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Highland Park Press, 18 Jul 1929, p. 35

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i, 1929 Thursday; July 18. 1929 First Church of Christ, Scientist First Church of Christ, Scientist, Highland Park, Ill., 381 Hazel ave- nue, a branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scien- tist, in Boston, Mass.,_holds services every Sunday morning at.10:45 and on Wednesday evening at 8 o'eloek, when testimonies of Christian Sei- ence v healings are given. Sunday School meets at 9:30 aim" and is open to pupils under the Jute of twenty. Svhjeét for next Sunday's lesson- sermon "Life." _ 3 _.. _ . You are cordially invited to make use M the reading room, 361 Central avenue) which is ‘open every week day from ning in the morning until six in the evening and on Wednes- days until 7:30. The reading room is also open on Sunday afternoon from 2.130 in. i393 F'. G. Piepenbrok, Pastor. ' Sunday, July 21, is the day for the annual St. Paul's church picnic. The picnic will be held at Sunset park, Highland, Park. It will beqirryrith an outdoor. serviiee at 11 A'eloelr. 'At 12", o'elock We will enjoy a basket 1uheheon--bring your own lunch and provide' enough for your friends: Coffee. may be had .E the 'stand .free of charge. The 'iftu',1'o'tsi' will _be mast} total-n25 AttsHxmteirtst-4%i_ prizes dorrthe winners». The" elm-V dren's "fisshporid will be opened} atis 1 ie'cloelc., It 1tostiiothing', bt sure and have your childreh "participate. We suggest that yod start the day at the park by attending the morn- ing service. In case bf Fain the ser- yiee will be held at the church. Make it a. family day' and bring your friends. Everybody isrweleome. Mimday,' July "2?, the pastor and his family are leaving for Lake'Ge- neva .to 'attend the International CouricirTraininirsehool. 'From here] they will go to Lake Tomahawk, Wis- consin, to enjoy a two weeks' vaca- tion. _ T . , _ 'f'hihiven under twelve yeaim arerpri- vileired to fish. _ _ ' V For' the' worship services. _duririg the pastor's absence the St. Paul's church will unite with the Presby- terian church. Schedule of services is as follows: s" _ _ . July 28 and August ll-At the St. Paul’s church. _ ,' August 4 and 18---At the Presby- terian chureh." _ . _ The' Swedish 1ethodiat Church Highwood Avenue and Everts Place Rev." William "W. Nelson, Pastor Six of our young people are attend.. ing an Epworth League Institute at Lake Geneva this week. Saturday, July 20: 8:00 p. m.- Meeting of the_Sewiug circle at church. . Sunday, July 21: 10:30 a. m.---Sun- day school; '7;00 p. nc-Special ser- vice for, the, laying of the Corner- stone at church.. As this meeting will be held out-ofydzcrs, it must begin promptly at 7 o'elock in order that the program may be over before dark. Rev. E. P. Swan, our district super- intendent, will be with us. .Rev. Axel G. Pearson, pastor of cur Emanuel Methsdist church. in Evanston. will preach. The public is welcome. St s-l-ta a?» Evangelical -Ctuwth Among! the Local Churches St. Johns Evangelical Church" Green Bay Rd. and Homewood Ave Rev. K. A. Roth, Pastor This coming Sunday, July121st, is the day for the annual outing of our Sunday-school and ce.ngreirtition. Both Sundta.v-sehpbl and ‘services Will be held out cf'doors in the forenoon, while the afternoon is given over to a program of, wholesome recreation. The place is the same as last year, namrly the S.E. corner of the Forest Preserve at Braeside. Everyone is urged to be there by 10:00 o'eloek in the morning. Bring a basket-dinner as in former years. Refreshments will he served free at the park. 'A special offering will be taken during the morning service toward the ex- wgnses of the day. In the event of Tali] in the morning Sunday-school "rd services will be held at the church, and if the weather permits We will e; frm there to the grove. If you h've room in your'car for others come to thewhurch before 9:30 a. m. _ . Ezekiel 47:1-9 ’- ,' _ Rev. Samuel D. Price, DJ). . T When ha'lf ofthe Seventy Years of Captivity was over Ezekiel had the vision of the Stream from the Temple in Jerusalem. Hope is a wondrous stimulus. in the midst of any’distressing condition. The heart of devout Jewry was still in the land that Jehovah had given them in perpetuity. God is always timely in His promises, and the (things thus assured must come to pass. Meanwhile there is inspiring cheer to encourage in the midst of daily toil. ' T .. --ReuuLu_aptarsu0.déras,uhaar,-aavontitar., oYoxcwi1kgxu,with-Eaekisst to Jerusalem, in 40:2, and behold the Jews restored .to their tribal -TrtmBewtrmtiittrrTehriite-Ttmttrhrirt the tiidst-of-the-Holrfh'ty.. rTi-re prophet declared the-vision with assurance, knowing that his Lord could- bring all to pass. The people 1i ned with rapture, for their fondest hopes were being portrayed. t" _ .- -- With exactness therery footsteps had been traced as Ezekiel tells how he was guided by the angel. Water within the, city had always been a;problem, and particularly so in time of war. It was startling to behold water flowing continuously from the temple area wall; Usually ' the most that could be counted on was the water held in some cistern. The only explanation was that the-altar was'at the source thereof. . A thousand cubits were measured as the floiing.stream was followed. Since a cubit was from 18-21. inches the distance was about one third of a mile. Then another standard is used, the stature of a man.' The water. Was ankle deep,.h,ueid1owed-onward, which was-contrary to, fviperieneevin Jerusalem. 'AnotlfeE'HOOO etsbitsrmrtrtrrtttrrrstrNvirvereyrr' Again “the: amine distance wagptrapured and the stream- was. now. loin deep.' A ffrurth'1,000. brought them to a coriditirtwhereiven “aman V was out of his depthind could swim at will. ,2» q 1 . This vision waSvnot portraying a Wonder. The waters were flowing for a blessed purpose. Therissued from the city wall, entered the Kedron valley and rushed onward and downward to the depth of the Jordan at the Dead Sea. All had been desert desolation. Attention Was then called to the conditions at the side of the stream. There was now rich vegetatidn and productive trees. Though the Dead sea is five times saltier than the ocean its waters wertrrnade sweet as the stream issuing from the Temple altar flowed into it. Now life could be found in the sea that had been‘called "dead." In fact "everything shall Twe withersoever the river ddmeth." V V _ - . . This stream of fulfillment can be followed in the progress of Chris- tianity. One. third ofthe race has already named Him, and all mankind is helped. thereby as Christianizing civilization reaches; them. No previoiis condition of man is toe hard but that life‘can be changed for the better. The Golden Text is similarly prophetic: "Of the increase of his government and'of peace there shall be no end," Isaiah 9:7. A broader life was pictured for Jewry, .Thus far they had lived for and largely cwithin themselves: Though Jonah had given a great teaching they had yet to learn that "Other sheep I have which are not of this fold." _-. , _ . International Sammy School Lesson for July 21 EZEKIEL’S VISION OF HOPE and conveyance will be provided. All -mem.bers and friends are urged to spend this day with us and hefp' to make it a day of fine fellowship. On Thursday, July' 25, the women of our church will enjoy an all-day out- ing to Elmhurst-where they will assiat the women's auxiliary of Elmhurst in sewing for the school. Dinner will be served at Elmhurst., All planning to go will make sure of conveyance byspeaking to the president of our society. Mrs. Geo. Bock. A special meeting of the congregaticn will be held after services on Sunday morn- ine, July 28th. for the purpose of con-' sidering the resignation of the pas- tor and, making plans for a Successor. All members of the congregation are. asked to be present. M. James Church 6:30 a.m. Mass. 7:30 a.m. Mass. .. 9:00 sit.. Children’s Mass. 10:30 a. m. Mass. Bethany Evangelical Church Rev. H. F. Siemsen, Pastor We are-happy oven the fine attend- ance bcth morning and evening of last Sunday. Sunday) school on the coming Sunday will begin at 9:45. The adult department will study the ques- ticn, "Will the Right Finally Win?" or "Ezekiel's.s Vision of Hope." This subject is one that should interest every thinking person. Come, and dis- cuss it in, one " the classes. The ehildren's division, being graded, each have subjects suitable -to their res- pective ages. We have' classes 'for every age, and- welcome all such, who are not attending elsewhere. "r-c-meer)'--'),-')--.?)----- ". Rev. Mary-J.. Andrews, Pastor" . 9:30-iChureh _ :stooor, _ Jlrsgt-.,-w"or,. ship and sermon; 'i':39---Tuxis mdet- ing. Subject: l'Worshipping God' out of Doori"---Miss, Lelah Kreh, leader". The pastor willuse as his morning" subject "A man who fought,"against, -the"etiirnal." In the evening he will begin a' _ 'series, entitled “Playing Square with 9ne's Self.” "cr. _ '-Hhrdircatthrrvtrththjir ththntt'tyrc-fhrr- 'artIgy1t_pf_jgyr_Sly_rr_eh school. will have a beach FGi.FrtTE will fiitFFr est all the Juniors, and alraie urged to come. _ . Beginning with July 24 to JJ)ly 28, the State Woman's Missionary Society ‘of the Evangelical ehirrch, will hold its arindin convention» tt, Naperville. Mrs. F. c, Noerenberg of the Bethany church, is .the president of the State organization,-and will preside at the varioussessions. . _ " _ At a meeting ot. the churertehotsl workers last week it was decided 't'i, pcstpone the annual church school pienie until the seecpd- Saturday of September. 'Pleiase hold the date in rc'serve. _ Saturday: 2 p.m. - A Food and Bakery Sale in the vacant store room, at Waukegan road and 'Deerfield ave- nue (Formerly GastfieH'.s Storerurr. A cordial welcome to all the ser- yices and activities of this church. ety. Troop 52, Boy Scouts ntiset siery Friday'eV'ening at 7:30. . On Sunday' afternoon the/annual church and Sunday school picnic will take place. Immediately after din- ner.all are to meet at Sunset lark, Games and refreshments for young and old ivill be provided for'. Come, and bring your children. . Evangelical Bungalow Church -' Rev. A. P. Johnson, Minister . 9:45 a. m.---Sunday; Sunday school. A class for every member of the fam- ily; 11:00 a. m.--Worship and sermon: 7:00 p. m.--Christian Endeavor; 8:00 p. m. --Evertimt service. Rev. J. A.. Van Gnrkom, professor in Moorly Bible Institute of Chicago will preach both morning, and eve- ning, You and your friends are in- vited to hear his messages." 91' Redeemer Lutheran Church West Central and McGovern Rev. W. F. Suhr, Pastor 8th Sunday after: Trinity. Sunday school, 9:30. _ German service, 10:30. English service. 11:00. On Sunday afternoon the.im the auspiceé ofthe Dorcas sijei- I 9

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