dsj"and Mr. 129 living at ome on Deer.. Ionday for a uring to Yel, f Parker Johns her of Wavérly r a canoe and d sob, Newman; [ichigan on Sun- mqat convention f Mbose: _ k. Watkiné and [isses It1s"re. and wenue have. re ded trip through ' after seygn Jriiietriew along 'ositer of New guest over the l Mrs, Paul W. ome on Walker .Lening‘ton of 1ait just return: [ where she‘was 19 death of her ASSEUSE VORTH . F PIANO CLASSICAL Beginner! T A Specialty VineMve‘nue \ ms t Your Home, mist 22.1929 k J. Conrad of Wilmette at the M. ll: Goverri street. and daughter ter Meierhoff week’s “motor Tis., and then tlt Watt and ilwaukee w"ere _their mother, Jurk 1478 - Highland Park ill be hostess tstreets of her a on B. Second be enjoyed at refreshments of Knpriille, (several 3%ka . Cronkhite' of .nd, her friend, Chieattorppent Eopp's parents, , Kdpir of Liti- Mr. and Mrs. r week-end in faimily V ret urn- WILLAS in, returned week's fait Ed Bockert Miss Alice Moran of Green Bay, Wits.) was the house guest last Week of her brother and' family; Mt.-atrd Mrs. Howard Morturot S. .St. John's avenue. A Lon Croke returned to her home on North Green Bay road Saturday after a month'a stay as the guest of Mrs: Ludwig Anderson. The Misses Virginia. Early, Bev.. erly Byers, Grace Brewer, Catherine Croke of this city and Ann. Moran of North Chicago returned Friday from a week’s stay in Sautratueit, Mich. V _ Miss Gudi'en Jensen ofiSchiller Paik isfthe guest thi, week of Miss Mrs. Herbert Moran and children returned home Mondaylrom a two weeks' stay with her parents in Green Bay; Wis. V _ Douglas Brigham of Central ave- nue has just returned from Lake Ge- neva, where he has spent the past week as the guest otMr. and Mrs. R. H.-Brigham.' U 7 . Mm. William Kopp of Lincoln ave- nu? gave a luncheon for fifteen of her {fiends last week. . Mrs. A. Kittman of' North St. Johhs avenue had' as her guests. the past week Mr. and Mrs. thseir Hes; and family pt Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Sister M. Theonilla of St. Phillips school, 535 W. Oak street, Chicngo, spent last week at home with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kopp of Lincoln ‘avenue. ' , Miss Harriette Batch of Rice street returned Monday from Mexico City, Mexico where she has spent the past month, 7 Thursday, August 22, 1929 ... Local and Personal CITIZEIiS§TATE BANK coMMmtcrAL-iiTiiiFiiE - SAVINGS SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS _ CITIZENS STATECQ. - "t . OF GLENCOE "m COR. PA RK and VERNON A VEN U ES f _ TELEPHONE. 1299' NORTH SHORE BANK STOCKS BOUGHT, SOLD AND QUOTED lst MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE t0ANS MADE STABILITY CURRENT RATES (In Lot- of , to 20-8lnm) ' gunman: POR QUOTATIONS Miss Janice MtNear, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Webber Me- Near of Chicago and Highland Park has chosen September 21 as the date for her marriage to Lieut. Stewart Warren Towle, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Towle of Clinton, Iowa. Even- though the' bride-to-be is laid up right now with a sprained angle, plans are going ahead for’the wed- ding, which will be one of the largest and Pr1rublr.one of the prettiest of the fall nuptials. The â€service is to be read at 4 ?'eloek, at the.Trinity Episcopal church, and will be fol- lowed by a reception. at the family residence here. Miss Annie Laurie Jaques is to be maid of honor for Miss McNear, and Mrs. Elizabeth Powell is tube matron of honor: The bridesmaids will. be Miss Jean Adams, Miss Virjean .Richey, Miss Irirginia Shinkle, Miss Virginia Vilas,,Mrs. J. Sterling Davis of Evaiston, and Miss Janet Benson of New York. T Lieut. Toile is an army aviator, and will have three of his, fellow Hlyers as ushers, althtark it is not to be a military wedding. Lieut. Paul Wolf and Lieut. A. R. Crawford of Self- ridge field at Detroit, Michigan, and Lieut. J. L. Loutzenheiser of Canute field, Illinois, are ‘to represent Alte ftyttitt â€forges. _ in the wedding» party, and George Curtis of Clinton; John Herbert- Jrnhi" of Davenport, Ilowa; Walter Brooke of Detroit, and F. J.: Holleran of New York City are Mrs. E. Solomaus of Fort Sheridan entertained the -.members of her bridge club at her home last Friday evening. _ . Catherine Croke of N. can Jur, road. - _. - - NORTH SHORE INVESTMENTS C ITIZENS. STATE INVESTMENT co. TELEPHONE-GLW-E 1299 Real Estate Second Mortgages . and Contracts--- Made, Bought and Sold COR. PARK & VERNON AYES. ‘GLENCOE, ILL. SERVICE THE FEMS the - Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Clow returned Monday evening from a twp months motor trip to California. They visited Colorado Spiintrtvwent up Pike's Peak stopped at ~Yellowstope National Park and the.Black Hills. of South Dakota. While in California they visited many former Highland Park residents, as well as spending much time in Los Angeles with their son Mr. Delmar Glow; . . _ Mrs. Paul W. Blanchard of Walker avenue, has just recently. returned from a inotor trip to Aurbra where she attended the Central States Fair. During her visit in Aurora she was the guest of Mrs. J. E. McCormick. Miss Julia Mecaffrer is enjoying a two wqektrvaeatiorrat her himie'ort N. Second street. ‘ -r. - other ushers. Leo L. Hogan its to be best man. _ The 'prenuptild parties for Miss MeNear also will have to be farewell parties, because the wedding tip is to be to the Ptgeitie coast and after November lat the newlyweds are to be in Honolulu where they ore to live. Expert mechanics - Any kind of 'xepair work pr overhauling iota.. _ f '.' . Estimaiés giVen freely, _ _ _ l. , . .WASHING, GREASING AND STORAGE . . T r _ T . ’GAS-AND‘OIL SERVICE‘ . .. 546 Waukegap Avenue, Highwood Yellow Cab Garage ls'r MORTGAGES ($500 ANb UP-j'm NET " 2ND MORTGAGES ($500 AND mo no NET 8% 222 yr. ADAMS STREET CITIZENS STATE BANK COMMERCIAL' BANKING - SAVINGS SAFETY DEPOSIT VAUL'N Phone 3060 _ Form Opening About Oct. Ist _.' _ SUITE 1658 _ TELEPHONE-CENTRAL vim 1st MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE LOANS MADE . AT q CURRENT RATES Mrs. ForrestuD. Rose of Highmoor entertained Saturday evening, for her sister Mrs. Edward Seeney -ttthid cage. The evening .wasspent in play- ing 500 and Buneo. The out of town guests 'were Mrs. Carolyn Schuster, Mrs. Eryson and Mrs. B. Merton of Chicago, Jim. Reilly and Mrs. Ktat- ing of St. Louis. . l ‘ Mrs. Wayne Addison and Miss Mur- iel Beardsley of Racine, Wisconsin, spent Sunday with their father,“ Mr. q, F. Beardsley. While here they at- tended: pervices at the First United Evangelical ehureh.. Mr. Addison of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bombnrd of Chicago spent Sunday with their brother-in-law Mr. G. F. Beardsley of McGovern street. V Mr. Leon P. Harris and Mr. Phillip Rapp [returned Tuesday morning from a two.weeks motor trip in the east": l Mn and. Mrs. Harold Reeder' and" small sun lie leaving iutisriiav for Des Moines, Iowan where they ’will spend two weeks visiting Mr. .Reed.. er’s parents. we . . ." SAFETY [ OF DEERFIELD