e ac- r gaé d un- 1.: 93'; ," iCii mnty. roved refore was ; nal.. ushed with mnds nents le to r the The d dis- )y 28 ointed ounty visors diture e" will " its oposi- , con- [55110, ounty would road- ome- part- plot- ;0 “be ap- rally , de.. adrif- tram mks, nigh Freat orks s on Na- t of bond nties June t will effte- JMrte :vnts Hans s of ma] oney onty . uni eant; 1929 ax "ax as of Thursday, July 18, 1929 . Chas. F. Pattlock 20% DISCOUNT ON LAUNDRY BROUGHT AND CALLED FOR. Reuben Lloyd RELIABLE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANIAG COMPANY 618 N. Green Bay Rd., Highland Pk. Progress Tile Co. These homes auxin Deerfield, are fttre.artd six room's," modern in every particular, on paved streets, all improvements in and close to depot, schools amrbusi- ness section. Thesp homes ard priced very low and must be seen to _ be appreciated. Completed homes ready to move in and start housekeeping Offered to men of char ter who desire ownership of 133nm but cannot make 'heavy' initial _ payment. . - Greenwood and Grand' at" Deerfield _ Phone H. P. 1t37 or Deerfield 210-W 60 N. First St. Highland Park FRESH AND ROTTEN MANURE AND BLACK . _ SOIL . MANTELS and GAS LOGS N. V ‘(Thicagq 5111 Waveland Ave. FLOOR and WALL TILE J. SMITH ' No Down Payment " Telephone Kildarei499 Will accept vacant lot if clear. TELEPHONE 4.10, CERAMIC FLOORS. JUNK SEE OWNER Tel. H. P. 535 (Ndt Inc.) Dealer in NEW PAPER MONEY GAINING IN FAVOR Advent " the new small-sized pa- per currency, $3,921,000,000 of. which already has been distributed to Ped- eral reserve banks throughout the pountry, tinds business executives and clerks sharply divided in its' reception, says a report from Washington, D.C. While banking and commercial ex- ecutives generally favor the Smaller bills, trllers and clerks whose. dutiy it is, to handle Inge quantities of. money regard _'them from' ii different-angle. They realize that until the old bills are redeemed confusion and added work will result in handling two dif- ferent sizes of notes, _ u j Hold Clisses . r “(losses are being held-at-some-df Lhe larger department stores hire to familiz’rize their employes with the small bills. 'Clerks are taught to "learn jhe denomination by tthe pity. ture.†Many firms have printed farms detailing the changes to be found in the new issue. drstincd to hocnmv one of the most immrtant On the Great Lakes when lhc (loop waterway projects are 3pm- plvtctl. Ifrs_sritti'e: that. it will hsiFome an important witvr ani rail' irhipg'tent Easier to Handle But Some Con- fusion So Long As Old Cur- rency Lasts Business men look forward to pos- sible mechanical changes necessitated by the new style-money. They dis- like er" cuintemplate altering cash drawers .3!†money bins. But they twalire.ot'detlv stacking of bills may require changes. V T V Chindblom Favors. Big T Harbor for Waukegan harbor as We local shipping $1 '-.-.. Face portrait, Washington) buck embellishment, orMte. _ _tt?---F'ace portrait, Jefferson; back cmhcllishment; Mcnticello. T $5 ' Faei, portrait, Lincoln; back ombellishment, Lincoln memorial. $10 _---Face pal-trait, Hamilton; back rmbellishmcnt,, United States treas- ury. om In tth miif the tiixjriry.itwill 'bén97 fit by this ‘charige foY _thee trctiwury annotykctl' saving Cf ajipros'Gately tT,50ij,000 a you- will V be effected tlfruugh reducing: the size af the-bills. Bills Issued _ $20 -- Ihice portrait, Jackson; back inbellishment, White House. m" $50 L, ICaee portrait, Grarit; back mhvllishmcnt; the capitol, -, I The bills are: ll ay terminal for THE PRESS " Patronize' The Press Advertisers ï¬lllllllflllfllllllll||||||||l||IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIIHIJIllIIHIIIII]IImmllllIIIIIHIIHIlllllllllllllllllllllllngï¬ glut“!llllllllllllllfllmllllllIIIHHIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIlllmlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllulllllillllllflg ii-ii-ci-ii. Tor Rent for Parties and Gatherings iii'iii;'iiii."i'r'-i:' '::ar=i-L?.-':. FOLDING CHAIRS C0AlRsC0VEIts "-S'iii'i1,'i.' Transmrt you in travel luxury equalled only by the great ocean liners. Your "ur.ra--"F, _ stateroom or parlor is an outside room_with Win- " "ts dows or DUFUIHlCS for Jerk-rt ventilation. Bede ' ts roomy and comfortable. Meals and service li.ke. the 1. a Fri, r-. w AL) best.hoteis. Orrin-am. dancmm deck games, bridge l " k 9; f rig, . parties --- something doing ovary moment --our ’ T, Wg l, 1 IE hostess Soon gets you acquainted with others. 733 GLENCOE AVENUE Telephone Hichlaud Park 2681 we---- Mme-d amreall'ed-tor -'.--' Rates-are reasonable - . Funeral Director 27 North Sheridan" Road . 'l FOLDING CARD TABLES AND cox/Ens" _ ' "_-""- BANQUET TABLES CHILDREN’S TABLES AND CHAIRS M. D. MURPHY :,,'l,lglllllru",, _ Chicago, Duluth & Georgitn Bay " Transit Com n 'ttr-tt la,, _ no Wert Adams Street pe,',','. Randolphj’†Hot Waiter. Vapor. High or Low Pressure Steam Enthu- on New and Buddha Wink - Renal; Work I Biotin“, " H. M. PRIOR CO. North America}: tgrut South American MURPHY & SCHWALL HEATING CONTRACTORS Sailings from Chicago any Tursdav and Sahara . I." 25thto Aucusl 27th, inrlresirr. R, R. Tickets tti,",',' ghap. Ihiroit, Clwdtmd and B.tcttuto will be homorrd or (with? - " mfditioorl pm mrnl. . '* . _ For Moe Book on the Blue Lake. - WL R. R. Tithe: may. or Tum-1 Ame, or w W. H. BLACK, Trote Man-cor . Telephone H. P. 299 89 CLIFTON AVEN UE Telephone Highland Ptrk ms J. A. SCHWALL 27 ’3