ttd ts 266 . Mrs. Rayitond Flinn'of Highland Park was elected a member of the negrfuid-tehielo high school board of education at a tspeeinl"e1eetion hold in the distrigt last Satyr-day. Mrs. Flinn is elected to fill inst the Inoxpired term of Mr.. John Benson, Who recently resigned as he Wilhe- moving to New_York from Highland Park. Mrs. Flinn was unopposed for ‘he office. _ News of the sudden death of Henry M. Prior" well known resident of Highland Park-tor many years, which oéeprred' late Tuesday fore- nnon at his summer home near New His Son Percy Prior of thiCfity wcpived a telephone message, from (Continued On- Page 40) _ _ Widening of Viaduct Indications arethzit the Horthwest- urn railroad is htiottt to carry out its agreement with the city to widen the viaduct at Bloom street just off Nrgrth’Green Bay road, as apparatus Ind material have been assembled at that point during the last few days, and work is beginning on the job. This will be~a marked improvement and a itreat convenience to traffle. Well Known H. P. Resident Ihisieg Away Tuesday in Wis- consin; Funeral Here ll. M. PRIOR MS _ AT SUMMER HOME Mrs. FlirurElected . H. S. Board Member . . Henry M. Prior, . . 7 Auburn, Wisconsin, , was received with deep sari-ow by the. many friends xf the family in this city. ' Northwestern Starts" . Your»: XVIII T' be Highlanh Park PMS '; Exhibitors wishing horse stalls are asked to, apply to Isabelle L. Tennant, s_ecretary,-273' Central avenue, High- land J'ark. This should be dope as soonas possible as the number avail- lable is limited. "All those interested iin horsemanship are cordially invited E‘to attend. ' _ l _ . It will be given, ,as stated-on the invitations which have been sent to all riders from Waukegan to Evan- 'st'tm, by Major and' Mrs. William, A.' Rafferty and the committee at Mar- iindale Farm Saturday afternoon, August 24th at two o'eldek. The ae- tive show committee consists of Fred Hodgdon, Jr., Miss Isabelle L. Ten- pant, Miss Martha Jane Thomas, Jack White, Miss Theodora Winters and Miss Mary Wood, while the advisory committee is.made up of Mrs. C. C. Hopkins, Mr. Martin Insull, Major W. . A. Rafferty,/Mr. Marshall E. sliiyt1ryselrvMrs. William? Swift,_Mi'. There' will be eight classes com- posed dt ‘a Children's Lead class for" childnen under seven years, trWoirse- manship class, Pony class, WakTrot' and Canter class'es; Jumping ierags for children 13 years and not over 16 years,' beginners' jumping class, for. children under 13' years, and A Pair class. ' 1‘ , »' A group of young riders of this city who have been. in the limelight at various horse this vicin- ity by taking prizes for the past two years. have been working diligently the past month with the: result that Highland Park ‘is going to have its own horse show, which will be called Martiridaile Farm Junior Horse Show. W; '. G, Wood. At the regular weekly luncheon and session of the Highlgnd Park Rotary club. held Monday noon-at the Moraine hotel, the principal-tea- ture was'an'addre'ss by Roger Bron- son of Lake Forest, in omeiarof the Sky Harbor Airport company. arr. Bronson gave an interesting and in- formative talk on the airport and recent progress in aviation, which was heard with appreciation by the members present. The meetiriit"waa well attended and there was mass singing 'and much enthusiagm, such as always marks Rourrtretmiotis, Local Equestrians _ Plan' Horse Show To , . Be Held On Aug. 24th.r Mt. Charles P..llunter of Hunter's Spqrt Shop, 17 North Sheridan road, has been appointed as a speeiarrep- resentiitrve of the Curtisg. Flying Service of Chicago. Mr. Hunter's experience as an aviator fits him well to aid you in learning cf and using the all-inclusive air facilities. df this nation-wide organization. . Charles P. Hunter ', Appointed Representative Sky Harbor Official Talks to Rotary Club 19, 14111:. n yuan" D. owuL,.ml'. Tennant and General 'it. E. HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, Aucusr 16, 1929 1 ‘The annual flower show of' tths ‘Nnrth Shore Garden club will be iheld Saturday, August 17 from-2 to I 7 o'cloek at the, Lake Shore Country i club under the_directipn of Mrs. Robs Iert J. Rosenberg and Mrs. William it B. Eisendrath. The Community Tournament will take place on Augtist 28th, being- Wednesday.' This-eyent is. open to 'all who live in Highland‘Park anti will be) Blind. Biseey affair with'"cfrered. It has been an en- joyable eventtin the past and we hope to have a repetition of it this season. _ i _ fr Other' members of the committee “allâ€. Bertram Cahn, Mrs. Harold Florsheim. Mrs. J. Sylvan Kaufman, Mrs! A. M. Rosenthal, Mrs. Chasi. Rubens. Mrs. Sidney Schwartz. Mrs. Alfred K. Stern and Mrs. Morris .Woolf. _ , Sunset Vauéy Golf . Activities; Several Tourneys Under Way ,The process of elimination in the Highland Park Gpen resulted Sun- _da_y as follows: Olson. Kelly, Con, rad and Martin-won their respective matches. Chambers and N. Larson also won their matches. The next event will be on Shtur- day, August 17th, a handicap, tg.hole medal play with six prizes valued at $30.00, and on the following Sunday the Highland Park Press Cup Tour- nament will take place, a 36 ‘hole handicap, medal play. . ' _ . . While there has beerraeertain days set aside for the ladies ttuirhaments, nounterest has been shqwn by them in these events and until such time as they .care tos enter them, .no at. tempt will be made to carry them on. Thi: course," is irrexeelleht mindi- tion, thanks to our recent:rains. . iA'n interesting event to' the ttolfinst, world will scon take"p1cyee at the Lasker Estate. on' August 26th, ‘at which tir'ne the'proble'ms of. the up- keep of golf courses. will be dis- cussed by experts on the subject. It is; sponsored' by the . Green, Sec: tion of'the U.S.G.A.' and the, Mid; West Greenkeepers assoeiatiorr."rh' ltmchecn will be served at the.Las- ker Estate arid a dinner at Onwent- sia elutfin 'the evening. There is an experimental- plot upon the Lasker Estate which is under the care of Mr. Trigillis. Many different grasses are [training here and being" subjected to various? treatments to determine their value for use on the 'golf_course. Many (f the tart e.xperts will be pre- sent at this meeting. - _ ",. The â€various classes ate, Asters. Gladioli, Dahlias ,and miscellaneous cut flowers, arrangement of flowers for effect. tables,‘and vegetnbte,dis- play. ' There ‘will be three prizes in all Chung. ' . . ' , Annual Flower Show . of N. S. Garden. Club Exhibitions for competition must be ready for judging at 11 o'clock Saturday morning. All plant-material must Ingrown by exhibitors. _ "' Fre" The card party given at the Mor- aine hotel last Wednesiday for the benefit-of the Highland 'Park hos.. pital was even a greateFsueetss than revel" before and the members of the "Woman's Auxiliary are most enthus- iiasticlin expressing their-thanks and {gratitude to those.who so graciously i and "generously co-operated. Sincere ithanks are extended to Mrs. Ralph Bard. as general chairman of affair, iher asyistant/ Mrs. "Henry Glidden land their committees. _ Mr. _ F. “W. I Cashing besides sq'kindly' danating {the use of the Moraine hotel. gave : the.eoffee,.tea. and punch. Mrs: Rel- ) land ftashings"as chairman of the re- ': freshmeht"xmmmrftee hrought dozens hand dozens of sandwiches .herself. iMr. Posse and Beach and Geil are r':,, to be thanked Mr their lovely contri- ibutions of ctutdies,.ond Mrs. Green ? of the Green Tea Pot for a wonder- lful gift of cookies .Mrs. Rtri.fne,t, l, Mrs. Marshall Sampisell, and a group i of their friends transformed the hall {with gorgeous summer-flower/tat ladded greatly to the beauty k.rt the I), party. ' _ The come!" -titone of Highland Park'? handsome new city hall build- ing was laid last Saturday morning by Mayor Benjamin F. Lewis in the presence ld theeity commissioners, former Mayor Samuel M. Hastings and a tathelrintptiriterested citizens. A picture of the ceremony'appeax’s on the Cover Joittre of this issue of the Press. - e T In the recess beneath the, corner stone were placed a copy of the High, Iand~Park Code of 1919, corrected to date and also a list of eitrtrffieialst brought down to the present time; copies of the last two weeks' issues of local newspapers. and copy of vthe minutes of the last regular meeting of the city council. t N Mayor Lewis Offieiatese at In- . 7 flsrmat Ceremony Last Sat- urday Morning 'the-ceremonids were informal, and the only feature Was an address by Mayor Lewis following the placing of the tppt.' The corner stone laying was the first official ceremony isttend- ing the erection iii, the new $125,000 city- hall, but it is plannrd-to'have a formal opening When the structure is (Continued on Page“) _ . LAYS CORNER STONE _ q OF NEW CITY HALL Benefit Card Party: _ Most Successful GiVen Mr. H. F. Kelléy loaned all of the chairs and tables. MrrLpupen gave the dainty pencils and seore-pade, Mlu.Edith Fyffe took charge of the card table covers and Mrs. Sellnr Bullard decorated the tea tabla most a'tistically. Mrs. Martin, Iivall don- ated " of the attractive prizes. It. was a perfect day. with a large‘at- “an3? and a handsome amcunt was reaped for the splendid work carried on by the Woman’s Auxiliary of our Highland Park hospital. Noun: 24