___ u.‘ Patronize The Press Advertisers 30 733 GLENCOE AVENUE Telephone Highhnd Park 2637 5 iitcl - Building Material 620 Central Avenue COAL and SOLVAY COKE , 1221 . ‘HERMAN DENZEL. President- . 1205 "Deerfield Road at Blodgett Tel Drive your own car over a mile-long plank road that has all the thrills of mountain driving but none of the dangers! THRILLING! uAMUg‘mu r SENSATIONAL! Free Parking Space for 10,000 ran. Park on our ground. day or night nnd watch the fun, plenty of shade can. M. D. MURPHY Located permanently directly oppoqit: Holy Ghost Academy om Whoopee Auto Coaster Highland Park Fuel Company Hot Water, Vapor. High or Low Pressure Steam Enthu- on New and Ila-adding Work - - Work I Specialty Carpenter Contractor? and Builder A Brand New JrKriller-rFun for Young and Old FREE ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS 10c in charged each occupant of car using Waukeganjléad Near Willow load About d like was: " mm HERMAN“ H. MEIER: I MwnoomE l AUTO COASTER HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS OPEN DAILY FROM , a. I. t. “a Grounds Well Policed Day and Night MURPHY & SCHWALL HEATING CONTRACTORS Jobbing Neatly Done, WHOOPEE! Child/en under WHOOPEE t LET'S ALL RIDE THE J?hone Highland Park 3426 PN Tt -z'L‘IR' 7 years FREE 89 CLIFTON AVENUE Telephone Bizhhnd Purl: It“ Telgphoné 3700 J . A. SCHWAL‘L . Tiié I 10c THE-PRESS Conservation Project l in McHenry and Lake Counties Is Delayed J. M. Halverson was Gide eolfee- tor and Fire Chief Kreck Was Te- appointed: _ .Halverson succeeded J. H. Franzen. __- Motorcycle Policeman Pete Ham ll sen of Libertrrilhrrrtttrered cuts about ? the head last week when he was hit! by a car driven by Edward Kennedy, l Libertyville, while making , U turn l on Park avenuevat the west limits: of that village. . _ -' i He was thrown off his motorcycle to the payement,, landing upon the _ Joseph" Riggs, villagefmar'sghal at' Fox-Lake- for a. number-of years, last riittht was reapquntgd ttr that office by members ‘of' the village board. . . , _ Louis DeProft, ivho, sieived as president of the boardfon six years and then wag defeated at the last election,"was named treasurer. -%. . Attorney George F. Hurley ot Evifrrstirtt, whtrtr.hy make his-resir. deuce in the eounty, was named vir. lage attorpey to succeed R. ~W. Churchill,, Graysl'ake; who was- re- appointed attorney for Grayslake last night. . _ _ _ '. . A Fox Lake has hen torn by dissen: tion for the past few months and an: effort tp tretTbhiiriiriiiii%ihiGf the board and residents in harmony to carry put municipal improvements is being made; according tofhe Wan: keganSun. '. ". ', - Libertyville Motor Cop Injured by Car traeirot,thshead, c, a†4 It was thought for a time that he was seriously injured. Dr. J. L. Tay- lor examined him and after dressing his injuries sent him to his home for a day. He-wss. able to be on duty next day. _ A . Petition for a T conservancy dis. triet, covering approximately fifty gquare miJep,-ineludintt the chain of Inks: from the Wisconsin line south through Antioch: in Lake county and Johnsburg in MtHenry county, was delayed again last week in county court by Attorneypieorze F. Hurley, who is acting for itioners, because plans for .the Nippersiuk dam have not-been unfolded. . - Residents in thatvieinity are-edger to end the pollution u lairgt and streams' where "more than 10,000 people are making their homes dur- ing the summer months.- The.state has appropriated $25,000 for an engineering survey near Me: Henry to provide a dam. The next assembly is to provide further "ap- propriations, it is understood. This engineering, the _ttttorner stated, Wouid have an effect on. water levels in the proposed conservancy ditr. trict. _ _ / __ Mr. Hurley stated that it prob- ably would cost ' the municipalities and the communities in the district close to t1,000,000' over, a period of several yéars of 'it,','2eitt,ti',' to purify the Waters or.thee diregiotts. Reappirint JRiggs tf, _ ' FoxtaktPolieie Chief r Plumbing J'and Heq ting FOLKS .have learned =to place whole-hearted eonfidenee in' our ability to deliver the goods. , They call us therdeiiendab1e plumbers. Many of, our customers have memorized our telephone number. It's a good habit; friend, because when plumbing servjces,are need- ed, "hey"re, usually needed in a hurry. A T. H. DECKERK: C0. f "?fj'i0i;"'Crr'i1fiiiriirii,n ', . - . Ram: I UA I T . . UN 09/1 iis GOING'TO BE ,". {FART-OF MY f Phone Highland Park 3515 Highland Park Mantel 6: Tile Co. James Nielsen (Not In) Tile Pioors, Walls, Ceilings, Fireplaces THIS IS A SWEET AND Phone Highland Park 201 926 LOGAN STREET " B., Sklohns Ave. CLEAN LAUNDRY PROPOSAL Thursday, June 27, 192.) Thursday, June " Out of the the Second, P a commission thotiirht and 1 of the confer Top, left to.ri Chief of the Oddie of Nev board, former T. Sheets, Ch National Aut of the Ameri missinner ot, Hig