EH -irre. Mrs. M. S. Riggins of East Orange, New Jersey, is 'visiting her sister, Mrs. C. P. Martens, at the Moraine hotel for a. few weeks. . " North Sheridan Road Mr. and Mra.'Frank May of Prai- rie avenue announce the max-tinge of their daughter, Dorothy Claire, to Henry Behrens, Jr., of Glencoe, Sat- urday, June 8, at six o'etottk, at St. James’, church. The eetemeny was fellowed 'by a reception and dinner at the Evanston hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Behrens will make- their home at 373 Hazel avenue, Glencoe. " . Mrs. E. R. Phelps and daughter, Ma, Betty lette'Wedneeday to motor to Camp Kahuna, Glyn Haven, Michi- gan, where Miss Phelps will serve as eouneilor and. have charge of the horseback riding during the camp session, which is eight weeks. Mrs. Phelps will return. by boat next week. . Every Garment to be Closed Out COLD AIR FUR STORAGE _ R A D I C A L . - . Estimates Gladly Given N/s Returns, Exchanges, or Refunds because of low price/ The LORETTA SHOP Former prices 111} to $29,50now from 10. North Sheridan Road WE HAVE OUR STORAGE VAULT IN OUR OWN BUILDING Reuonabié Charges Frocks, Coats and Ensembles . formerly isiieiA up to $92.50 7 ‘ Local and Personal REDUCTION-S . Now Priced $15 to $35 I -HA‘ T S, - -Pe-"----_lel. Ina-um--- _---' _ J . Télephone Highland Park 463 MOLnANE'n a; Hausa yrs. Morton R. Mavor and daugh- ter, Miss Dania, of-‘Laurel avenue, ,with' Mrp. . Maior's brother, Mr. Baker of Evariston, are leaving Fri.. day to motor to Camp Osoha, Frank- furt, Michigan, where Miss Mavor will spend four weeks. Mrs. Mavor and Mr. Baker. before returning will spend several days, with their mother, Mrs. W. F. Baker. of Manistee, Michi- gan. _ Mrs. W. S}. Rankin arid family. of Forest. nvenué sre- leaving Saturday To spend the summer at. New.Melfprd, Connecticut. Mr. Robert Sellery of Bronson ave- nue left today (Thursday) for Eagle River, Wisconsin, where he will be the guest of Mr. Norman Johnson of Evanston. William/Egan of Hawthoi-n lane is spending two weeks in Ephraim, Wisconsin, as the guest of Carleton Vail. . _ , T Highland Park, Illinois FURRIERS $3 to $10 THE PRESS Mrs: Sophie Forges, who is spend- ing the-summer with her daughter, Mrs.. Irarrr Canmann, entertained thirty, guests at luncheon ind bridge at the Edgeivater Beach hotel on _ Mix-and Mrs. Irving. F. Conrad returned home Sunday, trom a honey- mopriApept' atCAtlantid City.' They are spending this week-.with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H._Conrad of. 128, McGovern street and will he in their apartment at 120 Elmwbod avenue, Evanston. next week. _ . N Mrs. James King of Fort Sheridialn is’ ent'ertaining her bridge club'to- morrow afternoon. _ Phone Highland Park " . We Call for and Deliver -Mrs. Fred Fisher returned home Saturday after spergding a week with her daughter, _Mrs.jd. Borkert of Chicago. 't A g _ , .. '_" Miss Lenora Carpenter, Who has been making her home with her aunt, ’Frmiéï¬me‘Tfï¬Ã©â€˜W is spending the summer with rela-, tives in La Fayette, Ind; She will return irrtime for school. v _ i John Munro and John McBride are two of the local boys who have grad- uated from Harvard law school this spiing. . _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Arch Abercromby were. the week-end guests. of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Pick- enson of Park Ridge, who celebrated their silver wedding aiiniireriuiry on Saturday night. _ -. . Mrs. Edward M. Conrad was ated to. her home. in Fisk,.Wis., ion Satué- day on account of the serious illness of het mother, Mrs. John Pansie. Her condition is somewhat improved, Mrs, Harry Hersha of San F'mur. cisco, Cal-., and her sister, Miss Davis of Columbus, Ohio, were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs.' John Gal- lagher. Mrs. .Hersha was formerly Miss Jane Davis of this city. , -' Mrs. Harry Canmann entertained a number of guests on Monday at luncheon and a theater party in Chi- cago in compliment to Mrs. Eia Wonnell of Ohio, who is visiting hér son'ond daughter, the Kent Wonnells of 1602 Dean avenue. ' Mrs. Edmund. Eitel and family left on Sunday for Ephraim, Wis., where they will spend the summer. Lee Sims Beginners Method _ A, Specialty Residence,. 623 Vin_e Aveilue _ Phone 3446 _ _ Lesrspns Given in Your Home CLEANING .. GLAZING . and REPAIRING AT, SPRING and SUMMER PRICES on YOUR runs ELIZABETH SILBER WORTH. _ TEACHER OFVPIANO -aina, ' P"" CLASSICAL' Lee Sims Beginners Method A ' Specialty Last evening the members of the Bethany Evangelical church gave a delightful surprisé'party mi the Rev. and Mrs. Siemsen. ' Among those from out of town who attended the wedding of Miss Cleona Udell and Mr. James Gathercoal, Saturday, were Mr. ond Mrs. T. Spencer Etheridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Udell of Grand Rapids, Mich, Mrs. Fisher of Ft. Lpuis,‘ Mo., and-Mr. and Mrs. William‘H. Cope of Chicago. _ Mrs. Clara Tremaine is in the Highland Park hospital sutrtritgr6op an infection of the eye. She'ls get- ting, along nicely. ' -Merton Person is-visiting his aunt, Mrs. McGuinness, in Ii'lossmore for a week. _.. Mrs. Ira J. Gear has left for Estes Park, Colo., where she will sp'end the summer. Mrs. Frank Waltz of North .Green Bay road entertained the member's of her five hundred club Tuesday eve- ning. _ “The Misses. Vivian ianii 'winifred Vercoe are sailing this .week from Ney York for. Europe. _Thc q. B.. Brand. family attended the Rockenbach reutti.on- at Lake Zurich, Saturday.' T Mrs. ‘H. SI. Matz left Saturday for a month’s visit, with relatives.†it} Michigan. . V . Mr. and Mrs. Milton H?rylacre have left for. a two weeks "trip to New York City. -» Mrs.. Samuel M. Hastings and her sister, Miss" Ada. Moore, entertained at luncheon and bridge, â€yeste‘rdayuat the Exmoor club, ' Milton St. Peter, who has been on a ten days' business trip to Mus- kegon, Michigan, returned home on Wednesdily. _ _ Mr." and. Mrs.. Péter ’Kenyon of Oklahoma-are the guests of Mrrand Meg. Jesse Sobey, Mrs. Kenyon is Mr. Sobey’s sister. r Mr. and Mrs. Iiarry Pertz and son returnisd . home on Mppday, after spending the past week with relatives in La Fayette, In4iana. . _ . . V Mrs. J. P. O'Corinel1 entertained eight friends from Northbrook- at luncheon on Tuesday at the Greeil Tea Pot. After limcheon bridge was played at her home on' Ridgewood drive. T ' Mis, J. P. O'Connei1 will be -hos.. tttlt tomorrow evening (Friday) to . meï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬â€™ï¬fï¬Ã©f'bï¬ï¬ï¬fï¬nbï¬tï¬mrf“ _ home on . Ridgeivood drive. There" _ will be two tables; ' The ways and means committee of the sisterhood of Congregational Is- rael is meeting this afternoon at the Temple. Mrs. Samuel Goodman of Mbraine road is. chairman. The telephone committee of the sisterhood of North Shore Contrretra, tional Israel met with Mrs. Harry Canmann at her home on Kincaid street with Mrs. _L. Lindenthal of Glencoe", chairman, Wednesday. .The captains oCthe various north shore towns are Mrs. J. Morrison of Evan, ston, Jurss. J. Meister of Wilmette, “Mrs. 'B. Fa’rroll of Winnetkn; Mimi. P. Cowan of _Glencoe. and Mrs. war. ter Warshower of Highland Park. The meeting convened at ten o’clock, after which a delightful- luncheon was served; Mondtirrctht Tuesdgy Mrs. Forges will again entertain sixteen guests at the Edgewater Beach, .' Mr. W. IL Holland of East Park avenue is attending the water works convehtion being held ‘in Toronto, Canada, this week. Thursday, June 27, 1929 Thund Mr. nite is Califo: of his - Mrs. Salon Rando: the we Mr. daugh1 for a Lake 1 V Jam class Darth} Phi - B Loeb, Shield: Mes quist on a Iron a cab Mrs iously at het for th Mr: ladies, .tral i day.“ ly' su eight tend l fin" a Mr. road week Wt' ca Mr: after; noon. Ser Sheir guest ning Mr Pleas guest of f M: Mr: her h spend pater of Eh strok land tion 1 cover stree Nortl prom Satu: Park Sheri warn ber t have Ohio 1001 home their Him will Golf to 8 eigh who Bun