Piitronissd The Press Advertisers TYDOL GASOLINE w'-'- VEEDOL MOTOR OILS JOHN ZENGELER, Inc. FUEL 3 Servige and Quality 3 FUEL O I L ? _ " Absolutely Assured O I L ? q [insomnia itiionirers' Comma! 1547 S/St. Johns Avenue Phone Jlighland Park 4019 MARYS BEAUTY SHOP ’ IN RAVINIA l . Specializing in Beauty Culture ANNOUNCING WE OPERATE'OUR OWN,PL.ANT _ . / is HIGHLAND PARK _ Phone Highland. Park 28015 "7 PHONE LIBERTYVILLE Mytr" Like County Distributors of Cleaner and Dyer THE OPENING OF of thi or sheet metal, for. any purpose, speedily cut to order. Patterns de.. signed and out on Short notice. Our w6rk . receives commendation every- where because -..of its 'thoroughness and finish. Give us a trial on one job, and-wax Will always, coine here for satisfaction after. _ . Henry G. Winter ANY SIZE OR SHAPE " Ninth First Street " ‘Phone 635 _ _ THE PRESS . Outstanding among the trees from which specimens were/obtained are the “palo de asucar'for "sugar tree," so-called because of the preSence in the bark of a sweet edible resin with the consistency of real sugar; and the "pale de' aeeite" or “palo de man- teea't which means "lard tree." The latter, preiriomsly known only to the Minus, excretes an oily substance which in appearance, taste, consist- ency and-other properties is a close affinity to the lard. rendered from ani- mal fats, Williams writes. " . Going intAthe jungle, with provis- ion packs oh their backs, bush-knives on one hip and spake poison anti- toxin on the other hip, Mr. Williams and.his party of Indians piished their Way up the Nanny river in canoes, and- on foot' along the river banks, steadily for six ‘days and, sjiacmights Camps were made in abandoned In- dian huts of palm leaves. The bttsh- knives were used frequently to cut a path through "the thick tangles of tropical vegetation which were often impassable. Often it was necessary to wade dot miles knee-deep in mud. and water, and frequentlstit was nec- essary to swim across streams. _ Likes Monkey Meat .' _ Arriving finally at a trpodurrmmd for botanical collecting, camp- was pitched in a; rude, _ hastily _ constructed hut which became scientific headquar- ters for the next ten days. Wild pigs and pumas prowling around the camp caused annoyance but did. no harm. Provisions ran short, and it was nee- essary to shoot monkeys,, tapirs, squirrels and various birds for.food. "fmtftittittLhltr? IN AMAZON JUNGLE "r was surprised to Cfiiid monkey- meat so apetirirlg,,visrthe Mdiahh regirtrtt asshi delieaca," writes Wil- liams. . . . _ .' . Mr. Mfilliarps" is collecting exotic arbore'al "ind plant material for addi- tion to the foreign Woods and plants collections of the museum. . -v Amazonian jungles said by Indian natives never before" to have been) penetrated .by any white man havei now been explored by Llewellyn Wil-i liams, of the botanical trtatt of Field; Museum}! Natural, History. who, is] Jeadimr--a--.divuioav"-arf- ttharshaliJ Field, Jr., Botanical Expedition to: the Amazon, according- to a report" received from him today., Aeeompan-) ied only by several Inca Indians, iii/ Wiliams made a trip by canoe and} afoot for some 325 miles into the in--) terior' of the Nanny region of the, Aiirazon' and its tributary, the. Rio; Nanay. Coming back to Iquitos,‘ Peru, by a'roundabout route through even greater obstacles, his, return journey' was .probably more than 400 miles. . _ When_a man chasing. the street nearly gets struck by ah automobile. it may not necessarily mean that he in absent minded. Perhaps, he is busy trying toAhtttr? out-wither the girl -in front of. him is wearing sun-tan stockings or just plain sun- tan kegs. . _ Field Museum Expert Visiting JJhexphrred Regions; Finds Many Specimens , Collecting Plants' ELECTRICAL '. _ _ CONTRACTOR .. ___ .THQBN‘WASHERS - _ . APEX CLEANERS 20% DISCOUNT thTYxtntttttt BROUGHT AND CALLED'FOR _ RELIABLE LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING COMPANY 618 N. Greek Bay Rd., manna Pk. Winder & Marsh J. M; BILHARZ Gndint La'wns .- Shrubbery . Peiepniels - Walks ,-,"Terncu F and Gardens 514 Laurel Ave. Teléphone 555 Highland Park Slip Covers, New Tops. Curtains Phones" . Highland Park 650 Winnetka 222 GREENSLADE JUMBO SQUABS HIGHMOOR SQUAB North Room [arm's Garage Illinois Competent Surveyors - Municipal . Engineers LANDSCAPE GARDENKR 915 Logan Street -. " Highland Park 2288 Bevel Plate or Celluloid {Wiqdovvm Floor. Rims, V _ Auto Trimmings Eleetrie Shop 32 S. First Street % S. BISETH Telephone 493 Thunddy, Amt~22, 1939 We deliver . Phone B. P; 2872 The Soo, {zake Villa, for five. lyre killed them /the_C.7N. S way crossin have been. will be divi run oval-heal "V Pla In addit: many miles continuatim is; now Juv to Belvider be eonfintie subway "at 'Warren an 'the state l with it _Wi ’beipg proje partment o _ With the routed, wht para11is1--Go, roadq as fa] fie jams in as far as ' cerned, it i: The" Ctsk winas cros: county, is t IThe addi approximat south highv cousin and The'pqvil mittee, whi Lake count ways, is as Ill-21 (M $100,000. 1 at Lake-Vi] Il1Ai9--.T 25 foot pm gleside. Ill-59A ( Total cost, 20 foot pav separation from V010 North Wes 111At8--'r 20 foot I? road, 12 n line and gr; 1he state in t two thin Lake count; zhe.extent 1 (‘d after G advisory co Cr-ttro-- $400,000. . frtrm Wrlo Summari: gram calls pavements lane or fe of new foul of new two es; nine 'hi and " rail ROADS Of the e: not more tt sided the stood. dike c Share hue