This one fact ' overrides _ all argument -...- MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND - and it's MILLIONS more people Today.' we» iiiititNhiiuuiit The Greatest Trade-in Value in the World . 1tsahanire your aM, draught, rooms for "etiesthathswarm astoastthroughout. HEATING CONTRACTOR T. H. DECKER & CO. Automotive Repair Service 15 S. St. Johns Ave. A liberal alknintnce made on your old fur- nace in the purchase' of new American Radiator Heating Equipment.' .Conve. nient payments. we guarantee all Work. LES STANGER - GUS KLEMP 133 North Second Skeet r$75aroomtoinuall Phone H. P. TE! Pilll Residents of the town of Avon, in- cluding the village of Round Lake and Grayslake, hive petitioned T. A. Simpson, 'codnty syperintendent of. schools, to call an election in. tt for the purpose of determining if t tt district wants a community high high school. . . Want New Community High School at Avon Comparing the first five months of 1929 with the corresponding per- ~iod of last year, Canton leads the state in per cent of. increase, 1581.5 percent. Rock Island leads the state in amount of increase, $565,000. Lake Forest and Decatur are close follow- ers with increases of $506,000 and $439,000 respectively. Other cities showing increases are Moline with a 75.9 per cent'gain; Forest Park, 48.4 per cent; Danville, 42.0 per cent; Harvey, 17.6 per cent; River" Forest, 13.3 per cent; Winnetka, 10.8 per cent and Blue Island,. 10.00 per cent. For the same five months, the following cities reported a volume of new per- mits approximately half as greatus for-last year or less: Elgin, with W" decline of 48.0 per cent; Glen Ellyn,) 49.8 per cent; Glencoe, 52.2 per cent; Wheaton, 54.9 per cent; Maywood, 63.1 per cent; F'reepprt, 65.8 per cent, and West Chicago, 71.7 per cent. ', _ . Jam-May '29 Jam-May '28 Waukegan ......._$ 906,790 $1,388,333 Highland J'ark.. 719,856 ," 1,238,150 La1rrt"t,riist' __.. 1,052,288 546,231 Thesfidigtqrts indicate that while 'the- artirritit 'or'tmildimr, in Wanke- "tin induAighlsnd.Parlr for thifitrst T (tBt-talt',. Lwas. ." cqnsideraNws-2t%t', t p? fr" the Pape., Qeriod last‘ye‘ard there 'was a Lake Forest. The number of buildings for which permits were issued in Watr. kegan was 287;, in Highland Park it was 116, and in Lake Forest itlwas 86. In Illinois , _ Illinois building permits' issued dur- ing May were 25 per cent greater than for April, as measured by esti- mated cost of construction. But May .of thiiyearde11 14 per cent. , Waukegan ......_$ 906,790 Highlagd Park, 719,856 Latrt"trjcist __.. 1,052,288 Thesfidigtqrts jpdicate -e" ,, ,7 __ e _ - lilor--Fiee-Monthtr - 'ee "---_-, Building permits, for the first tive monthrof the year, January to May inclusive for the three Lake county cities were as follows:' Highland Park--- Waukegan---- Lake Forest-' Building permits issued during May were 'greater than for April in both Highland Park and Lake Forest, but lower in Waukegan, according to tur- ures submitted today by the state bureau of labor statistics. T Comparatiye Figures . _ The figures for, these three Lake county cities for April and May of this. year and May of last year afe as fo11oixrs:, _ This City and Lake Forest Head List for May; Also Near Top for 5 Months HIGHLAND. PARK B . V LEADER IN BUILDING May '29. April '29 May '28 $1§3,316 $137,785 $14631} May'29 April '29 May"28 9?fur400 $309,750 $391,975 May ’29 April '29 "May '28 $196,088 $191,938 "$382,700 Office Phone: 1yirhttut1Pttrir 1035 Residence Phone: Highland Park 3378 DR. GEORGE MITCHELL Performance, appearance and price is the motto of our service. We have a range of instruments from which you can make a selec- tion knowing that this niotto will be carried out to the letter. " sprung point. Turn circle "and In“ No. l Flt Inning point,» than tn. on line marked No. l inside the eirUt M circle around' to No. I It stnrthse "Joli lino lino No. I 'ttaid. the]. 3nd to CI. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING new CIRCLE: on an; club, by on that " plain paper with carbon paw bat-. {maven to table with pin Mk 0'... Inch Mnrk Thoft unanimi- [in an plain paper elpmt Lo bottPtodeo of,†Steffen Auto Srptrtr RELIABLE LAUNDRY _ & DRY CLEANING COMPANY 618 N. Green Bay Rd. Highland Pk. 1ptrFtt2-thr.YoUR LAUNDRY AND' CALL FOR IT. YOU WILL SAVE 20%." '. C _ Authorized MAJESTIC Dale: " North Second Street Phone Highland Pugh 850 Grading T Lawns - Shrubbery Perermiel, - Watks - Terrie“ and Gardens 7 DENTIST Hours:9tol2-1t05-7to '16 North Sheridan Road . 60 N. First St. Highland Park J. SMITH JUNK LANDSCAPE GARDENRR 915 Logan Street , Highland Park 2288 TELEPHONE 410 S. BISETH Thursday, June 27, 1929 Thursday, June