.wng.1ws_ onus: THE UNUSUAL: FPR fr5rt' A in FOR tfAHy--Bedroom {imitur;; cue-p. Tel. H. P. 810S. 7 ' 24 FOR SALB--tes fakes Foe trucking; 2 spare tires; m tools, eta: tire. {In-bellâ€. avenue. Tel. H. P. 8206. Park avenireGi%ijGiiiii, Tia' Highland Park. m. Tel. H. Nash-special nix 4-door Medan. 1926 mod Nash smianix 2-door sedan. 1927 mod: Chrysler hither sedan. 1926. model. . Marmot: 4-door sedan. 1928 model. Also several ranging from 825 an mpr.LAND PARCtfAt1H SALES model. f . - Ir" "'T'" "mm" "T' Nash advanced six roadster, rumble seat. 1927 model. ' model. --. -." _ "T" . "a“.-. . “m. Nash smnanrd s'ix Moor sedan†1923 model. Nash aphasgador 4-door advanced madam-1928 FOR SALE 7 Chrysler mums, rumble. seat. 1928 model. Graham Paige coupe. 6 dise wheels, 1929 FOR SALEAEnglish colonial houser4 years old; excellent condition; 5 rooms, sun porch, 4519 hath; 2-car Karate: located near trans- portation and 2 blocks from school. In- quire at 704 S. St. Johntr_avemae. Tel. B. P. 2.794, _ -. . _ 23tf FOB. 8ALB--Gaa range andanamrle and billet hbusehold furniture. Tel. If. P. 631. FOR BALW--90-foot wooded lot; very Ashe?) and highly restricted: no assessments; on . W.'Deere Park drivg: price below market value. 125 Wesley avenue, Oak Park. Tel. Euclid 3815-11. 23-269d fiEVENTY-FDoT frontage in Chvey'a Green- wood ‘znrdena. ptrerfie1dr can be picked up at a -bargain; $100 cash will be accepted as down payment; W. fl. Tennuzt. H. P. 1457 after 6 p. m. _ 19tf - ,_.,.... ......yun "nut: ' will! e?ttditittrtCnlisritti, and: ‘will sell reason- ably. Apply 219 N. Second "reet 249d TRADE-your lot in and ’own a beautiful-g . or (broom borne at Greenwood and Grand invenues, Dssrtuhrrhardwood tloom; thler pedestal plumbing: Cel6tex lined. Repre- ,sentative " location or phone Highland Park 1457 afar 6 pt m. A 19tf t - â€Hr... "t . and nun-u on uaunu: CLASSY 5-room: stood arrangement; mod. em: gar-sm- tp match: on LARGE wooded lot in nbizhborht'md of 330.000 hm: thu b a rare combination. V " LARGE. modern home on Prairie avenue: four bedrooms. Highwood: an be purchased with, $100 dowztasarment, balance. like rent; will consider vacant in: part exchmu. Phone H. P. 1457 after 6 F. m. _ 19tf WOULD you like to own a half-acre lot on the western .edtre of Deerfield near Clavey'a nursery'. $100 cash will bundle: start sav- ine for your future home. Phone B. P. 1457 aftér 6 p. m. _ _ 19tf FO.R BALB--shrtttm evergreen}. Nick Wrt. sheep manure, boa, mail KeuirdrtGvd" Tel. H. P. 586. Lind“ .. BUTt7K--NASH--DoDGM . TERMS OR TRADE '27 “Buick four-door sedan. 8776. '25 Dodge 2-paturentrer coupe. $325. ’26 4-door Buick sedan, 8695. '27 Nash advance nix 4-door "dan. 879.5. 999 geningginnd Sundays. _ >NORTH SHORE BUICK CO., Used Car Department. .' 1027 Davis street. Evanston 110 S. First street. Hixhhnd Park, which Tel. B. P. 2917496. tttf GENERAL NOTICE Classified Want Ada will be char? only to residents in the territory covered by The Highland ark Press or those who are regular subscribers. . . . lures.. Minimum charge of " cents for 5 lines or less (average five words to a line); additional lines 10 cents each. 25 cents discount on all advertisements paid for on or before day of pub- lication " our oMee, 536 Central avenue, Highland Park, Illinois. No blackface or display type (other than cape) permitted. Ads. set in taps or partial display, are charged at double rate. DEADLINI for insertions: classified Want Ads will be accepted up to Wednesday afternoon at 5:30 o'eloek for_tho Highland Park Press. Telephones Highland Park 557-558-559. . FOR SALE tior Simple! honor: Food Classified Want 'ord; useful for motort_tteiRrator, Tel. H. 'P. mos '. q " 427 Glance; r . 2nd. t model. model. mum mnmns onus m' minimum is is the beautiful sub " Green Bay road 1mg 'yd/Cree? elat'.'A'U.oe; a print. FOR gALFr--tAte model '27 Oakland m, 8425: late model '27 Oaklmd coach. “.0: â€26 Overland conch. 8150; terms if desired. Teh. Lake Forest 1618. -24 FOR SALE-Ranch and Laure electric couch and batteries: A-1:4 wood than; Ind very little: .with charger. 8850.. Tel, Glance 665 am , pm. . , ' 24pd FOR. alums: FOR PLrih-.c.?.ieree-Arr.yw Cir.," mach. Al: FOR unknown gamma fore 10:30 a.m.. apt. 303. U FOR 8ALB--Tauve chenille rwr. 9x12, 350: mahogany single bed..box spring, mattress. "r. oak ‘rocker, 85: oak desk, $15: oak dinette and two chain, 815; two 9x12 rose mm. 350 pair; single bed nnd sprinu, 310; and other miscellaneous u-ticls. Apply 210 Udell lmrtmenm. 24 FOR SALE.OR- REirr-siir,, V sun porch; hot water heat. Tel J209_Burton avenue. t FOR SAbW--Barsraii; racoim mt. tomboy style: good condition: for quick sale, "tr. Tel. Deerfield 162 up to 5:30, after that 336; original cost, $475. _ T 24nd FOR WILLIAMS OFFERS: - . V . _ Splendid old' home, 8 rooms; good condi- tion; water heat: tire place: oil burner: Lear wax-age: rent: at 8100: location. South Second street: opportunity to dwn 'a',',',,','"""' homic- until zoning inciting 'tt va tre." _ . 2 FOR SALE-one lather bed davenport. qty after g p. m. Tel. H. P. 3174. 24 FOIL SALE OR. TRA_DB-r-Rm.uuzlt touring ., can $1,000; Pack-rd sedan, 8500; Buick Coupe, 4-oassremrerv 8500-; Ford .-roadstet. ynodel A, 8400. _Tel, DiertVW2S8. 24pd F'8,CsNari?--?rAsapp7t' RADIO at c ','l'fptvlre,e,r, "i,','lii2,1ii..ei A trees u ,eltr . drained: surrounded by can: and wooded; LIQnt; the "I who you. FOR SAIaiF-A3afe colored T bib ’strojler: piano and day bed; very reasonable Tel. _ Er.. P; 1348. .- ' a. . Ab4pd t FOR. SALE-In Ravinin: new 6-room'brick _and’ stone residence: tile roof; hot water heat; large porch, bath and shower on first floor? automatic hot water beater; tile bath; $16,000: terms. Phone H. P. 1293. , V - . _ . _ 22ndtf ‘,-.._ _.-..,- Ann-v" v-vu. nun. Al; coach: (gondition excellent: 6 tires. 2 brand new: loft mileage: price 8225.†Tel. H. P. IONS. ""‘ FOR SALE-A good 2setr-atory brick home: nearly new, modern and in auto!“- condi- tion; near transportation: owner will take a lot as part payment-Mann very my terms; price reduced to 3115M n I! FOB SALE-i-ITIS Bfoadview avenue; 5-mm bungalow: modern; hot water heat; I-car garage: landscaped; 811,000; terms. Phone H. P. 1293. 99M" POR SALW--ty (rave lot. new B tn Ma. Bonid Memorial park. Mutton: worth $650: will "erifiee for 8450 cub. To]. Uni- versity 6271. I"! OR SALE OR RENT-S-room house and sin- gle garage: west of Ravinin Park. .Tel. H. I', 4059 after 5 g. m. 24 terms ; price Mind "to-Truim.' '2'or"it Wink, miter. Tel. IL P. MT. T 21nd ice: pen-{ed eieisiiiifoirt%iiiir GU,". a8:50: 200 set. Tel. lake Forest 1745. 24 SEE WILLIAMS . apt. 1rtfCiru'eurGifati'F. _ . 24nd 1Pf'lr-r,s-ro.eee knit-19w; to we mei/ei/SGGC. , thrarMs high? Ind well Hum; thte hm "V a 3. Apstrr, I» L H. F. su.' THE {3333‘ 22pdtf 24nd sacri- FOR RENT-ver, amiable atore'on Cam-ll uvenue: In heart of the‘tulnm. section' mlb'e rent-Irwin . me an in chi business tteethttet or mini: rent entire build- ing to rumble my. D. I. Wink, mat. tor. Tel. K. P. 447. 219d FOR liW-Comkrhbk room: near trans- FOR V RENT-A ‘modern 6-room upper tut with a Inge nun porch; mm Wt and hunting phat: in good loath: t%, block from trtutnportatkm. Apply " 881 North avenue, Hithhnd Bulk, Brst 'tai _ ' 2 FOR RENT-A-furnished room', kitchan pr'lv. :I..-..-. ___---- L _ 1 _ _ FOR REN'r--urtre. front room for two. 616 Vine avenue. _ FOR REN'r--Farniished room; gentleman yr.- ferred. 704 Central 1mm. Tel. B. P. 1338. _ T "and FOR RENT-Apartment, twovroomn and bath: steam heist; centnl location; unturnhhed: reasonable. " S. St. Johns avenue. Tel. H, P. 640.' _ Ittf SUB LET--Redmsorated B-room apartment in Barns: building. Chicago Iva-mu. mutton. for less than present tentaltLitriy.ninute oft Dzempater street ytatiom Tel.- "'"'t'l't', 5 71. t FOR RENT--omee in Sum building. High- wood. Tel. B. P. m. V 1m Hddson-hsex. V V ___ ---'_Ne_9t.. w“... “a, mileage. _ l Nash advanced 6 conch: - _ 3 T Oakland sedan. . P . Buick 1927 2-door. . 'bt Dodge coupes. -" _ These cars will satisfy any one and . priced right. _ " _ . _ A. W. PERSON FOR SArIr--Mrvtave wastrel-{good condition; ,rgasonable. Tel. Highwood 8482. w- 24 SEE US FOR USED can BARGAINS 1929., 6-cylinder Chevrolet coach; _ - - ‘V - -vmua _-uc I vvu- . "cur - partition .. nutomntte water. heater: rel-on- able. 642 Vine twang. - 2Itfpd FOR 8ALB--Paie of .O'Connor and Goldberg dark blue aligatm' pumps, size 7% AA; worn twicé; priced $18.50; will .sell for .810. Teh. H. P. 2167. .24pd FOR SALW--Pvramidtu . tent, . $16: bovm bicycle, $5; roll-top desk, 818; L: C. Smith ' typewriter. 825: Grosgrman cart, Writ; ,Meadowbrook cart, 8100; saddle, J15; bridle, . $5. Tel. Deerfield 253. g . 24nd FOR SALB-r-.t rabbits; cheap. Tel. A. P. 964. . ., 24 F'9rt.sAur-ys-piece dining room - ---"--ee__r. .vv-u' â€I‘VE-l IIV' ilesres: mar beach. transportation: in: aide; price §35 per month. Tel. H. P. "I . 2 FOR SALE OR RENT-Modern héuse, ttve bedrooms, 8 baths; garage with ~room and bath: in Wm Place schooL district and - walking distance to transportation. K. M. James. broker, 881 Central avenue. Tel. B. P. 242. _ HM FOR SALE OR 1tEy'r'--4mutantiu. brick home, 5 bedrooms: large garage; each-ed garden, chicken yard: fruit trees‘and vine, shrubs and shade; cyclone fence, ornamental iron in front; good neighbours safe bar- train at a. low price; also for sale or rent I modern brick veneer._5 bedrooms, 8 baths. attgched gauge, safe roofs. Tel. H. P. 76. FOR f9Lr--raen sprinklers tor, large FOB suntan aeeortd-htutd "ioacoat oil burner; Address 612 N. Sheridnn road. Tel. H. P. so. " FOR SALE-me brick veneer bale; one room not ttntshed; felt of home All fur- nished: hot water heat; bear hem-d tear rlze: large It'raere lot: price 87.000. Tel. TE. P. 898-Y-8; if you don't hive 82,000 cub don't answer. _ . 24pd my. SALE-3.1mm than with deeontgd. For further w H. P. 2286. _ 7 F MODERN 1-mo- btlhh ooh-co: t3-ead “not, nan Haul, Docs-Odd; I‘ll Jmg mu: “an lint; s-eu unto: 'lm; numb-ad on Barman: will consider clan W in actuate. ToL H. P. 1451 an: 6 p. m. or see 'mfareerBeid broker. 1m L711 bltoeF-itNqriece dining room set. 2-pieee bedroom set, gu-qtove and other items. of furniture, Can be‘seen at 347 N. Linden avenue. Charles Harbaugh. fret, H. P. 404 or 1172.. "“3 made to order; underneath! sprinkler hands. Hill sprinkler company. 1821 Jew. kinson court. Tel. Waukegan, Identic 1681. . q 28-26pd FOR RENT fttrthe r “we, ara TNi. _ F 28-84grd Tel. H. P. 2492 ; very low POEM no!!! a or 20tf 24nd are Mtf smm'mm WAmmgm an... eolond firit and second maid: mod cook: fond of ,chlldnen; A-l North Shore inferences. WI. Kenwood 8N7. .' “pd __ .V-__.-_., - nun "Ill! m‘ place I! awaken: Rood _trrtrdeeters.ean drive "ttart. moment reference. “In: Brenner. Mt N, Christinna nvmue or phone at 7 mm. Dal-Md 224-31. _ 2453 1r=ttr=-r------------------------a.-C, SITUATION WANTED-B, young men: uln- ale: an gardener: 9 years' experience: can drive can; Brat-einer. reference; Tel. Luke Forest 448. “-1 sthnON WANTED snumyonu $41ng CARPrNTEIt worm PPI? warmer“: work mum: Fell HrNT-ryrniahed front room; FOR RENT-~Beautifu], was, flat FOR BENT-r-Fttrhisud room with or without kitchenette; gas and electricity furnished. Tel. M. P. 2759. 417. N. Given Bay road. near Vine 'avenue station. 2d FOR RENT- “room flat; screened glazed porch; garage; desirable location; 840. 620 Laurel avenue; inquiremritiooer or Write Rose C. Prichard, Main street, 0conomowoc. Wisconsin. _ _ ‘--. q _ _/ll FOR RENT-Modern B-room itouae.-hot "air. heat: Hizhmoor; double garage; half-Min Tet. H. P. 1926. " . 24nd FOR. RENTL 2.. FOR. RaNT-rour-roim tin with bath; $35 per monih. At 210 North', avenue. Tel. H. P. 3693. . . 24 ,,f-_._ -v-.._.... - um “I“: room: . and bqth: dompletedr hot water heat; Ono- ear garage: Tel. Deertteld M. 24nd "lt AEN'lV--0uiiAtisshed. S-room residence-in, _ 1gh!and Park; Centrally. located; excellvnt shape; new heating plant just installed; reasonable to right party. Address Box 126. Lake ,Forest, Illinois, or telephone Lakot Forest 178, _ _ 24-27 my RENT-mia single; room: suitable for one; 84 per week. Apply 403 N: Green Bay ‘roud. gveninga. . T . 24nd FOR RENT---FiFihmt Jar, for one or two with or without hoard. Ty}. H. P. 2315, l'l'UA’l’lUN ~WANTEn73aw med. us ground: all work “sauteed. J. D. Rey- nolds, w. Central nugget Deertleld, nu.. noin. 'reh,DeerfUld 259. " "es. L, and Ir-Crt-'--'------.---,---, WILLIAMS OFFERS: . . , For rent; two good. ti-room bung-lows with ' glazed porehar and garage; September lst possessibn: 875 and 885 per month: also several large homes at 8120, $175 and 8200. FOR work and, 655;"(33'11 Tet. H. P. 2988. _ - -__._v.. nu wvun 3““: III- mata free: charge- reuonnhh. H. P. Plhnke. Tel. B. P._2I_MB. _ _ tttf FOR RENT-Cotuge, a room and . porch'. a nice. quiet phae for twu near Exmoor; Men-noes; no chjldm w. P. 1438. . FOR __ __ - -.. ......‘... "um. xwlu ' new home ; heir transportation. " I Glencoe avenue. Tel, H. P. '3776. ' . 24 FOR 'tBNT--Asmrtiseett in the Hawthorn; 730 North St. Johns, avenue. near Moraine' roadr steam but: large umned pong); information at 782 N, St. Johns Ivenueg- Tel. H. 1?. 2823.- _ 28-279.: WILLIAMS OFFERS: For rent; 8-mom hosted amt. ttir, Groom. furnm heart, 845: 5-room' and sleeping porch, $50. Pt water; also‘gariize. "irsiCFii, "iririiii'%'i'/ Tel. H.-,P. 1602. _ "‘ 24 FOB "NT5-iroom kiwi-cacti}; commend; furnished.‘ 1645 Judson nvenue. Ravinia. Tel. 11. P.' 3779. m f, --. "P'""'-"""""""" sunny nat, 5 iarqe rooms and sun porch ,r_rteprt? heat and hot FOR ttMNT-r-Modern 8-4 room Alanna _td.at for once md-livinrquuhu. 22 Ft'rst street. Joli B. Deibler. Tel. tl. 21204280. ' ll Iitrht. hodkGGiGi. “65$"; me. _ SITUATION WANTED " RENT-d-room furnished anal-ting; light; housekeeping. Tel. H. P. 2184. room; centnlly hula}. day. _Tel. H; P: 3378. or two. 664 Bot; o'urriairiiu, 2422. . T . on RENT-2 light houeke’eping‘ mom; 302 N. St. Ju.hns ;venue. 24pd whim! _ type' home, for; 'a-Ney 1ttrtrtishe4 min to; handily, August 16; 195 referenésiiv in; "ikuiiiar7i'et. . 7 . tami futp_issh_ed apartment for --tu, and ttto mt dar or emu-not: Auto-t Andaman. “pelt! ', - “mi-“51$: 24nd " si. Johns ’a’v'e Iwo Links: .Mment 24pd trin led 2. one I. P. 24nd Mu for 24 . atrtrttrst ttoor' x. ences. Tel. H. Thursday. Amr SITUATION‘ WA! housework by th Tel. H. P. 831. smau‘loxg WK SITUATION w; hemstitehintt, ar nardine, H. d?. i SITUATION W. SITUATION _‘WAI iptEssMAAJNG a Mrs. Smith at H HELP WANTED- take charge of Park and 'surrou interested in a r/ow htive. writ Jensen, 1513 I Illinois. HELP WANTEI HELPNrAN'nilD- ' Shop. 359 0 HELP - WANTE? HELP WANTEI with experience must have refer: HELP WANTED 'dn small job: a wiring and p Glencoe avenue. HELP WANTED- takeucharge of Park and Fyrr aririnteretfird ir now have writ TE LP work Park .offiee, HELP -WANTED work: stay nigI 4025., _ _ HELP, .WANTE H ELP WANTEI HELP WANTEI work; must ha, and gompetent work. Address HELP WANTS! care. of bung: or part time. ' andmfter six 1 HELP: . wmm IpST-Circullr August 9, bet reward. Tel. LOST --Poeket-be tickeu from Sunni-y n Alli ‘nouth: liberal STRAYED-Radd white mar-Hm: "wt! to collar DOST JreietrtK ' court" Sundi- name. Mimi! street. Ravinin ried, wants stem gardener; co ho: Tel. H, P. 3779. ave my 'ioirr-s'" work cl: housework dun! ing prefegged; l It home telephotte pperir em Union. ' . downstairs wor? Tel. H; P. 2444. J en,sen, Illinois. work, Tel. V H, housework ; am cooking. Tel; Park. Ill and deli field 327. MM, LOST HEL. WANTE', cam of referin Cl by name deliver 1513