-aria";." het-ist-ua-tFira'." It.” $4129 WIMM‘ Dimple Mg t?allf Our Entire Stock of These Fine Suits That Sold Up to '75-Drasticat, Cat to :kson EvANsroN-orrinston and Church In Our Evanston Shop _ Tt".a1omsoas.eeerv-tnu. "!d!urttett-rtot- 1"tionirsth-kte_ Who rem-abet: the good old day- when Dunne Grundy than that the bicycle costume of the village be": VII immod-tt Smart Appearance Reliable Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company" .... We operate our own dry cleaning plant. 25 years of service Pi.- "bt79 Hithnl NA, m Cleanliness Sanitation Saving of Energy 'r'.','..':,', cunn- w- d *-~*_* "ee-ar-GIG-ii,' re"----)." i 'h.---. Exclusive Lylton Cm han-h!- 5th“ “not"... What's-99- SUITS Satisfaction *49a mas..tma-s.dNa.nA."isw ton-mun». ”that hob“ ye regular ante-den f. wol- thoautus.ud -a.uiFikiG In. “myth-I'm ami.th.hosomirmoddtr_- TB UIBDAY, to It. "can clan}. 5*“

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