2: - "T uIWnJgEAIVu ran!» I'""'?""', A _ 3 . Il as , rec cture on, _ ristian Science as ii T JOHN S. DOORLY, C. S. B. _ ii is _ _ of London, England ' _ .. ii Il Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, :: I', . The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Bustqn. Mussaehusetts Ir, is T to be held in ir ir. GORTON HALL - ii is 7 Corner of McKinley and Illinois Royds . _ l is ii _ LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS . ir, I I . ' '3 I I _ . I I 1 ii Thursday lihrening, May 9, 1929 ii is ' - at eight 6'clock , ' is ii The Public Is‘CordiaIIy Invited to Attend ir these will form a part of the tsi/ries of national concerts which have won high favor during the last several seas6ns.- The regular children’s con- cert; will be given on Thursdéy aft- ernoon' during the season and will be under the supervision of the .women of the Ravinia Opera club. The Mon- day nights of every Ravinia season have always been designated as "eon- cert nights.†but both last season and the season before many of ‘these Monday nights had to be given over' to extra performahtes of opera.' It is likely that the same will be true this year. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra has been Tt-ty1E1qIq4_trttth. for the bjfiiictis" arid? the concerts and the Ravinia. chorus will, as usual, be RAVINIA SEASON TO OPEN ON JUNE 22ND _ l Evans F'eéd Company Golden Egg Chick Feed .1., .Golden Egg Starting Mash .V Golden-Egg Scratch Feed .. Golden Egg .Laying Mash " Ioyrts.j3yggtesi, Stork Rem .tttr Iowa 24% Dairy Feed __-t_-___. Choice Lawh Seed "_'""""'""' Kentucky Blue Grass Seed Choice White Claver _'.-.... Alsike Clover _t-8..t..-e_--. twe-.-' 610 Central Avenue (Continued from Page 1) First Church of Christ, Scientist GET OUR PRICES/ON FERTILIZER -atrrrGmsAND PARK,- ILLINOIS Seven works this season are class- ed atcrevivals and auarelties, and ofi these,' thr"ee will be abiiolutely new to Ravinia. They include "La Rond- ine," a Puccini work which was com- pleted only a short time.before the death of this great modern composer and which is. still but little known even in those opera houses where Puccini is a prime favorite. Mme. Luerezia Boriwill have the principal soprano part in this opera, and it is a role in which she scored treifiend- ous success when it was first given in NekYiork. The tenor part willi be in the hands of both Edward Johnson and Mario Chamlee, these artists alternating, in the role. But so -exacting arerthe. cast demands that there is another important tenor part, which will be sung by Armand Tokatyan and a soubrette soprano Fart wh Eh "Will -fii interpreted E); Florence Macbeth the best singing body that could pus sibly be brought together. Phone Highland Park 124 Per 100 lbs. ............$2.95 _e___.___.9_ 8.60 ..-.t.t___. 2.75 r'.--.. 3.20 Wm..." 2.1S L., 2.90 Per lb. .f_________ .35 -c. .45 -ewtMW_rwt. .60 a ' 1! “1,7 g3". ;,...__ _ w a regular'part id the retAi'toire'-are of supreme-tttttTest 'when revived. Among such works which Mr. Eek- stein has in mind for the coming summer are "La Vida Breve" in Which Lucretia Bori won [new boners Lastest' Development The latest development in modern opera will be exemplified by "La Campana Sommifrsa," Ottorino Re- spighi’s great opera which, with Elisabeth Rethberg and Giovanni Martinelli in its principal roles was given its world premier in. New York early last winter. Both Mme. Reth- berg and Mr. Martinelli will again be on the Ravinia artists? roll this sea- .son and will be heard in this opera. The libretto of this work is the fa- mous symbolic dramatic poem of Ger- hart Hauptmarr, with which English readers arelfamiliar as "The Sunken Bell." So pronounced was the im- pression- made by this opera when it'was given' in. New York, that it was immediately selected for the spring season in. Rome, and Mme. Rethbergwnd Mr. Martinelli are'now in the Italian'capital where therare appearing in the' roles- created by them." '5 thiiWiMatgtahdinir' name; contemplated for the season oi 1929 is "Ariane et Barbe Bleue," a modern, French opera by “Paul Dukas Avhitrh will. be given 'if the Ravinia studio can complete the scenery-in time. It is always customary at.Raviiiiai to present during each season some operas _whtetralthough not forming 2052 DISCOUNT ON LAUNDRY BRdUGHT AND CALLED FOR. - --, RELIABLE LAUNDRY.. e DRY CLEANING COMPANY 618 N. Green Bay Rd., Highland Pk. being equally well _versed in "thir' ijen'ch. rGerman "and Italian reper- tnix-os. Mme. Rethberg will likewise 'bo heard in-all of'hér favorite roles and there will_be riew interest in the fact that she is to appear"in f‘Thc Then there is Mme. Rethberg, one of theuiiroiWs o.utstandintr, dramatic Sopranos, who time cwithout number has takerr- Rivinia _ 'iuditsnces "com: pletely by storm., Mme. Rethberg has eyerrti.fCtrrhisiidisis to make for greatness inisinghtithe dramatic roles, for her voice is almost unlimit- ed in' power and at the-s'ame time she prbduces' a tone which is of exquisite quality. She is able to presient role afté'r role, for she does-not confine Asi.far the individual artists who will Ire most prominent during the season, there is Lucrezia Bari, who is coming hack and will find a cordiiil welcome awaiting het.' There is no audiences than _is this charming so: prano and none who is more effective in the roles assigned her, Mme. Bori vetutprrnrith" new honors. added to her already blazoned crest and she will be heard' in all_of those works in which she has so endisaredhsrself in the 'r past., In addition to these parts, which give her such splendid opportunity both for singing and T ttet.. ing, she will be heard in "La Rond- ine" which provides her with another unusual" role. - . I Ion't Syfter with Cough when it Was first givonyat Ravinia three- years ago. Mine. Bori will again be heard as the gypsy girl whose trusting love-turns to trag- edy. Mme. Bori will likewise be heard in a revival of "Mignon," the Thomas opera in Jhieh she anade a profound . impression season before last. Attention is called to the fact that "Marout" which was a phenom- enal success last year with Mme. Gall and Mr. Chamlee in the principal parts, and "L'Heure Espagnol" which provided-fine opportunity for. Mme. Gall-find other Ravinia artists, will forry a part of the regular repertoire this season. ' - . GRliiElGLAllyli Telephone 555 Highland Park 514 Laurel Ave. All Good Drug Stores Electric Shop or bronqhitis when E.O.C. cough 'syrup' is' guaran- teed to rtlieve coughs of long standing. Pryvents pneumonia. . .LV T ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR THOR WASHERS APEX CLEANERS Individual Artists' For Sale by Thursday, May 2, 1929 H. P. 555 perfegt ease, (qually-at ho parts. Hi,s including boi French lrists, audiences wi that is entire thing he ha: Heinrich the pans. Somme The, fact th Mme. Julia Swarthout at this season; that'the mezz roles will be t; artists are l ites with the son of the l, quality and t A newcomer will be" Mme singer well l South Ameri cigtted to hint m Ravinia at iy needs intr which is of r 1mtly suited 'lt is of intern son and Mr. principal ten "La Rondine, Armand Tc u splendid irr many oceanic “hinged for t has inchioved lung list of “Sunken Bell' new glory. . Since she. t Ravinia guest Mme. Yvonne ttslightest ii diences that of moment. the .entire sea just as she I bring -her sp', opie talents 1 tation of a roles. She i for the lead "Marouf" an and in addith French meth, 'upe-ras of at Florence. _ Mm Ravinia for return ind n the eoloraturr , fine, insti iuitiatlon. Gioi'anni R Thisris, indee thousands. wl tnioyed the u- tenor during has been at 1 occupies a pl in the world he can act 2 porsqnality. ihprsday, Ma