ation is at show D in the ip, local t know [038 Il, 1929 25c " _:,.":,':-,,,,"') (. OUR JULY OFFERING l North Shore.Gas Company _ Act _ NOW, for Summer Comfort.' to your warm weather nomlo'rt " " ,"T7t"r"r. ' A.“ 1!. --', _ , .»>r f j I X?- iii“. _ . -. .. _ . . ' . st"', / ?4 v» , -' t Mr'" iz;.,s"~~ ICC-' t £im\¢‘7 3‘; W, C A . te v/ij') «#513132szch iytit.f.g.ii.tgrtr5FicrC" of '01] H It 'ir.',,?', -iia?SfC)iiTi,?of 'T1AH!irllliir, _:i_, 'li)lirA/llf-' Jllirllft 3, I _..:," HEATER " :' _ ----then. only $2.00 a month for 12 months l Ihoroms "f, This Month! DOWN MP--.-.--'...-