UKEENLEAF PHONES-, WILMETTE . andacloser intpection' of thécleariing plant reveals no “disappointments . The plant is as represented by Mr. Krstuss,. a model one" in every way, containing the bes't equip- Now that the smoke ofbattle has cleared away, and there has been ample time to review mypurchas'e of the Kraus s Cleaning Company, I am experiencing a growing enthusiasm and satisfaction in the entire transaction. After a two weeks' sojourn 'midst the abundance of trees, flowers,, beautiful lawns â€and elegant homes, the Believing, that the-North Shore" is especially interested in quality w"ork and service, -we have adopted the following prices, considered as stand- ard by the majority of reputable cleaning co,ncem,s.‘_,,m _ . _ ,, LADIES' DRESSES Cleaned and pressed, up from OUR PRICES -MEN'S SUITS' Cleaned and pressed We also mintain a special low priced ECONOMY SERVICE for those who mm! consider price '. A STATEMENT $1.75 $1.50 A PHONE CALL‘WILL BRING OUR TRUCK TO YOUR DOOR Watch for Our New Name Which jyitl Be Announced Soon GREENLEAF (Evanston) 3400 GLENVIEt HIGHLAND PARK WILMETTE .----'--t-B409, ' B20 GLENCOE ""E""-m--www.. Purchaser Klttt!yJcgji . ' T oftht CLEANING _):.Jiiisii(,ii,iL, 1215 WASHINGTON AVENUE -- WILMETTE By. C L. Rogers Till. {BESS Upon/this basis we. earnestly solicit your patronage. _ . WWWO the highest stiihdardof excellence. - _ asm,Nys six years' experience as head of Oak Park’s .iargest cleaning' plant, we W [i,f.,i,lttttcistiti] iltbg,ggypuu1dar, gpuyLup,pitgtsi-..:,,,u, ment, with ample spaceand plenty of light __',, and sunshine to make working conditions P pleasant. . With the glorious North Shore to live on, a_model cleaning plant, plenty of enthusi- 1300 3400 f---NO TOLL Thursday, July 25, 1929 Hours: 9 b 16 Nod Office Phone: Residence Pht DR. GEO, Telegraph Bond l ml. no BetvUe HORSES KENTUCKY a. sun Thursday, J u SELV '" M. John- thtito 4 Summer or Phone Hi; Mame: Mly) Jam DUFFI: Comer Tile F300 Home; Cl '. - Tele: Vou'RE wnH 926 L DR.