“private _ station. . P. 2060. C 17pd 8 rooms In place. 17 m street 16 North keen Bay n buntin- m . brick eat fur- mrtmont, It house'- seven-ill Hoffman. Deerfield 17 for light Fen. T2t 'el. H. P. w" l7pd nasémen‘t . Irloek to Dartment. "rod avo- 17ml nent for 'urnhhed 623 S. " nag-nah}, :4de d apart- , can be bedroom l oortation . are, airy. i Webster l7pd aut Park. = ITpd om fur- for light 17 bedroom Irkilegeg mt. Call r T p. m. 17M rooms ', 'ark f at) I avenue'. 17ml P. 8375. l7pd r for two: f. P. 1483, “pd [table for d. trams re 1 v it": mt. ' 'tei',.!,'... 27, 1929 1 Central _ l1pd 'ears: 5- th; one- R. An- [ one-cu r 'et " Park _ "pd trniahied : :ngo ave- _ 17nd. screened an mm» 5, High- 17 Me for P. 1212. 17 ; nicely man-let l is' fur- Tel. . H, t cuti- iltf ave- 17pd l7pd 17 17 l7 " Thursday, J um IIT, 1929 SITUATION WAN'rBD---Hnvar, you I few houru' _work curing for children or light housework daily: no Suudny work: morn- ing preferred. Call Mrs, Role, 626 Laurel nvenue. H. P. 156-W. lltfpd SITUATION . wNt'r.r.as--Drueeeeethi eef 'WAN'rMD--To eonwrt your Md hit - trenc- into "RBtrH9NA" inner wring mat. treu: box spring: rep-ind: newr work made to My“. J. M. Hansen. ly: SITUATION wANTEIy-Exsierteneed, reliable ehnuffeiar wishes' position in private fam- ily.; colored: references. Tel. mentor 3640. . _ e ‘de SITUATION WANTED -Experieeteed teacher will tutor in grade school subject: Tel. Wankezan 6656. . 16-1791] GrrEsiieArrmGund PLAIN SEWING. CI" Mrs. Smith at Highwood 2790.. 16-Wpdtf SITUATION WANTED-German girl, 25 years 'of sce,.'vne year in this country, deck-es potsitfort.for general housework; no cooking: experienced. Address†Lucie Sehwarzroek." P. o. Box 84, Wild Pet. SITUATION WANTE6--.-mr "experienced man as chauffeur, licensed. , or gar-duet; refer- _ ences. Tel. H. P. 1926 after 6 p. m. l7pd SITUATION WANTED - Housework; Brat and ‘second maid by two experienced col- ored girls." Phone North Chicago 5283. between 12 and 1 o'clock. ‘T - 17pd -siirFvUTros wAsarrtar-t-yi4tie-agert. couple wants. work: woman :for houisGieidtr" and ', man for outside work. Tel.. 1hserWtld Aoh. SITUATION WaN'r%D-c-White man, single, Junta house cleaning. garden work; handy with tools. paint, drive can reasonable wages for. permanent position: will ‘work. by day yt fifty cents per hour; good refer: i'iTrirurnoN WANTED --. By experienced vwomun: fam‘Ily washings to do at home: will call for-and deliver. Tell H. P. 8866. _ , 17pd SITUATION WANTEDrrBor, 15.' desires work: honest and reliable. Apply 427 Glen- coe avenue. . 17nd SITUATION WANTED‘WuhinR to do at 33mm call for and deliver. ,Tel. Highwood 39. V .1q SITUATION wANTmF-'-Lmrtdriym,' expert- enced. ftrtr,trelatsts, takes washimra home or. will go out to (to laundry work: alt good work: references. Tel. H. P. 1144. 17nd GRADUATE and registered mine with tbre years’ experiénce wishes position: an take all medical cases. also ehildren; willing to travel. Address 223 B. Green. Bay road. Tel. HIP, 3516. 17pd SITUATION WANTE0--rlr '17-yogr.dld_ high SITUATION WANTED-Experieticed north shore tmcher desires tutoring in primary reading. Tel. H. P.-l478. 17 SITUATION WANTED-By boy with high school education: any kind of respectable work: references. Tel. H. P. 1633. tTpd t2'GiTti%ur, 'iiGGiiia." 715th tra. nudini, H: P. 2849. . SITUATION wANTgar--udv"rwith Paola“! sedan win drive by hour or day; experi- enced: A-l references. Tel. H. P. 1553 or address A-M, Press office. 17 SITUATION WANTED-- Married zit-l fuming G%; Forest" 907. HELP WANTED-white maid for general hallmark: Rood cook: refereneén required. Tel. H. P. 199. 389 Laurel avenue. 17pd HELP WANTED Calm" at Highland Park Cafe. Mfr Central nvmue. 179d Illinois. HELP WANTED Birth uhool girl to mine with hon-avoid: and baby, from 8 a: m. to Mt Damp!!! 78. _ _ “pd HELP WANTED Maid for general house- work: referegteert. Tel. H. P. IM. Addmg GeeC-Tei. A. P: 1120. school boy: cal Tel. H. H2434. GiiiGGA, i/r-dir-or' incl“ k-s hours' daily; Tel. after 6 p. m. H. P: MI. Ihrd 1845 Kincaid street. Classified Want Ads HELP WANTED viz-a-H'Jriive in)! drake of ur, M. - _ . l7 Mr-tT Ittf Wgrd ITpd " HELP WAtl'rBrr--pirt ya page yin. teat an? WAN'rtD-Youu um. white. tte twat-m2. and so yen... for gonad We work and ironing: .10 var week: German girl preferred. To]. M. P. 8116. have 1 HELP WAN'rrrptiverieneepry)tmr L any HELP WANTED-r-competent yeisynd, gang; gnu? WANTED-white girl for met-1' housework ; June 28 to Autrust 1. Yet. H. K. HELP WANTBtF-cuttured mu, thor.. ,oughly experienced in householi min", who desires an independent occupation. Write to MLSoutE'SL Johns avenue, High- land Park, giving mam-u! and “Replying HELP WANTED-- Protestant wig! - for, seg- HELP WANTED-capable girl; general "housework; good plain cook: small home; dood wages. Apply H. P. 297. 17pd HELP WANTED-Experienced maid for gen- eral housework; no laundry or upstairs work; room GipbiG.. Protestant preferred. Tel. H. P. 4367. _ " HELP WANTED - GOMPE'PENT' WHITE COOK. MRS. BROOKE ANDERSON, use BEECH ST. ' - Ww . 17 HELP WANTED-l want a another'? lythrrr WANTED To ttuY---med -ft_rottif_tite/11r1sf, WANTED T0jJY-rrArttittuees, old books, pamphlets, ttttters, furniture. rush, china. E1atsts,-,ttc. in. . Mm Washing street, Evansldh. “I! - trw. _ uayiWNtgr"tieh. 331-1: RTE-re" to; may“: to go may... Tel. 11. P. am. " WANTED _ TO RENT-With option, to buy: _ 3-4-ronm house; wooded kit: near shore line; . must be reasonable; no agents: state fully. Address 0-49, Press ottiee. ITpd on. TGif 73011;; '15». Highland Puli " Lui io p. m. L6ST--,Bunetr of keysiabmewhm inz'High- wood; reward to tlnde5. Tel. H. P. 2664. - T 17 LOST-Monday; gold bow-knot pin with dis- mond; reward. Tel. H. P. 2600. " UNLESS Nash touring air. motor No. 124860, car No. 285411, is called for withift the next M days and storage paid, same will be sold for charges. . - -- __--------- 878. THE Highland Park Rattan-gut is now under the ownership of Jan. Vince. I will not be . responsible for any bills contracted by any- one but myself. Jas Vinson. IT 33.7.1 Gaic,GlseeruiiG mum Tel. gr. P. 1718. ' " number. TGI REE-5%; comma. Tel. -n.' P. was. " NURSERYMAN would like to mind connec- Jinn: with parties, who have have“ in. the nursery buainesa- and would like to innit either money or acreage on state highway for expansion of well uuhllshed nun-sexy: _ it will my well to irtvarstitrate. Address B. X.. Press omee, V 17nd WE WILL not be ramnsible for any debts Pays Fine on Charge of Selling Liquor Ta, GriGiGoAe mewâ€: Tel. nap. 3518. _ - 17 Marco Salbago, whose place west of town was raided a couple of weeks ago by the police, was fined $200 and costs on June 14, on a charge of sell- ing liquor. A charge ormaintaining a nuisance, preferred against him, was continued for hearing by Justice Sehwery,, orr petition of the defend- ant. Raga: will: aiinyth.r {WEI}; P535418; contracted by anyoné'but punt-Ives: MR. AND MRS. A. LENCIONI. WANTED TO RENT WANTED "TO BUY LOST and FOUND b MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SERVICE. 17-18 THE PRESS 179d Wpd “pd " 8t! 17 ROAD IMPROVEMENT IN COUNTY PLANNED road trame knots that now strangle the city and its envirbns. Governor Urges Hyde Governor Emmerson advised the committee to formulate its road con- striaetiorr and improvement program in detail, so that as soon as gas tax funds ar1s_avtsilatrle,ther can be 1low- verfisd immediately to the construc- tion work recommended, '- 0f the $19,540,000, which the gover- nor has agreed shall be expended dur: ing 'the forthcoming biennium on highways in the Chicago area, $12,- 315,000 will be spent within Cook county. .7 - Genenl Pun _ _ Thd general development C scheme includes: _ I . Widening of 125. miles of roads from twenty to forty féét. . _' -- Building of two roads argudd Chi-l 'eatto, one eighteen miles ‘and the. other twenty-four miles fromr.,tlt? heart of the city. . . . t ".tii, r' (Building 1rp_:as,r1i,railttaitt'P,tir1rto,ttl yissue mags "61161333; 'irf. Eliok' irtrihittr; and within siiriitiry-five mi és'o Q ld rcago. T _. _ '.hf!fti.- Building -of thirty-seven mixes _cif new fortydopt roads. - . _ _ Building of 122 miles of new twen- ty-foot roads. - __- _ l "Elimination. of fitty-nimt grade crossings. p - C" -'". WidGing of thirteen state bond is, sue roads. _ V 'the T plans, previously ggiai,rt,ftt the Regional Planning association, a to be submitted to the new committee w, ' _ . and formal approval IS expected to be voted' within two weeks. Governor Emmerson has indicated he'wilLap- prove {whatever decision“ is reached. New System of Calls _ 'for Waukegan Phones June telephone directories for Wau- kagan and Lake county are being dis- tributed this yreek by the 1llipois Bell Telephone company to cover a six months' period. The books contain the new prefixeis, "Maiestle" and "thi- tario," which are to Jre placed into use at once by persons making calls. The prefix "MajestiP' has been ttl plied to all numbers up to and in; cluding 5599. Begining with 5600,] the prefix w"Ontario"- is to be used.! When calling North Chicago .or Great! Lakes, the names of the places must), be/given. to, the operator, just as is7 done when calling Lake Forest', High-' land Park, Libértyville or any other town or village in the county. . - Over 7,000 Phones The phones in Waukegan, North Chicago and Great Likes number far into the seven thousands. No num- bers have been changed aside from adding the prefixes, except in in- stances of the removal or addition of new customers. _ Woman Resident Here for Summer Is Dead Mrs. Mary Helen Yoe Freeman, 3300 North State street, Chicago, who was living for the summer at 295 Prospect avenue in this city, died quite sudAertlrthere June 23 of apo- plexy. The funeral was held Tues.. day afternoon, "It 2:00 o'eloek, at Graceland chapel. . __ (Continued from page 3) Wpman's Hand Injured .. _. in Automobile Crash Mrs. Mary Pierantoni, 4 South First iireet, suffered slight injury to her hand when the Dodge car which sihe was driving'in Green Bay road, near Vine avenue last Saturday was in collision with a car owned by C. H. SchWeppe of _ Lake Forest. Both cars were damaged, thgpolice'report. 'f-ii;')'-"')-:"','),',"?",""',;,"",.,' 9f a v I,. _ 1tsand.tyi1es beams with one step- Chinese proverb JERRY ACARQUEVIllE I Iltll6llilllAND mm _NAlit) .5595 " * MGR"! Nugmg u, where progress is just peeping in, the NASH is equally popular. Model "A" Ford Tudor Sedatt-- Model "A" Ford Coupe--- 1928. Srieeial, Fix .Nash Conv, Coupe -..a. 1928. , Adiauieed Six "Nash Amusadiw-- 1928. . Advanced _ Six Nash Roadster - -- 1927. _ Chrysler 4..Door Sedan --1926. Advanced Six Nash Tudor Sedan --1928. . 22-24 Ndrth Sheridan Rd. Nash Standard Six 4-Door Sedan 'â€" 1928. Graham Paige Coupe Royal equip- ped - 1929. . Advanced Six Nash Ambassador-- 1927. _ 1928 WEN over in far aiway China 47 733 i? Eli]