'il HI 5:1 " The high school “liming pool will be opened for public use durintthe summer school session. The pool has been drained, cleaned .trnd re'ti1ied and will 'be ready for use Monday, June 17. "The water is constantly filtered, chlorinated and heated, making-“ more desirable' for swimming thuuiche Lake Michigan. . Persons using the pool will be charged on Monday, Wednesday and H. & Swimming Pool F Summersehedtths Henry CtiiftiJitil g Sons STATE andJACKSON--. a (litii)rrttt 1112011sz ." ' trtiIB)tllt)Btm Frida+s. Tuesdays and “My: wilfhe free dun. Each persottattust bring his own towel. age. _ Coach J. A. Peel announces the for. lowing schedule: 9 a. m.--Boys grammar school use. 10 t. m. - Girls gamma school 12 nooiv--High schbol ttiris, Tues- day, Thursday. . . _ " a. m.--Womitp., _ '12 noonrsHisrhaaoot boys Monday, Wednesday, Friddr. _ . . Special lesssons in swimming my be hid by arrangement. T , Beautiful NewSuits Presenting the Smartest in Style " for College and Young Business l 'Mep-,-and High School Graduates Kr CHARTER WNS1irrpeoyys more tq -thoao young men who knowgood "Style" than any other' name has irvpr" meant. In every sense they are modern Clothes for modern tmes-tportraying the bold freedom of Univlérsify -ii'iulilons,Land _favor'ed by young business men as well as College men. These new Ones, juit recently arrived, pre- sent the latest trend of celor and pattern-: and _ such low" prices give an assurance of value that is decidedly unusual. _ IN OUR EVANSTON SHOP _., '35 9-13.540 #3445; ORRINGTON and CHURCH THE PRESS Evanston _ E. Holmberg of Highland Park, an employee of the government at Fort Sheridan, was ttned ‘25 and boat: by Justice of the Peace A. E. Smith in Highland Park last Thursday, when Henry'Kern, deputy state came war- den, arrested the man for trapping song birds in Highland Park. Kern caught him with live birds in his possession and liberated the birds. Fined for Trapping Song Birds, Report _m,Some of the supervisors ‘were a Time "hot under the collar" became they came to audit their accounts and found articles there that they had not authorized, says the Waukegan Sun. ' SUPERVISORS MEET MONDAY; ARE Ill Perturbed Because of Purchases Made Without Authority; Face Problems Irked because purchases have been made, and assessed to various _dtrpart- ments without any notice to them, members of the purch‘agng eommit- tee ‘of the board. of supervisor: on Monday planned to hold ’several con- ferenees. and if necessary carry their grievances to the ihror of the county board chambers. _ A ". T Along the same line it " under- stood that the old proposition of a regular purchasing agent' might be considered. " _ mav'omoapital Problem - . supervisor Dairid Van Patten, of Newport toWnship, planned to bring "up his "rtiiiiirtirr6riiirviiFiirGhiibdemrir jobs at the county hoispital temor- rom: He believes that trom $10,000 to $20,000 will be needed to put the buildings in repair. q Ask More Insurance The' insurance committee, composed of Supervisors Berry, MeCtuin aiid Stanton, have requested increases of insurance at the court-house, county hospital and eounty.damiq, They are $40,000 more on courthouse equip- ment. pp1C810,0.00 is carried there new __ A.tthti hotrpturtha'sy"rtrtsltran in- crease of $95,000, whileA91,800 is carried now. At the county farm they'have suggested $20,009 more 'as an addition-has-beefy built-there.", Nu increase is asked for the Detention home on which $12,500 is carried. . Reports Are Made . The report of the state highway department that it would build roads asked for under, the refund as soon as the refund is available was read and accepted. . Sunday excursions between Chicago and Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee, Wis., were started again for the sum- mer months by the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad (North Shore Line) beginning Sunday, June tr; it watCannouneed by R. S; Amis, general pussenger agent. Special re- duced rates have been etsttttsliahed for the round trip. . _ Probate Clerk John R. Bullqck res. ported that his balance to the treas- urydor the quarter was $2,909 and Sheriff _ Lawrence Doolittle reported excess earnings of $2,236. The, chairman, Jamgs O'Connor, of Deerfield, Wis siuthorizad to appoint delegates to the ,state.eonvent'ton-ot supervisors that is to. bedteid in Ot- tawa in August. i, . N. S. Line Resumes , Sunday'. Excursions Excursion specials will leave Chi- cago trnd..Milwaukee simultaneously on Sunday mornings, making the re- turn trips in the evenings. "I! SWEDISH Arty NEPAL co.. Inc. Quit W. him. tt. B. mauve ART METAL WORK minced; m. -- Phon- Ihihnd Put In. 239 11ttrMroo4 Avenue Thursday, June 18, 1929 «Lib diet - i9} _ -iiffi 42 1 nor-1 isha, I'Oal Patt hos illn res of [ 7219. but t Utl tod tor tho firm sch uat in for lea: hit hi, hit Th1 In ps lu?