Pa rk $1 $1 - S: _ 'Sc 50 , .y, May 2, 1,929 Thursday, May 2, 1929 ‘The Civic association of. ctieyro) which will give its annual festival at; Orchestra hall, Sunday afternoon,“ May 6, at 3:30, promises a program» of more than ordinary interest. "nas;, will have as an important feature ai number of folk songs from European) nations which will be sung by a] children's chorus of 1000 voices. Music Association _ 1"tirxpert shoe repairihg _ l a Work done while you wait _ '24 North Second Street, Highland' Park Telephone Highland Park 1774 SPOR T IN G 1 SE C CI'fi---t)cN- We also carry a complete line of hosiery. Also coats at $10 and $15. All sizes,"14 ta 52 [ 19 South St, Johns Averige" f Antiques . _ High-grade furniture repairing. refinishing and e" ytrhtrterz.a=-queytteef mottr-proofimt M 32 North First Street, Highland, Park Jriirlietrt-elaptr service for the best people - , Opposite Garnett's, -,""" __ - . In past seasons these fplk songs and The Kickernick Underdrees gives a delightful we of freeddm to the growing child'or young miss. Kielterniek garments are shown at _ Auto Accessories and Radio Supplies 25 South Second Street . , Phone Highland Park 391 Eleitrieal, Battery, fqrburetor paid . N Radio SW6 V , _ 515 Laurel Avenue _ Phone Highland Park 266 359 Central Avenue, Highland Park . Alcyon Theater Building Phone Highland Park, 2219 - BARILARI and ON ESTI BROTHERS Telephone Highland Pink 582 Every Monday Evening 5.15.5 sharru.LDasrurht:fjtrvimr) HAAK'S AUTO SUPPLY MARY ANN FROCKS JACK AND JILL SHOP Phone Highland Park 3560 JOSEPH .GIALLANZA ‘ MOTOR (AR t ELECTRIC SERVICE Importers and Cleaners Rugs Carpets, Linqlemns 652_Central Avenue Phone Highland Park. 3360 V . _ " 0eerfle1d School Auditorium g BOUTS AMERICAN LEGION s M J T T IV s BARBER SHOP Festival on May 5 VOGUE, INC., Sponsored by BOXING the beautiful interpretatiottst theel, symphonic works iuur there will be by the fresh yOung ‘voices of the Chi" i. also a demonstration of community dren have brought great delight iii) singing. a the hearts of hundreds of people from the older countries. This year the . 5 folk songs are of exceptional charm; Eeho of Random Mai) . and, in addition to them, the chorus; Robbery Been m Suit will sing a group of works by Ameri-l _ ------- can composers as well as the cantatal Hearing on the $26,000 claim 'Votrelweid the Minnesinger." Fil/ aaginst'the estate of the late Lee Civic Orchestra, directed by Erie i) O’Neil Jeowpe, filed by rehtlves of Lamarter. will play three brilliantI James Murray, who was convicted - F w" . . - DEERFIELD A. C. WINS OPENING GAME 9-7 The Deerfield A. C. baseball team defeated the Lake County All Stars of Waukegan, 9-7, last Sun- day afternoon at Jewett Park, Deerfield. It was an interesting and exciting-game - Among the home team "the hitting stars were Bleimehl and John- son, each getting three hits. Next Sunday, May 5th; Deerfield plays the Norwegian-American Athletic Club of ChicagoinJewett Parkat {ro'eloek," _ i g '. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY FOOTBALL . ' _ PROSPECTS 3000 Northwestern students and alumni turned out last, Saturday afternoon at Dycke Stadium to see the Varsity battle the Freshmen itrtheir annual spring football game. The Varsity won 13-7, but they were forced to extend themselves to do BO--- thedeciding touchdown being made by Hank Burden in the final minutes of play. - _ . . V 'The game'was, of course, very, ragged. The Freshmen Were continually penalized for off side play, while the Varsity boys were often punished for stalling in the huddle. *To Northwestern fans the game Was particularly interesting because of the excellent material on the yearlirig squad. The work of their tine was especially gratifying, while such men as Wrote, Baxter, and Marvil in the haekfield was encouraging ttrthose who were working for fhishy, open field running; 7 _r- "'>. It" .-,. It was also evident that the new rule on the fumble would cause considerable argument next fall. Under this new ruling a fumble is dead at the point of recovery. Nor is there anything, to pre- Tent an intentional fumble. For example, one team may be leading 7-6. The op'posing team, getting within a few yards of the goal, but unable to break through for a touchdown, may intentionally fumble the ball across the line-and win the game regard- less of which team recovers. From the viewpdint of the spectator, this new rule is extremely unpopu- lar; and it is the general belief that it will not weather more than the one reason. _ The boxing bouts given by Leetiield PostAmeri- can Legion are becoming more popular each week with the North Shore fight fans. Their cards have been particularly good the past two weeks, and the one for next Monday nighCpr0mises to be even bet- ter. Following is a list of the bouts. Don't forget the place-in the Deerfield School Auditorium, at 8 :4ti,.daylight Saving time. _ . LOUIS VOLTZE Glencoe OM3AR O't.fAN_NHrN Waukmn A. C ROBERT BROWN Graeplolse RUDY PETERSEN Chicano BOBBY ECKHARDT Winnetkn ANGELO GARLOW Kenmhn MEYER. FRAZER; Bambi! DEERFIELD BOXING BOUTS THE PRESS 124 Iii 186 lb- lit lbs. IM lb. 186 lb. 155 lb. m “a. ratstmriCiieiirttEii c., Itethtsha, Cent“! A. A. -U. Chamqhn Hearing on the $26,000 claim anginst' the estate of the late Lee OlNeil ‘Bgowne, filed by msintteeg of Jarpe's Muyav, vhf) Was convicted FRITZ BmBlNS Minamo- _ _ Keno-ha CARL OGRBN Wuhan-9 A. s, J OB STOW! Ei-ha JOE prrrs Rumba Kénoahl. WU. DON CONN lake F0191 . Insurance Agency . 388 Central Avenue _ T . b ---Phonesr-- _ _ . . Highland Park 444~Hi¢hhnd Park 211 All kinds Ladies’ Mingling, bobbing 'ttttd children's _ 'haircutting- a specialty ". _ NORTH SHORE BARBER SHOP . A. 1i'RAmmiror.ryr.,_ttrtririetor f . 8..North Second sirak," Highland Park NORTH SHORE RADIO SHOP Show! repaired-bg expert. thomukm Hats eleane4-r-rPaatamu" a specialty Yes, we do dry cleaning Suit» pressed while you wait AyurAmrrk is absolutely guaranteed Free call and delivery' - . 14 North First Street; Highland Pink prpgite, _NorthAtstert1 Rtulrma, .Statjsm Auto Body. Fender, Radiator Repairing THE' HIGHLAND PARK SHOP on "mm. we of thi. have Hm Berststifttintt and Landscape Suggestion: order of Green Bay Road and Central ' Avenye, - Telephone Highland‘ Park “3066 FRA'NKEN BROS. Ciiiiiii7ii, se'veral months .30 for Miamion in the Rondout, Ill., mail robbery, has been set for May 6, at Ottawa, Ill. The document asserted that the etaim represented a prepaid and Im- earned legal fee (yen to Browne in 1926, when he ieasi.retained, to' seek Murray's release tram the laden! penitentiary at Atlanta. 'the-plain-' ties are Mrs, Jennie Murray, Mur.. ray’s wife: Michael Murray, his father. and Mrs. Nellie Murray, his stepmother.. _ . . . Telephone Highland- Park 3800 INC. . Phone Deerfttld 241 VIC "r. KILLIAN, INC. THE BUMP SHOP 20 North Second Street Telephone Highland Park 143 For dépendabte 071363 will _Highland Park 19trt- ' W. W. REICHARDT _" Everything in Music CARLSON-MUSIC Cf). of radio and service a specialty 384 Central Avenue Read our Plumbing