u) 6 3459 to Start Reading the New Story Starting Aug. lst New jlli'llllllltjlllGllllI.l)Nl0lllftE Porcelainâ€"onâ€"steel outside and V inside And despite the remarkably low price. this Frigidaire is equipped with the famous "Cold Contror"-a simple patented device that enables you to govem at will the time required to‘ freeze ice cubes. You' can make the most unusual frozen salads and desserts-easily and quickly: . Michiv'nn Ave. at _R-und0|'\h St HIGHLAND PArtk--'gtovrr C, HUBBARD w00D.q--tgtover Cr, EVANt5ToN-.qtovrr Co.. 163t Pl'BLlC SERVICE COMPANY Only no": 'tt an offer that’s too good to miss LI] SOULS fa' SALE r'N--1Btovrr Co., JM. Central Ave., H3ghland Park 1 fl-tttover Co.. 956 Linden Ave., Winnctlu 1512 "tr Co.. 163t Sherman Ave., Greenlaf 4480 '1 COMPANY OF NORTHERN 'LrryiotR--At all DONT FAIL STOVER CO. $205“ Is, N. Michigan Ave. But caUfat our diéplay room andéee this Frigidaire. A small down pay- ment puts any Frigidaire in your home. Come in today. _ . Randolph 4950 for a I50 their "tees _ trnature, known as dendrites, is on exhibition at Field Museum oCNa.. i tural‘llistory, in the departnient of I geology. _ . Unusually fine garments and excel.. lent decorative work with porcupine (wills, representing the achievements ‘of the northern Athapascan Indians of the Yukon Valley, are features of an exhibit at Field Museum cf Natural History. . _ Fern and flower-like forms in rocks, debosite-d by water seeping through cracks. often become objects " ireat retsuty., A collection of these works Wculd Pave 35 Miles _ _ The success of the $1,029,000 issue, according to R. M.' Imhdell, county superintendent of highWays, would allow the paving of 35 miles of road- Way‘ in Lake county. .' i ,' ' o=.a=-3hr,hccu. _ taking, thts=turt,tdi. #:1419me- .put the issue' before the, people' with the idea in mind of retiring the bonds and yaying interest with the payments. derived from the gas tax. ' The first allocation of tax money will' hot be available for the county until after the first of next year uni If the-bond‘issue plan is hot decided upon b.srthe board it is possible to constiuct rtiads in the county on' the “pay as you go alcng" plan. The paving wotild he put in as the tax funds become available instead "of getting-the large sum at once as would follow the success of the bond issue at an election. ’Complétc‘S'iirvey's Decision: on tho matter is some- what :‘iistant but the highway depart: ment and thd committee are' complet- ing plans and surveys in order to le ready in case the bond- plan is ap- proved. This" preparation "naturally would do away with Considerable de.. lay and would result in thirrft'iisiriT- ing of an up-to-the-minutc prcgram when the decision is made. - J MAY REV IVE COUNTY ROAD BOND PROJECT 591‘ the wquing of the state tax plan. Then, it is said, ‘the tax gas payments are to be made to counties twice a year, about Ian. 1 and June M). _ The boird' had 'alre'ady approved the placing of the bond issue before the people when the tax_law was thrown out: When this act was nul- litied the bond issue was not pushed further. . The rcad and bridge'committee" will probably take the matter up at its meetings and then refer the proposi- tioruto.the board as' a whole for con- firmation. and' approval. V If is highly possible that the ae- tion as planned under the other gag tax measure which was declared un- cchstitutional [will be ‘:»follqwe§j_ :93; Hi rs/li their†THE V73? in _ Eh?" was; liCii, $d,029000 bhmfissu'e for the county. Though Chicago' gas tax fund dis- position will be determined by 28 business and civic leaders appointed as a special eonimittee,take county will look to its board of supervisors for the decision on the expenditure of its portion of the tax which will be collected under the new law effet- tive Aug. .1. . M. h Surrervisors. Considering Means to Utilize Fund from Gaso- line Tax _ Thursday, July 18, 1929 Thursday, July . Chas. 20% DISCO BROUGHT Reub 618 N. Green RELIAI & DRY CL Progr These home are fNtrartd in every p: streets, all i close to dep These hom low and Complete to mow hou: H . P. H57 Offered to who desire but cannot 60 N. First FRESH MANUR MA NTE J.S No N "" Telep h Alll I FLOOR Bree nw Will TEL CERA SE Tel lar