91 e Jtieife of eque 'om the y fearful on taxes Ameriéarx ame men 1ft, which ense. ettrrr, arm Big Show ith splen- presented g-Barnum circus in 1000 am ll exhib; he Hama Yam th the five med Wa! ttt artist no. great an; Mi, d of al Codona- Maxim, to 18, 192! Thursday, July 18, um 'tci-tif-I-tlit-ttte/i," partmwtmmï¬m Jam-Hausa: tiqn,r.Msix' c healing, Wednésflay;'m'when'-the"Gel-man711(3me champtoh Shows at the Chicago SuMiu'm,-hyytlittijig ‘a card cbmprised .ene' tirely of heavyweight!., * .. " ..f, f. T .r' V “ , .. , , _ “The German Jack Dempsav," is Schmeling'is .cgrrectly dubbed, has re- vived the interest in the heavyweight division as a result of his sensational knockout of Johnny Risko and his decisive victory over Paulino chudun, placing JtirnselCin number one position of the ranking heavies by virtues of gial heeds' of the owners and the iehiirueter cf the site were carefully considered. The result,, a‘home,;com- parativay , inexpensive, whose low, white walls and gray" green roof "een, as jnditreiipus to the Ravinia soil as the oak trees which surround it. ' Construction The exterior walls are of common brick exposed on"the inside of the house without furring or: plaster and painted white with cement paint. In- f,hese' Wins. LOCAL ARCHITECT IS FIRST PRIZE WINNER- Eamon t"ir5rTKrirftiR1 "try" a'n , it Tspam, in the wall, the walls havihg been laid according to the "Ideal" method, _ _In the first floor interior, the outer walls are brick, painted white, and partitions are in general sheathed with vertical boards pf Jrnotty spruce} random width, stained.wahtut brown. The living room floor is wide oak boards, and the ceiling is exposed joists and boards. _ "f The white masonry wills of.the in- terior and the dark stained ceiling of wood boards and exposed beams pro- duees an effect reminiscent of old world cottages. A fireplace of simple design, with oak lintel, rope moulding, and hearth of flttqtrtonets, heightens this effect. A colorful note is added by built-in book shelves and cabinets for music which reach from floor to (Continued fiom page 2) Max Schmeling On the second floor the. walls and "(Railings throughout are plastered with sandmnisheil plaster. The doors and trims are fir stained walnut brown. The doors' are batten with forged hinges and catches of.simple design. There are two bathrooms with waxed linoleum floors, painted hard plaster siriainseoats, and upper walls of varnished wallpaper in' gay designs. _ V V ceiling at one end of the living room and are, painted green. Tcrt?5rtCmfmrrtTrcRr0rrm5rYmWepr0c' filed against the roof,’ and brbwn strain for lintels and doors. .. there is a spateious.basisment under the house with the exception of the garage. The entrance hall floor is of red brick and on a level with the gar- age flocr which results naturally in two f1otlevels both downstairs and up. The windows are all easements. The exterior woodwork is slate green for windows cccuring in brick walls, Tie roof is wood shingles laid with slightly broken lines and stained a gray green. It is insulated thrdugh- out. '-- - _ _ The Architect yr. Bentley designed the" house while he was a member of ttie firm cf Bentley Taylor & Salisbury, .and supervised its construction during the period of his independent practice. Mr, Bentley lives at 337 Woodland road, Ravinia. He has found the field of small house design a most interesting one, 1mm atudieil the subject extensively, both in Amerlca and abroad. . _ mfw’mdm mroc THE PRESS Preparing for Big . _ State Fair; Program of Events Ami. 17-24 Preparations for the Illinois State Fair, August Msto 24, at Springfield. are moving forward in a manner which indicates that the 1929 exposi- tion will sgrpass all previous shows in point of attendanee,,eareeilenee of exhibits and in general attractions. Secret, of workmen are busy on the grcunds making repairs to buildings and putting the ‘entire plant in the best shape in many years. Through-' out the grounds a, multiplicity of. ac- tivities showresults in added com- forts and "tonvenreneets. V - Fair officials Save just announced that the automobile dealers of Illi- nois are back again as exhibitors after a number oryears of absence. Practically every well known make of automobile) will be on exhibit this year with several' models being. shown for each make. - (the 'state fair“ premiam~ liirt-- went- int 2; theutuultbis v. .wgek._EQrmen- ex; hibitors, faith bureaus and other iii: terested persons will-be supplied as Citizens State Bk. of Glencoe , T . Suite 1668 -...- 222 w.jxaams St.) Chicago Phone for ototatGw/ _ , l _ CITIZENS STATE COMPANY - .~MARY’S BEAUTY SHOP UNDER'NEW MANAGEMENT. 501 Central Avenue Community Bank Stocks _ Bought and Sold- COLLEGEINN WILL BUY m" SPECIALIZING IN-BEAUTY CULTURE Phone Highland Park 4019 ZANNOUNCING QUICK SERVICE and-QUALITY 1547 South St. Johns Avenue This Restaurant will open In lots of from 2 to 20 shares On man July 20 THE OPENING OF VLASOS BROTHERS Give Us a' Trial npidly u the books cm tie mailed. The premium book lists a number of new departments which will be of general interest. The schedule of special days nounced as follows: Saturday, August IT-Auto Race Day. 7 Sunday, August _18 -= ,Sabred Con- cert. ' - a Monday, August 19 -.- Children's Day. ' . Tuesday, August 20--Sprinirfietd Day. t, l Thursday, August 22---GoverKor'i, Day. _ _ Friday, August 23-F'arm Bureau Day. P Saturday, August ll-Automobile Race Day. _ Muoh is being said about the hard lot of, the white dollar men, but there are always flannel shirt jobs which can be had. soon need-treps for: their Lstomd.. biles. A "c- The mtfrtr6hr. she tis “It the Wednesday. August 21---Veterans' Phone Highland Park 547 WILL SELL [ Citizens Sta'te Bk. of Glencoe . Citizens State Bk. of Deerfield ttttttrc-ttttttty -thtt mmils 17-Automobile C entral 7f 06 hit-wins IS 37 th