Gif. Womirfs . Missionary ~‘swciety has contributed toward the appoA of Jhyrtand Bell school for man: years. We are very happy to hare Miss Pollock with us. The follow- ing its. A. list of gifts which the chi}- dren may bring for the-Christmas tree: dolls, herndkerehitts, games, stationery, toothpaste, tareuetr 1isowier, Miss Elsie Pollock orthe Dorian& Bell' institute, Hot V Springs,, North: Carolina, will Speak. Miss Pcllock supervises student, work 'at Dorland Bell. The pupils come from thei, mountains of Western North Carolina) and eastern Tennessee, living for the: mcst part on small sized mOuntaim fat ms from trenty-ffve miles:) siiu5txnutumuLthtcateareitowzu-i, c,)' The children will bring gifts for some mission station which will be placed on.the tree as a part of the service: The parentsand friends are invited to‘atténd this service.“ _ The, children 'of the Vacationl Church school of the Presbyterian church will have a Summisr Christmas tree on Friday morning' at eleven, o'eloek. The service .will be held out of doora.with a real Christmas tree, Christmas edrchu gifts,, and a speak- er. _ Summer Christmas ' Tree for Children of _ Vacation School NEW ' ART-ISTRY :IN . T -e RADIATOR CONCEALMENT . FOR CHICAGO Because Tattle & Bailey Furni- ture for Radiators has won un- questioned prestige among the most 1isfy,1minatinr New York- ers and Chissgoiintt,-the demand grows fast. - _ In fact, Chicago has [Lemme in- sistent. We have oriit6ed our Chicago Office to. better serve cur clientele there. " Tuttle & Bailey Furniture for Radiators conceal .the radiator FAME WILL TRAVEL'. CHICAGO OFFICE. 407 S. DEA'RBORN ST. Established 1846 . 4tl Lexington Avenue New York City Tortuga BAILEY Mrs tht. I On Thursday through the courtesy of some friends the junior and pri- 5 mary children will attend ' ehildren's program at Jtavinia. The children will meet at the church at 2:00 o’clock ‘where transportation, will be pro-. vided for them. After the program they. will be brought' to the church , and patents may call for them there. But. one more week, remains and .the closing program will be held Fri- day 'evening," July 26 in thé church at 7:30. There (ai, be .a demonstra- tion of some of the'work which has wheen dope in the various departments and an exhibit of handeraft materials. The greatest Tesults of such a school as a Vacation Church school cannot be determined or estimated by mere exhibition. but shows in the lites of boys and girls in the yearsto come." Two of the, teachers, JWrss Jean Jtarnet {ind " Mist_Jilpid, Beams»: 1Atft, L-' "cr- »- as" L c-tLt'----'.-':"-'":'""-.' -v -___ __ /rijikirto' camp the last. week of the school and Miss Joan Dexter, AMiss Marian Flirt and Miss Helena Stock- nscel1 will carry on the dork of these, two teachers. On the whole the school has been very worthwhile and we ap- preciate the poioperation of -parents find friends in helping to make it so. The eoupon below will bring you a booklet showing the many styles of cabinets-av ilable, or can Wabash 8282. 1 T Their finish- and designs are adaptable to all decorating con-. ditions, and, into their making has Cone 83 years experience in heating and ventilating. and scientifically dist rib u t e heat. But, apparently, these vir- tues.pre only incidentals. Pri- marily they seem to be" another addition to, the lbvely furniture of a room. perfume, pencil boxes,. small pictures for the roams, vases, stumped dress- er covers, coat hangers. and bobbed hair eomU.' ' Adina! . Name Tattle h Bailey Mfr. Co.; MPPit 407 thr. Durham Street, Chicago, Ill. Sin: Pleas has! no It'd-nucl- concerning Tittle a Bailey Furniture for Radiators. HPPI'IIB THE PRESS . Handshaking js.said to be danger- ous on account of germs, yet the pol- iticians all seem willing to take this risk. _ I There are 'itanrmillions of illiter- ates in this .country, but moat cf ttem somehcwdlnd cutytbout it when the newspapers advertise bargains. HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. Open Saturday nnd Sunday only Children 10e - ' Mid-Summer Clearance Thurs.-Fri. July 25-26 Tuck-Wed. July 23-24 Sum-Mon. July 21-22 and TRADE BUILDER SHOES 5% to 10% Discount “The" Aiiiazing Vagabond†Tel. H. P. 2400 Every Evening at 7 Matinee. Smithy. BOBE STEELE Saturday, July 27 NORTH GREEN BAY ROAD - .HIGHLAND PARK REPAIRING DONE WHILE YOU WAIT “THE VOICE "OFTHECITY’ "lillARttiBourint ROSE†" in MYRNA LOY 'I WM. COLLIER, JR. BACLAN OVA and CLIVE BROOK :00' ttos ill'i"ii'i"irBi'iiih C, ' T (ALL-TALKING PICTURE) One cf the best detective mystery stories! Added: Vitaphone Act A Plume Highland Park 1803 THE BEST PICTURES AT DANGEROUS WOMAN" glam tt Adults 25c HIGHLANB PARK. OTTO LANG, Mer, _. SAN TORO (ALL-TALKING PICTURE) r (TALKING PICTURE) niot_of thrilling situations Added: Vitaphone Art Added: Vitaphone Adi MRS' of Children 10e Being 'told they. should. study. local geography, the boy; at but know whare all~thg girls live.. -- -Alth:ugh the present generation is calltd very speedy) it does not show much speed about getting ui, in the' morning. . I “The Drifter†with in . .Deor. open at 6:80 ,.. Continuou- Sunday» t to " Sunday, July 28 TOM MIX TELEPHONE H. P. 1036 Thursday, July 18, 1929 in Adults 25c