{fl GENERAL (ll) ELECTRIC Alllllalv<iptrgMiau REFRIGERATOR T _ _“. __' '", VIC. J. KILLIAN, Inc. f T if _ jllllk » at" mt, Phone 3800 150,000 w uslansf AM I) N01 A IllMNll,IlAllR" Slllllll?llllElelr iiiiiliic. -. I=0qu2mms f“i*IFyon wmwmnmhmanawaâ€"on _' _-r/_-,-"-:-, _ - -. A', 'thit’ otr-mttarsrtthoir oiling, ittliout _ need of may ,5 ' Tamale cam: Electric Rehitsekatorsohdrourihoieis. _ _ .- Such gel-vice is noimai, promsuef-Ut is guaranteed. Anubis ' _ the 250,000 users of General Electric Refrigerator, not Que . . l haseverspentadollnrforrepairsoraerviee.‘ "r, THE PRESS Benn-e to linen in on 'herGemerarEleetrh, Hour MOI - Saturday errenhttt from 8 to 9 Eastern Standard Ting our the N.B. C. War? of forty-two stations. _ , See the m all-use! models " our display rooms nnd let on tell you of an my payment plan. Priced are low, skirting with .215 a the factory. , ' k _ The General Electric Refrigerator keeps food always safely below-the so degree danger point. In operation it is quiet, nutom.atie,Ueonomie. Its hermetically sealed mechanism is dust-proof, permanently oiled and placed up on top, leaving a maximum amount of space in the cabinet for food storage. Its all-steel cabinet is warp-proof. built like a safe for data. bility and stands on legs withbroom-room underneath. it has an easily accessible temperature control for gaverning the speed of heseatng ice cubes or frozen desserts. 19 North Sheridan Rodd Thur-day. Jun M, 1929