WILLIAMS OFFERS: _ - Best nail-bl: lot. “1250: good location: north of high school: all mun-:3 paid: '" to ‘15 below market: for I home-m.- in North 115‘!th Park: m- an not ho hum. FOR SALE ok IprCrtANGW--4U, teke we; FOR 8ALB--Good "Ivy blue reed bub, butâ€; ttir. m. M. P. m. ' r; I" - Tel. '11. P. std. FOR BALE--kertstotte lot, 108 feet frontage; corner Comstock and St. Johns: near achml. depots, Rtvinia opeyn and lake: price “7,750.7 AfAresty Owner, 1918 King!!! WILLIAMS. OFFERS : _ V ' 2 are: Deerfield Avenue. near W: Water and sewer in; now paving; make 6 class "A" Iota; tret foot, $15.30: mm, a cross street: worth $40 per" foot; this in our best investment offer. _ FOR BAiar--_9ne apt-013W chair in blue velvet, excellent shun, 81.50: In“ mower, good as new, 16-inett width, 82.50. 'l‘el:_Br FOR SALE -Two quaint old occasional chairs in, "but with are out: perfect condi- .tion: only aeata need to be _reyr?.Ire'U. price 84 single or $7.50 the pair. T91. M. P. 3221. For; SALE-Shrubs, evergreens. black dirt, sheep manure, bone meal. Reuben Lloyd: FOR i1ALB--Modern English type We; 6 room: and sun trtrrlor t- in line puved tstreet in Deerfield; hot water heat; all conve- niences; 8-car garage; landscaped: a great bargain at 812,000: at very convenient wrms. W. G."Terutartr.- Tel. M. P. 'W, . . ' " FOR b'ALB---By owner; five-rrtorn new bun- galow; single zirazé: concrete drive; west of Ravinia Park; my pirmenta. Tel. H. P. 1681. _ . . 14 FOR sALB--violirtUn good condition: rel- _ sortable. Tel. Winnetkij2220; can lftg: , FOR SALE-Beautiful, new G-room brick veneer; large living room, bedroom, - tory, glued porch, fimrt ttoort 2 bedroom, bath and shoWer. second thtort 1715 Broad- T view avenue, Ravinia. A. G. Raedeke, one. --'rebiet Mr iv»: 41.» csy/-,r-=s-sraot' FOR SALEr---8-rogmr house on Vine sumac: .near Exmoor.elub; Mtz188 foot tot; S-ear garage; shown by appointment only. Tet. H. P. 405. lltlpd FOR SALE-one-half-tuse near. Chvey’l Deertield.Nuraerr; rough buiidimreemld be used for summer eottage; Boo ash, Minna: terms net 6%%. W.. G.. Tenant. Tel. H. P. 1457. _ " hue. Highland "Park; 14-foot}: hum orith one acre beatutthdtr wooded ground: home less than 5_yean old: 8 baths amt-Operab- shower. two aun parlors; elactrk Mice-a- tion; oil burner: 2-car garage: one block from. lake; owner will eeripye for cash or win consider good ‘vuant or t'atgil'ti any. For particulara ace P. B. this & Cm, 7528 Sheridan road. Chicago: a- cluaive agents. _ T ~15“ iitreet/riavinu, 1tthtoU. BUICK-NAV-DODGE TERMS OR TRADE. '27 Buick four-door sedan, 8775; '25 Dodge 2-vassenzer coupe. 8325. '26 4-door Buick sedan. 3695. _ T Q '27 Nash advance nix l-door tsedan, 379.5. Open evening; and_Suudan. NORTH SRO E BUICK po., _- . Used Car Department: 1027 Davis street. mansion V 110 S. First street, Highhnd Pbrk, Illinois f 1.21.11. P. 2917-496. . 12a Gaunt“. Norman C)astrified.Want Ads Till be chased only to residents in the territory covered by The Highland at he“ or those who are regular subscribers. RATE: Minimum charge of " cents for 5 lines or less (Home five words to a line); additional lines, " cents each. 26 cents discount on all advertisements paid for on orc%rforo dny of pub- lieation " our oiBee, 536 Central avenue, Highland Park, Illinois. Np blackface or display type (other than caps) permitted. Ads set in caps or ptirtitldiapltw are charegd " double rate. DEADLINE for insertions: Clasgified Want Ada will tut'it ted up to Wednesday afternoon " 5:30 olclock. for the fl'l'l'a',fl Park Frets. Telephones Highland Park 557 :558 - 559. "' sst1E WILLIAMS-J FOR SALE . Classified Want Ads 1-4piitt 1nd 15 ‘Wtbbims OFFERS? _ f ...,,_,- _, _ - On South Linden: ideal lot for line, beam and out3t56k; you cannot duplicate; the price Js right, FOR trALBr-Beautiftsl, gm,.gn¢m kitten. nine weeks old, house trained, 35: Ibo All†b o4r-4turner with thermmrtnt control. inst-ll -Jtlourself, 880. Tet. B. P. "T. . “pd FOR 'Nub-t'hrer Wm. 21" Pe. old. 222 ucn-yen "an, Highland Pnrk. 159d FOR pNhs--troa “plan-l furnace: an FOR BALW-RAvrNrA POST OFFICE BLDG. MUST BE MOVED. APPLY FRED PORTER,. RAVINIA COMMISSION WILLIAMS OFFERS: . K Lot in Highlgnd Park' Gum: 5011“; water and - hug-Vin: this nu; on» in 1926, 81.500; priced now. 81.200: dub h 31%.! "erittee. - ' FOB '8AL6---B, owner: now which home. Wu; If: m. I “I. hath. “In. bed- room. an porch: firerNear; toilet mad bra. tori tlrtrt Aaor; nicely wooded tot, mm; three blocks from center of town: price .8Mcrro9.. Tel. H. P. no. _ " Fort _ SALB-4hte-ton truck. one-hilt-ton _ truck, circle saw and (Farm, windows and doom, one early American hall chair. Tel. B. P. 8784. V 159d . - and fig-21:1; $tuiiif."3Gr. -ijiriTv"; aity 6293. 16-16ttd _ CHICAGO, on _ -__H --'-. momma: HOTEL, HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. 506R Pere, a,"dfe,eattet,t, lotyzi: ct _ - iron ' Nat m c.4203.†5. . Hun avenue»: 32,000. Owner, ’phoue Boirers Park M11. T _ _ 15-17 FOR BAlat--rt-saer, :lpi E; 136635? item? =- FOR SALB-Drier and mingle. Tel. M. lk. 2682. V _ 15 FOR SALB--8 - be, section R in Mi. aetlie Emu!!! tt9rk,l_1bretoest North FOR BArt-Mattogan, 17mm, cabinet and law books: any valuable otter Ic- cented as good: must be sold. Tel. 3. P _ 622. may? own Ypmr 01v! 119911541 looking, for . FOR SALB-IN DEERFIELD; have I num- ber of omncre huts " aux-active prices: trim, larger them. For ftsrther, information can or lee John A. Holman, ml at.“ broker, odBee phone Deerfield " or mi- . dance 245. a , 12pd F93 'AHr--Briek home: hot inter heat; EUGENE A. BOURNIQUE .a COMPANY, ,FIRST NATIgliélf 3mg; BUILDING, med'tor'Mm oe0aiutrrVaiir' 57.}; old. 1.600 feet enmity. PM. It. Pm. H. P. 121. A-t . 15.». $650,: wp1iraisrttieeuor tasd Adi." iiiGid varsity 5271. Iotnsoxms; gu- r. ’63} jhiieiiii0vGG.' Highhnd Park. T' _ . A T 18-17nd homo in Deerfield. I have tome good buy! at this time, also some very good burs in Highland. Park, Ravinin, Glenview. North- brook "tti. Libertyville: I an Ihow you just what you have been 1ooktneeor; Call or see John A. Trotrrmxh, real 1eetroys, omce phone peerseld_ 61 or """"""Mi beautiful EXMOOR COUNTRY CLUB on went boundary. Highland Park. Entrance trpm {West Park _ avenue. For subdivision, 'amall or large homes. Price very. moderate. FOR SALW--1.. M, so ire 40 acres _ttdputtltytr, grid 9Y9r!99kinr THE PRESS 15-1? FOR, SALE’éAf (“bum price r 810.000: 2- apartment building; located near Exmoor -. dub: 'tNe-rr.- R1953. ___ 7* ----s----t-c----a6tf NATIONAL MOTOR MARKET. SHERIDAN ROAD AT 12TH STREET. ACROSS STREET FROM 12TH ST. DEPOT, NORTH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 1929 Ford, model A coupe. $495. 1929 Auburn sedan, bitt Mist. 3120. 1929 Pontiac coupe, big discount. _ _ . 192'.) Chevrolet sedor. big discount. _ . trc29 Auburn "teedster.Ntr discount. . THE ABOVE' CARS ARE ALL BRAND NEW WILLIAMS OFFERS IN SUNSET TERRACE: Most new: A-l condition; 6-room house; sun Ind cleaning vorchel: â€water heat; x:- ruge: large landscaped lot; price reduced to 815.000: will take residence lot in trade; this is a chance for someone to move right m. F 3 FOR SAuF-8 dry-urn. “claimant, bed. col.- Ate, chain. no Bloom artreret, akin-ad Pith. m. . _ _ "pd -m*mz;.poyr- FOB» 8ALB-rHoiehold furniture; some an- Fort ttALW--6rnt mum-u of 104 acre- in southern Wisconsin: IA;mi1e frank on lake which In rttte for mum-1m: ‘IuIIiM- Mon; a good set of farm buildim: “75 per acre. " Interested all Dunk†" or caning phone BeeitUht 124-8. C. C. Kni- sehull, real state. " FOR BALB---h deshrn home', Ir master rooms: all ammo: tile bath, vestibule: inr.thted, hot water heat: tot "nits: just T a blocks‘w depot and "ore.: m: modern: "rteeothrmstl, nut-cave: price 87.900: my whnt you an down, hhnee 878 monthly. Owner. L C., Press once. " FOR SALE†Bran-wick vietmyta sud meant: excellent condition; 315. Tel. H. P. 4847. FOR "LE-Upright bilno Pre' ttT quirk uh, $50. FOR SALE BY OWNMW-r.Neiw 'tbhtgkrhotase, complete; nine rootna/three tile' baths. four.. bedrooms. nun 'porch, sleeping porch: ttre. place: butler's wantâ€: two-at canâ€: nicely wooded lot with 122 feet of frontage: can side; four blocks tram center of town t price $27,500. Tel. H. P. 490. " Fo? PA-rear-uve" 'e" briékho‘ue in as. Fort "LB-a- and “who numb]. bhek an. mum. shrubs. net-(mu. (cr- titiaer. rock". elude", cu. Tel. Jam. Lloyd. tr. P. 878-Y-2. Box 6S. HUN-ad Park. Illinois. . "rd 1.eirWimrs-h%itrht touring, 8125. 1927 Bqietcsedtsn, $650. 1926 Chevrolet coupe, 8225. 1928 Ford roadster. $825. 1926 Ford dump truck. 8176. 1927,1-‘edernl Knight dump' truck, 8485. 1926 Buick sedan. 3326. , 1925 Chevrolet coupe. $50. 1925 Overland tourinlz. 886. _ 1924 qud touring, 326. 1928 Chevrolet coach. 8826. 1926 Chevrolet cough, $195. .76 otheri To Choose From, J, _, s9.erAetdrtgyr_ayy1 Eyspm; FOR SALE-i928 Moor Whippet' oedtut,. large spot light and all necessoriu: excel- lent condition; burg-in. Tel. H. P. "tfd, _ P FOR "Im--' home that was built to live ., in; English style: brick veneer: slut: root: large living" room; -two-car ttamae", fgur master bedroom. one- ill-id's room, three bathrooms; near transportation, both steam and electric: quiet location: must be seen C to be appreciated. Call Deerfield 80 or IH-R for appointments. C. C. Kip-elm“, real estate.' _ 15 FOR BALI'--" but? for o good â€in!!! locotbninw tsave-ttnet-l. nul- lou In 'tIG good 'oeathm. " mon- oblo pried. Co or no John A. Roam-n. real cute broker. otbso phone†DeerfUtd II or residence 245. 129d WILLIAMS OFFERS: .B-room bumlow o_n Gray avenue: large rooms: modern; with Brephsee; am hm bedrooms: screen porch; norm windows; game; lute wooded and landward lot: price 812.000 or better: tor out it! and location this in one of out but. . 1927 1927 you SALE on JalN'r---t-mom Dutch colo- vinia, 6 room; nice porch, wooded lot: summer home at Lake Geneva, furnished. reasonable price; year around home at long Lake, beautifully landscaped grounds, water frontage. D. E. Wink, realm. Tet. H. P. 447. . . _ any! pigs (of we; mashing; "Ni. 5irir. 2550. .r _ " “qua. "Call st 825 E. CrntrdrGreisiG,%Ge " to 22. Ihrd uh] house; {untied hr “hum '" North - Hakka] Path. Tet. M. P. 23.1. _ 11.15“ ' A FEW REAL BARGAINS. 0.1mm mum, 8695. _ . _ Oakland roadster. . wire; winds, rumble seq! 8660. T Fi'ihrs7ihhrtourutr, 3125. - ' NATIONAL 21mph MARKET: stt1tritHt1roed 3912“: street. 7 Tri. North . Chicago tin. . goat! panama: ', - dill {mi-x; Dr . "t'4 " FOR SALE-Homebold furniture: I the par lor suite. Met. chin: closet, mule. good -.' for laundry par-m. Catt after, 6 pan, 137 N. Green Bay road. 16M SUB Lm'---Redeesornted S-room ant in Barn-s building, Chic-co Imus. Inn-ton, for has than present rental; om ninth off 'Mr" amt nation. Tet. '"'"",lt . I. . u Fort REN'P-4-room Bat with duping and sun porches; lane ortionat.. Chicago _ . nue. Evan-um. Tel. University 5271. 10pd FOR RENT-Apartment, two.rooms and hath: swan heat; central location; unfurnished; rehsonable. " S. St. Johns avenue. Tel. H.f. 540. . ' . _ 1m FOR FOR RENT---Aoartmeut in the Hawthorn: 730 N. St. Johns avenue. near. Mornino -road; stun: but; large screened porch. Information " 782 N. St. Johns tvenuo. Tel. H. P. 282:. ' T T 14-18pl FOR RENT--mtrtrgmde rooms: tion. 881 E. 0mm? avenue. FOR BAL.---Aati- of annual In“: u be found " the Little lion. of 1ntqmst, :12 South av... Glam». To]. Glehooo 712 Old Comstttutioaat who.†mph and sin mirrors: pewter plat. l “It! and Palmer you†urns: mu. thid", man and dip- per chain: chin- uld than; - an.“ obieeta suitable for wedding gift- um: Bridge prise. and IN?R SALE:2_ (193.183 hrh, cheap. MO Nuida FOR 13EN'rt--rilC,rettt mun-bk; Hoom tInt, furnished. or lighthmuekeeping rooms; until Sept. 1; all after 6 in owning. Tel. ' H. P. 2424. 14pd F9t,)NTcrgn, Decade; 9n0_'§-room Maza- _ low; 6-inch: 'e Bungalow. 2' Min-{ck heetr,.tone, s-room apartment, heat fur- . nished: one 3_-rooni ind "bath tumult: furnished room- and bath for -light house- keepins'm Freon 50m: tho “and goal†piecd to tnde. John A. Mothnan, trresta.le-tm8er, once phage We} FOR 1tENT---0tBee in Sand buildinc, Bigh- weed. Tel. M. P. 11?. 11tf FOR RENT-AI-e and showroom. neces- sary store and large lot on the tide; rent reasonable. Walkman 3mm, Highwood. Tel. H. P. 1651. ". _ _ 49tf FOR MN'r-.rhrrtuhed room for one or two, 616 Vine 'wentre., F ' _12-13pdtt FOR 1tEN'r--urge. airy room in new home FtrtCttEN 'r-'rr'Fi'iiiiit"actia K tri'rinittt' rid steam heat: always hot water: 1% block from station. Tel. M. P. 8685. l WILLIAMS ONES: Sever-l dulnhle homes It on season, rc- dueed prion: also furnbhed bonu- tor mm m: renting. l', FOR REN'r--Comfortatrte single room with Netttr of hoynur. " Vino uremic. FOR RENT -meiy for "miner: 'I-room tlty do“ to hvlnh Park. Tel. M. f POI BAL.--oit nation and luncheon: ex coll-at. location: good “than. “.000: mu “0: all after 7 3.1-. oe d1 (by Sunday tleuttty --u “do Wuhan! "Y, FQR BFNT::Fu£nhpeq room; scum pre- FOR RBNT--A summer home by week or month or for season: 6 rooms; ttil modern; V electric light and (a: like Del-m, Wis- consin. For information write to Mrs. David MeCreUht, 224 Sheridan 1mm: Hkhwood. _ 15pd FOR RENT-F-hed room. Johns m; Tel. te. P. am. FOR RENT-14m furnished mun: mu»- - girefermd. “I laurel can“. Tel K. P. 2:99. . . _ 15M FOB BA_LIF--Mr tot In IMqhinnd Park, 50x 150: high. dry and beautiful; ready to build on: wonderful lee-don; the -iroasrmtrttts: will take $25 cash. 825 . moettlrt-prie,: 81,800.. Owner. A. L, PM othoa, 15 6t or mldenoé Mi.' teentleman prefer'redf -i4ii" LUGG arg, Tel. H. P. 8049, I terrace. Tet. M. 1'; -tidi. ment V in - the Udell W buildini - 53;!) '33:»; " to teert. 15. Tel. H. P. Mt. 11rdtt firrred. 704 _ Cenéii has; "inf? 1888. . 1mm Jer-r-meet _ t.. Ewo-rqom 3M FOR RENT SEE WILLIAMS Thursday, June 18, 1921' centul loam 1 " I 248 mm Ihtd 12nd Sf ms": 31mm: PI mo mats 1‘:an SI’I‘UA'I hours' home! ine m avonw WAN‘ CARP; POR R FOR R FOR For: 1 2480. FOR R FOR R. light Apart) FOR 1 room per I 1138. FOR FOR Thaw FOR FOR R? from Bar ' POR R FOR R bath , T Johns FOR. _312 FOR 190 R PO It FOR R FOR I avert' FORE MIYMII‘ treat-I We" t made I Ah trot , diam: all Tel, Sam: ime r} able", car . Boor. tion ; work tsim furnis small but!†Tel. l come: privm nue. Sch“ 1940. FOR trtidrd r can! m " an den me