ds of ma- for 3150 oth prqo‘f e M27x4k5(; ' import- ribs. Am- PS! $4.95. ioken as- 1ity linen JICe price i-e'mbroid- nainsook. $1.01). $1.00 on 1.00 and bai'k sortment. .00. 'eede 1.00 at 98c Im ‘gs (le rials 5c Hit and heavy 16c m and Reg- _iiii(i, New tsch/sap/ling for District 107, situated im Green B named Green Bay School. Will provide for first three g" gartem.enrolling pupils lliring west _of the righf of way of Ekpeetation' is that fourth and fifthxrades will be aci-onnw mum TH rjlf)ify _" _",""" iji)rlsittie, Th ursda y, May 2. f 929 amen Bay roa three grades' way oCthe N acirommodated oar) and. prnbably t‘o‘be s . and' complete kinder- Nirrthwestern Railroad. ed later. . [?-)jiirgtt; ’rice Sc