“In June 20, 1929 '1 PARKS, BOULEVARDS. DRIVEWAYS AND BOATING BABIES SUNSET VALLEY GOLF COURSE Labor fort tnairttainitttt the mum ._..'.r""9trt."t'_ 8,500.00 Clerical help for ad- . . _ ministration dept. -._ 2,100.00 . Supplies for mninuiuing _ course -._N___r___t, tP"""V--.'Pr. 5,000.00 Lighting mr buildings.... 125.00 “Wuter for upkeep and -' se - -t-ee _ 'supply for bldzs; ........ 600500 ' Fuel for buildincl -_--.tttt 275.00 ' Silvana: fir Charmin" 200.00 ' . leor for extenaiogttc..., 3,000.00 Unetarssitted expense for . contingencies M 1,600.00 8min- In†for hriiGjviitiC..T 1,000.00 Snppliu and material... 200.00 utsk/ror' {night}: Shrubs and unmet. FORT SHERIDAN PARK yin! for Improving .t.. Labor (of illicit): .. Supplies m9....m.....tmrr.._. PLAZA PARK Labor for upkeep ., Shrubs Ind Supplies OLD ELM PARK 'ew; PARK . La fbr'htt9rovtrttt Supplies and Ihmhn Supplies Labor for upkeép' Supplies _......'...... improving mwtmm-.m.tmt.W.t-... Material for ttl1intr, seed. fertiltger and. sup- 'TYstttsNarttintr sin-db: "., DEERFI ELI) AVE. PARK PORT CLINTON PARK MEMORIAL PARK ' _ WRENN 'S POINT Labor for Upkeep Supplies _.ci..,, ROG.ER WILLIAMS PARK Lunar for upkeep .tm_W.teV. l Supplla' "-Wr.-_'P.tr'rr-"'trtme... _ LAKE PARK LaborJor upkeep Suppliq ..........‘ labor for nuke; ...3... Supplies for upkeep....-. thor for grading and Labor for upkeep Supplies ..i_..:i...,.. LINCOLN PARK CENTRAL PARK Labor for upkeep Supplies -_-6t_-_t.-.-.tt_ Labor for upkeep Suppliu __..lt___..tt.et_ RAVINIA STATION PARK IDLEWILD PARK _ RAVINE DRIVE tuiminisitrattu in... Supplies for operation pvé'ntion Supplies. .-. SKATIch -rttRrttk -, if Lnbo; in? "ysrkerrs Ind BATHING' BEACHES Labor for upkeep and and improvements -.t.-. Labor and help for up- eratintr dances ...tP__.r_.. Supplies for dance op- -eration _,.,'.................,.. IAEOE for Upkeep ..t.mtrtw. 2,800.00 Supplies -'""et"._"...t.."".e'".. 1,000.00 limbo!" for extensions SUNSET WOOD son) e.",... Bookkeeper Clerk .. t-"' _ Juniwr "u... at "It emu'u....._..:...~ Chief, of Jlotiee--..,--.. Playgyound Director and than“: -,..._..f....... 1,000.00 Unelaa.ttied Expanel... 1,000.00 ANNUAL APPiOPRIATION ODNMCB AN oquANCB Inm‘hmrwou " Corporat- Purm to: the Final Year From Jim: t, 1m. to I†". 1.80. -BE rr onDAumD By the Board ot Com- minim" of the BMW Park last Pu]: District. County of Utte and 8tato of Illi- nOII" .. V SECTION 1: (Tint the (allowing an. or signal! flag-coil- my bo_luW by luv, be and the am no hub: inro- when! for carver-cc purpose- foe the tueat yen: commencing Juno 1, 1929, nad ending In, 81, 1980. _ . SALALIB or OFFICERS AND' “PLOW - For sum. and Wu- of one." Aid ii. plays. in Follow: See. ' "tp. (one Der-, . . Thursday, June 20, 1929 Juana“. m: 'z.ooo.oo "r.. . aoo.oo -... 500.00 2,500.00 1,100.00 2,000.00 600. 00 1,tt00.00 200110 600300 275.00 200.00 8,000.00 l '000.00 4,629.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 moo com 150.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 600.00 3509.90 500.00 150.00 100.00 2g.tit 250.00 50.00 250.00 50.00 050.00 200.00 150.00 25.00 800.00 226.00 700.00 400.00 100.00 100.00 50,00 275.00 100.00 150.00 50.00 600.00 60.00 ' 12,530.00 21,300.00 1300.00 1,550.00 2,500.00' 3,600.00 1,200.90 650.00 409. 00 115.00 800.00 250,00 525.00 260.00 175.00 200.00 500.00 375.00 150.00 SECTION A.. This ordinance nun be in full foree and effect from and after RI pla- n". lpprovnl and payigggoq. -___ - - SECTION 2. All unexpended balance. of any item or items of any general expense up- propriation made by thin ordimtnee may be ar- pended in making up In! defBetene, in any tuspt.nrpritttion' and for .the sumo men! pur- pose,“ in a like 1pproorution.made by this ordinance. SECTION s. All ordin-nce- or part- of ordinances in eontiiet herewith nun be grrtd the sumo are hereby reveled. Secretary of the Bard of Commhionm of the Highland Put-k Eu! Park Dhtrtet PASSED Julie uth, Au t. 1m. APPR0VBDiutte 4th A. D. 1929. PUBLISHED June 18th A. D. 192.. President 0'! the Board of Connh-lomn'ol the Highland Park East Park District. . Arrtttyr.. ' _ _ now. M. LUNG. _ _ Special Counsel Fees m... Court Costs ...__. __..'..., Witness Foes .r..--r.tti,.em_m. Miqeglllneom expense of For "iiiiWiitritrirT 4 . ink :m;;.:: PUBLIC BENEFITS . ._ For payment.“ public beneiftta -e. assessed or to be uses-ed in sped-l assessment proceedings against~ the Park District as F in; share of the ‘coat of local' improvements. -. _ _ Principal and Interest thereon P... 100,000.00 ACQUISITION OF PARK SITES AND PARK PROPERTY . For the purchase of Park Bites _ rind a?Mtre'rty, .m....-.._‘-.;_“.....__. _ 100,000.00 Misee'llnneoua legal ex- sessmentx 'i-r"".'.'.-.-...-.-. Fees of AhrmmisBionerrs appointed.to " bene- "itar and damages _M.Ptrm-. Court Cacti: cj...'..-,..-. Engineering and survey- tising- "'Wr-_mte.'rr-r_tmttmtrermmmF Attorney; fees C..-..-.-., Co" of spreading la- ors services .w..tbmtt.rtt.ettt Witness fees and; ex- venues of litigatibn Unelaasrif1ed expenses LEGAL EXPENSES AND EXPENSE. or LITIGATION quarters J.,,.,..-...., Stationery, stamps, etc. Insurance ----.-r..re-..-... Publishing of ordi- nance, legal notices, printin'g ""e"'"'e"'e't"'m-te-t Annual Audit 'rn-...--..---... Engineering expenses... Offiiee _Equipment an_d LOCAL. IMBROVEMENTS To meet Expenses of the Board of, Local Im.. prdvemerits Publication & Adver- . potsr?ppyatsrtri_arspgt-syrrsraj' F‘or payment of. interest on bonded indbbtfd- at»: 10;]ka Supplies Pt.rtwtt_ ___-m.' Labor he iiuuc.C... Seed. Sign“: a Sup- plies "hi""""-..------.-..... grading ..-..1...,.,..C..r. Sljnjlel. mad- and NURSERY . _ A For purchase of new EMERGENCY AND CONTINGENT" To meet emergencks Wot _ othef- __ suppliers' c.-:..... Une1assitted expenses 7 Olin?!)- o_.i..dr.r. Labor for GGG' MaggSITION O£,__E§3¥ANENI P302 For nun-chm of auto- '. ' mobile -..i.-.....c... For purehang of power mower m""-'----.'"..---....... For purchase of three unit power mower:... For purchase of .Greens mower "_"'.-'--".--..".---... For purchase of Unclai- Bifled equipment _"-"..-. For. purchase. of Play- gréund Equipment "twe. For purchase of _Sup- plies tor Bbynssund 'operation- -.-,,.r.._liC,, 'PPPf wise provided for t....r, MISCELLANEOUS For rent of 0mm: Head- pom: vmw PANE 91;. OTHER PARKS yum VISTA PARK hhor_ for iissiGaiik tJrtelasaifuei expense- _J.., 2,000.00 TOTAL 99mm _L. ammo. WERE: L. 210419.09 18,700.00 2,00iL00 1-.000.00 6.000.00 -'iar.G 1,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1.000.030 230.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000. 00 700.00 500.00 500.00 75.000 200.00 540.00 300.00 450.00 800.00 800.00 250.00 600.00 280.00 @0000 200.00 500.00 100.00 700.00 850.00 150.00 y 5,000.00 $842,555.00 THE PRESS 28.000.0o 45,700.00 2,000.00 4,720.00 22950.00 2,255.00 1,550.00 600. no 500.00 15.19 :wepmue of the South†., . ROOSEVELT _------.-;---. 21.31% N EW ORLEANS. We sharper any the hand mower dr power 12pm: prices reasonable; work gun-an- V "" 'Johry C. Fat, PrirtiC = 100 Canal Ann-c Rigid-Ml Park. m. Work eaHod for and delivered THE LAWN MOWER SHOP Lawh Mowers Sharpened 3090 Visit interesting tipw, Orlearrs--the "Paris of 'Ariicriea" _..."'...... the city "care-forgot". 'r" _ _ . Make the- 'Rm‘sevelt 'y'o ur -head- quarters. Seasoned travellers who have lived the world over will tell you (if it's beauty and comfort and its friendliness. They look forward to the genial hospitalitv they know is the rule-at the Roosevelt. We suggest you telegraph for reservations TOO' Rooms WITH BATH l9