Thursday, J um 18,192 in, 6 for-MI FEW, 1b.. .35c 3T, the m. .43c 'dilR, 1b.. . .22e e 1b.. . . .39%e , the 1b.. . .39e IIEW, 1b.. .28e ted, lb. . AT_IVE BEEF ORTER HOUSE :TEAK, the lb. for ...t_ 13 for Park, Illinois 69e your 59¢ 2621c 25% 181-e FRUIT .,..38!/'" f. . .27e . 42e .18c 45e 60e Me tte ...$l 31 Swen started the ftrst of the third inning by a single put shortstop. Vontee Med to the third basement. Nixon hit g single sending Swan to center field with Swen on' third who At the beginning of the second inn- ing Della Valle struck out. Green- wahrnext at bat was safe at first on a passed ball, when the catcher of Oak Thane missed the ball on the third strike. Noerenbertr next man up hit a single through the shortstop sending Gregnwaldto second. Croke died to Sheldon, then cranium ran from second to home when Swan was at bat. The catcher missed the ball, but Oak Terrace’s pitcher in in to home plate, caught the ball thrown by the catcher, and put Greenwald out :rt home making the third out for Elm Place. _ Bisltttonti, first man up for Oak Termee, flied to Skidmore. Molinari singled past second base. Pint next man up Med to Croke. Pierantoni was called out on strikes making the third out, 3nd ending the second inn- ng. _ Elm Place v6 Dixon lat b. 1 Skidmore, 8b 1 Loomis, ef ( Dalla Valle, p . -' 1 Greenwald, c E Noerenberg, 3b _ i Croke, If n Swan, if _-,_t."'r') Cami?" an] Oak Terrace’s first man was Lenzi the shortstop, who struck out. The next man up was Belintrherrwho flied to Loomis out in eisnter.tle1d. Ghini came to bet and hit a-single‘ bean the ‘pitcher and the third baseman Dana Valle walked Nordini putting a man, on fir'st and second. Sheldon, next man up, grounded to Dixon for the third out, for the end of the first inning. ' ' , Elm Place' had Veins ind th'petlt5isi; race had outsi" The flrsttmtmvitrfbr Elrtrpuee-aras Dixon, who hit A single past-lst base.. The next man up was Skidmore who was called out on Strikes. Loomis hit tothe short stop of Oak Terrace who taggédjee’o‘n’d base putting Dix6n out and ‘then threw Lopmis out at first making thretrouta for Elm Place. . CHAMPIONSHIP . GAME '~'<_W_QN Jrrtp)rl OAK TERRACE The batting order for Elm tniidii,' and, OakTerrace wits as follows: Thur-(13y. June 18, 1929 ELM PLACE ATHLETES Ghini, c . . Norditti, P '. Sheldon, lat b " Be1mdiitr, (tndd “Molinarf', tit' 1" Fiat, 3113», 'C., Lemi, as _ Belihtrheri, 1f Oak Terrace tried to after _ the ball was caught but was put out at home which attatde-ihe-third-mst.-- -.' s', -.. . - Lenzi of Oak Terrace, gong single, Finttherr got-a sintrle-hruin isrror of Ctratesvpattit.rtr a man on second and a man on first and no outs. The next, man up was, Oak Terrace's catcher who struck oat. Nordini got ' single, and the man on second tried To run home bat was put out, by A9reenwa1d at home. Sheldon,- _ the next man up, flied to Coates making The third out, ind“ thé“last of the fVtlt inning. _ V _ " ' the fourth inning by making an out at kist. Dalla,Valle struck out. Greenwald hit the ball to left fittld type. home min and for gate Jityt run] of the game. »,Ghini‘ mm 'i,doiirtly hit; tfrrN9Sieritrisrit puck ,of-homeplate for the third oat in the Krst of the fourth inning" Bel- .monti' hit toikidptore,- and Skidmore threw him out at first. The next ,_. .Skidmore _ started the, sixth inning} with a walk. Loomis flied to Lenzi who missed it and Loomis trot a double, sending Skidmoré to thirds Della Valle heart up hit tir. short send- ing Skidmore in and Loomis to third. Greenwald struck out, but was safe At firsst when the catcher missed it. Noerenberg singled with. bases load- ed, bringing Loomis in." Croke hit a single bringing in Ddla Valle. Swan singled bringing Greenwald in Oates struck out. Dixon singled bringing Noerenberg in. Skidmore singled, but Croke was caught steel- ing home. Loomis then flied to Fini Oak Terrace', third baseman for the third out ending the sixth inning rally for Elm Piece." - Belmonti hit a short fly to Dulla Valli: afaiiiari hit to Skidmon, and ‘Croke; Elm Place's first man up, got on base when the catcher missed the ball. Swan" and Coates both strixck out; Dixon hit but was put oat at first for tlie third out. w . Lenzi ,starting off for Oak Terrace, smelt out. ;Be1ingheri singied; Ghini next up struck out. Nordini singled sending Belingheri to second. Sheldon hit to Dixon making the third out at the end of the third inning. man up, hit a short fly to Skidinore who caught "it. The next man up got a single, Pierantoni hit to Elm P1ace's first baseman who easily ran to. the bag and put him out, for the third outvand the last of the fourth inning. . . PRESS Della thle was the Brat man up for Elm Place. He got i hit but was put out at first. Greenwald fol- lowed, and he trot on base. Noel-en- bgyg struck out. Croke hit Jud brdught Greenwald from second to home, for the ‘seventh run of the game. wu_ “to aturst. The next Jun u struck oat. Phantom was put out at first ending the sixth inning. Swan hit but Croke was put‘ont Haak’s Auto Supply Co.. 26 South Second St. Isn't that evidence enough to show you why we have picked Goodyear Tires and why you get the_best buy of your life when you put them on? _ Sometimes you see a com- pdrty come to the front for a year or so, but it doesn’t hohrits lead. So, when you See a company rise to lead.. ership in tire sales as Goodyear did' in 1915-- AND.THEN HOLD AND INCREASE THAT LEAD.. ERSHIP 'EVERY YEAR TrHEREAFTER- You know that they're good! _ 1928 was not only the greatest year. in Goodyear sales' - IT WAS THE THIRTEENTH _ SUCCES- SIVE YEAR IN WHICH M OR E PEOPLE RODE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND! . l . Gid56fB)JllrttrtEaat) speak louder than. ./ “j: . _ CIaIms Facts THE WORLDS GREA'rEStTmEg Yds. Lenzi hit to Dixon lpd was put out at first,' Belingheri, Galt Terrace- 1eft fieiirer, hit a three bugger: Ghlni walked, Nordini Medi Coats: the Elm Place shortstop. Sheldon hit to Skidmore who threw him out at Jirat for the third out. Etna Place won the ehampiofuhip, the final score was: Elm Place7, and Oak Terrace 0. " second by on; Team's thon- tstop for the third out. . ---By Géo. Rabin, Clifton Franklin Phone Highland Park 391 See the New 1929 Goodyears here! DOUBLE EAC, HEAVY DUTY ALL-WEATHERS REGULAR ALLWBATHERS PATHFINDERS TLES. " il