"ma Objections had been mgdev ttr, the rules ateefed "ye"s£'erday bean†cork fliet was met in several. instances that would leave committees ftndintr m reshaping the rules the'purchu- ing committee was empowered to have charge of oil accounts except printing, stationery and supplies and alterations coming under . buildings and grounds. "e . I year. was relieved last week wig; the new rules and regulations for 1929 were approved by the board. . In reshaping the ruled the'purchns- Bickering over the powers of can» mittees in making purchases. that has beeh a sore spot with the county board of supervisors for more than Purchasing Problem Cleared Up by Board _ - . - - -- __f--wv. "alum-1;! at?! awe -heeaaoorciantad.taaea te'tttm-ttaenteess work-prompt delivery-ste, ndardized prices. And may Cadillac representative dellvm this uniform service trutd1r--in every part of the country. ‘ AAAAAAAAAAAAM A - “How did we myCADILLAC can, Silent Shift Transmission? 'Evanston Branch 1810 Ridge Avenue . Io-dirt-aria-ii", tftiii'ijiiji'rj"i'ii'iii)N - --_ -- “a... "_-TF"", 1eee_.reeuoeel6r,iiuiii"irtri%a' XIII-iv. Ml nit-nag“ of I†We. and Ch"fl'C.' 5.3....†a." 7,lTa"d'ffh'cu'teg1',i, “m?" "a I t can I In or t M: mm “W Ind MG: ovum. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY say the owners of the new ever get along withoint . 7 CAlllt)rlllLlllLACs “if; ff; LA SI‘LLES . In addition a resolution wus adopt- ed that provided that all biils should carry the signature of it least two members of the committee, except in the case of poor bills or be disap- proved by the board. stny maple. seem _ to havelgre‘et dim9ultv. ih recognizing the Vtr‘aflic‘ signals, particularly when no oMeer is looking. be given all county otBeertr through the county clerk so that purchases could be made with strict compliance to the board rules. I-r- purchases had been made by other bodies and ordered through still others. I A ._ . ' . . A resolution was adopted provid- ing that uiiiform requisition blanks Nr"eraewtao and Does Render a better Service _'titlLjlittthtjriFo.kriig- w." - . t . Caciillnc Silent Shift Transmission is one of the moat important mechanical developments in nearly 30 years of motoring. You operate the Silent Shift as you do the standard transmission. But you have no fear of strip- ping Bears or even of noisy, disagreeable clashing. And this valued advantage is yours whether you change gears at slow speed or high, up or down, on hill or level. The Silent Shift permits Women to handle a big car easily. It eliminates fina11r a troublesome d,ifrtcuity of long standing. _ Highland Park Branch 108 North First Street " Chromiu m plated exterio; nickel parts provide permanent sheen. " Nation-wide serHeo-Cddilue Service. Security-Plate Class in 4all window: meanii sgfety, ..' q Duplex Four-Wheel Brake-at touch of the pedal‘stops your ear. _ An even more powerful and smoother running Cadillac -ehuitt, 90 - degree, V-type 8. Wonderfully easy steering. T ‘. Adjustable front seat places brake and clutch pedalqwithin easy reach of any driver. _ . Pneumatic control principle applied to Fisher bodies, assum quietness. Smartness and styleciratride and out. Silent Shift Transmission, permits gear changes at any speed without clashing. THE" PRESS We don't believe there will be any revolution in Germany soon; espe- cially in view of the fact thatthe gov- ernment has decided not to raise the tax on beer. The country may be trointrto the dogs like a lot of mentay dyspectics claim it is, but the fact remains ghgt our churches gainednmore than eleizen hundred thousand members in 1928. The champion in self-control is the man who laughs st his own jokes when sgme friend tells them to him.--- Boston Globe. , 'rv-e-H- According to litest- reports any- body seems to have taken the rep out of the reparations conference. g†lhe supreme con Ttrocket 'i/toem", what it means if Hoover's pockets l by. types.' Primitive 'rrtasi.sdeaitrned for both recreational and educational use, ac- ,ces-s of "lk'cptttrtte tombich "will Jptr, nermittedhare also to be established." _ -_'W"e" m Maintain Wild. State V ' The so/called wildeiness. character of. such areas Will be .anaintaihed so far as possible by excluding summer hotels, automobile roads, permanent Eamps and industries which would tend to destroy the primitive char- acter of the area: the object being to maintain natural conditions and primitive means of transportation Irih'iU accommodations so far as potr- sible. This wiould mean pack trains, canoe and other primitive methods of transportation to the exclusion of highWays. . . _ _ Instructions have been issued by the chief of the Forest Service to all forest, jiupervjsdrs to make surveys of the forest. areas under their charge and. make selection as soon as pote- sible pf areas suitable for these two lav-u... - _ ,-â€"_ r‘.rv""' q One form" is to be known as research reserves designed to insure the preservation of virgin areas typ- ifying all important forest conditions Lin the United States to meet. the ,needs of science and education. This will be' done particularly -for such forest types as are not permanently preserved in-national parks. Not Recreation Areas '. Such research reserves Will not be available for recreational purposes; public use of them will be strictly limited and no interference will be permitted which will tend to disturb the characteristic animal and plant life .and soil conditions peculiar to each. Primitive areas reereationisr apd " rees-s of :thipublh 'iiTptitteit,_gri, als Till SWEDISH ART METAL u. Inc. Gut W. utemi.N. s. math. 239 Highwood Avenue _--' Highwood, m. "a ---__.r- v-Dv rVIIV’ of preserving wilderness areas in the national forests. His successor, Ma- jor R. Y. Stuart, has continued the same policy with an elaboration, says a bulletin of the AmerieaiGaaurPAs. tective- association. It has'been de- cided to establish two. distinct forms of so-called wilderness areas’in na- tional forests, each, to have its dis- tinctive .elyrr.aeter..and purpose. _ Col. William-B. Greeley during his administrations ehteror, the J. S. Forest Service inaugurated the-policy A: -n- --S, ,, .. _ ' C.ARPENTtirR AND BUILDER Screens and Doors Repaired Sharpening Tools Any Outside Work Cement or Mason Work Highland Alrk, Ill. 153 N. Second St. Tel. HP. 457 WILDERNESS AREAS TO BE PRESERVED ART METAL WORK S. Forest Service to Continue This Policy, According to Bulletin pockets bulging ion-t . MENONI nhhhnd Put rm court having legalized ft, we srhalCatknow" if Yt see President “mutiny, June 20, 1929 ties which would le primitive char- _ the object being al conditions and of transportation by and resid of In band, of N gttee W i er of tody being the a to t' true] was Thar plant pletie sheet line rest l ment the l Fran death dent. have Th Inc t15,0 $1,00 engin pletil $36,0 Co? auto: Ella Lurk her , hood years her l that sewt) will l, eord'r Short stead will 1930 Waul the I of tt ment catia the t on t? count the f, their curre cent] Natt: unus in " John the r jects York quer Fo made for 1 year. Th Bu