and glazed . two adults hjldren. Tel. -24pd mm -for--6rie , 'Tel. H. P. nil-lows 'with ephember lst month: 31.30 .75 and 8200. rtleld, rm- L, "od ' heat ; om: 24nd residence-in, ed; excenmt it inltalléd; 1353 Box 126, phone Lakoq 24-27 'oom; new 51 Glencoe q or phone 24trd bartment for Johns ave- we C' hot "air " half-aéi-e. mun: uln- ‘le'nec: an Tel. Luke 24nd mint; ro'omsf 24m human pre- ' 24nd housekeeping» r After Sun- 24nd one or two H. P. 2315, ven ue Wt, 8tir, broom . and It, tr lamp rat Vand hot "Lfnk road. "" 24 TED wife not later; " an Tted glazed 1: 840. 620 or or Write ieonoenowoe. Mment for 2184. 24 'n ",' ttuitablr rrivileges if 24 suitable for '. Green Bay fled! us _ Hawthorn; tear Moraine' cued ma; than avenue/ 2b.2'irsd l muddy u. Ttavimui. as colored ', fond of lean. Tel. contract . Anderson. or without furnished. Bay toad. hath ; A35 t 16; 19:3 .Mment Tei. ii." it . Mu Had“ 24nd 1 it! Z4 pd 24nd 249d 24 24 24 214 ' -DRESSMAKIN'G and rumfsnvmtg. on: Mrs. Smith at Highwood 2790. _ . rbahsdu HEIP__ wAaciiit?--wtiu mid tor ,eookm A _ a6befirst floor' work; experttst'eed'. refer- -_ chess. TM. B. P. 696 Ndâ€. 24nd _ LOST Tamar ncquot it Blvinil knnin court-4 Sunday. Anna: " market] with _ rttortr.M-et Both new? 1281 Rice street. Ravinh. Tel. H.-P. 7 5-11. 24 Thursday, August 16, 1929 SlTl SITUATION. WANTED---', housework by the dir; I Tel. H. P. 831. sgTrrATroAt WANTEW--Dresymuetlur and twmstitehintr, alteretiony. PhomfMrs., get: SITUATION WANTEV--rxmntr German, mun- ried. wants steady position '13 chauffeur or 2:1rd0ner: co home nights: beat references. Tek H. P. 3779. . 23nd slTUATION 'WANTED-au" Jon gt" few huurs' work caring for children or light housework daily: no Sunday work; mom- mg preferred, Call Mrs. Rose. 625 Lain] avenue. H. P. was-w. . 1ttfpd HE HELP WANT%D--Ptttner, fol-ingr_ang Jill HELP wANTEDr--Girit position as clgrk ind telephone operator. Apply manager Went- em Union.- ' " . " Mitd BEL? wANrims--rirotesrupt girl, white. with experience as cook and. upstairs maid: must have referenea. Tet. H. P. .1874. 24 HELP "iANTEDc--ggxperietteed gym for .downstairs work and cooking: load my. Tel. H; P. 2444. N. ' . - " HELP wANTED-cExtrtrterieed plasterer to 'dn small job: also man that can do house wiring and plumbing; small 'job. 418 Glencoe avenue. Tel.'H. P. 1644. . _ 24 HELP wARTED-tmsuanee'tmin at once to takrr.eharge of our agency in Highland Park and ryrrouMitur territofy. If you am intereked in a better contract thaif you now have write district manager, J. A. Jensen, 1513 Hickory street, .WyytktyytE Hr,lwANTEir--ssid foVtreneraj1 ttrut.? H E LP war} HELP' tvAN'rprF--spu4 forx'ggnenl HELP WANTED-thit tor tiirthral ofBee wort; must have knowlejue of bookkeeping and gomwmnt on phone: no stmtotrryrtrhr work. address P. 0. Box 232, Highland Park, H1. ' _ q 24 HELP.,,.WANTED---whfte maid for men! housework; small family". no "shim. plain cooking. Teh H. Erma,“ _ 24pd HELP WANTED-Girl or woman to take care. of bungalow mm! 2 ettiidtent. whole or part time. Tel. B. P. 2946 before 2 mm. andlafter six pan. _ " LOST --Poeket-ttook eoatattttntt 'none' _ and tickets from Glencoe. to “hon aven'tret Sunday at Altittg nation on Walker-n road. ‘muth: liberal rennL Tel. H. P: 2869. 24 Lptyr'--A3treulnr gold min. diamonds: Friday. August 9, between " and 11 than; liberal reward. Tel. H. P. 12. A. M. Wt: STRAYED--Reddbh brown mixed humid“ white muklmn; spunk! type; rape (IM- 0096 to collar when disappeared. Tel; A. nardine, ELP WANTED-an-nee man " once to take charge of our agency in, Highland Park and surrounding territory. If you an interested in a better contract than you n'ow htive. write district manager. J. A. Jensen, 1513 Hickory street, Waukecnnr Blinds. †28l TtrxTr0N wANTED-iumdrr' wink done at home by eyareri.enee handrail: will call for and deliver tn Highland Park.. Tel. ih.erfield 327. _ 24nd Illinois Park om ee, work: sta 402ii... "1 work, TelrH. P. 3186 11.05: -itiiFRoei.tGfurvetttr. me}. E. t :19. .. - ‘23pd MM, LOST and FOUND HELP WANTED WANTED-whhe couple' for house. (taro of can; and yard in Highland _ reterieneesi. Address W-8, Prim: 24nd Classified Want Ads' I . HIP. 2549 Ebb??? GiileG. 1231. B. P: A _ 24 -diir, (in, does {able work. f 52h»! Married girl “up M. Wt. ". V and 116639-- 23-25 23tf 24nd 24rd WANTED"E EIstrrr--TirFiriaia room by re- and woman: emgrlogeiU. mm! location preferred. Addâ€! P. o. Ba: 93, W6! Park. Illinois. . . . 2tpd WANTED TO RENT-ah Gleam or High. land Park: convenient to Northwutern‘ knot: modern hum with ' bedrooms. 2 'baths; adults only r' will rent holiday lst or longer. Address 54-h. Pre" once. Mpd (Continued from Page 6) V ear' Wyatt of the basking bee group; Charles Mue11ey, brick and clay worker; Willtanr. Griese, brick and clay worker;' Fred Thies, village tboard group; Daniel Beairet, first vil- Hage board; Mpg, Emily Therrien, Ito- ‘yal Neighbors; Zara Olds, naming" of town. T . " _ WANTED TO Bmr--,Antiqe, old books. pamphlets, letters. furniture. rugs, chin}, glass. etc. Mrs/Dicks, 808 Washing tttet, Evanston, Illinois. Tei. University "lt " - 8 In the.pageant first prize of $25 was awarded tq the Indian group; by tte Girl Scouts; second of $15 to Log Cabin Days; by president Ladies Aid and thirtrof, $10 to-the Covered Wagdn,hy Boy Scouts. . - . Nprtltbroplt Day Is . . ' Great suecetisrLis.t _ of Prizes Awarded e The judges were Mrs) Carl Haess- ler of Ravinia, Mr. Bram‘cashier of the Glencoe bank and Paul L. ,Udell pf the Highland Park,Press. .', " Everybody" who attended was ia'-) pressed with the many ingenious and interesting. representations of old time events and groups; and where the large amount of pioneer material for costumes/etc., was Obtained is a puzzle. Anyhow, it was all notably .well done and reflects; great credit upon those who gave so liberally of their time and.. talent to make the affair such a great success. Much of the credit for the affair is due to the general chairman, Mr. Leland Olds. . . ' _ SPANISH LANGUAGE - ' Werteach classic“ Spanish by conversa- tional methodpswial attention. given to voice students. 912 South Sheridan road. Phone H. P. 1822. " N. H. McKillip (it Co. Highland Park 3025 'WANTED TO RENT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT i, '- l I Central , l Auto Body and Fender ':': . Works . ‘ 12 YEARS IN THIS WORK I 20 North Second Street 1 WANTED TO BUY List your' house' or lot "with us. Far sale pr for rent. Fall rentinir and selling is atAtnd. MISCELLANEOUS WANTEI THE PRESS set Broadview avenue and south of Cla- :0mpleted, at which time it will he vey road. While the south section is: open fof inspection by citizens. under construction " is, probable thatl _ After tapping the stone' into posi- it will be necessary to detour traffle, ton, Mayor Lewis handed .the tools to the eirat side Of thrrailwtwsy f. co the architect, Frederic Hodgdon, Notable Improvement Speaking as follows: . The award of. this contract 1 "e _ . . Mayor’s Address 3. 1oyrpeeded: improvement and .its “I have triedamd proved this .stoiie reomp1etion .will. afford .e.a.rked Im- by plumb, square and level and ‘pro- ‘provement trt 'traffle facilities. south- no'unce it to be well formed true and hand, with“ segtion t question has "trusty.. , Keen in parietal ith n, or along time u . _ T . (.),iit,i,l,, this has greatly hampered the M M: goggdgh, :agmgk it??? t? .hassage of motor vehicles. . 2,',T/lf,d',',, yf,,1"'l') J/YI',.,,")",',,:), l' S. GREEN BAY ROAD CONTRACT AWARDED With the South Green Bay ptive- merit once in there will be a straight- away paved road of good width from Highland Park south, affording easy access in thht direction to suburbs to thesauth- and also' a direct route to Chicago over modern hard roads; and this will serve to, relieve somewhat the trttme on Sheridan road, it is ears peeted: ." TV . Centrar Avenue Next? T _ As has been previously suggested in -the Press, this good work should not be allowed to lag. Now that Green Bay road north and south is taken care- of, attention should be direeuiirto Central avenue west, with 'a view to early widening and repav- ing of the section between Green. Bay. road and the Jhrerfie1d read pave- ment. This ismuch needed, and the Piess feels sure that aetforf Jror the' city authorities in that direction will be welcomed by everybody who has occasion to use this thoroughfare. A fashion note saysthat skirts will be longer in the.fall amrknees will disappear from the, public gaze; What we want to know is, when are the vertabrae going to disappear? . (Continued from Page 6) located néar trariisporfatibn, will le sold, THIS BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW at a very special price on eaéy terms Telephopg Highland Park 447 D. EO‘WINK LAYS CORNER 13101113 OF NEW CITY HALL . Mayor’s Address “I have triedand proved this static by plumb, square and level and pro- n.oisnce it to be well fended, true and trusty. "Mr. Hodgdon, having thus, as Mayor of Highland 'Park,‘ laid.the foundation stone of this structure, I now "deliver these implements of your profession into your hands, intrusting you with the sdperintendenee, and dis. rection of the work, having full con- 'fidepee itr your skill and capacity to conduct the same. - " "In selecting the site for this build: ing the members of your adminstra- tion have hadthe hope that it will mark the beginning of a civic center that will be beautified and maintained as a park. “To the north of this build- ing will be, constructed a beautiful public library and if the interest manifested here today is continued, these greunds heed not ever want for bijmhsi. ' _ . . _ "We. hope (wig are inaugurating an intprrivdment which _ our, childreh will carry on and Aiimpmverr more beauti- fu) and thaf" thesis grounds will " ways'prove 'an _inspiratie'n to those occupying thesis buildings. The city officers are grateful to all those who have shown' therinter'est brttieir pres: ence today tand‘ we urge you to con- tigue -this interest. and co-operate/in ev-ery' way possible." " _ (Continued from Front Page) 43 It, m