_Martex Towels are well ,kriown because of their lasting qualities. They ban be chosen here from 'a wide range. T "Martex'l Bath Towels Eaph pillow, parked ih in- dividual. ttox.- C o y e re d With art.tiek., . __ $5.00 - $8.50 -.tttr.in.pair Land '0 Nod Bed Pillo'Ws "Pequots'I are favored by the most "disdriminatintr housekeeper: Hemmed 'r hemstitched. Sizes for, piety requirement.', 7 _ Pequot Sheets and Cases . 50c to $1.50 Now is thirtime to. place your drtkF%trr peiicil' cases with scholar's mme stamped on each item.- Prices range from 3' Individual; Pencil Cased Quaint, chanhing quilts that havethé l appearance of being handi-made Cheerful colprings. .. Patch Work Quilts % inch zig-zag stitching. M ade of full-bleached muslin. Sizes for, Mattress Protectors --Critr Beds' ac-Single Beds m-Double Beds We to $1.50 $3.95 GARj)tirE'rT'S F inal- Reductions on All-c-- ' w .. (Bathing suits , $61.50 With several weeks of Warm weather still ahead, this sale offers a splendid chance to se- eurtihigh grade sBathingrStu't' at a real saving. c. q 't _ _ _ Our entire' stock of liathingAuiias-all well known makes rc have' been redticed for clear- apee. Assortments. are extensive, thus giv- ing opportunity for satisfactory choice. - _ 'fi/_/ji-___"'),"':"")'"". 4D R ll, SS E s _ Reduced for Clearance $6.007Suits nod $4.50 $5.00 - Suits, nor' $3,75 $4.50 Suits: now $3,37 v-'", $3,00 Sqits now $2.25 - Never before have you had the-tPPG-ttinit:, to buy dressies the' sort -of. these at so low a price. They are-fashioned of high.grade silks in the geason's most popular shades. _ A remarkable sale of seasonable apparel marked far Wow the original prices makes it possible to increase the summer or vacation outfit at a very moderate expenditure at this time. _ l " .. These Dresses'Are 'raiiim Erom Our , ’ [ 's"-,' "Regular Stock -.... Values to r.' ' .1 Fm _ $15.00 Included‘ : 25% $12:00 100 for 5:332:31: THURSD AUGUST .‘mm "ry.Ttt.F.y.': 'ttti'tretAl. 533522;: 22811221