Miss Comer said that Louise's speaieh was exeellint, well prepared, and well given. Louise Smith, winner of the Deer- (ield-shields high school artworks] contest, placed third in the sectional contes0eld_at Evanston on Thurs- day-April 25. _ . Thomas Barnes of. Loyola Won first place and Brime Simpson of Eva'nston second. Thomas will compete the' state championship for the flip to South America. ' _ . Errors on'the part of nearly every player on the team caused Deerfield- Mhigh schonli to, Utsie their Jirst league game to Evanston on their home field Friday/April 26.- Deerfield started.out in their half " the tirst inning with two runs, but Evanstoh game back withrfour runs in the next two innings on the errors of Deerfield trlayersi.. Ythtrrfimi irf Deerfield' pitched a good game, but many of Deerfield'., play- ers were experiencing their' off day. Ihterfield Student Places - " in Oratorical Coitfisf North. Shore limited trains will stop at Vine aVenue at 7:30; and .8 p. m.,. south Iround traini .at 10:30 and fl p. m. There will also-be spe; cial bus service from Deerfield. Evanston Wins First " t ' League Ball Game . The, program "will ponsist- of sey- eral .,nunibersr by the orchestra, ah Indian sce’n'e by the Girls Glee-club, a comic Operetta by the Boys'llee dub; and three 'nttrntrers by theband, _.The Annual Spring Concert .willibe held tomorrow 'night" in the high school auditorium. . V . tm Dispersed between courses ~wete some clog dances, songs by Mrs.mti- bert Smith, next year’s president of 'the.P.T.A., a pianolntrue-, and several stunts. _ ' . "W" ' Harriette Golden, club president, gave a welcome address, w.hile Miss Brooks, a club adviser, gavei toast- to the Girls' .club,’ and Catherine Preston, viee-president, the aims and history. _ ‘, ", '.e Miss Wilsion, dean of girls, was also an adviser to the girls while. plan- ning the, banquet. ", Annual SprinitonceA " _ at H. S, Tomorrow Night Those in charge ofxthe banqgiet were Gladys. Perroy, social chairman And toastmistres?;' Gertrude Wil-' hams, song leader and cheer leader; Virginia Engels, program," Dorothy Becker, decorations; Jane Wenban', tickets and-advertising; and Cather- ine Pieston, dinner hostess, helping' Mrs. Wright, - . _ With-an attendance of over 200 mothers and daughters, the Girls' club Mother-Daughter banquet at Deerfield-Shields was held Friday ev- ning, April 26, in the lunchroom. . Deerfield Girls' Club . _ Holds Banquet April 26 l4 'v'm ------- "e-""""'-""""""""""'""'--" -te-g----.---., H _ x'vw/yn-yv "i-r-a-.--.,.....--.- w Included in the list. are names of 14 students who will .complete .the course in summer school, nine who finished in February, and two who are working with Mr. flandwiek's .permission, and will all receive their diplomas in June. _ . Because' "Londonderry Air.“ the play which was to be given by the Garrick club of the Deerfield-Shields high school at the Goodman theatre, willnot be ready, the hut act, of "The Copperhead" will be given m its place. Tickets-tor the play which will be presented on May M, may he se- eured from Min Comer. Students Plan' to Give ~Copperhead in Chicago Clover Benson and Barbara Ship- nes will talustheHi'reneh exam, John -Bosselli and Chester Sivan, mathemo atics; Helen Leur, chemistry; Ggorge Hutehizisim- and Arthur Maganani. physics; ‘and Anne Yoharinan and' Thomas Lester, Spanish. ' One hundred seventy-six seniors, the Iarge§t class iti the.history of Deerfield-Shields, will be graduated 'the night of June 13. _ Last year three out bt the eight stu- dents who entered these exams won reéognition: ‘They were Hiltiker Burchtsrdi-physic.s, and Genevieve Woltrand Robert Umbach in Spanish. _ French, mathematics, p h _ i e 5, Spanish,, and chemistry are the ex- aminations which will" be- givén. . 'thd team has three matches sched- aled for next' week, and the members of the team are hopingxthe weather will permit them to play. _ Warren Geary played the coach of Arlington Height’s team; beating him 7-6, due to some wonderful iron shpts and, putts. _ Nini, seniors of --thec-Deertield- Shields high school are entering-in" scholafrship contest, whiely is t9 be held at ithe University of Chic.ag-o on Friday, May, 24.- - . D?etfieWShields Seniors 5 Enter Scholarship Contest '29 Class of Deerfield Numbers 176 Seniors _ Jack Williams, our chief councilor, defeated the wonder of the North- west league 't-6, while Jack Thomas, who played heavyweight basketball, won his, match by his putting ability with a score of 7-6. - W. J. Chambers defeated his man after a hard Tfought contest. It was Chamber's long dives netted hint victory. Oswaldo Sailli, brother of Tttrido Saielli, defeated his' man 8-7. The two veterans back from-hut..., year are T, R. Saielli.amr. Warren" Geary. They' shot r"espeetive scores‘ of 81 and 82. _ With only two lettermen back from last year’s state championship golf team, Deerfield overwhelmed Arling- ton Heights high school last week by the score of 16 to o. High School Golf Team Beats Arlington" Heights 'r'-'-"'""'--.'-"'."-".- M.----.---.-.-., Wr. Sheridan's Orchestra is very well known all along the north shore. Mr. Schwartz, the pianist, Was for- merly with Benny Krueger. _ According to' Dorothy VCumpbell, who is the chtirmarimrr the decora, tion committee, the deeonitioris;' will be very unusual and interesting. There will be special entertainment and refreshments. The dance is .strictly informal. V. . _ Wally Sheridan's orchestra will play at the'Junior prom to be held at Deer,field-Shieto high schop] this Saturday, accordihg to Bud Shite, chairman of thie music committee. Sheridan's Orchestra _ Plays at Prom Saturday PRESS The solo Vittro ir/aye/d. was "All Those Endearing Yiyting Charms,". by Mantis. He. played this'solo in air. sembly a few' weeks ago. _ Vittro has hen a mainstay of the band during his three: and a ‘half years here and this year was elected student manager of the board. _ Colorado, the 1atter_rjart of' negt' month. "." o . _ _ These' prizes afe (in iiisimlrfiriiri show case of the east byildimfwhere ther rest of trcs-airplanes are. ___ _ '_._7_}:it‘€‘ro Iknki won first place in the ttdlo contest "r6Frbiitirfririiis "held .last Thursday evening at therVniversity of Illinois. He is now champion bari- tone, soloist of the" state and will com- pete for national honors ttt Denver, The tirst.prize, is a free airplane ride in "a big -Pa1-“’aukee monoplape at, their flying, field. The 'secqnd, prize is a silver medial, on which is en-, graved a picture of ‘an airplane, "Hunters Sport Shop," "commercial, contest." This is mounted an a red ribbon. 'The third ptiiz.epis a bronze medai. the, same design as thedsiIver medal}; mounted oh a white ribbon. Vittro: Lenzi Wins' First ' in Baritone Co‘ntest Prizes have _ been received from Hunters Spare-Shop, for the airplane contest which is titake place about May 15., . . _ . ' Miss page took the plaice of Miss Brooks when she went to" France, and has bein at Deerfield since that time. Mrs.Moequin graduated- from Col- .1s,pttiitr Teacher’s college, New York City, at the age of '18, and obtained her. miuster's degree at the age of. 19., Her master's thesis was of. such Sig- nifieattee that T it was" published by MacMillan and company}. Shejjas had experiehcCTir 6Giiiriiiiir,/2ykhsc. hama, and in tiFir other teachers col- letterbesides the one at Columbia»! which she attended recently. I Announce Prizes for T F Model Airplane Contest Mrs. Clara Bocquin will take over Miss Dolese's French classes next September. Miss Dolése is to teach in the Chicago schools next yiai. ' " Mrs. Clara Bocquin. _ Is New French Teacher . The class will. be continued those who are still more than per etnt underweight. T _Twenty-two Deerfield-Shields girls who started in the "nutrition Class tor underweights last fall have gaified tintiutth weight 1.50 that they may leave., _ . ' Sirverai views showed cloge-ups' of groups of lions stalking about un- aoiart 'of the near-by cameras:, _ Students fromthe grammar which were guests of Peerfield during the program. . . _ _ For the assembly program at Deer-.. fieltshields last 1i'ridav,Wpri1 2.6, the movie "Simba" was shown., This is the] famous picture made by Mr. and Mrs. Partin Johnson,' on their trip throitirtf Africa seeking "Simba," .thgé lion dr Jring of beasts. _ . , Nutrition Class Graduates Twenty-two Underweights . 1ririiiie-Ntihiit'ii of Mrs. Roth's new aioa came Jn second for the aide stmi.Fredrt'ila Brown of Miss Chester's second in the crawl for speed, and Dorothy Plantnf Miss Baker's session first in the back stroke. .1 gig“ -m, h 7-. In. the medley reIay, KITS. Martip's session came in. first, and Miss Mitr- gan's second. T _ . ' â€THE SWEDISH ART METAL ce.. In. Gust W. Mitten, N. B. -erttathre i 239 Egghwood Avenue Show Animal Picture _ in Deerfield Assembly The breast stroke was won by Sara McGlernan of Miss Dolese’s session who' displayed Jtgtttd. form: Sat-km took-first place. _in the erase), side stroke,, Funding; _ ' . In the freshman swimming meet held. last Friday, April 26, at the Deerfield-Shields high school, Mi“ Dolese’s session took first place with 20 points. Sara McClernan Stars In Fresh Swimming Meet iliEiirizEEii] HOUSEHOLD - GOODS PHONE H. P. 181-182 FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES MOVING STORAGE ART METAL WORK Hiiihwood, Iii." Phone Highland Put "" PAChmtr-- SHIPPING Thursday, May 2, 1929 of for ten The Apo; virtually em rest of-the The speeit vestigated t] filed by The against Rep With and R report recon suit'with tt mittee of tl fives last ’w No aitton the mémber not show up Chairman D Roy M. Gree ed the speck with wreck: blowri them own power: I, fTodtry A the mental return of , Mai, for 9.1 and an inte will make _ and safe bo procession.†r C Boise†_ "This' hm: of wealth is only a blind tipns which facing desti dry; Amer? perity is lil goes wild it sight. - "it is or and power; them," com have been t in histoi'y; wealth . and speed. We Perous pea] point'we n qyesthhi---h ale enough Ex-Presit cimsider m: ington,,, so to know th, do anytliim up to New . Warning :tinually in, tutes the g tion, Ib. E _be MAmeri: kw .the m " urilegs phperly h goeL T The mod the "last w comfort iie gets the las them. Ttba. psy¢ dreams eat but they I nightmares “America handling n fore was e1 the next " to handle~ than any" tore.'" . . Thursday. A merie Say cou