ad instructor, , studio is in ' Chicago, M. has received attending his B. The classes mings in the tracts ting the w'a- is being done upervision of b, for this divided into htracts were 're. "The larg- Fer forty per rdivision A, 'uetural Work contract was Construction Iowa. The we described, :t. They are ien elasi, has the summer, tteinbers'Tmi teds of Grass annual busi- ion of officers house. T is being com- whose address year is asked on Harkness, ipective mem- communicate ered. so as to ouht pumped 11 not always lden demands d the normal n such ucases, nandrwill be 1 the storage' Park by Wil- perintendont, y and L.. W. ,ATION It PLANT tment. a for member. i order that ompletely in, eldb. age 6) Wt 15, 192: age 7) RAM rs CLUB a.m. 689, IS .NisssBesisisrBaker"has charge of the Girls Campnt the Chieagoiom- .' momr Farm Camp at New Buffalo; Mich., sGich ig near the towh of Thre'e Oaks, Mich. The Bake? fam- "-ily, were former residents of Deer- fad. _ _ Z Thursday, August 15, 1929 Mr. and Mrs S. Engdahl’s attrac- tive yellow brick bungalow on ,Second Street, is iiearinguktnp1etion and they expect 'to move into it shortly from Chicago. _ 7 P ' _ -- Mmes. R. D. Reeds, G. Eggert, Alex Willman, F. W. Russo, Bruce Blaine, Christ Bendt_ and R. E. Pet- tis were among the, guests at the bridge luncheon given at the home of Mrs, E. J. Bingham in Irving Park, Tuesday. _ _ . . Mrs. F. H. Meyer had as her weeks end _guest, Mrs. -Frank ‘Mayor of Harrisburg, Pa., Mrs.Wayor before her marriage was Ella Knecht, a sir ter of the late Samuel Knecht of Ev- anston. The Knecht family lived 'where the" M, Hoffman farhily live and the Mayor family occupied the house -now owned by Mrs. Mary Huhn. Mr, Mayor died recently. Theirion Herbert Mayor is married and has three children and was for- merly an instructor in Boston' univer- sity and is now connected with the Curtiss Air Field. -Their second son Franklin is also married and has one child. “They are living with Frank- lin’s mother. . Mr. Albert Willman of Hawkeye, Iowa, spent the week with relatives in Dthrfield. a" ' Miss Clara Ender was hostess at a luncheon bridge at her home on Tuesday. Mrs. W. B. Carr is quite ill at her home on Hawepqe. ' - - _- - Mr. and Mn: Edward Selig of Watpreourgoad, had as their guests un Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Ben- zlie Mr. and Mrs. W. Buckley, Mrs. Anna Hirtzel of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. o. S. Sahm of McHenry. m" Mrs. George Engstrpm offCéntral avenue, was hostess to her bridge clut on last Tuesday afternoon. _ , Yrs. Roy Miller entertained at two. tables of bridge at her home on Chrtnut' street, Monday afternoon. Mr. and’Mrg. Albert Bly of Chi- cago, who were former residents of Deerfield, visited‘friends in the vicin- ity on-‘Sunduy. "Y _ The Dorner Amphibian Plane D. O. X., Gerntany"s pride, is equally at home on sea or in air. It is capable of carrying one hundred passengers and members of crew. Equipped with twelve motors, it we; wing spread of one hundred and fifty feet. ' Deerfield Newt The Huge German Plane D. On behalf of the patients in the hospital, I wish to express thanks Hor your kindly interest and thought of them. We all appreciate very much, the beautiful flowers, but even more do we appreciate the interest 'whieh prompts the gift. jKindly extend my thanks to all. _ 1 Cordially yours,. A.' M.†Whaley, [ Colonel, Medical Corps, ' . Commanding. . Please bear in mind that Monday morning is the time. All flowers wel- come, be the bunch large or small. Kindly bring' them to the home of Mrs. Lewis Ashman, Deerfield road, East of school house'or call up Deer.. Meld 325, and they will be called for. Miss Rosetta Taylor and Mrs. Roy Miller returned Saturday after spending ten days with Mrs. Miller's aunt, Mrs. Emma Payne, at Swamp Lake, Eagle River, Wisconsin. Mrs. J. Rommel has as her guests on Sunday, Mr H. J. Allardt, Mr. L. F. Allardt, Miss Bessie Craigmile and MI. Louis Rommel of Chicago. e _Mris, Mary .Selig ot Alpha, Irma. who is .visiting her sister Mrs. Levi Séhinleber of Northbrook'spent Wed- nesday, Visiting friends in Deerfield. Mrs. John .c. Frasé of “Riv‘er road, has been ill for the past week. . Miss Ddrothy .lsiiret'ioyt. Miss Ma- bel Johnson of Chit L Mr. Gordan Krers,,arid Mr. Edwarfmisimehr at- tended' a- dinner dance at the Edge- water Beach hotel on Saturday ev- ening, . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lange and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Jacobs and family spent the weekend at Lake Wandewego, Wisconsin. , Mr. and Mrs. H. Savage had as their guests-last nveek, Mrs.' Nick Savage, daughter Mrs. Ramsey and granddaughter, Virginia, from Cin- einhati, Ohio. Following is a letter received re- cently by the Deerfield Garden club: To the Women of Deerfield: ' We received some very beautiful sf,1gteq, a few days ago which ‘were sent rom Deerfield through Miss Bolan, our Red Cross representative. AppreeiateIusirisrs ' . . Sent to Hospital THE PRESS We operate our own dry clean- ing plant - 80 years of service. REMOVAL SALE THE RELIABLE LAUNDRY and DRY.CLEANING Co. This is a wonderful opportunity tp-ttcare the finest ftootr coverings-right here in Highland Park-Lat prices below even loop sale prices. F ' ' . 662 Central Avenue 6183701111 Green Bay Ropd, 4 H ig hldnd Piifrk -. 't Priogts, HIGHLAND PARK 178-179 'r 35% to 50% VOGUE, Inc. A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Rug 7or Future Delivery BELOW ACTUAL VALUE JV o w I n Prog ress JV dress cleaned-by us gives all the pleasure of. a new dress-and is much less ex- - pensive. ' Before nioving into our new plant and display roofn at 327 North Green- bay Road,. we aniis.t dis.. isosai of our entire stock of _Armstrong's I nlard Linoleums, finest Grimm; Rugs and Broad Loom Cariieting----' regardless of their original cbst. Highland Park, Ill. 39 F.: bfi