LAUNDRY LED FOR. Deerfield, 5, modern on paved Its in and and busiJ character of home "$22,102 ks Co. [and Park 410 l DRY 30MPAN Y [gland Pk. .ond Ave. _ lock [ACK initial It rut Remark“ _. i ,iti,iittjll,,lli-i DR. GEORGE MITCHELL DENTIST ' Hourtcoto12-1idr-ito9 ', 16 North Sheridan Road ":, Office Phone: HighlandPark1035 Residence Phone: aTightaitdPark 3378 . Corner Central Ave, and _ Green Bay Road : ' Telephone 3066 yo. l isâ€: aiming; Haifa-3‘ aa- â€humminmimm_m cit-cl. nmind en Mn 1 It .e-hsa. ' SELVI CARLSON MUSIC co. hursday, August 22, 1928 -eTrTsre- TroGai {40:80. I At .tVtiitFWiirt- line “a"..No. I lmldcdnlo and no on. mmucnons ma. mum unto omens: Cutfyt sigh. I.) on M a: HOW the world _ would. have _ enjoHeoL, _ - JENNy'L-IN D . if hheqd had. radios like , those now sold. by plain paper with urban - “w... fasten to table with pin through a... spot Mark short main!†the on plain paper close to bottom edge of duh Pf 'rtrrtirur point. umpire); “mind mu] Radio sets in cabiiiets of sélect- od woods untturpasstble in . per- formance and appearance are now being sold at ti price whieh.ptaeetr th"em within the reach of all. Visit our showrooms and make' your choice.- " - Steffen Autd Supply Authorized MAJESTIC Denier " North Second Street _ hm. Highlmd Put an Ck' . _ ' G (r r c“ , Q, _ V S . (r i. \, a ,. QQyUMN A great era. in American history, the tense period iuatortseedintr the civil war, will be colorfully recalled at Freeport, August 27, when a new statute of Abraham Lincoln will take its place among the hundreds of like memorials of the emancipato'r. It will ,be the first statue to represent Lincoln as the debater and. will like- wise be theHirst statue unveiled at any of places. where Lin- coln imd'Douglas met in; joint debate and made Illinois the battle ground of themation on the slavery issue. In observance of .the seventy-first anniversary of the famous Lincoln- Douglas debate in Friseport,-Autrust 27, 1858, a statue of Abraham Lin- eoln, the debater, will be unveiled at Taylor Park,' Freeport, August 27 this year,, with notable ceremonies. It ig the work of Leonard Crunelle,“ noted Chicago sculptor of the Taft" studios and it presented to the city of Freeport by Hon. W. T. Rawleigh, a prominent manufacturer and pub, 1ie"spirited citizen? It is a beautiful statue of _ heroic size and represents Lincoln in the full vigor of his man- hood, keen and alert, before the cares and responsibilities _ of the presidency had saddened and sobered his _eo'un- tenance and spirit. ' a. C _ Freeportto Observe - Lincoln and Douglas Debate. Anniversary Maj. Henry C. Hill Succeeds Green as T . ' ' Warden at Joliet The chief oration of the day willl be given by .United States Senatort George W, Norris, ’NebraSka.- Otheni speakers- at the unveiling will be Le- onard Crunellé, sehlptoi; W. T. Raw-l leigh, donor of the statue; John Wes-1 {fey Hill, Chancellor of the Lincolm Memorial university; Ir. John' A“ Swanson, state's attorney, Cook} county, Chicago and Dr. H. J; Burg-; stahler, president of Cornell/college, Mt; Vernon, Iowa. . Maj. Henry C. Hill, Galesburg, has been' afrpoipted warden of the state penitentiaries at Juliet and. State- ville it' was announced at Governor Emmerson’s office last week. He Bde.. ceeds Elmer J. Green, Waukegan, who resigned on the Saturday preceding. ‘Major Hill, who is 52. years old, is a Spanish-American War veteran. In 1899 he entered the postal service at Galesburg and in 1903 he was ap- pointed a postoffiee inspector. ,_ He served :from 1906 to 1909 as city inspector in New York arrd,,resitrned in 1909 to take over special work in Austria and Gertnaiiy. For the New York Credit Ments Negation. " In 1910 he became associated "his.. ananageruae-thsc.Thnmasctdetrrns In 1916 upon the return to this country, he engaged in bushes: in Galesburg. During the Jan he we: active~ in Red Crate. wort, Liberty Lonn drives and served as chief of the American Protective league in his" county. . . . compgny. of Kenosha) Wis., and in 1914 on the outbreak of the World War, was'sent to England and France in the interest of his company. tn 1916 he took the European agency for *several motor thick“ companies and in this capacity _sold to French, English, Belgian and Serbiah gov- "isrnments _ . THE PRESS my plant >-- so years of service. We operate our own dry elem» THE RELIABLE LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING Co. AUTO 'WASHING, Due to the fact that we have the. most 1eod- ern power. washer, wt" are in} positidrl to wash you: car quibkly and efficiently for;...,.....‘ J & L GARAGE 618 North Green Bay Road f' Highland Park ' . 7 PHONES HIGHLAND P‘ARK’178-179 . I SINr0l)ilIliiE)9G. " c.,,' $10 Mllil WILL ALSO VACUUM CLEAN . THE INSIDE OF 10UR .CAR ,FOR‘ ONLY $1. 1 . _ . _ ' ( PHONE HIGHLAND PARK 388 126 North St. Johns Avenue cy 1- 6).""115 pit l sii1(,tijiiil1j"i, 4W $2 " tiis