, retain the Wife; You fog must clean' imam u must eat t." A more nukes a boy l longer his :ism - the woman. It t' and - body femininity, t_nhood, and ttetw, Look is the male ease it is the female HEDD Street . h 2288 cent amount e it or you -and make ighland Pgrk did whmnn can be the 1JNDRY ' COMPANY , mama Pk. E 410 TH RDENER LAUNDRY LLED FOE. .y. May 2, 1929 Shrubbéry - Terraces [mums _ilf'li(fiiiiLf)fsisli] President Hoover’s hand is Sore after shaking hands with 1757 fellow = citizens in one day. - T Why Shake Hands? Especially when yam-fellow citizen, pushing a ploW' professionally, shows his ap- preciation with a grip developed 'by holding the furrow straight ‘among Will Rogers' -. andersitiittdsr, public sentiment, expresses it tersely and affects inaccurate use of English,' des- pite the training at Eton and Oxford. .- He says "There is two things that can disrupt busitiess in this country. One is warrand the other is a meeting of the Federal Reserik Bank." - _’ _ Thursday. May 2, 1929 stones. In France important men mieting embrace; each other.. (We don’t -do that. Why. shake hands? ‘Why not invent something else? Rubbing noses, Indian-fashion, would not do; too many germs. Why not simply look the mirwTaf 1757 proud A'meri- cans straight' in the eyes, and say “How do you dot" _ \E’ar.'fo;f\inately, is suspended for the'moment. T . Fifty-two thousand Britains de- mand abolition of capital iitmishrrietit.. In England criminals -are, hanged. They don't use fancy plectric chairs, reserving' science for bettgr" twigs than killing Jnew.T"'- = . i ' ' An end of _ capital punishment would be.a step toward civilization. Meanwhile,' British capital punish- ment shows common sense. - <When one British kills another, they haxig him a few weeks later. No years of delay for appeals; delivery of bimquets and-sympathetic letters from ladies. A 7 ve v . British criminals, knowing -this, rarely' carry deadly weapons on burg- lary expeditions,'since using them to kill would mean hanging,.' Here. it means hiring an able lawyer. . Rudolph Kawlikowski, head of the Kosmos Machine Works, of Goerlitz, Germany, and a serious scientist, has interesting news for farmers. - it V He says they can {an Tee J,21 dust made id pulverized coha; sub- coal, farm .waste and ot e stances. K_awtikowski runs an eighty horse- mwer Diesel motor _with pulverized voectable materials. coating " per cont many Dried and ground tortutaoo could Hm all the' farm machinery. Everybody knowa the terrifle ex- Nneive power of dust " demon- ;izated-in explod'tdir grain elevators.» ntrolling that pain} fir mom†_isi Iessrrthtsn gasoline coat in Ger- Ev, 15161:", 'titttirno Twelve hundred advertising axon-1 cies and writers unsuited to compete‘ for a' prize of $1,000 answering the question, "Why Go to Church?†v What would your unswer bit An answer to the question would be, "The only important thing. about a man is his conception of Divine intelligence and wisdom." In other respeetsche is, like. mice, frogs and guinea pigs, So, go to church arid prove. that you are not a guinea pig or a 'mouse. l 137° Yet this rjemarktib.le New Frigid- airefiaiure allele}: V yptrrto regulate' the freezing time in the ice tray: exactly a; you regulate the waiting 1 _" _ ’tz’mez'nyezgroven _ v, _,,.". _-. _JUST,, a simple d"tpl---with .six. freezing :speedsey'et here at your finger-tips is complete control over Frigidaire's famous surplus power. You data now control the freezing temperaturesc--and it's as simple as setting a watch. You yourselfezm now regu- late the time it takes to freete sparkling full- sized ice cubes. You- make delicious fro- zen salads and desserts ‘not possible before.' JL'ST a simple dial-with .sixs freezing We .want you to stop in and get a copy of ' speeds-r-yet here at your finger-tips is the new Frigidaire recipe hook. that Contains zomplete control over Frigidaire's famous scores of recipes prepared and tested by surplus power. You can now control the nationally kraowrrcooking authoriru-s. We freezing temperaturesr--and it's as simple as want you to see the new Cold Control and setting a watch. You yourself/an now regu- .how it works. ‘Ne want-you to learn about (ate the timeit takes to freeze sparkling full- the new 'low prices and the small down sized ice cubes.You_can. make delicious fro- payment that will put Frigidaire' in your Ten salads and desserts not possible before." home. Come in now. _ The QUIET Autdmatic Refrigerator l " "t_ji.9iii 'i-' : ce, tatii/_,_jli' if " ‘Ilm Aâ€. a “Obi It. '. Mt N. W Am. - 't-d.t.Vd09- IIGILAND FARM Cog“! Caqttmt Av... “Mull PM In “IDA†WOOHVC 00.. '" 1“- Av... .WhIdkn "" 'rTaNBToN-at- C0310" MI Av... Clo-alas! an s , PUBUC SMICI 00le " NORTHERN "aANotB--At all their ole. HE PRESS Will Give Pantomime " at Ravinia Auditorium The fourth annual pantomime given by the pupils of Mildred Hauler will be danced. in the Ravinia auditorium Friday (Waning, May 10, 'at'8 o'eloek. Participating are girls from High: land Park, Rtivinin and Glencoe. - The program will consist of two numbers. Th? first is called ‘the Toy Shop and represents the dream of a STOVER \CO. little girl left in a toyishop in which the “lions dolls begin to act up and dance. The other is the beauti- ful Greek classical legend of ‘Cnpid and Psyche, adapted to pantomime presentation in ttie dance form. Net proceeds of the enieitaitunent will go to ~the stage equipment fund of ‘the Ravinia auditorium. Tickets are on sale at the usutl places or may be obtqined at the door: . [at.iiiii,,,] 31