e Rectalâ€: silver lever, Be who have an average ject abbve 80. ,Being an allow, Hamig was v. ell classmates. us so dangerous to th, a at the dtttoU may swan l boosters tell us to See st, and many of us are do so provided somenne _the money. ry renumertf ut must have trrde take their courses. They r they win give 1. D Featuréd in ah inch-and- The youngest 'roin twenty . . . sl y put up the excuse that id give them a ride, and re too weak for them to to the in}; to be' safely that their enemies eaa't hitiative £§$$$$$M who are late at school LISTS LVANSTON RTABLE I 'hole or part address and SSIN G. No PER Tress _ Thursday, June 18,1929 '??????% (o (o (o (o 4o (o Q? /ier (t in (ro (o (o a In (o (a (,9 (f. (so o: (o Suburban - building construction shows evidence of trsshpnp which can be overcome only if the good build-' ing weather of. the summer months and early fall produce increased ree- ords. The situation is spotty. May Records _ Evanston last month about equaled its record of a year ago but. was 96 per cent ahead of, April this year. Oak Park tshowed consistent losses while Gary, the largest suburb in the metropolitandistriet, also indicat- ed both May and April losses. Sig- nifleant May gains were evidenced, however, as follows,: Berwyn 38 per cent. Des Plaines 29 per cent, Bolton 550 per cent, Hinsdale " per cent, Joliet 86 per cent, Lombard " per cent, . Mount Prospect 26 per cent, North Chicago 8 per cent, Park Ridge Itrper cent; River Forest 31 per cent, As the suburbs come down the first half of the stretch "1929 furures" is several Temrttis" behind "-1928 figures." In ‘the race just finished May 1928 won with the largest volume of building permits, April 192reame in almond angiMay 1989rfinished, in. third p ace. T BUILDING SLUMPIIS , V SHOWN IN MBIM18 First Five Months of This Year Indicate Reduction; May Be Overcome Later _. " Thunqay. June_13. M Aurora ,. __ . EMMA: _ --r_wP.. Berwyn _ _ .--. Bitte inland _ T Cahititet Guy .. .. Chicago Heights Cicero . ._.__...__ Du Phin- . _ Downer: Grove . Eta-hunt . 'r' ._- Shawna! Purl: _ For the first five months of this. year the suburbs reporting. had total volume of $35,103,610 as against $51,- 309,358 for the ffrst tive months of last year., The figures for the tive months tismparison were u folromc Five Munths’ Record First 5 .0. HM I no. I "a nu Aurora’ -ev .. _ .81,250.792 ' mum Bauwia _ _... .. . 20.275 "a" new" . V ,. trVV .. 1.962.815 8.080.100 Bfue inland T .. cr. . 652.914 615.151 Calumet any __-. _.c.n, anâ€. Jam“ Chicago Height. '__.- . _ 307.175 RM: gear-o“ ' mr.r-V.-M_ "N" _... 1.99.17! 1 .3. West Chicago .996 per cent Whiting 210 per cent." Cicero with '41 2urer cent gain and, Lake Forest with ‘a 4 per cent gain were in the running in the May comparison. . . Gains Over April Results were considerably better in' the comparison of construction figures. for.May with April this year. The following ,‘suburlgeina‘ide gains we: April: Berwyn' 64 percent; Chicago" Heights 26 per cept,_D.oltort,1li.nter cent," Elgin 65 per cent, Glencoe 107 per cent, Harvey 12 per cent, High- land Park 3 per cent, Hins‘dale 96 per- cent, Kenilworth 50 per cent, Lake, aikrresieraa per "sent-Lombard, 400, per cent, Maywood 53 per cent, Park Ridge 3 per cent, Riverdale 87 per éeriC'sC'Charles .335, let, cent, Wheaton 23.4 per cent,. East Chichgo 32 per cent, Hammond 21 per cent and Whiting M per cent. 2.271545 801;â€! 194.285 615.9†Sunday June 16th TE! Pill. “any: 5.331.010 'tt.ttq out» 1.2mm Wilmette .. f. 'N, if: anneth J'"' _ ,, But Chicago, Ind Gary 'y-r--,.-"- ... Hammond "'", _d_'cm" Whiting Pr-i.. 2 .. Rose Missiano at: New York, longed to have her tresses shom in the, most modern manner, but her father ‘ob- jetted to this 15-year old girl getting Evenston _r__ee.te_iv Fleesmoor -"'w-t- N Forest Park __.. Glen Ellyn "ee-tmee Highlnnd .-._rr.ts. Himdale _..'........ Homewood Mr------ Joliet ..._ '-'e'W. 'ie Kenilworth mm La Grange 'm-ie-.- Luke Forest _:.. Libertrvilit rtbtr- [amberd -"--re.rr. Heywood ""'.""-" Mount Prospect Niles Caster _.-- North Chicago Oak Perk __'.. _ . Park Ridge ..__ River Forest "., Wuukegun .. Fei West. Chicago K. a bob. So the had her hair bobbed anyway. but uthen. realizing what a scolding she wu in for, swallowed poison." Antidotes saved her and all is fortriyen.' Otke atrhirs the deplorable inade- quacy of the%ntriith lanme thows up. In the mummy My: try to think up some new words to say about the June weddings; Triea to Kill Herself Total $86,108.6it 3,719,700 146,465 817.824 581.050 451,918 599,531 718,856 322,565 161,134 1,329,600 451.020 604.786 1.0mm 160.800 231,893 461,965 _ 205.640 sow 574.450 4.234.500 1.010.024 603.754 906.790 53.9.52 178.000 701.2“ 1,061,125 614,549 1,193,348 1,057,050 . 483tT . ' tgr.ht “1.809.358 1.519.301 42.45: 373.500 924,971 1.043.075 1s?2rc19.2 2.653.400 A18)1r,ttp 1815..“ (378.809 1,419,886 4,614.475 152,950 624.000 816.982 399.472 488,446 1,233,150 . 507,100 255,321 1.390.373 808.158 679,900 501.08! '..211.680 l 405.868 1.287.660 ' â€0.266 try to . It is' never wise to. get overheated, to “y as the result of too strenuous, ef- -' forts to keep cool. ' . The powerful Ziorrstatioi, has. been silent since. November 11 of last year when tht; reallocation. of radio wave- lengths Went into effeth Under..this reallocation station WCBD was pro- hibited from broadcasting at night and also was placed on a’ greatly re- duced wavelength. .- . l Before the reallocation Became ef- fective WCBD divided time with Sta- tion WLS of Chicago on a wavelength of 345 meters. Under the change the Zion station was reduced to 277.6 me- ters, dividing time with Station WM- BI,-thel.Moody Bible Institute station 'i?f,rqhieseo., Both stations were-pro- hibited from night broadcasting. A elation at Charlotte, N.; C, has been allotted fulltime- on this wavelength. The affair will be for Glencoe citi- zens. It will be held in Lake Front park and vachhurches, schools and civic bodies are 'ridine.the Glencoe Men's club and the chamber of com- merce; sborisors of the plan, in the preparations. F The Glencoe Park board will erect a flag pole in the park and the tutr to be hoisted on this occasion is being donated . by the Glencoe chapter, DAB. _ - F . ‘Loke county grudutec of the Uni- versity of Illinois, where commence- ment was held Wednesday. June 12, are " folldws, the degree in each in- sane; being indicated by its initial letters: Antioch-Chinn, Willard Clarence, B.S. Herman, Albert Llewellyn. B.S.; Roberts, Cornelia Mary; A.B. . Grtwslake---Nevi1te, _Evere’tt Brit- ler, B.S. _ M . Highlahd Park-Brenner, Williani Carnegie, 'B.S.; A1iftord, John Mac- Ihimitd; 8.5.; Sheahen, AiUtNturnan, LL.B.; Swift, Clinton Evert, B.S'.' _ Formal announcement was made Friday that Radio Station WCBD of Zion is. to resume, broadcasting on a limited séhedule' on Sundoy,.ilu,1;ei 23. . This decision is in. response to thousatsds-c-of -reqtrdtrts- from radio ligtetierg all ovirr the efiutitrv,,inetstrC ing Waukegan and Lake county. _ A patriotic service, races and swim.. ming events, fire works and music and the formal 1pirirrtrit offhe men- coe _ bathing beach will be among _features of. the approaching Fourth of July celebration in Glencoe. Lake C.ounty Graduates . of Illinois University; List by Towns Is Given F Lake Zurich - Rockenbach, Alice Marjorie, B.S. Nprth Chicatro-trvKn,,,(etaoimard Ravinia -- Carqueville, 'Marshall Tatum, B.S. - -rWauketran _--. Brager," Harry Paul, LL.B.; Carman, Elsie Hevendon, B.S.; Graves, Margaret Edna, A.B.; Price, Mary Alvene/ B.S.; Whyte, George Kenneth, A.B. Gleneoe Plans Fourth V of July Celebration Zion Radio Station . f ' to Resume June 23; _' , » Limited Broadcast North Chicago - Kahlua, Sidney Lake totGt--rk unt, Misi'viit" ~Byng foil has. been of last year radio wave- Under this 43