ET! dings, er: 'a':':"'"";:"" T E , PLUMB mm- o2T,19 ting >811 Co 201 3515 C0. at Thursday, June 22, . sm e ROAD DELEGATES ROLLING DOWN TORIO _ " Out of the abandanée of her experience the United' States is sendihgpto the Second, Pan American Congress of Highways at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a commission named by President Hoover that ig said to represitrtthe best thought and practice in highway affairs in this country. One orthe subjects, of the conference will be the-Pan American Highway. They saileulyJ27. Top, left to.ri ht: Representative Cyrenpe Cole girlowa; Thos._H. MacDonald, Chief of the §lnited States" Bureau of Public' Roads, and Senator TaskgrrL. Oddie of Nevada. Center: Chairman. J. Walter Drake, Highway Education board, former Assistant Secretary of Commerce." Lower, left to right: Frank T. Sheets, Chief Highway Engineer for Illinois; H. H. Wee, Treasurer of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce; Frederick A. Reimer, president of the American Road Builders Assbeiation; and Charles IW. Babcock, Com- missioner otulighways for Minnesota. - w _ .'. . FOR 1trUlEL--amlliil OIL BRAUN Enos. ou, Co. Emergency service Call H. P. 3291 _ _ . Deerfield Road Highland Park 3290 - Telephony - Winnetka 3020 -lIlMlllltl. ".c'd:d:rir'y.i'f.,ifitt?. I I". it .:1,-.-'1' Pd===..--=='r. --------- t"w',v'.', r.'r: y', uy, 'AP;i:F,.-. w---.--.---... ic,r.u,"/y:i)ii' K-k, . - "i."::?.?.'::;.: _ ,l""i'a', "glllritiMMlk {6,3,5 u, ', "r i " MBR? F..'. _ 13:13 w, " BllMllirtkdPk:Tr/ 3:1; 11 e " -1 "1i.AMF'. y YYY','. _. . B l 1ilB8RN _?.:?..? 44.:- . '. - ' . - IKiK?y.:,ti:? :<-::-:- h%qiK . - . rr" ir 'MP.s: _ 1 .. . - - -a.;\-I.- _ H:- "Nlll8ifillK ', . a - . - - , - 'WP5yTry' F. ".u","F tN1itillli88B88tgK; _ ' ' . '_:r. qFRr' F ' I 'es.t 6" 'c/i'. aigrBNlriq5l8t%'t'te 1.52:; .1 . . 1 V L, S:':" t'yfi"il,at$lrllll-.r'g')' w. .-..1 - 3 _ r'.' - ", f yNM " H.- . 1. 2Nmiiili . .. 12Erm85: 17,1753}; . . 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Trucks . operated ON the North Share to assure PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE of Highland Park Modern Plumbing ibut Heating ' Estimates Cheerfully Given Jobbing I Specialty WITTEN BUILDING 360 CENTRAL AVENUE Telephones - - - y' F Shop H.-P. 1404, Res. Jr.:P. 439-1342 be knoWn by its ptumbimrfix- tures. A bath-room equipped. by us is truly a delight to the eye and a Wonderful convenience. It invites cleanliness and makes the little ~on'es just want. to keep clean; May we help you ‘plgn the bathroom? . V V . . Moran Brothers LET Yotut BATHROOM THE PRESS " "011wPride of the South ff' 3 NEW ORLEANS Visit interesting New Orfcaps--the "Paris of America" - .--.the city “care forgot"-, -, . tT Make the "Roosevelt. ydtlr, head- quarters. Seasohed travellers who have lived the world over will tell you of it's beauty and coinfoft and its friendliness. They look forward to the genial hospitalitv they know is the rules-at the. Roosevelt. _- We sudgestisy _-, ' - telegraph far . . reservations , "Right in the" Heart of Things " TOO ROOMS WITH BATH " n.