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Highland Park Press, 13 Jun 1929, p. 43

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Six Classes _ ch closed Tuesday eve- de ’upder six different Class 1 calls for ari f children, with i, ser- ‘en under ten, and an-' 5e between eleven and l in one section of this /try will include two gone Med with flow- 'or the container, and th ffowepis unsuitable. in. this class will ‘ex- tie arriattttementtlic- ments, and contrasting 1 include a fruit and ament. exhibit t1oivde ttrranM- l stands. deal with skgtqhgs and ration for garden gates. tt only one in which no lower will be the decid- "tGrd '0'! Gmnnttimioner,, hr]! EutfPu-k District:- h, A. D. 1929. en gate class, which is be the chief feature of IW, Mrs. D. Mark Cum.. Valter S; Brewster, and E. Casselberry, Jr., ‘are Primarily, the"attair is the decorative use of, fliriverintr shrubs, and ity of the flowers used will be given consider- iding factor in award.. ll ybej‘the manner in re used. Housewives, All ordinance- or and: at quiet hugging shall be Ind eessady that' iixhibitori 'ow' thii flowers which eonies and a collection als will make tip the Alt mun“ We. t n of 1'l'iht',i'S, -- a, by th ordinal“ will» u I! “D “I! We! a. d for the “Inna! DUI , appropriation and. br th: .wer -Market 7 v'lower market conductgd dub, will-be adeatrtty nuns-Fr L. HILLARD, Board of Communion": mt 'nrk But Park District. 5y setting'up the back.. .e show. Monday they an artist to paint mods n scenery for the class rrangements on metal John Andrews. King. is i lovers of flowers, in l find the exhibits of Js, With bouquéts and show flowers forthe dinner tables, and for me, such as weddings easts.‘ One section in m Brahma Ml be m- feet from Ind the: in 9a,. v4,puAtuauors.' in}. A. D. 1929. {e 18th A. D. M)20, Dwer Show _ ke Forest on _ May and Sunday Thursday, June 18, 1929 use for the Lake Forest .ower show, to be held Sunday in the service Villa Turicum, . Mrs. tCormiek's Lake Forest class. " H The Ladies Aid society of St. Paul't Evangelical church was ehtertained at the Lime of Mrs. Bob Cooksy on Woodward avenue, June 6, with Mrs. Louisa Huehl and Mrs. Fred Schwnb raisisting hostesoer.-, . ThiIreeitare1d Garden errats- Wilt hold jheir sixth June Flower show, on Wodnesday, June 26 from 4 p. m. at the Deerfield Grammar school. All those interested in garden and flowers are invited and urged to exhibits June Flower Show _ ‘7 to Be Held June 26 Through an error in obituary of John HuehLit was stated that it ya: the wish of Mrs. Huehl that Rey.' Lueder offieiate " the funeral. The article should have read it was the wish of Mr. Huehl. of .5 to 5 kept the battle going Until the.-. fourteenth inning when both teams started to pile up runs, which resultiar"rn. “a yictory for Deerfield and 'final-score was Irto 8. . .John Hoffman, real estate dealer of Deerfield, was painfully injured yesterday" when he was crossing the sttvetiLI9eerfield and. was struck. by a passing autortutbile. 'He was taken tit. the: Highland 1yt,rltrrhetttritarrretir ttsatment. He was . reported fimpré’vg. ing, Tuesday. He is"very popirlar'irr Deerfield and his'marfy friends there have been exceedingly concerned aboutrhis condition. . . '. OnHSunday afternoon at Lake For-E est, a fourteen inning.gamg' was! staged between the Deerfield 11th Lake Forest ball clubs. A tied score; Jheerfield Defeats - .-' . Lake Forest Sunday At the home of Mrs. W. Huhn and daughter Louise ’on Monday evening the Deerfield American Legion Auxil- iary convened for June meeting with M mes. Ed. Jacobson and .Minnie, Whitcomb . assisting hostesses. , At the business session, ten dollars was appropriated for the lodge, which is to be erected at Normal, Illinois, for recreation center for orphans of World War Veterans. six dollars to be'sent to pay expenses of one girl from Nor.. mal to sp'end a week at Camp Lantz, the Y,W.C.A. camp near Blooming- hm ,on Mackinaw river also five dol- lars to “The Opportunity Fund.", At, the .cdnclusion of -the meeting there was a social hour with refresh- ments, ' . ' lhserfield Real Estate Dealer Struclrby Auto Thursduy. June 13, 1929 Legion Auxiliary Holds June Meeting CORRECTION DEERFIELD N EWS-FLASHES 411'. Rockenbagh came to Deerfield from Gerstheim, Alsace "in" 1841 'wheri"four. 'months of age, with ‘his parents/George and Salome-Red- linger Rockenbach, and the latters father PNliFmedlineer and a party of other. relatives and friends from their native village. They settled on x fEm west orrtfiiir "v-t'1hiire" which was in the possession of the family, oc- cppied tfy totigenerations success- ively, {Kim 1836 when, the Ottdam.. _ily .bouttht it from the Government. _ "Friends Night" was observed in the Deerfield O.E.S. chapter on Thurs- day evening June (Sand two hundred guests attended including many from neighboring chapters. It was also the sixteenth wedding anniversary of the Worthy Matron and Worthy Pat. ron, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sherden, who were the recipients of a lovely gift from the local chapter in honor of the occasion. Folldwinz the ceremonies dainty refreshments wen; served in the din, ingroom which was in festive array. "Friehd's Night" Is . .Rockenbaek Family . In the photograph are four genera- tions of Mr. Rockenbach's. family. With him are his daughter Ellis (Mrs.' William Plaggie) his grandaught_er Vera. Plagge Gayne. and the latters' daughter, Marilyn. 7 _ Invitations have been issued' to a reunion of the descendents of the Rockenbach family in honor of Georgew Rockenb'ach, of Deerfield, who recent- ly celebrated his eieltty-e.Whth birth- day anniversary, The patty will be, held Saturday) June 22, ‘at the,homeg ot Orman I. Rockenbach at" Renard; Park, Lake Zurick. . q r I Rockenbach Family [ F to Hold Reunion Saturday, June 22? Observed. at O.E.S. PRESS I Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Blaine and fam.. iily spent Sunday irr FranklirrGiove j Wig! Ir.itf Rhine? {motherf- c"' "_, L: l, Ti M123.w R; N031 " 'tri/iii-iii-ir-ii-r-hairs-tr" ain angrwdads; - ", _ --, _ Mrs. Clarence Kuhn has been iwiti, ill " her home on Springfield avenue. spend two weeks. _ Me., Raymond . MEyer is spending thtpreek, gt. Muikelbng Lake. / Miss Alice Lifidberrr, kindergarten teacher in Deerfield Grammar school, will spend the summer in Europe. cMr. and Mrs." H. Youngs of Todd court were hosts at a bridge party on:tjatu_rday evening. . Mrs. R. Meier was hostess to a bridge party at her home on Deer- field avenue Thursday afternoon. Dorothy Vetter is 'out for scarlet fever". _. . V Mr:- 31.3 Mrs., J. EFF-Pita: "ee of Deerfield avenue announce the'birth of f.1 tWughtetryorn Saturday, June 8. T Mr. _and Mrs. .Vernon Gunckel, Mrs. A. M. Gunckel orHighland Park were guests of Mrs. Floyd Gunckel, Sunday; . Thr' Deerfield R. N. A. will hold Memorial "services and initiation at their regular-meeting ’to be held on Thursday evening. June 13 in. the Masonic temple. s" f ,3 q Mr.. Minortni fell ptr a ladder ohe day last week and was badly injured, a humber of “‘étitches were taken in his head. ' - _ The Sewing circle of St. PaiWd Ev- angelical church will be entertained at the home of Mrs, Chas', Roll on' Central avenue, Thursday afternoon. 'June"13§ .. . -- Mr. JohrrMorgan of Highland Park has purchased the Fred Schwab house an Hazel avenue. . Mp. and Mrs. W.,B. "Cary, Mr. Harry Olendorf and twp sons left early Sunday' morning-for Muske- Iongé' Lake where. they expect to a Mr. ‘and Mr? George Ott of Sdeond street announce tht birth of a son, born; Tuesday, June 11. _ _' Mr. _and Mrs. Floyd Gunckel and family of three girls, June, Betty and Verene are planning" to leave the latter part.of the week for Denver, ‘Mrs. George Srieken.is ilI"with scarlet fever. . f Miss Lillian Ropkenbach has béen appointed supervisor of athletics for four schools in Miles City, Montana and will take the position in Septem- ber. q . l Mrer. W. Miller "entertained a group .of _ladies from Chicago at bridge at her home on Hazel avenue, Monday afternoon. _ _ ‘Miss Elizabeth Schilstra teacher in Deerfield Grammar, school expects to leave forher home itrkiltrourne, Wis., the firiof next week whére'she will spend her vacation. _ . _ Colorado where they will Spend a few weeks. T ' Hlend contributionb"to local correspondent before Tunas , day noon, Help her_ _ttpelce this section interesting.- News and-Personal Items MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN Tel. Deerfield 153-R of quarantine tte'judld, Auetrstg5 pagadg, ball girlie; and 'concert at park, September lst eoneert9-irark,, September) 15 esmetfrt at parade.., _, 7 _." . _ Mr.. and Mrs) It A. Whiting of Irv- ing park Were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Kress on Friday. . . I Mr. Frank /N. IWtis,tr,,director of Deerfield ')v""t/1t1,st,ttii'i,, takes this opportunity u -ann [ ncing that the band during-the pastrsepson made the following appearances: May 11, con- can for the P.T.A., May-30, parade, June 9, concert at park, June 23 com cert ‘at park, Julr7, concert gyt park, July '21, 'cnnqert at park, August 4 tiif,rfetT it _prrLt,u:hisgirsi, -18 comm M! Deen ' of K t June Tivo entries were awdrded prize ribbons, one exhibit of 1rits-Dehttutiea from the gardens of Mrs. A. R. Wir, ner and an exhibit of Pyretheums from the gardens of Mrs. C C; Brackett. The next meeting of. ihe Garden club bf,teertieldrwiII be held.at the harm: of Dt. and. Mrs. W. B. Metcalf . It is .an ppen meeting and the hus.. tagsis, "rCtlttr:ur1irmhersuam,aiwisg,,tr, attend.-' T . on. the evening orWedttesday, June 19 at 8_o'eloek with Mrs, F. D. But- roughsand Mrs. J. E. Smith assist- ant"lidiftesse.s. . l Mr. Otto Barnett. a member of Glencde Park board will spegk and his subject. will be, "A Park Board for Deerfield." . Ribbons Awarded Garden Club June 19 Mrs., E.. J. Knicke her' niece, Mrs. Chas Evanston, Wednesday Open Meeting of ' _ Garden Club June 19 Mrs., Clarence Sherden and son, Mr. and Mrs. Thilo Toll left Fridasrmorrr. ing for a two / "wicks minor trip through Wiscoirit: and Minnesota. .. I of the Garden club of hibited at the Flown show harden club Wednesday, J. Knickerbocker visited Mrs. C_has. McCarthy ot 41

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