Hm SAhFr- Fra" him 810: thump dank. tr, Underwood typewriter P: dining room dd WILLIAMS OFFERS w!.H:rhMs.prFErs IN RAVIMA WILLIAMS OFFERS IN IDLEH'OUR': ' . This is the beautiful sub at Green Bay .....4 n: 1-“... __ . rt . .A ... _ WILLIAMS OFFERS IN MfNSWr TERRACE: 50x17u; wwwdod'yin best block in the gub- division: Iutrrye. Sumner park; quick 'sule; wuigggs orisRs IN RAvml'A Timu- TRADE your lot in and own a"treautifie1 tr .ur 6-room home at Greenwood and Grand avenues, Dyerlithr, hardwood tloops'. Kohler Masha] plumbing: Celotex lined. Repre- sentative at "location or phone Highland Park 1457 after 6 p. m. 7 _ _ _ 19tf FOR SALE -wiu saerifiee lot ".x160 on Green Bay road in Arthur Dunn: Ravinia Tttutter: all improvements in ;. high-class bowie site or investment, cheap. Owner, 8 . West avenue, Riverside. Illinois. _ 19-20pd WOULD yo'uvlike to- o.Wn a half-acre lot on _ the Mtern edtte of Deerfield near Clavcy's -mursery; $100 gash .wilbhandle; "art sav- -itur for your meme home; Phone H. P. 1457 after-'6 p. m. _ _ 19tf Deeridid '55:; L'ptrrert" in Highland Purk: owner 1urvtntr.. purchased home, will so" residence lot high “howl: 75x225; best: offering In “at land T'irk, where close east side location in ddirid. ‘i m, . 20 FOR SALE-ht ttUrarirain price: $10,000; 2- apartment .buihmur:. located near Eimoor FOR 'ALB-sues evergreens. black dirt and Hidzewoou: 8 class 'CA", lots; I ijria-r; 'treef hitidhm-utr to tre lapse]: homes; VNfA-‘I‘!VE"‘trt\5_-'a'i_id_§hrnbl-; his}: lad well FOR SALB---violin in good condition: rea- _Ionnble. Tel. Winnetka 2220; tall after 6 , p. m. " _ _ 10nd drains-d: su and wood8d division; timing $2,80tt; this lot is LANDS: _ _ _ Good 740mm lot: :wau-n; and 31,60": see us about _ plans small‘bungalow on this lot for [ t ARCH, modern 'home on Prairie avenue; four bedrooms, Highwuo'd: can be purchased with $100 down paymeht, balance like rent", will considgr vacant in part exchange; Phone II. P. 1457iftyt 6 p. m. _ 19tt siieeir..manwicd," bolas meth. 1Gite'lCr,GirE Tet." H. P. 535. _ . V 1-4pdtf '27 Buick four-door sedan, 8775. '25 Dodge 2-passcnzer coupe, 8826. '26 4-door Buick sedan, 8696. '27 Nash advance six 4-door sedan, 879.5. _ . c9ptrt_tvtnite_'tty19undat. 110 S _ NORTH“ SH6RE BUICK do.,, , .Used Car Department, . -. g 4g;- Daviastreeeriarssttoerl, I AIsFr- '.roea" bier tut-tmi desk, " ,_ - 'vwv ---.._ wv-u - - V. “O, W residents in the territory covered by The Highland Fai Press or those who are regular subscribers. RATES; yiritttrrtfehRrge of, " cents for 5 lines or less (avenge five words to a line)"; additional lines 10 cents each. 25 out. discount on all advertisements paid for on or before day of pub- lication at our omee, 536 Central avenue, Highland Park, Illinois. No blaekfaee or display type (other than caps) permitted. Ads set in caps or partial display are charged at-double rate. DEADLINE for insertions: Clatrtsified, Want Ads will be aces ted up to Wednesday afternoon at 5:30 o'eloek fox-the 4l'l'lt'ff, Park Press. Telephones Highland Park 557 -558-559. . GENERAL Not-was Classified Want Ads will be charged only to reslgents i.n the territory cqvered by The Highland ark PM: sgrrounded by BUICK-N ASH-DODGE TERMS OR TRADE SEE WILLIAMS t, ttrrrt,sHikrytyp, Park,' 111mb. vaea FOR SALE SEE WILLIAMS M" Classified, Want Ads led by estates', tine homes nt; the price will surprise 20 20pm cent beléw marked . 20 a a, . ta, iii,T at; eie. ' fl; Toll-ton dunk, tt Vietrola, $80; _ drifting table, ad, between "non-um. chance for sewer paid: for modern $8,500. 20 Tel. 20 20 FOR SALE "ad P. 966. FAIR, 19ALE--4-room FOR sAur-Girpa Giri.' large one: mndition: 812.50. Tel. H. P. 2284. p, FOR SALE 8 FOR sAtar-Pi,rtat,ir English _tnveling In; FOR JiALE--Mirmm' clothing. size M: ensembles: slab dresses and hats. Tel P. 1738 and ftvmo'etoett. _ 'eetys?.ra--pitir-orrruge; good Tel. H. P. 3455., _ . 7 FOR sA_Is-chieieeui," barred and white-rock: _ can after 7 p. m. or all day Sunday. Hanan, east side of Waukezan road, Deerfield. M FOR "RALB----Btsrg tioital boiler for eubieu%et um 120-121 or H. py FOR, stamp]: 1ekirFEr,TTiiiTiTiCi, An " u:..Ln~; I v. . _ _ _ _ Sash speck Nash a i: Nash 3mm Nash advan .Nash advar Nash stand; Md? sEVENTYvFooT frontage in Cl-vey's Green- .wood zarderis. Dtertreid; can be picked up alt a bargain: $ will be necepted as down payment. W. G. Tennant, H. P. 1457 Mter 6 p. m, . Wtf a: Fe-iiiRtiiiipia ittiPyeei -. " 'tGr"4es-t4tf=kssG- Chevrolet quash: 1327. - Nash advance/d six-roadster. 1927, g HIGHLAND PARK NASH SALES _ . V _ Nash 7 . Cara-Trucks . Corner Park avenue and Sheridan road Tel. Ir.. P. 1608. _ DR SALE 3 tn. by 10 in. Roam: View Pamora, reducing back for 5 in. by , in.. that of kits for enlarging. trtp'od. veloctim mat fem. F4.6 in, Studio~ um. like new, 8150: two ventlluhta with 1.000-ntt blue bulbs. one stand And cue. for 'tttstep work. no; 4x5 Seneca View camera, " Mo Vine Iva-nua- an. at - - - . FOR BALB--8 grave lot. section H In .HQ- sonic Memorial park. Evanston: worth $650; will tsaeritiee for $450 mil. Tel. Unl- versity 5271. . "" 2 blocks we??? i335 at 1704 Pie-hut avenue 8749. - . --'-e----r------- lay, VSALk'I-mm 1mm: non- like 576'- (act homily“! take in as part payment: --,i/1-Pu,yr-,ha-sateuiioi'iisrGdrCr-iriiii; land Park, .nmr Lincoln school; Hutches neighborhood: see owner in ‘person: no _ telephone call aeeepted., Address 257 Bloom street. ogt tinge P. 2623 WILLIAMS OFFERS: _ ' Good .fivsrioore house; all convenience: foot lot; Rood neighborhood: 88,000. WILLIAMS OFFERS: Old estate: large grounds in most exclusive and secluded location in uptown Highland Park: near lake? the 9-mom remodeled house hay bee kesrt in A-l eodditioes; price 835.000: a 'd'lU'f,','rl old homes, who appre- ciates location, will be interested. 20 ,V-V__.., -- a. IIVIIIC "I mlâ€- field, Highland Park..Ravinia. Lake Forest, Waukomm, Libertyville, Northbrook or Glenview r have somewvery nice homes, in any of these placep: mica range from $5.000 to_$50.000: stood terms. Call or see John A. Hoffman, rep!,teer. field 61 or 245. T M ae , 3150; two ventlluhta 'e'afiei.riii.iit,iiii bulbs. one stand And cue. or PM i. 840: 4x5 Seneca View amen, " Vine avenue. after 6 D. m. M E‘OR.SALE special six 2-door sedan, 1928: _ 2rg/t?, six 4-door sedan. 1926. . warmed six 4-door sedan. 1928. advanced six 2-door. Madam 1927. advanced six 7-passenker"sedan. 1926, standgsdiLx 4-door sedan, MLM, - nice condition i," I raarirtuer% oiler for hot wuterGG'teait.' fiiG Eat umity. Call Mr. Frye, R. P. or H. P.’ 139. on Bargain: practically new Hi babr butâ€. tsf. WG-11 H. house, lam dining we; Ravinia autiqn. Ipquire trjtowrijer, piggkfn ', my: hatrr chr- 7; 5a All, 19g or phone K. ii 'G to 'tMa A-tfa-u, - V condition. 2hrd THE PRESS ; good to two M 20 20 l9 20 FOR RENT. 2 light. New“ room near ear line; hot running um reasonable rent, 392 N. St. Johns avenue. 2ttpd FOR 'et,efrir,'.gN bumnlo'w with bath and screened porch 654 Homewood avenue. Tel. H. P. 058. 20 FOR REN'r--Furnahed room at 435 S. St Johm0vemse. Tel. R. P. 210. 2ttle FOR RENT-8-room furnished upartment for light housekeeping. also 2-room furnished apartment for light houreheesrimr; private bath. 628 B. St. Johns nvenue. 20 FOR 'RENT-ggt8 Burton avenue, Highland Park: handful. lame 6-mom Spanish house; . almost new: 3 bedrooms, two bathtuoil heat; frftridaire; every convenience; elegant aur- rbundinzs; nan-“1%, 2, blocks to station: $175. Phone G. C. Bald & Co., State 2841. FOR RENT--Niee, comfortable room', suit-hie for 2 ; the single room: near trtutapetrtation .'tatd..,ytrtse. location.- Tel. H. P. 2057 828 FOR RENT--Ftsenished front room at sif N. St. Johns avenue. Tel. H. P. 4820. 19-20pd FOR RENTr-House, six' rooms. FOR RENT-Apartment in the Hawthorn. 780 Ninth St. Johns avenue,- neu- Moraine road; steam. heat: lame screened porch: in- formation " 732 N. St. Johns avenue. Tel. H. P. 2828. ', _ 18-23911 FOR RENT- Lute front room for' aror two. 616 Vine avenue. V 20tf FOR RENT-Furnished room. suitable for one or two; with board if desired; private farns ily. Apply 645 Went Laurel avenue. 20pd FOR RENT--Fumiahed room: gentleman pre- fmed. 704 Central avenue. Tel. R. P. stty 1arr.-teeeoreyis-ioom apartment in FOR RENT-Garage and showroom. accel- sory score and large lot on the aide; rent reasonable. Watrkeean avenue, Elghwood. Tel. H. P.- 1557. " 49tf DR RENT Aptitmem: the "use. 615 Deeraeid Avenue. Tel. H. P. 674. 209d ----r-ximriaiai Fort Ttttttf-ttttue in Sand building, Bigh- wood. Tel. H. a'.' m. - ‘utt Folk sAr,h-rlr 9mm 1iarrrematletms Lianâ€; rifoVTiiriiiiOok fh Deerfield", -ott wooded hetf-aeresor.yturru2tavt.tLssmrenfeiisGriri2 MO.DE?tN T-rotryt Fnlrhuh, cottage; Second S. St. Johns tiveGe. FOB. ttALtp-iroom houné; excellent condi- tion; Manciniâ€! I‘ll-haven): 2 blocks from station and taboo]: easily tirtaneed. Mai.. shall. Glencoe 779. , r _ " Avenue, Highwood. Merton cGuriei. H. P. 1301. l9tf FOR teATalr---tu. swam-11ml): ted. oak desk, dining table. library table,' chin. rockers, was, hose. Apply apt. sur, Udell ttpts. . . _ 2n FOR "LB-Bed. eompli; , wicker chain, 1 mahogany chair, 1 bookcase. l chin: closet. donatic whine. Phone M. P, 3414] _ - . 20pd FOR ttALF-Ford roadster. model A, “on: BuieV sumo. 8400; Harmon sport. - Ienw. 8200: Veile wort. bus-ens". 875: Renault gown at, 81.0â€; Ford-on tractor. 8150. Tel. 009th 258. " FOB teALB--Dod" special touring at: 391.»de condition: all ace-noting: an b - any time: private am: Ibo Obv- rout Ionian; tunin- for out. TU. M. P. 1129. 10 --------------------------.. FOR SALW-arur- much. Call M. P. '" mu '9A1aW--Daveetrtort. dining room Grid, 'swhte. Tel. M. P. " " 1338. Bax-nan tmudiiiErdiGG; GGGC" TEQE'wKI for less than present rental; one minute oft Dem7 pater shat station. Tel. Univeruiz 62 l. . 10 large vegetable gunk]; Weld MM. menu: steam heat; 8-ear garage: can be purchased on payments: will consider clear vacant in exchange. Tet. H. P. 1457 after 6 p. m. or see any Deerheid brpker. 19tf ttttttr, agar new, trrrttehi {if "trGrTiriC "SEE WILLIAMS" FOR RENT Booru; hot mster heat and 87,500; terms. Tel. 323 Prairie gut-46‘ 20-21pd l Ittpd 20 " WI LLIAMS OFFERS FOB. 'REN'r---'3imtte. mom with bath and hit.. chenette apartment: . tourist. accom'modu Hons. .l54ii Central» avenue. â€Del. H. P. 3025 ‘and 3191.' 20 WILL share urn-ll apartment with pr profmaionnt womun: close in; 2 Address A-29, Press oftiee. FO R FOR RENT, A,rnodern 6-mom up with a large sun porch; upgrate l and heating plant; Un good locati blockJmm transportation. Apply North avenue. Highland Park. flr FOR RENT-- Furnished room near transportation ; gentler! 451 Glencoe avenub. Phnnn _ POR RENT Room in private family: eall after 7 D. m. or till day Stittday. Heman, east side Waukcgan road, Deerfield. Phone 224-M. . 6'rN FOR ItENr-tn DKrfiehrr-1 Al-room flat, Jami. furnished: 1 3-room flat, 1 5-room bunga-' low,. I 6-room house, 1 7-room house, all in stood Mentions: also I "broom house in Ravinia and B 6-room houses in Highland Park. " For phrticulars call John A.. Hott- man.“ real (state broker, Deerfield 61 or 246. _ V . _ “" FQR ttrNT-taige "rthihtEN'tsts.strca'iGii; an]? i __Ltti_4_1e_oki_wstit,urirda, FOR RENT-Roo/n,. nice, conifortable room. 642 quevavonue. _ Phone H. P. 1817. 20nd FOR REST; Desk space: FOR RENT--4-room flat, including heat, light and. water: furninhiat or unfqrnished. For terms inquire at 314 or 312' N. Green Bay _ road. _ V 20pd Good 5-way: In, mot-IR tloorrnear trans- purutiqn: tM. ' . 20 FOR AENT--Furnistped two-room "urartmimt, one block to, transportation, garage if de, sifpd. {45; also 5-room house. unfurnished. Phone H: P. 3482 or call at 118: ‘Highwood avenue. _ . 20pd Port .RENT-raarste single or double room. 112 Elm avenue, 1 block west of Moraine station. _ 20Rd " RENT-h nicely lurnhhed ram. for light houtteheeptrttr;cOu, garage space for one car if desired. 626 Homew'ood "'h'l,'h c - I pd FOR $ENT--F'urnitrtsed room: gentleman preferred. 230 N. Second any t, -' 20 on. RENT~SrnaII furnished airmen: month of August: .ekme in; rent rmtsom Tel. H. P. 688.or 8176. : FOR ItaryT--Nieetr1 redecorated, unfurnished. upper ant-6 roo'mo'and bath. Inquire 230 . N. Green Barrage]. T 20nd FOR RENT-Nicely rum-bed 54mm... cot; tale to desirable yeouple. 2tlr Llewellyn avenue. Tel. H. P. 79l-M. . 20 FOR RENT-t furnished idem. for light housekeeping;' Image. Tel. Deertteid MU-R. - . ' 19pd FOR RBN'r-Ftsrnutsed room: privileges of entire house; um belch. “amputation; board if desired; 835 per month. Tel. H. P. 3854. . . _ 19nd FOB RENT--Buntrntow, 5 iooma., 'rteevinx porcanmt water heat: Wm"; garage. 625 S. St. Johns “anus inquire 6238. St. Johns ave. for key. IO FOB RENT-aatrte midget. plum. u . month l mud piano for rent at rel-oath]. rate. Tel. Wuhan 4272 or [Aka Forest 1799. . 18-20 my nut:xiyh¢ngm and Kaboom FOB IINT~l-mom hung-low. iii w. can? in: "can. For information phone 2646. T ' ' _ »- ’ 20pd Fox RENTVNSeer furnlshed "a, for 2 with or yithout board. Phoie M. P. 281s l mm. Phone H. P. iiii. nu 'tNNW-lit-tte and baboon. fur. nish-d. 025 Laure! "can. Tel. M. P. T66-W. ’ 17 STOP AT THE HIGHLAND r urn lane-d room ' new home ; yrtation ', gentleman preferred. avenu'b. Phone 13278. - “WM vomln: elmie in: refepGrear. recs oftiee. 199d Thursday. July 11, 1929 new: 6-room upper ttat porch; upgrade basement L: in Rood location: 1% ry9ti?n, Apply at .331 broker, oiiaur sri,'; . _ 20 Mt Cajun] ave- , . _ Ft 20 Anni? 9: .331 'ark, flrst ftoor. . 20tf 614 m"tiirriiveiniiei me but. 'NI " rent reasonable. 199d business for 20 20 Thursdnmluly l WILLIAMs' or?“ m R;vinil; mode wooded lot; east. SITUATION WAN SITUATION WAN' tion as maid or Tel. H. P. 3837. SITUATION . WAN SITUATION WA SITUATION WAN iiTFtri'tmriCWh SITUATION . WA SITUATION W SITUATION WA SITUATION WA SITUATION WA CARPENTER wo SITUATION WA PIANO 1'va DREssMAKiNG a Mrs. Smith at H HELP WANTED HELP WANTED WANTED -- ana WANTED Cook a furnish rerereno Forest avenue. H WANTED Plugs LADIES om GEN WANTED Expert, mnid: mind cor tnmrly; good In)? WANTED}, 1.1mm referhng'gl. ,Tel. WANTED Exv~ri College Inn. m, “30007" .experieneed hum deliver. Tet, Hig general housewol Park l references. girl doing day TEN-W. will drive ehildre noon by appoint the- hour. Tel. H Tel. H. P. 103. perimced work neatly don, Tel.' H. P. 2938. do at'hnme; will H. I'. 2224. Derienced: Kenih second work: ho It wmam Tel Ward. 4903 Vim hours’ work ear housework daily: mg asreferred. . avenue. H. P. 't rapher desire p: P. 1553 mornings arm! girl as mo 349. wood cook: refe mm. Highwood. or womnn for I all modern con make: free; ch: Eahnke. Tel. H. tress; bdx apt-i} made to madam Lake Forest 907. home: ’will ca" 2320.. housework their laundry I" hy "End call'H. I hath. Tel. H. P SITUMT 'or. kenornl , H. P. 1608 HEL Cl fond Tel