wig, 1929 Ric 5e ots 0c 5c 2c / " 9e , " 5e Till? [SE lb. 6c 5e -'rhe-Y.ourur People.s circle of the Bungalow church held their meeting at Bath dumber One on Tuesday- eve- _nithtr, July. 9tfr.. . . 1 _ . .- Deegflela' detated' LotiifGroye Suri, c-ca-ai/ttiii-jerks-ara-s-I,' _.' "c-xr'." Mrs.’ P'yl'é'and Mrs. Ed. Bingham were guests at the Endér home'on _Friday. _ -. A . . '." Mr. and Mrs. T. Toll returned Sun- day from a visit in 'lndianaimlis. Mr. Tcll'd brother Mr. Cort Toll returned with them for a visit. _ Mrs, Walter Loll had. as.their guests Sunday Mrs. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Leaders, Mr. Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Barbaur of Chicago and Mr. and'Mrs. Lee Barbaur bt Flint Michigan. s, . _ Miss May and Ethel Tetus’visitéd a college chumh at Elgin, Illinois, on Tuesday, July,9th. _ - _ . Mrs. Robert E. Pgttis entertained her sewing club at Her home on Chest- nut street last"ru6sday evening. Miss Bernice Tucker of Highland Park visited Mrs. Carl T. Anderson, Tuesday. _ The Sewing circle of the St. Pauls church was entertained at the home of Mrs. George Antes'bn Thursday afternoon. . e _ I Mrs: W. Toll’s father Mr. 'Mims from Chicago is spending a few days at her home on Waukegan road. Mrs. Jehnie Robbins and son, Dr. Holden' Robbins of Madison, Wiscon- sin, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Myers orrGrand av- enue. ""4 e _ Mr. and. Mrs. Leon Mitchel of Hard vey, Illinois, were guests ,at the home of Mrs. Mitehel's parents on Sunday. Frances modem and Mr. and Mrs. Devaney' of. Northbrook left Sunday to visit friends and relatives in Wis- consin; . The Altar and Rosery society of the Holy Cross church held a meeting at the church cn Mondarevehing. _ _-I?s., . 7 and. _Nrg, . ponrionsillts,,-trttd,' son returhed lo their home irrMoliire; Illinois, after spending a two week's vaiiatr6ii at the Ender home. Miss Bessie Baker, who is spending the_sy_rprg9r with Mrs. Grace Coale of Highland Park, was a guest at:the RiecheWJunior, C. T, Anderson, and R. E. Pettis homes, On Friday, and Baker, family iformerly resided in Deerfield. ' ' _ . t _ Mrs. Minnie 'Virgi‘n ‘who _"'lis now staying with her children in Chicago spent the week-end with friends in Deerfiekdr . _ Miss Sarah Stryker from Phenom Arizona, was the guest of Miss Helen Reichelt .on Saturday. q Mrs. Chas. E. Piper of Ostefman av- enue, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. E. Haywood; in Bedford, Virginia. Mrs. ' Chester Ayolf Nisited rela- tives in Libertyville on Saturday. Thursday, July 18, 1929 Lindoln Ave., Deerfield, Ill. Deerfield News and Personal Items Send contributions to local correspondent before Tues- dttno?nuAelp her to make this section jrtterestimr, MRS. LORETTA WILLMAN, Local Editor "DEERFIELD N EWS-FLASHES Gvorge Ftepley underwent" a major opinnxtii:rrcat the Highland‘Pa’rlg- hos- "iitaluast W"eiitiemitsor-are is' getting alnng nicely. t _' -', _ _ . Mrs. Rois Sherman's sister, Mrs. Volta of Springfield, returned to her home after spending a week gt the Sherman residence. Miss Helen Roichelt spent Saturday with Miss Sarah Stryker in Wilmette at the hormr'of Mrs. Nygard, and on Sunday, Miss Reichelt was the guest of Miss Mildred Wolf, of Elgin. Guests 6f the Reichelt family dur- ing the past week have been Miss Btss Baker, of Chicago; Mrs. George R. Niles, of Ravinid, Mr. Grant S. Ward, of Webster Groves, Mo., and Miss Sarah Stryker of Phoenix, Ari- zona: ' . The Eastern Star picnic was held at the home of Mrs. Christian Will- man on Green Wood avenue, Tuesday, July 16th. . . 7 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jacbson are enjoying a vacation with relatives, in Keokuk,. Iowa. . The youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C. Hosenshult, was taken to the Highland Park hosital on Monday. l Miss Louise Herman was injured “in anSsuto collision last Fridarand ‘was taken to Highland Park hospital whereuseveral stitches were taken itf her eheelcwhieh was badly cut. Her sister who was with Iuuueseaved in; Jury. me ' A number.of Boy Scouts ‘of Troop 52 will le'ave Friday fbr the Btsy Scouts camp in Michigan-tor a twp weeks outing. They will be accom- panied by JohrrHuhn, assistant scout master. ', Miss' Ruth Hayden of Green Bay, Wisconsin', was the gdeist of Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman of Hazel av- enue on Sunday. Mrs. samuel Fiitseh and daughter Helen Marykdi'lorida are visitintrsat the A. H.BIuhlke Home; . T The Ladies Get-to-Gether club met at the home of Mrs. Philip Rommel on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Luela Willman was the guest (if her parents Mr. and Mrs.' John Willman, Sunday. TF Mrs. William Tennerman has been ill with tonsilitis the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Peters were en- tertained at a farewell party by the teaching force of the Presbyterian ehurelrtsehool Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Peters and family will leave August lst for San Francisco, where Mr. Peters will have charge of the Prcsbyteriari Publications. - Miss Frtspeer, Loy 1rissitM,:ralativles atOrehdota orrsumuy., -- '-. _ Mr. and Mrs. Emil "Straus/of' Rog- ers Park and Mr. and yrs. Ben. White motored to Fox Lakirsunday. , The C. WUioyle family are moving to Ravinia. V . - Tel. Deerfield 153-R . HE PRESS Last Tuesday evening, W. W. chinson, M, Geary, president of the Village Mrs. Ray R Board. C. E. Hahn, Village Clerk and man were 1 Lincoln Pettis, superintendent of the home? Public Works visited the west side Highland " disposal station. After a careful in- 'noon. specticn the necessary improvementsl - will, be ordered. Together with the Mr. and l engineer they will visit the'east side) Mr. and Mr, stations, also the water pumping sta-,', land Park M tion. A plan is being developed that) and Mrs. F] may ,save the villue 8200 atmonthlday evening, Disposal Station Is Visited. by Officials Should any organization wish' to pt,prtieipmte,_lrxsnus In tate-which group you de§ire and address your communication _ to the Northbrook Civic association, .at Northbrook or to Mrs. Ruth Reichelt Pettis of Deere field. . . , 13. Spanish War day's. . I4, Ifwn's share ‘in World war. 15. Beginning of present day civie organizations. This is an opportunity for young and old to get out the hoop-skirts, spinning wheels, ancient bicycles, an- tiquated automobiles, etc. Each group willl be allotted a place in the parade and in addition win have five minutes in which to pre- sent its historicsil 'p‘icture on the stage in the grove. ' . The tommittee"has issued an out- line of' the pageant, which is not nee- essarily complete, and may be added to, should'any groups desire. ." T The outline thus,ftir is diyided ingo fitteeniroypp: , H .f _ _ 1 tacts, _ er' l ". _ _' 1. Po’ny Express. - _ W _ 5. _rifipersonptions of early settlers by remaining members of families. 6., Gold Rush "Forty-Niners." - -7. Civil War days, q _ 8. Early schools. 8. Early churches.' . 10. ‘A- picture of the' 80's in gong and 10. ‘A- picture of the' 80's in gong and dance. V . . ' _ .5 11. First railroad in 1871. 12. "Then and Now"--ntrasting methodsmf transportation, costumes, machinery, etc. _ . Instead of the usual parade with commercial floats, decorated automo- biles, etc., Northbrook, on August 10, is to present the history of North.- brook in a pagéant. 1, Colonial 1)a.elurrodnd.isut. of WEE}: this first settlers in this regiori Pune., 2. Prairie Schooner Days. ' _ il, Lisrkabitr days and Indian con- Ttteurageant committee, of which Ruth Reichelt Pettis is chairman, de.. sires to encourage all the children and marching /organizations to par- ticipate in portraying the historical background of the community in a sort of pageant of progress. Historic Pageant Feature of Program ' for N orthbrook Day Prizes will be awarded for .excel- knee in, Ji1sstpri,e1lurrs,s,'er1tatitm., """-t- Ortr"anizati%s of Hie neighboring towns are invited to share in pre- senting this historical pageant. T Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Gunekel and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gunckel pf High- land Park were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gunckel on Wednes- Mrs. Frank Russo, Mrs. Royputt chinson, Mrs.' Elmer Clavey, Mrs. Mrs. Ray Reeds and Mrs. Alex Will- man were entertained at bridge at the home¥>f Mrs. B!!! Gunckel of Highland ark on Wednesday after- noon. _ W. C. T. U. Meets July-24 The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Charles Christman, 625 Laurel avenue Em Wednesday, July 24, for a picnic luncheon at noon. The regular month- ly meeting will be held in the after- noon. Royal Neighbors" A short sketch was given by June Gunekel orrNirtures Muisie.. The pu- pils who took part were Frank Stip- ple, June' Gunckel, Agnes' Gloden, Arline Krumback, and Florence Reeb. Warn Motorists to I Trr-r-satis"'":'?,-)" $3th-upupils "d Mfss ‘Ida '"paak Met " her home and 5 shark program. was . given. A These programs' are given to benefit. the pupils. Ludwig Von Beethoven was the study and interesting" stories were given of Beethfven's life and- pictures Were also shown. _ Pupils Appear in . -5 APrOgram Saturday Chief of Polic'e McLaughlin, of Deerfield; has requested that we no- tify motorists of Deerfield that those not having pur"chased vehicle taxes by Monday, July 22, will be arrested. There will be no tickets issued, he states. '. Some may have purchased these yehic)e licenses, but not dis- played them on their ears. T6 avoid arrest, get yours and get it prom- inently displayed on your car. The Ri'iral Neighbors of America will Held their annual picnic on July the 24th at Rockenbaelis GroVe at Lake _Zurieh. T All" members mast bring a basket lunch. A dinner will be given on the ftth' of August. Tick- éts will be on sale in a few days. Remember the "late and bring your family. . The Independant Social club held. a picnic at Fred.-Beckman’s, at Aptak- ask: an - Sundayfgylx 1gth, -H Members and friends were"pFesent and basket lunch was enjoyed. One hundred am: fifty were preierit. -= --"'r-'-'-.-"-'-" Baboon races and other races for the ladies and children were' greatly enjoyed. ' . . . Two baseball games were. the.in- ierestitttr features-fm, the men, the scores were 4:1 and 10:0. , A horse- shoe contest was also played and Earl Frost had high score. . Independent Social Plan Picnic July 24 Get Vehicle Taxes Club Holds Picnic 33