Led Fry, f Out Sunday school picnic will be held at Sunset Parlfon Saturday hft; etnoon. All members and friends are (Oi-fiaily invited. Strangers will be welcomed. The committee im plan- ning a very interesting program. Here is food for thought. ‘In Heb. 9:24-28, we are told.about the Three appearing: "of Christ." . He hath ab- fwared rnce to 'put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself." He now' ap- pears "ip the presence of God for us." And in the third place,' "Unto them thet look for Him shall-He ap-' pear the second tim"e without sin unto. salvation." . At. 1:45 p. in. he will speak on, "What the Bible'fl'eaches Abé‘ut Mam†We hsve, splendid/congregational 'and special <inginé at all services, . Sunday schooiat 8:30 a.m.. lt, ycu have ehiliren, bring them to our Bible schobl every SURE)? mornink at 9:30. They will ahAys hear the _Wor'd df God in its purity and power. We are here tr, establish and streng-. than faith in God and His holy Word/ "The Return from ttvit-captivity," is} the' subject" of the Bible Jesssiorrmf6tl, Su’ndzy. Ezra 1:1-6; Jeiemiah 29: 10-14; PS. 126:1-6, - . f hristian,Endeavoi. meeting at 7:00 yum. Tr.pic.. "Making the Best of Naturels Laws.†. T Pt afar Und Praise service _Wednes- Jay evening ‘at_eight o'elock. First tfnited Evangelical Clinrch Green Bay Road and. Laurel Avenue Rev C. G. Unangst, Pastor ' Phone: Highland Park 1731' On next Sunday' at‘10:45 a.m. Pistor Unangst will preach the third sermon' cn the First Epistle of John. The particular subject is, "Cltrittiart Fellowship Maintained by Keeping His Commandments.'" 1 John 2:3; First Church of Christ, Neath! First Church of Christ, Scientist, Highland Park, Ill., 8tWHttaei avo- nue, a branch of The Mythic;- Church, The Hirst Church ofcchriat, Seimt- tist, m Boston, Mus, hvlds service. every Sunday mornihg it 10:45 and on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, when testimonies of Christiqn Set- ence healiritps 'are' given.. f%ndar School meets at_9:‘30 a.m., and is open) Qu pupils under the: age of twenty.‘ Sr'urct for next' Sunday's lesson.- sermcp "Scul." . T I, You "re.cortlialry invited to mike use or the readmg room, 861%entrtd avenue; which is 'open every week day tt'om nine in the morning until six m' the eveniriand on Wedmsis. lays until 7:30. ,'lihe" reading room is also wen on Sunday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30.r-s ' .. . - . ' ave day six day h Among the Local Churches Bethany Evangelical Church l' _ Jtev. H. F. Siemgen, Putor ' _ Rev. and Mrs. Siemsen are enjoy- ing their vacation it" Lake Wawaaee, India'na. Rev. Siemsen expects ‘to return on Friday of this week. Mrs. Siemsen will go to Bremen, Indiana, where she will spend a week with her parents. q"Ne l Friday will be the opening day of the Barrington camp meeting. Bishop M, T. Maze, D.ih, of Thirsuburi, Pa.; Dr. E. G. Frey, editor of the Evangelical-Messenger; Rev. A." A. .7 The Vestry The regular meeting of the Vestry will be held on. Monday, August 19th, at 8:00 o'eloek, in the rectory. ". C Trinity Episcopal Church, CC, "Rev: Christoph Keller, Rector _ Laurel Avenue Sunday, August 18th, Twelfth Sun- day after Trinity: 7:30 a.m.--Holy Communion; 11:00 a. m. - Morning Prayer and sermon. _ The Altar Chapter. There will. trem meeting of the Al- tar Chapter on Monday morning, August 19th, at 9:30 o'elirck, in the parish houise. _ tnejwork m the home land if they did not care to make the return personally. Cyrus did the noble thing, in contrast to Belshagzar who hurled insult by his use of the vessels taken 'from the Temple in plunder. These were given.to the returning colonists. The total was' 5,400. The route chosen by the 50,000 was probably- by the more northern way of Aleppo and Damaseim rather than the direct way across the desert. Safety was 'a greater donsideratich. Lhan speed on.this journey. F _ . . F'-'"-"" --.. v--v vv-vuu “an-run . _ _ Keep in mind that Daniel was an old man when he-interpreted that handwriting on the wall on the same night in which the Chal- dea.hs were captured by Darius, as the waters of the Euphrates were turned aside and the enemy entered under the city walls. Within three years Cyrus became king in Babylon. If Daniel was still living he would surely be a man that Cyrus would. wish' to meet, for he had great fame as a man of wisdom and one who could interpret dreams. He had been a. prime minister" and anything he said would command respect from "a thoughtful monarch. -. . T - - .ir-vr __--_. .,- "'""""'eb"""'""" luvs-unwil- ‘then it was read from the Scripture rolls that Isaiah had said in prophecy that one named Cyrus' Would-be. the man to restore Jerusalem special attention 1was given treteto.. .Further, fit was strategy to have a favorable people in Palestine, for that little' coun- try was on the highway to Egypt. The decree' was promulgated giving pelmis‘sion than}! .captives to return to, the lapd-wheriee they had been taken. Many were so well settled in Bapy.lcnia that the opportunity/did not-appeal to them. The younger who may not have been fullWsatisfied where they were, the adyenturous and those who wereustriet risligioriists and were, ever thinking back, to the Templé days were among those who said "We will goand rebuilt Jerusalem and its Temple." _ ' ' _ . . . The brethren were urged to make gifts with which to further the/work in the home land if they did not care to make the return personally. Cyrus did the noble thing, in contrast to Belshazzm‘ F'ulffllment of prophecy is dinely exampled irr this lesson study. Years before, Isaiah had declared that there would be deliverance for the Jews in bo.ndage' by one named Cyrus. Jeremiah in writing a letter of ty,11irtttPelt, from Jerusalem to the brethren in cap- 'Gris., ne-en.l ' -1. A 4.-“ -_-____I .3- .- _ . - - - "-"'-V -.. _‘--__-- w; yup anal-Iv“ u’run. uclcuulall In wnuug a letter of enciytsradement tram Jerusalem to the bmthnep in cap- tivit stated that after seventy years‘fhere would be a release. In ts. t"hWii'fflg,'f, of time the event. took. place which perfectly' met' both" prophecies. It was just seventy years from the first deportation, in the fifth ythr of king Jehoaikim, to'the first year-of Cyrus. Also the same period between the destruction of Jerusalem and the com- plet‘ion cCthe !setottd teryple. . _ _ f . _ International Sunday Srhoql Isis, for August 18 .THE RETURN FROM CAB'UVITY T Ezra 1:16-6; Psalm 126:1-6 ' Rev. Samuel D. Price. D.D. T-BE. PRESS H. P. Presbyterian Cluirch Linden and Laurel Avenues 8 Rev. Frank Pitt, Pastor Sunday 9:45--Ghurch echool; 1ino .--ReV. o. Suit? McFarland, D.D., pagtcv of the' First Presbyterian church, Santa Ana, California, will preach. - _ l During" the Ptt'torttrrtyytion Dr.' Robert "il. Pugh, Lake Forest 1556. will assume any necessary. pastbral responsibilities. - . I . There -win be no preaching service on StmdaysAutrust 18th nor on Sun- day, August 25th. This will give all an opportunity to" attend the. camp meeting both Sundays. Sunday school, however will be 4km both Sundays at 9:45. V n. o. Duffy of Moody Bible Institute; an.d Miss Velma Sehnelter, will be some of the chief speakers. A spe- cial attention, will also be'given to the boys and girls during the 10 days. Among those who will have charge of the work of the boys and girls is Miss Darlene Jones of Highland Park. ' _" . Lemingfr of Tokyo," Japan; Rev, t.' Muonry. ' t Carpentry. . 8. Plumbing Ind Bettina. T . _ . 4. Electrical _ Each bid must be accompanied by a eertitbed check made payable to the Ham of the City of Highland Park for I mm of not Ian than tett,(yt) per cent of the mute oe..ttte proposal. . _ T Pmt for said work to be made In cub. Plum. 'oeeituauons, cud imtmctlpnn to bidders may be "turn! {iota the City Clerk " the City ftjiCiiiTrtiiici. Park, Illinob. The Qqunell reserve: ttte. {hint to reject In: lild all bids if they them It but firr the white wod.‘ T ‘ Br order of the Council of the City of Hill- land Park. ' - ., V. C. 11088811. - City Clerk Dated " lithium] Park. winch; thin ttth day of Ann-t, 1m. â€.24- . - -i-.. .v vvnzknnblulw Sealed bids will be receiwd by the Council at its ofttee in the City Hall, Highland Park. Illinois. until â€7:80 o’clock P. M. Homily. the 20th. day of August. A, D..1929, {or the {grabbing of all hbor. material. tools ind mtiiioment necessary for the construction of f, Municipal Gauge Bandit]: in accordance with the Mann lmrnxmd l.- n... an.--" .. - followinEvE Park last Thursday afternoon, The interesting study of work among the cannibaltribes in the interior of Af- rica is now being' studied by the members. The topic foriig after- noon was presented hy Mrs. Charles B. Thiirsen, who also spoke of the urgent need of help today for mis- sionaries in Russia with the result that ahsum of $60 was raised at 6 p. m. The ladies were joined by the members of their respective families and all partooki ora delightful'pot luck supper. - . . Tho Woman's Missionary society of the First United Evangelical church held its monthly' meeting at Lake rt, .J ' . ...__ - -8:()0,p.rn.---The Sewing circle will be entertained at' the home of Dr. and Mrs. Risjord, Michigan' awhile and Hiirh'street", Highwbod. . Sunday, Auetsst-t8a- _ . 10:30 amefundat school. 7 6:00 pmt.-r-Epworth league. 1 7:45 pmt-Evening service.in Eng- lish. Sermgn by the pastor on the subject, "Wanted More Dreamers." I :45 Itm.t.---Meetin group at churéh. Saturday, August' 17 Swedish Methodist Church Highwood avenue and Everts place "Y" William W_.A]Nelson, pastor Thursday, Augdst ltr-.. V 8:45 p.htr--Meet'imr of the ion,, mittee in charge of the dedicational program at church. _ Friday; August 16-- T V The Zion church wit] hold no ev- ning services during August. But on Wednesday evenings at eight o'elock a Swedish service'is held. Rev. H. G. Hedlund‘, B.D., Pastor t112_Hitrh street, Highwood, Illinois r' Sunday schbol, 9:45 p. m. ' There-will be no morning aervisr, at the church, The Brotherhood has' "arranged for an‘outdoor service "al Third Lake. Meet at church at 10:30 a.m., Sunday and motor to Third Like for services in.the open. In case of had weather sewfces will be held at church at usual hour. . 7 To all seryices the public is cordial-' ly invited. Services ino the English languagg. . . [moment necessary for the construction of a. unicipal Gauge Building in accordance with e plum- approved br the Council theeefor. V ite ti:to.ry..l, be received according to this nwinn " n--.' --AS__, Y..la'PP,UT commcrons W. _ M "___ -. - wuucu we in the City Hall, Highland Park, until â€7:80 o’clock P. M. Hand-y. day of August. A, D..1929. (or the r of all hbor. material. tools ind F .------ ' .. Zion Lutheran Church ',m:t.--preetinir of the pioneer "truMeations l Thursday atterrnoa, The Thursday, August 15, 1itey udy of work among the rs in the interior of Af- being studied by the he topic for'th'é after- sented 'by Mrs. Charles . Holds Meeting will Erut- " 18-24 Thursday, Am EGG: Phon HALIB SALMU FINE " FRESH FRESH FRESH FANCY SMOKE SMOKE FRESH FRESH FRESH POR FRE CAR BACO CALIF Go' PORK FREE NAT! FA} 'PL, RU the