Mr. and Mn. Samuel Knox of So. Sheridan mad ham is their guests l', r the holidam Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Mr, and Mrs. Paul White. who are nu an Evangeiislic Binary in New York and Pertresrhvartin are unable to be home for the holidzys. They will rrehaMy be in the Etst "rttil the mid- dlu of March, . Mr. and Mrs, James fads Ewell of (Try avertue. Ravima. are holding an ,nfurmal housvwarnsirte tea from f-vur to seven on Sunday aflcrnoon, Mr. and Mrs. F. l Zipoy left on 'Sunday for Ironwood. Mich, where any will spend the hohdays with Mrs, Zmny's parents. Mr. Thomas Schimet left last week for Virmnia where he was called on mfgum of the death of his mother. Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Bower enter- minui twentystwo marsh at dinner on Chr/stmas day. The guests from tu', of town were Mr. And Mrs, H. bunny-n and Mr. and Mrs. C, Hum mer of Chicago. Mr. Ind Mrs, Charte, Umbehaun and family of Kenosha it nd .31 r. iauf.i y. Mr. and Mrs. Arrh Aka-mushy and family and Mr. and Mrs. S. T, Reb- ling spam Christmas in Des “tines. the Kuest, of Mr. and Mrs. l-Ros Dickrnson. 'Thorsen and mu Jimmy of Midioth- Local and Personal inn and Mr, and Mrs. MacLaren Mun“! Mrs.B,Harrison Norris, Mr. Richards of Nunhville, New York, and Mrs. W. J, Littte ot Oak Mn Mrs. Thorsen was formerly Alice Mr. Chester A. Norris of Dan-nporu/ Knox and Mrs. Richards was the fur, lu., Mr. and Mrs, Funk J. Conrad. mer Eunw- Rum. and La Verne and Adam of Wilmer“ Robert Seytarth has returned were the Sunday guests at the M. C, from Cornell to his home on South Conrad home, 122 McGovern street. Shcrnlnn mm! fur n... uniâ€: Mr. Henry Kenning of St. Joseph. Mich. is the truest this week of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Coarad of 005 Deertield :wnu‘t Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. B, Harrison Norris, Mr, and Mrs. W. J, Link of Oak Put Mr. Chester A. Norris, of Davenport. lu., Mr. and Mrs, Funk J. Conrad no: you; 3|). Our bargain counter, in the dresses in this department. f The Standard of Loretta Shop is your vane at this sale. Entire stock is {re-L HATS - from the BEST KNOWN MAKERS -.-. Hisrk Tho Daytime, Dinner, "Prompt & Dependable Service" When you order coal from Consumers Company. you may be sure not only of full weight and the best quality, but promptcde- pendable serviie as well. and Mrs Him: Hakka and Give us a trial on your next order. 'ormer prices up to $45.00 can. w. _ COKE _ FEELS-L - H.6NLAHO PAQK 3.00 - - ALL om - “W!" - e LORETTA $19. 75 a muiicale to be held at t,..ruoiid, nu Saturday evening, Dee. 29, I Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Menoni of N. _Grven Bay road, announce the birth j a sun on Sunday. Dee. 23, at the HEghIand Park hospital. lie. Filimure G. Lido of Detroit. Mich, spent the holidays with hi, zzan-n‘s. Mr. and Mrs, E. G, L:sle of South Sheridan road. Felicite and Martha Bum of Lin, d-m Park place are giving a dinner warty for tifty guosxs pun-dim: tho Wieboldt,' dance at :he Highland Park club on Thursdxy. Doc. 27. Mr. and Mrs, Uausar Fun-hi am minute the birth of a daurshter on llnnday, Dec. 2t, at the Highland Park hospital. P Miss Harriet M. Lisle hf Peoria. Ill., rpent the holidays with her brother and family. E. G, Lisle of South Sheridan road. Mrs. George W. Roberts of S. Sher- Man mad has issuvd nthahnns for The um junsor parties to be held at the Highland Park club on Sat- ur0ay afternoon and evening. Dec. Ruben Seyfarth has returned from Cornell to his home on South Sheridan mtad for the holidays. Gavan Bliss who attends Dart, mouth ic spending the holidays with hi, pul‘unb. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bliss of North Linden avenue, Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Boyer of F,,rest avenue have as their Rucst for the Christmas holidays, Mr. Boys er's mother, Mrs. Luiu Chambtis Buyer of Anderson, Mzssuuli. inte ter, in the rear of the store. is well known for it's unusual values. During ttri, sale there are xartment. formerly priced up to $45, which will be sold out at “we postponed until some future tretta Shop is your guarantee of real ntire stock is fresh and clean. W111 close out at tremendous concessions Entire Fall and W inter Stock SAVE AS MUCH AS YOU SPEND . $25.00 Evvrctt Mills /ctdrnui"rru,rtile' Deerfield mam-my. Deerfield, Mas. on Thursday I" spend his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Mills of North St. Johns avanuo. day Mr. hand R. Thnmas spent Christ- mm with his family- nf Forth avenue. _ .. . , l -._...._p. umwwn on lrnu'll IVE- _:ctt'/crcng',d1ts/. 2:31;: 1s?Atic,1; nus hiya“ east to 'tg lYurk to , A . . . . up.“ holid- . . 50! Austin yt"ti'hristmtsa with Mr I Mr. and 'slt",l't','2, 'et' of _ t'e,,t?u',Pu'r t ope :nd funny of", Ceatral avenue are located in the Mc, ' At ' l Killip buildin duri th tl ., , Mis, Mum! E. Mills is spending modelling thfir hog: e In? of re Ptvattion m Oak Park, Ill. The Women of iiiisoart, Legion. ( If? risen-10f sandwicht III. is the; Chapter 806 will hold thejr next meet- I5l'fsl, (.1 ulnar Cope of Vine "enue, mg on Jan. " " eight o'clock at toga-\errral days. I Witten’s hall, There wall he imtnlla. Chandler Juhnsnn. who attends An, napolis is >m-ndfn2 the holidays " bis home an S. Sheridan road. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Sherman of Ku‘whu. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Olson :" f rh:r,,lru" nf Arlinpsm Heizhty, tri', Mk: Mann Hunter of Chicago “an we unab- of Mr. and Mrs. L. a (mush. of Chicago, Arnold D. K. Macon. and Harald JacRer of High- land Park. Ralph Perkins of SI. Louis, Forest Stewart of Cedar Rapids and Crown, Groendyke of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Rex. Vale of Arlinm tsm "(4th are n-ceiving crrrutratula, tirns on thy birth of a dauzhhr my Monday. Der, " at the Highland Park Miss Katharine Johnson of South Sheridan road Will Rive a party to a number of her friends on Fridly afterno1n. John Hammond McBride was mar- 'ied to Elizabeth C, Gambrill in St. Louis, on Saturday, Dec. 23. The wedding took place at tiye-thirty o.clock in st. Jutrn's Methodist Epis- copal church. The marriage service Wm wad by the Rev. Dr. Ivan Lee Holt. A reception followed at the " Louis Worman's dub. Miss Jane llutler " St. Louis srrved the bride ity maid of honor. The bridesmaids \wro Misc (Eran Muullon. Miss Alic- Chapman and Mics Kathleen Ryan of tit, Lung. Mis, Elizabeth LtchtiAri 1nd Miss Frances Towrr,und uf va Tcrk. and Miss Margaret lhtt ot Chr caL'n. Mr, 5-Brlde had ax bra man. his brother, Lyman It McBride. The 'rr:" ("Smart in r.- Luthrr S. Hammond, -- â€M“ -'____. _-....., of Darrin“ nu recenvin‘ Toatrrtbtu- I is mending the hot mm on the birth ot u not: on Fri- l eats, Mr. and In day, but St, at the Highluud Pukl of Centrnl lvenue. hospital. , In. A. P, Slum Mr. and Mrs. William Kruger of Deertield uremic announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Isabel Krueger to Earl William of High- land Park. Miss Maurine! Byrn left Friday tor Cambridge, Maryland where she will whim! the Christmas, holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jun“ Clark Morrison announce the amazement of their dnuzhler Elizabeth Hollimrswurth to Ru~soll Hamlin Bruno, sun of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bruno Qf Blue Island. tii. Hester Ann Thomas who was oper- ated on ten days ago in the east is gating Along nicvly. BARGAIN COUNTER ol, Ir. In HIGHLAND Pm P3338. HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS tyt In. Reel G. wmumfr Barrett Hum, ' "ttdent at uh. Vino avenue Christmas $10.00 and $13.50 ormer prices up to mu- 1 is spending the holidnyt with his p.15 Fri-feats, erand In. Henry E. luau formerly priced Mr. and Mrs. R. K. l’nnn2<t and dauzhter. (1w (In. nf (‘hivaum wprn' Christmas with the Run and Mk. (I G. Chang“. f.t5 S. Green Bay road. MR. Bertha kittman entertained Shawn {tin-nth last ovtming in honor rd Mr. and Mrs. William Herrinst of Detroit. Mich" who " her guest; Sewn“ TYuax who attends Wand School at Lanzhorn. FL. is spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Evva Truax, y Mr. and In. John C. Baker an; Hamily of 14k: BM! are spending l lbe_Christm_u pond". in Kentucky. [IL-hop W. F. Heil of Alterttown, Penn.. is spcrtdimt a few days thi, Weil: \l-ilimr his (hummer. Mrs. Ed. ward Hirttr, uf 41:0 Oakwood avenue The Rlark Cat Shown- of S. St, Jr, hns- av~~nuo and the Fedora] Bakery of W. Central avrnue, have gone out of business. l Elena-t Junieson‘of Vl‘entlrnilvzlrsu [nus My gone east to New York to Mr. and Mrs. Gourm- W. Kane and daughter. Ruin-rm nf Hun-land. 0.. and yrs. .luwph R, Sud " Oak Park. visited their brother, Mr. M. Warner of N. Svmnd street. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, George Champion of New York. spent Chri,tmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. w. Stevens of Thc Meadows, South Green 711;; road. The mnrriago of Miss Florence 1.4:uis and Mr, Clifford Rose, hath of this city took place Monday owning at 7 o'clock at the Fin! United Evan- 'tcliral parsunage. the Run C G. Unansrst officiating. They were at- hndrd by Mia Catherine Rhim-har: and Mr. Walter Slveman, Mrs. Alice Tum.†will ent/tair, the members of hrr bridge club Friday evening. In. A. P. Smith returned Monday to Californit Thr engagement " Miss Cleona Maisie Udell. daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. Paul L. Udell. to James J. Gattw ereoal, son of Mr, and Mrs. Frank H. Gathereoal of 15†Highland avenuu. Wilmette, was anrusuncvd at a lunch- con-bridge given by Miss Plums at her home Saturday afternoon. Ott Frid-y morning, Dec. 21 " nine o'cloek occurred the marriage of Ray- mond George Sievers and Miss Ruth Knox of Libertyville Al the Peesbts terian church in Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs, Sievers are living m the Tone Building. Mr. Ind Mrs. William Witten en- tertained at a family dinner at their home on Lnurel avenue. The Women of Moosehnrt. Legion, Chapter 806 will hold their next meet- xng on Jan. " In eight o'eluch at Witten's hall. There will be insulin. “on of otticers. Due to the conditions under which these being sold, there will be absolutely no 'ret or exchanges. $55.00 'vem'ng and Sgort Frodes up to $25 -- Selling out from $3 Mrs, Saran Guns-uni and ti,") dren of Portland, Oregon, arrived last week to Join her hmband who WIS] touuferred to Chicago a few weekC ago. .They m visiting " (kn-r] gurd'l parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph) Stipe of S. Green Bny road until they) get located, I Mr. Jon-pl: new», of N. Second aunt, is mien-1y in with pmumonin. The first Sunday ihemoon Mo tea In. held " the Middlebrook Coutt- try club with 1 blue attendnuee. The tlrat ot the Thundzy night card pu- tiea will be held this week. Mrs. E. M. Conrad entertained the members of her sewing club It 3 de- lightful seven-thirty o'elock dinner last night at her home on Lune! ave- nue. Mr. Ind Mrs, Gregory Burns of Muutenpulis are visiting Mrs. Buru's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sullivan. Mr. Herman Deuzel has returned from I two week's stay in Josephine, Alabama. 388 Cam-d Avénue EARL W. GSELL & co. a happy and prosperous 1haner prices up to 62.50 $35.00 y no 'returns, refunds New Year PHARMACISTS We wish you 389 Roger Williams Avenue Phone 2300 . Mira Mildred WAR-h: who Ill ttoenatuitoiiltorth.rtaat-ki. scum; along nicely. Keeping a dnughler in clothes irn't always a financing problem. -- New- ark tOhio) Advocate. We wunder where that Aunt. mun gut the idea he could tusance . couple of movie queens with A new million dollarm~Canton Daily News. The farmer with a good herd of Ewe! cattle and a plentiful supply " corn fur ttrtterung purponel is going to get quite I bit of relief within the next year.anson City Globe- Gazette, We wuhp}hank our my triad: for Christmas (in. um! uh this op- portunity to wish you Bil Happim and Prosperity. THURSDAY. DBCBMBBtk If. It. garments are t POLICE THANK PUBLIC to $10 many Police [Noun-nun