even _ the ldést arles f fits and this Waétitm npaved dis- wenue, east orth side of impassable 5 many fine death in a munity, mud ofound s;,m. eavement. at fhigs be district rm the golden ;, and Pro-s; E. Vetter rocure data ‘nection for ree 10th. must 16, 1929 limit '0 " ed mit the rious streets arested that a go on rec- »llowing inr. d Oakwwd nue to Lau.. renue from rfield road; Ace" to Vine :ed out that he latter is endangering be held it the P :bJ' 'comxmm- we 7) ALON 17 , as OLDS Intern 'ING at or nt tith DistrierMeetipg. , _ Held in North Chicago "Thursday; August 15, 1929 On Manda evening Aug. ti, five‘ mmubers of Civ/dh' 'dnii," American 1, Kim Auxiliary, attended the) ry gmh District meeting at' North (Lu-ago. The school hall in which t,'r' meeting was held was beautifully (haunted with f1owisrs and the Unit lonner, displayed on each side of the ,uvcalcer's table, were greatly -ad- mired. . Mrs. Frances, Miecyznski, district couuitteewoman; presided and, re- wived reports from various district tunumitteeit. Rehabilitation chairman presented some very-. interesting tracts: over 1500 patients in two hos- pitals have been-visited in the past few months; clothing, .magazines, books,' food, _ftowers, smoking' ma- larial have been distributed in large quantities and of course there is al- ways a demand far these things as Well as for-carpet rags. "She also. mentioned the. occupational therapy, which is anrimportant part of the pmg‘l'am carried on at Great Lakes hospital . _ T _ The Poppy bay chairman reported that 23,770 poppies were sold in the Eighth district with receipts amount- ing' to $2,829.04. The district" sold veteran-made poppies, thereby help:. ing in two, waysethe Veterans _who made them, .and those who are, aided in the rehabilitation work-of the vais iourunits. _ . . 1Mrs, Carl A. Duncan, the depart, titent president, gave a yery wonder- ful talk. _' She- emphasized the priv- ilt-ge cf eligihility'tp the-rxiliary,. NEVER in Chrysler's history has there been so much to talk aboptissuth a profusion of engineering features-such a wealth of worth-while fea- t tttres-such a PRONOUNCED DIFFERENCE between the new models and all other cars in its price class. _" i . y . T 22-24 South lst St. C] jr-if RY S LER Deibler Motor " Car, Corp. Allow new show you ---you to be the judge. since it is only by recognition of service that eligibility to the Legion is posnible and through Legion mem- bership that Auxiliary membership is possible. The explanation of the emblem of the Legion and Auxiliary. the star. of service was most inter-) esting. The first upward point ex-', presses our recognition of Gird as: the Ruler of mankind, our faith int Him and loyalty to Him; the second: point is for country we seek to serve: in peace as well, as in war; the third 'pointis for, membry of our ilhisr. .trious dead,'. the fourth is for our dis- abled, those who returned broken. ini body, and: spirit to them the Legion and Auxiliary have pledged their-1 continued support and aid; the fifth point is for service to the_war or-E phans, those innocent victims who,'; after all, pay the greatest price, since} they are, deprived of the care and adn vantages which would otherwise have), been theirs. Every war orphan has? a friend'in the Legion and its Aux-1 iliary, and. not one of them stand; alone. Mrs, Duncan told of theim-i mense task the Auxiliary has under-l; Taken in providing Cigarettes for; Speedway hospital. From $4,000 to-I t57)00 yearly is needed.for this work., The orphanage at Normal new cares for 360 children with 100 on the waiting list. Withfthe recent gov- ernment appropriation more -can' be cared 'tor" in the near future. , ' _ _ The district _vcted to send Mrs. Mieczimski .to the Department con- vention and to the National conven- than: “The-new district corfmitte'e woman glegtgd at this mgetihgf was Mrs. Harry" Brown ot.Jsakis Foretit. NEW MODELS _ SHOWING OF THE PRESS Highland Park . l The dinner given by the. Royal lNeighbor camp Thursday, August {the "ttr," at the Masonic temple, 1 proved very successful. _ l Dinner's were served to about one ihundred. and fifty. The success, owing to the loyal co-operation of the.members, who willingly helped to prepare and serve, and the good (management of the committee, Mrs. George'Pettis and Mrs. Olson; Also for the useful donations of food and i Bowers. _ . i, Following the dinner a very inter- (t,iti',t,tte meeting was held and friends (night was observed in the camp. f Friends from other camps invited i' to fill the stations were 'as follows: Deliéiou: refreshments were served duriiigr the sock! hour. _ R. N. A. Friends Night Is Largely Attended Oracle neighbor, ‘Anna Kama schulte, district deputy of R. N. A., of Lake county, a member of Wau- kegan camp; vice oracle, _Anna Goodman of Chicago, members of the Deerfield camp; recorder, Edna Redding, Jyauketran camp; receiver, neighbor, May Rockenback of Lake Zurick, member ’of Deerfield. camp; past, oraiele, ‘Anna Vanderbloom, Highland Park camp; chancellor," Edna. Booth, Waukegan camp; maf- shal, Harriet Codberg', North Chicago camp, -assi§tant marshal, Mildred Phillips, North Chicago camp; flag bearer, Myrtle Amgden, North /Chir cago camp; inner sentirieVRmrimi: 'Psh.rt1iyu0eetlttt camp; 1nittt' Bette tinel, Florence. Boyer, â€Ninth Chicago Tel. H. Iul120 camp; faith,'Cynthia Potter, Gum'ee; eoUrage, Gladys Ames, Gurneis; mod- esty Margaret. Ames, Waukmn camp; umrelfuhness, Mary Hook, Gurnee camp; endurance, Edna Wat- kins,-Hiirhtand Park camp; musician, Almirk Heybeck. Lake Zurich, Ill., member of Deerfield camp. . Other visiting neighbor/s were from Barrington,' Prairieview and lake Forest. Those who attended this meeting will. always remember this meeting as a pleasant evening for all. Mr. amrMrs. Fred Meyer of Deer- field will leave Saturday tpr a motor trip to Bellevue, Ia.,shere she will visit MSS.. Brandt, an old. friend and publisher of the Bellevue Herald. From there they will dhve to Fair- mane, Minn., where they will visit, Mr. Meyer/s brbther and from there to StrPaul and Minneapolis and back home through northern Wisconsin, making a stop at the new, Coin-mand- ery club. near IthinelahdeF/ of which Mr. Meyer is a member. Fred Meyers) Leave . ort.Trip to Ioiva . Scientists now seem to-be puttirig forth .every effort to rebuild glands- td give old men youthful idezis. It. might be just as' Eve]! tj/devote. a. little time ttiwkrd "fi'hc'cingw process that will' instill. a little cube Wis; “downy ot-ice' ages in the youth at thé 1mm. . ",, '.i, 7 v. 41 .3 , IE E3? td